Genius bonobo chimp creates stone tools like early hominids

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by rstones199, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Glock

    Glock Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
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    all you have to do is notice who is making the veiled racist statements, then notice their posting history in other threads, it's always the same usual suspects.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I don't know what you are talking about. Like I said- it was just idle musing about how sometimes people like to make veiled racial insults but in a very deniable way. Of course I am not speaking of anyone here.....I deny that I am implying anything of the sort.
  3. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Accidently clicked "dislike". I didn't mean to like or dislike the post.

    However its too bad you take an interesting story and taint it with your anti-God agenda.

    But thats not the point. I wonder why this chimp was smarter than the other one?
  4. rstones199

    rstones199 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2009
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    I did it because this goes againt what every holy text says about the creation of man.
  5. rstones199

    rstones199 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2009
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    I did it because this goes againt what every holy text says about the creation of man.
  6. Akhlut

    Akhlut Active Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Behind us in what sense? They may not be able to make tools as well as us, but evidence strongly suggest that they were, for a very long time, much larger in population than us (they have much greater genetic diversity than humans do). Bonobos also don't kill each other in internecine warfare like humans do, and instead resolve conflict via sex.
  7. Akhlut

    Akhlut Active Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    White colonialism brutalized people of black African descent and destroyed their societal structures while simultaneously engaging in a widespread, systemic effort to deprive them of rights for about 450 years, of which the aftereffects are still affecting them profoundly.
  8. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Where? in africa?

    Describe these "societal structures" and list how they were "destroyed" and by whom specifically.

    Describe these "deprivations" and who specifically participated.
    List the "aftereffects" and explain how they are "affecting them profoundly". List some symptoms to show just how profoundly they are affected.

    Also provide the site you cut and pasted that from. You should always credit your "sources"
  9. Akhlut

    Akhlut Active Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Black Africans were bought as chattel by white people (usually from other black Africans, usually by giving the people on the coasts guns and liquor in exchange for slaves bought from the interior of the continent) and brought to the Americas, especially the US South, the Caribbean, and the east coast of South America.

    Families, governments, tribes, religious institutes, and everything else was destroyed when large groups of people were taken from their homelands and enslaved to white people in the Americas. Later on, black people in the Americas were generally treated as second class citizens for decades after the legal end of slavery. In Africa, colonial governments took over many nations due to superior firepower, which allowed for white colonials to move and destroy native governments on the continent, as well as engage in widespread depopulation efforts. King Leopold II, for instance, engaged in de facto enslavement of the Congolese people, forcing them to operate his rubber plantations and harvesting human hands when the people did not fulfill their quotas. The Congo lost somewhere between 8 and 12 million people in the span of roughly 30 years, while most of their native government was completely obliterated. The German presence in present-day Namibia was little better, as the people resisted an outside government that treated them as second-class citizens only fit to extract wealth for their colonial overlords; the Germans then decided to enact a genocide on the Herrero and Namaqua people, killing between 30,000 and 100,000 people. The British and French tended to be gentler, in that they did not commit active genocide on their subjects, but they still dispossessed millions of farmers of their lands and destroyed native governance and replaced it with a series of white governors who ruled the regions in such a fashion as to enrich themselves and other white people, principally those back in their own homelands. They did little or nothing to improve the infrastructure of Africa, while often outright stealing things from the native peoples of Africa.

    The above goes over Africa pretty well, but in the Americas, many black people were denied equal rights with white people and often could not easily get access to loans for homes or automobiles, were often violently harassed for not "knowing their place," and were often killed for the serious crime of disrespecting white people. Black people were denied the vote in the USA, and were generally repressed in many nations in the Americas (such as Jamaica), while the USA was often involved in semi-colonial activities in Haiti for years and was responsible for installing the brutal dictator Dov Duvalier.

