Right, FDR actually does racist and unconstitutional action to actual American citizens and he is best president, Trump calls for limited time freezing of immigration for foriegn Muslims (as a sovereign nation we can choose whom and from where we allow people in)and he is called a racist and compared to Hitler.....Interesting
Even if it's for our own safety? Why don't you invite a few over for dinner and see for yourself. Remember it's only temporary...not permanent. Just until we smarten up before they get smarter than us.
Aren't like 45% of Muslims in America Black and from NOI? Which is basically 99% Black? Not a surprise.
False. I followed the Twitter source that WND listed in their article and saw that the person who made the death threat was defending her comment on her Twitter page. Are you arguing that the Twitter sources are fake?
I work with Muslims every day. I do have one two over almost every week for dinner, except when they invite us to their place for tacos. Hell, most of my ex-inlaws are Muslim.
Under certain conditions, for example going to join ISIS.....like France and Britain are debating about doing. In any case if you want to go there, then tell me how Obama assassinated a Muslim American citizen in Yemen without a trail is any better if not worse action.
Yeah, but calling NOI Muslim is kind of like calling Mormons Christian. Sure, there is some overlap, but there is also a lot of weird extra stuff added in.
We do not know what Trump will do as President, we are talking about what he said. We do know FDR actually did those criminal hedious racist actions, and people still consider him great.
Until we had a vetting process that worked. But leave that part out because dishonesty is the path to uh... something.
Yep, it didn't affect his legacy enough to damage him in any material way. Progressives still love FDR, consider him to be one of the greatest Presidents in history.
Any death threats made against anyone regardless of religion, political persuasion or viewpoint is wrong.
First off saying ROI are not real muslims is racist. NOI is more Muslim then anything, but it seems some mixture of Christianity and American Culture being implemented in it makes it seem a bit different. But again NOI seems to be exempt from most Muslim issues, but there seems to be some NOI that are showing similar signs of protest and anger for Trump.
Bravo. But what I want to know is, why do you think so many people are having a tough time admitting that? They seem to be trying to suggest these death threats are not real, and part of some kind of "vast right wing conspiracy". It seems like some are eager to play defense for those who are threatening Trump's life.