Naw...get an AR-15 as they are legal to purchase in the U.S. You can very accurately kill the enemy from a much greater distance then the enemy can kill you. Just to let you know....China had plans and every intention of invading Taiwan back in 2008 and again in 2011. Then we invited the Chinese Military Brass to watch massive U.S. War Games. The following LINK details how a Chinese General after watching U.S. War Games tells the world media that China is no match for the U.S. Military. This visit was PLANNED by U.S. Military War Planners to show the Chinese Military Leadership up close and personal just how badly they would LOSE if they made the mistake of invading Taiwan. The plan worked very well as the Chinese planned to invade Taiwan in September of 2011. We brought them to Norfolk which is the worlds largest Naval Base to watch the U.S. Navy Carrier Battle Groups conduct War Games. LINK.... AboveAlpha
They decided that we were not worth invading because of the poisonous wildlife And I am not just talking snakes here...............
We are worried about the Russian Navy as about as much as we are worried about Ernie and Bert's RUBBER DUCKIE floating in the Sesame St. Tub! LOL!!! Ohhhh....Rubber Duckie your the one......every time I see you son....Rubber Duckie i'm awfully fond of you!! EVERYBODY ALL TOGETHER NOW!!! Vlad the Ruskie your so really like to bang that war drummmmm.....Vlad the Ruskie were so awfully sick of youuuu.........OH YEAHHHHhhhhhhhhaaaaa. Barmp pump! AboveAlpha - - - Updated - - - You guy's have too many freakin FROGS, RABBITS AND ROO'S!! Damn Roo's will come up behind you and push you to the ground!!! AboveAlpha
Actually you are not far wrong - you do NOT want to come up against a "big red" I always think of some poor sod landing somewhere up north and trying to get past not just the snakes and the snakes and the crocs but all the Mozzies and Flies Ate a fly the other day by accident - ewwwwww!
I spent several days up North with a few members of the Aussie SAS after doing a JOB on an island off the East coast of Sumatra. I wanted to see a big Salty. They are freakin' BIG! AboveAlpha
I watched a Roo come up behind this guy in a park and jump up and use it's front paws and slam the guy up near his shoulders and the guy fell flat on his face. The guy's girlfriend or wife started wacking at the Roo with her pocketbook and a few other men had to rush over to get the damn animal off her as it was not afraid at all! AboveAlpha
Lucky bugger, when they come up and balance on their tail, then you know those hind legs are for kicking!
Don't laugh too hard - was sitting in a restaurant in Longreach the other day when the biggest mob of roos you have ever seen came pounding up one of the main streets. With the drought they have been coming into town and are getting really feisty!
Nonetheless, in my opinion, even with Labor’s proposals, there are insufficient safeguards to protect Australian wages, conditions and job opportunities. In my report, I outline some key entry pathways where the ChAFTA allows Chinese workers to enter Australia without labour market testing. Article by Joanna Howe, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Adelaide. The above is taken from the link below...the report is rather lengthy, but emphasizes the threat to Australian jobs, and the fact that Labor's proposed amendments haven't gone far enough...
Yeah...they have completely lost their fear of people. Right now in Massachusetts we are experiencing a Wildlife Renaissance and the Mass. Dept. of Wildlife Management has been telling people to not put up bird feeders and leave out trash because of Black Bears. Bear population in Massachusetts has exploded and as Massachusetts is now very much a wooded area even in towns we see bears walking around in peoples back yards just like what happened at my parents house. And we are talking about bears weighing in at 400 to 500 lbs. Not animals we want to have losing their fear or humans. AboveAlpha - - - Updated - - - THERE YOU GO!!! How come no one has thought about exporting Roo Meat to China?? AboveAlpha
Well I didn't know. Besides....they probably need the extra food now that they are seeing cities floating in clouds in China!! LOL!!! Anybody see the video?? Two days in a row they got pictures and videos of massive cities floating in the clouds over China. I guess it's do to an atmospheric anomaly but it looks very real. Hasn't stopped the Chinese from blaming NASA saying that NASA experiments are either opening a Inter-dimensional Rift or NASA is experimenting with Holographic Technology. AboveAlpha
I know that. China does not have much in the way of Fresh Air Environmental Law so there are a lot of particulates floating around that water vapor grabs onto and this creates it under certain conditions. AboveAlpha
Only problem is they're no good in the cant fit windscreen wipers to them... although the pouch is good for groceries, briefcase, newspapers..GUNS..... Just zip it closed...or you can get them with velcro.........