    The de facto ghettoizing (in the sense of being relegated to a racially segregated area) of black people in America, for instance, has led to a lot of long-term poverty in the black community due to the class structure of the United States that makes it difficult for people to achieve upward mobility. Many black people, especially those in lower income areas, are denied loans as "credit risks" and therefore have a hard time affording new vehicles or homes. Police protection is scant and sporadic, leading to a lot of violent crimes, especially as nonviolent offenses result disproportionately severe prison sentences for black men, which hinder employment opportunities (as well as force a lot of black men to become more violent simply to survive prison). Additionally, the lack of non-liquid wealth (ie, things like real estate and long-term investments) made it difficult for many black people of earlier generations to maintain wealth outside of more liquid goods (such as jewelry and currency) which led to a situation similar to, say, nomadic horsemen in Central Asia or the herders of Scotland, who became violent in order to protect their liquid and, consequently, easily stolen wealth.

    I wrote that on my own. You can go ahead and plug it into google or bing or whatever search engine you desire and I doubt you'd find an exact match.
  10. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Negro savages who captured others held them as slaves for themselves and sold the excess of their countrymen are who caused the problem.

    Again, negro savages who captured and sold their countrymen caused the problem.

    Slavery..slavery...They STILL PRACTICE SLAVERY IN AFRICA. They still burn witches in africa!..TODAY! in the 21st century.

    The white man didn't INVENT slavery but the white man sure ABOLISHED it in America. ...600,000 white men died so negroes could be free..They should be THANKING us...but no...

    They were taken literally out of the stone age and advanced 1500 years by virtue of a boat ride. They were simple, uneducated and had depended on others their whole lives. You can't advance 1500 years overnight just because Lincoln "said so". Even Lincoln didn't see them as equal..He wanted to deport them and did manage to send a few back. I can prove that.
    They were well treated compared to where they came from.

    Guns certainly allowed whites to dominate a large part of the world. We took the Chinese invention of gunpowder and made the first firearms, combined it with western military tactics and used those weapons and techniques to spread our culture across the planet like no other in history.
    Why didn't the negro use the same technologies? They weren't secret. Why didn't they rise up and protect their homes and nations?

    When whites encountered Negroes, whites not only had guns, but sailing ships. While the Negroes were using logs to float on....maybe...
    Even the native Americans had more advanced sailing vessels.

    We domesticated the horse, understood the concept of the zero, crafted a writing system, started to calculate the movement of the stars. None of which negroes managed even with a good 100,000 year head start..if you buy the whole "out of africa" theory. Not all do. There is evidence that we don't all trace back to africa..but that's another argument.

    Even today, while we have guns, we also have farms, another concept the african negro is genetically predisposed to not understanding. We have germ theory and its companion, soap, and many more things the african negro doesn't understand.
    Africa has 2/3 of the World’s natural resources and some of the World’s most fertile farmland, yet they still haven't completely figured out running water and electricity.

    We fought for liberty. The ideal of freedom. We fought among our selves for it. We fought among our selves to bring it to others. We fight with others for it.
    While african negroes abandon it.
    Whites promote liberty, form written contracts with the governed and governing declaring it to be above all else.
    Whites have gone from sticks and rocks to spacecraft.
    Negro contributions to the world by way of inventions are negligible. Where is the negro Marconi or Tesla, Eli Whitney..etc....
    List the total of negro inventions beyond...arguably..the wheel. That will be a VERY short list.

    Black Africans have measured IQs from the fifties to, at the very best, the very low seventies. This puts them into a traditional range of mentally defective or moron to mildly retarded. Not suprisingly, blacks with suspected White ad-mixture, who have lighter skin, tend to score on the high side, notably in South Africa.

    Take all that up with them. Africa is responsible for itself. They kill each other at prodigious rates..they should be able to protect their own homelands from outsiders. If not, tough. The world is a hard place.

    In the history of this country since the early 1800s to the present, appx 3000 negro criminals were lynched. By FAR more white criminals were lynched..vigilante justice is bad. That's the way things go. Too bad.
    over 1600 white people were murdered by negroes last in 2 YEARS the TOTAL number of negroes lynched in history is surpassed by negroes killing white people..I have the FBI/DOJ stats and will be glad to prove it if you like.
    Negroes make up 13 % of the population and commit over 50% of ALL violent crime in the U.S. I have the FBI/DOJ stats...I can prove it.

    Negroes get preferential treatment in many areas in this country..hiring, college acceptance, govt. contracts, etc...and have been for over 50 years since civil rights..the past is done. They have now infiltrated the government and craft laws that only benefit their race...
    NOBODY owes negroes ANYTHING,

    Long ago..over and done..We have more negro councilmen, mayors, governors, congressmen, senators, one on the supreme court, a mulatto Atty. General, a mulatto president. They are in all branches of the service and have become Generals, Admirals, etc...
    Get over it.

    Not our problem

    Negroes are responsible for themselves..see my remarks above.
    It's not our fault.
    They are where they are because of genetics , lower iq , lack of parenting skills, lack of pride in community, lack of morals and laziness. I refer you to my above remarks..negroes can advance...whether they choose to or not is up to them.

    No one can force an individual to save money to purchase land; no one can force an individual to save money (or have a good credit rating), come up with an idea to provide a good or a service to the community and become an entrepreneur...

    Nothing white people do to them causes them to fail out of school, smoke crack, not get a job, abandon their kids, contract AIDS, commit every crime at a staggering rate, underperform on culturally unbiased tests of highly heritable cognitive abilities, and generally act like a bunch of jungle savages..Did you see? 19 people shot in chicago yesterday in something like 8 hours. Seen Detroit? Put the blame where it belongs.

    That was very well put together...A lot of stereotypes and cliches, but I appreciate you taking the debate seriously and participating honestly.

    Well done, sir.
  11. Crawdadr

    Crawdadr Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    For the record the Bible did not say exactly how God created man only that he did. To go into detail on the issue would have been beyond the capabilities of man at the time and beyond the scope of the book. It is not important how God made man only that he did, theistic evolution for the win. :p

    But really Churches that take everything literally in the Bible should really consider why there are so many interpretations.
  12. Akhlut

    Akhlut Active Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    European colonials created a large market for it, exacerbating the problem quite dramatically.

    De facto racism is still practiced on every permanently populated continent by every race of human being. There are white people in the USA who hold people as slaves (usually as sex slaves, but also in other capacities). It is less pronounced in the developed world due to stronger legal protections and "outsourcing" to other, less developed nations where such actions can take place.

    That's mainly due to a lack of education due to the aforementioned results of colonialism in Africa.

    Perhaps they'd have a bit more to be thankful for if the white man didn't turn around after 10 years and start to destroy most of the progress made during Reconstruction due to the rather awful administration of Andrew Johnson.

    That's false; in the 1500s, the main differences in technology between African societies and European societies were generally relegated to firearms and some forms of metallurgy. A village in central Spain or Poland would strongly resemble a village in the Sahel, minus some of the crops being grown and the skin color of the inhabitants. Industrial output would have been hard to measure in sub-Saharan Africa, but there are no indications they were primitive; they had agriculture, cities, livestock, religion, a money economy, and so forth.

    if by advance you mean "had their governments destroyed".

    Bwuh? The slaves were the ones raising the food, weaving the cotton, and butchering the animals. It was the overseers and plantation owners who were depending on others for their whole lives. After the abolition of slavery, slaveowners were the ones who were crying about being thrown into the wind not knowing how to actually make a living.

    And they were uneducated because it was illegal to educate them. Frederick Douglass received a very nominal and scant education to simply read and it transformed him into a brilliant writer and orator. Clearly, black people are not simple and were often ignorant only by dint of a lack of education.

    Actually, many black people did quite well during Reconstruction when white racists were prevented from destroying black businesses. Once that protection was removed, the white racists usually destroyed the means of the black business owners from continuing to be successful. That, or outright killing them.

    Depends on what time in life you check on that. He changed his opinion as he grew older.

    Depends on what time in life you check on that. He changed his opinion as he grew older.

    The Mongol khanates had similar success, as did the Arab caliphates. There's a reason Dar al-Islam spread from Kazan to Nairobi and from Fez to Mindanao. It wasn't unprecedented in the least.

    Many did; actual widespread colonialism in Africa didn't advance until the development of steamships and machine guns (aka, gunboats), and even then, Ethiopia was only overcome by Italy in the 1930s, and then only for a few years before it became independent again.

    As for technological development: Africa has always been crippled by tropical parasitic disease, especially malaria. Malaria is one of the worst scourges to ever affect mankind and Africa is the home to both humanity and malaria. A lot of the ability to progress forward has been hampered by malaria, and I have little doubt that a lot of the means to implement the sort of widespread changes in infrastructure, bureaucracy, and capital necessary to mass manufacture steamships and machine guns was nigh impossible with the prevalence of malaria in Africa.

    And Europeans didn't develop moldboard plows for over 2,000 years. So what?

    All the animals that we evolved alongside in Africa also evolved alongside us; those animals would have a natural fear of us and would always be too skittish and/or intractable to be properly domesticated. Zebras today, raised from birth in zoos around people who show them nothing but goodwill, will kill zookeepers with distressing regularity, despite our ability to take wild mustangs that have lived in the wild in fear of men their whole lives and turn them into tame, tractable riding horses.

    Europeans didn't develop the concept of zero on their own, they stole that achievement from India.

    Writing systems in Europe were cribbed from the Mesopotamians. Africans did develop their own writing (Egyptian hieroglyphics), and the Ethiopians had the Ge'ez script (apparently a southern Arabian script) since the 6th century BCE (a scant 200 years younger than the Greek alphabet, the eldest European alphabet, developed from the Phoenician alphabet). Most of the Sahel and East Africa outside of Ethiopia simply adopted Arabic writing, much as most of Europe adopted either Latin or Cyrillic (both of which are simple derivatives of Greek, which is derived from Phoenician).

    As for astronomy: I don't know about any indigenous development, but that doesn't mean much. I lack total knowledge of African history from 100,000 YBP to the present.

    The Sahel was an intensely farmed region for centuries; most of Africa is, in fact, farmed land. The people in Africa have been farming for some 5,000-8,000 years, often with the same suite of crops that Europeans have. However, in the past 500 years, they have changed slightly, adopting manioc and maize from American Indians, which have vastly improved population densities.

    Which leads us to the next point: disease. The problem with diseases in Africa is that most of the highly contagious, extremely virulent, and most debilitating diseases are all parasitic in origin. Malaria, sleeping sickness, river blindness, schistosomiasis, and on and on are all spread by eukaryotic parasites. They are difficult and expensive to treat and relatively hard to prevent, due to the disease vectors (unlike, say, the common cold, malaria isn't going to be stopped by a simple hand washing). These diseases also strongly affect economic concerns, due to their costs of treatment and how the affect the ability of people to work.

    Because until the 1960s, most of Africa had no control over their own governance. And now most of them are under terrible debt burdens because of governmental problems brought on by long-term issues with colonialism.

    Oh, and those diseases I mentioned? They are a strong barrier to economic development.

    All the while disproportionately imprisoning black people. :v

    The advances during industrialization were done with the benefit of not being crushed by external enemies or the most lethal disease mankind has ever seen.
  13. Akhlut

    Akhlut Active Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    George Edward Alcorn, Jr. - invented an x-ray mass spectrometer.
    Charles Drew - developed the methodology behind blood banks, for which modern blood transfusions are possible. Have you or anyone you loved received a life-saving blood transfusion? Better thank a black guy for that one.
    Percy Julian - developed vastly improved techniques for the synthesis of medical drugs (such as cortisone) from plant sterols
    Garret Morgan - developed gas masks that would be used by the US in WWI
    Granville T. Woods - developed a combination telephone/telegraph system, and was hired by Thomas Edison to work for him to develop other inventions regarding electricity

    I could go on, but I am slightly pressed for time. You should however, get the point.

    Where are you getting your information from? I've met many, many, many black Africans. Aside from those who have legitimate mental disabilities, they tend to fall within the normal range, though a few of them are very intelligent. A manager at my old job was a man who had emigrated from Nigeria and he held a doctorate in chemistry and was very successful at his job. Alongside him was a man with a master's degree in microbiology who had held his job since the late 1960s.

    And if a burglar invaded your home and then proceeded to rape you, would you call the police or decry the moral depravity of the world or simply shrug your shoulders?

    Uh, most of the black people lynched weren't criminals. And that was from the 1880s-1960s that had about 3,500 black people lynched, the majority of whom had done nothing wrong aside from perhaps do something that did not cast them as inferior in the eyes of white people (such as wanting to be treated as an equal).

    Actually, there were only about 1,200 white people lynched during the same time frame.

    Black people are also disproportionately poor due to entrenched, systemic racism in the USA. And given that income inequality and poverty are correlated with homicide and assault, it would not be particularly surprising that a group that was disproportionately poor would also be disproportionately prone to committing said crimes.

    It's funny that you think that, given that there are numerous studies pointing out that being black in America is generally a fairly hefty liability rather than an asset; affirmative action tends to be needed to overcome systemic, often unconscious racism.

    There has been a lot of progress, no doubt, but actual equality has yet to be reached.

    The USA destroyed any sort of democratic process there and created a culture of corruption and repressive violence in the 1920s (via other, earlier incursions into the island republic) that have lasted through the present day. It's like breaking a man's legs yesterday and claiming it isn't your problem today that he can't walk. It's disingenuous and smacks of irresponsibility.

    Someone's obviously unfamiliar with how class systems work and perpetuate themselves...

    Actually, it's well known that discrimination is internalized and can make people do worse at tasks than they otherwise would due to that internalized racism.

    They can, however, disproportionately punish people for smoking crack instead of snorting cocaine.

    Well, when they don't hire black people, even when they are equally qualified...

    That's generally due to poverty, which is disproportionately found in black communities.

    That's generally due to poor sex education, due to the rather poor state of schooling in predominantly black areas, due to poverty.

    Due to poverty and inability to secure jobs at a rate equal to white people, even when all other factors are equal (which they seldom are, due to being born into poverty at a disproportionate rate).

    Firstly, those tests generally are biased to some extent, and cognitive abilities also are very strongly influenced by nutrition, both prenatal and postpartum, which are not available to the same extent as they are in less disadvantaged white communities.

    Yeah, because when I think of the worst problems of the last century, they were certainly committed by uncivilized black people. From the crematoria of Nazi Germany to the slaughter of Chinese civilians in Nanjing; from the enforced famines in Bangladesh to the Holodomor in Ukraine; from the slaughter of men in the Somme and Ypres to the carnage of the Armenian genocide; from the aerial bombings of Tulsa Oklahoma in 1921 to the Tuskegee syphilis experiment; all committed by savage black men.

    Hey...wait a second...

    Detroit, where many black people were working decent factory jobs until banks stopped lending to them for fear of dropping property values because black people were moving in? That Detroit?
  14. Glock

    Glock Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
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    the sound of *crickets* is deafening now....
  15. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Lies..(*)(*)(*)(*)ed lies and propaganda..
    Lie #1 George Edward Alcorn, Jr. - invented an x-ray mass spectrometer.

    The truth
    The spectrometer or spectroscope was invented by German chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen and Prussian physicist Gustav Robert Kirchhoff in 1859. In 1860 they discovered two new elements, cesium and rubidium, using their spectroscope.

    Willard H Bennett was the inventor of the radio frequency mass spectrometer. George Edward Alcorn invented a method of fabricating an imaging X-ray spectrometer.

    Radio Frequency Mass Spectrometer
    Patent Number(s) 2,721,271

    Willard Harrison Bennett pioneered the field of plasma physics and invented the radio frequency mass spectrometer. Bennett made scientific history in the 1930s pioneering studies in plasma physics - the study of gases ionized by high-voltage electricity. The radio frequency mass spectrometer was developed in 1950. Since it required no heavy magnet, it was the first launched into space to measure the masses of atoms.

    Lie #2
    Charles Drew - developed the methodology behind blood banks, for which modern blood transfusions are possible. Have you or anyone you loved received a life-saving blood transfusion? Better thank a black guy for that one.

    The truth-Did Charles Drew "discover" (in about 1940) that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine? NO

    The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma's advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions. Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma.

    #3Percy Julian - developed vastly improved techniques for the synthesis of medical drugs (such as cortisone) from plant sterols

    HE didn't INVENT it..He improved a process that already existed.

    The TruthOn April 13, 1949, rheumatologist Philip Hench at the Mayo Clinic announced the dramatic effectiveness of cortisone in treating rheumatoid arthritis. The cortisone was produced by Merck at great expense using a complex 36-step synthesis developed by chemist Lewis Sarett. It started with deoxycholic acid from cattle bile acids.
    On September 30, 1949, Julian announced an improvement in the process of producing cortisone.

    Lie #4Garret Morgan - developed gas masks that would be used by the US in WWI
    A (*)(*)(*)(*)ed lie and black revisionism to steal credit for something they did NOT do.
    The truth
    The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I.

    Lie #5Granville T. Woods - developed a combination telephone/telegraph system, and was hired by Thomas Edison to work for him to develop other inventions regarding electricity.
    Granville Woods prevented railway accidents and saved countless lives by inventing the train telegraph (patented in 1887), which allowed communication to and from moving trains? NO WAY.
    A (*)(*)(*)(*)ed lie and black revisionism to steal credit for something they did NOT do.

    The Truth
    The earliest patents for train telegraphs go back to at least 1873. Lucius Phelps was the first inventor in the field to attract widespread notice, and the telegrams he exchanged on the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad in January 1885 were hailed in the Feb. 21, 1885 issue of Scientific American as "perhaps the first ever sent to and from a moving train." Phelps remained at the forefront in developing the technology and by the end of 1887 already held 14 US patents on his system. He joined a team led by Thomas Edison, who had been working on his "grasshopper telegraph" for trains, and together they constructed on the Lehigh Valley Railroad one of the only induction telegraph systems ever put to commercial use. Although this telegraph was a technical success, it fulfilled no public need, and the market for on-board train telegraphy never took off. There is no evidence that any commercial railway telegraph based on Granville Woods's patents was ever built.

    I too am pressed for time and after exposing these fraudulent lies I have to go..I can address the rest in the near future.

    I'm VERY surprised you didn't mention some nonsense like George Washington Carver invented peanut butter or somesuch to clear THAT up, lets address GWC..

    Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago.
    Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment."
    In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."

    Some say
    George Washington Carver "Discovered" hundreds of new and important uses for the peanut? Fathered the peanut industry? Revolutionized southern US agriculture? No way.

    Research by Barry Mackintosh, who served as bureau historian for the National Park Service (which manages the G.W. Carver National Monument), demonstrated the following:

    Most of Carver's peanut and sweet potato creations were either unoriginal, impractical, or of uncertain effectiveness. No product born in his laboratory was widely adopted.
    The boom years for Southern peanut production came prior to, and not as a result of, Carver's promotion of the crop.
    Carver's work to improve regional farming practices was not of pioneering scientific importance and had little demonstrable impact.
  16. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Nobody would want to rape me..but.I would NOT call the police. I have 2 friends that will never let me down.
    Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson. They're quite a team I assure you.

    Prove anti whites always portray negroes as some poor innocent victim..Most were criminals..that committed REAL crimes.

    Oh..So that's ok with you?
    Don't pretend you don't understand...I told you that 1600 white people are murdered every YEAR by negroes...That is a again..2 YEARS of black in white murders seems to "even the score" for EVERY negro that was EVER lynched. Want the FBI/DOJ stats?
    30,000 white women are raped every year by negroes..less than 100 black women are raped by whites...Want the stats?

    So that's your excuse for negroes committing over HALF the violent crime in the country despite only making up 13% of the population?
    West virginia is one of the poorest states in the nation..and mostly white..there is NOTHING like those crime rates there.

    Oh..unconscious racism now..Negroes are responsible for themselves..quit making excuses. You've been absorbing too much anti white propaganda.."unconscious racism"..LMFAO..whatever...
    If this country lasted another 500 years (and it wont) negroes will STILL be using slavery/racism as an excuse.

    over 50 years and tens of billions of dollars and the problem only continues to grow.

    Now it's INTERNALIZED racism..we've gone from "unconscious racism" to "internalized racism" propaganda and pseudo psychobabble.
    You see what you just typed?..seriously? that's weak.

    don't do drugs.

    AA makes sure THAT doesn't happen. It's in fact the other way around.

    Get a job

    Blame the fed govt. and teachers unions for poor schools, not white people.
    We've poured tens of billions of dollars into government controlled schools.

    During the great depression everyone was poor. Rise above it and stop looking for excuses and people to blame.
    What about the irish, chinese, vietnamese, italians, etc...etc...They seem to have managed ok..rationalize that.

    more rationalizing and excuses

    Deflection/distraction. we aren't talking about that.

    Oh, ok now it's the banks fault that negores commit more crime than any other race in america and no one wants to live near them...THEY don't even like each other...
  17. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    that's the echo in your empty head you're hearing.
  18. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    You know..I don't care any more about the excuses..unconscious racism..internalized racism..poverty, slavery...Doesn't matter
    THESE matter. These are real and no amount of excuses and psychobabble will change them.

    People grow weary of this and sooner or later these stats will be changed.

    *More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by Blacks each year. Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks.
    *About 1 million Whites were murdered, robbed, assaulted, or raped by Blacks in 1992
    *In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and nonviolent crimes were committed by Blacks against Whites in the U.S.
    *Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites, although they comprise only one-seventh of the White population.
    *27 million nonviolent crimes were committed in the U.S. in 1992 alone. 31% of the robberies involved Black offenders and White victims; only 2% involved White offenders and Black victims.
    The above stats were collected by an Australian reporter, Neil Sheehan, who dug out half-concealed U.S. crime figures for an article in the Sydney Morning Herald (May 2, 1995). The contents of his article, he commented, could not possibly be published or discussed in the U.S. mainstream media.

    Paved With Good Intentions, a book by Jared Taylor, also studies crime statistics by race. It must be stressed that Blacks make up only 12% of the population according to the 1990 U.S. census (and Black males about 6%), but they commit a vastly disproportionate number of violent crime.
    Mr. Taylor reveals:
    1) 58% of all arrests for weapons violations are Blacks.
    2) 46% of all arrests for violent crimes are Blacks.
    3) 73% of all “justified self-defense” killings are committed by Blacks.
    4) 60.5% of all Blacks are armed with some type of weapon at all times.
    5) 98% of all youths arrested for gun fights in Atlanta are Blacks.

    here are FEDERAL statistics verified by the Department of Justice.

    *Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
    *Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.
    *Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.
    *Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

    Federal Statistics of black on white violence, with links and mathematical extrapolation formulas. - Lafayette Political Buzz |

    More FBI/DOJ statistics.

    The Color of Crime: Race, Crime, and Justice in America. Second, Expanded Edition, 2005

    Major Findings:

    Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.

    Crime Rates

    Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
    When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
    Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
    The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.

    Interracial Crime

    Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
    Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
    Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
    Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.


    Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
    Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.


    Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
    Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are three times more likely.

    The Color of Crime is an expanded version of a monograph on crime first published by NCF in 1999.
  19. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    They are our replacements.
  20. Akhlut

    Akhlut Active Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    You noticed how I prefaced "spectrometer" with "x-ray", right? There are numerous types of spectrometer all utilizing different bands of the EM spectrum, x-ray being one of them.

    Plus, developing a method of fabricating an x-ray spectrometer is pretty impressive and speaks of high technical ability and a great understanding of the physics behind spectrometry.

    Again, you seemingly cannot comprehend what you read; "developed the methodology behind blood banks" does not mean "developed the means for blood transfusions".

    Henry Ford didn't invent the assembly line nor did Edison invent the the light bulb, either. Julian, however, did go however make it economical to make more than a few grams of hormones from plants. He essentially industrialized the process, which is an enormous step up, considering the magnitude of change involved.

    "At that time clinicians were discovering many uses for the newly discovered hormones. However, only minute quantities could be produced from the extraction of hundreds of pounds of spinal cords.

    In 1940 Julian was able to produce 100 lb of mixed soy sterols daily, which had a value of $10,000, in sex hormones. Julian was soon ozonizing 100 pounds daily of mixed sterol dibromides. The result was the female hormone progesterone which was put on the American market in bulk for the first time.The soy stigmasterol was easily converted into commercial quantities of the female hormone, progesterone, and the first pound of progesterone he made, valued at $63,500 was shipped to the buyer in an armored car![22] Production of other sex hormones soon followed.[23]"

    Please source your use of Wikipedia next time, because I can do the same thing just as easily.

    Morgan's model was the one used by the US in WWI; if you're some slack-jawed yokel who doesn't remember that the Europeans had their own models, then that's your own fault. The US, however, was using models developed by a black man.

    Your patently false attempts to make me say something I did not won't work. My statement ended with "...inventions regarding electricity." You, however, are trying to make it appear as if I said something else so that you might try and paint me as something I am not.

    However, it is fun seeing you trying to diminish the achievements of black men so thoroughly.
  21. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Well predictable post.

    Negro 'savages' did indeed capture and sell slaves to the European 'savages'. European 'savages' of course also went on their own slave hunting expeditions. So much so that the coastal "negro savage' kings complained to the Portuguese and others that their slave hunting expeditions were capturing important members of their kingdom.

    Your glossing over of the history of Africa is not surprising. European nations were vying with each other to set up outposts in Africa to buy slaves, and obtain gold and ivory. And yes they actively subverted existing African kingdoms- by a fairly simple method.

    They would supply steal weapons and firearms to black africans who brought them slaves and gold. Those who didn't sell them would fall behind the 'arms race' and subject to defeat at those who worked with the European slave traders.
    Vicious circle- even those who may not have wanted to sell slaves either started to or were subjegated by those who did.

    And then years later those European powers completely took over and destroyed the existing African civilizations, during the colonial period.

    I am not claiming that Europeans were evil and Africans weren't- both were acting in their own interests. But this claim that Africans were solely to blame for slavery is just ignorant at best, and propaganda lies at the worst.
  22. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    That was the ONLY time I used wiki, as you undoubtedly know...It's so obvious I wasn't trying to hide it.... ..and it was actually more favorable to your negro "inventor".

    As far as diminishing anything. If they didn't do it, they didn't do it. YOU chose them I debunked them

    I understand you negroes have little to be proud of..You can't build and maintain any real civilization, you commit more crime per capita than any other race on the planet, you try to steal credit for things you didn't do, invent things to make yourselves feel good..take kwanzaa for instance..

    but that's to be expected You can't help it..

    I see you're studiously avoiding world IQ scores and crime rates.
  23. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Based upon the content of your posts you seem to hate, or at least dislike, blacks. So, if you had a time machine would you travel back in time and try to stop your white ancestors from importing blacks to the Western Hemisphere? After all, it was their actions that are responsible for your angst. Would you plead with them not to engage in mass kidnapping because you will suffer the effects of their crimes against humanity in the year 2012?

    What conceiveable actions could you possibly take to avert the problems that you now find so unbearably outrageous?
  24. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    If an african captured another african and sold him that is NOT the fault of ANY white people. Quit rationalizing bad behavior.

    Africans have/had the same access to weapons as anyone else in the world. They could at any time rise up and throw out anyone they wanted...Like we did with the british..Africa is STILL backward and as I said, they arguably had a 100,000 year head start on the rest of the world..if you believe in the "out of africa" theory.
    The world is hard. The strong and smart will always subjugate the weak and stupid. There is no such thing as "equality". Nothing is equal. Humans do what humans do.
    Twisting and distorting things in order to blame every shortcoming and every failure every negro in the world ever has or ever will have forever and ever in perpetuity on white people is laughably ridiculous.

    The rest of your post is excuses, rationalizing, blame shifting and typical anti white indoctrinated nonsense.
  25. Akhlut

    Akhlut Active Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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