Mass murderer Brievik goes on trial in Norway!

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by philxx, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Same argument of all faith thunkers of the primative human thunkun type,"oh he is a mad individual with nothing to do with the religion he was bought up in "?/??

    FOR THE 123,987time religion tries to excuse its actions against Humanityin the 21st century.

    The problem is you all attack Science and that in itself necessitates your decline and abolition !

    Faith thunkun stupidity vs scientific Objective knowledge in a war to the finish ,GOOD BYE GOD !you lose before it starts.

    So start studying Science instead of totally Irrelevant and foul backward primativeness in its worse form ,Cultural cancer ,books like the bible ,koran and all Religous texts.

    or GET THE HELL OUT OF THE POLITICAL PROCESS,its time you disappear up your own navels the SECULAR REVOLUTION is coming stupids.
  2. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    I'm not radical but I see plenty Egyptians coming back distorted from Saudi
  3. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    He is popular with the extremist Wahabi taught. The ignorant.
  4. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Brievik is obviously ammoral and typical of people that do things like this, has absolutely no empathy.
  5. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    can someone translate this into English for me
  6. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Understanding Brevik requires understanding the Universe on a Ideological level,and we can tick,the RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALIST of the Zionist type box,it is Judeo\christian isn't it ,wait for the Jews and christians are different crowd.

    In my understanding [conditional in the history unfolding],a scientific definition of Brevik as a Catholic\Zionist in his Religio\Ideological outlook.

    OBL in white middle class christian form same political phenomena TERRORISM \Fascist type.

    non-thinking and faith thinking in a Political god or a more traditional variety is a Fascist movements trait.History reveals it not me.
  7. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    He thinks he's a Christian Crusader doing Gods work

    There are plenty out there

    Bush and Bliar the Christian Crusaders killed way more than Breivik

    why are they not too in front of a court?
  8. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Calling for your religious faith thinking god believing mates dosen't seem right,but any way

    to make it simple stupid,GOD BELIEF =TERRORISTS OF THE FASCIST TYPE!

    The Koran is a load of primative crap a rehash of the torah and the bible totally ignorant and anti-science.

    As is the Bible ,Torah ,Traditions of Backwardness and human ignorance of all types.

    Science rules this Planet ,so don't forget that all God believing stupids what science gives life progress ect.....they didn't call its wonderous birth the 'ELIGHTENMENT" for nothing.

    for religious minded god nutters it can take away .

    The only reason religion spews and craps on ,is because of Religion Welfare of every 'western "Government particularly ,yes thats right the Worlds religions are on Capitilist government life support .

    down with Religion Welfare I say.

    Yes ,it is hard to converse in English with those of the Faith thinking God believing type.

    And I do not speak nor write english I communicate in the dialect known as Strine.
  9. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    yes just like the Muslim crusaders and the zionist crusaders lets just generally put them in the RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALIST BOX,it saves a lot of unnecessary writing.

    And the method is scientifically based ,and it sorts the serious from the ignorant!
  10. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Time to burst the bubble ,they hand me the weapons of their destruction ,what i shouldn't attack them at every opurtunity ,because they are "special chosen ones' get real come and join the coming SECULAR REVOLUTION ,think of how much Smaller the government would be if Relion Welfare was done away with ,in fact For the Nation all church lands and assetts should be surrendered to the Nation .NATIONALISED.

    And if the God nutter folk go armed against the state we cut them down.

    hey,they started it with the killing of the innocent the Secular state will finish it ,OR, They get out of the political process.stop meddling behind the scenes,their choice ,its time to go all out against Faith thinking creationist believers.
  11. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    if you know who they are why aren't they dead.???????

    hey i will kill the extreme god nutter crazy christian types if you kill their muslim counterparts ,the only good fascist is a dead fascist,really just like what me Uncles did in the second world war KILL FASCIST SCUM.

    WHEREVER WHENEVER one has the opurtunity to maim beat kill Fascist scum TAKE IT!

    Put OBL,Brevik and a zionistand the pope in a room and you have a cothinkers meeting against science not enemies.
  12. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    but aren't crusaders people who go on crusades to other peoples countries?
    isn't that what a crusade is?

    army of crusaders going and fighting in another land?

    Where is this invading islamic army then with their fighter jets and tanks and nuclear weapons?

    I know whose land the zionist crusader armies are invading and I know where the Christian crusader armies are invading but I dont see what land this invisible Islamic army is invading ???

    seems to me that the Muslims are trying to keep the foreign crusaders OUT of their lands they are invading
  13. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    You may not be able to engage in a reasoned argument, but you know the best insults!
  14. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    It doesn't matter what he thinks he is. He is amoral and without empathy. That is clear by his actions in court.
  15. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    If he did commit this massacre in the name of Christianity, and meant this act as some sort of religious duty, than that would make him a Christian terrorist. There just isn't any evidence presented so far that this is the case. In fact, the level of "evidence" presented in this thread so far seems pretty low.

    The more interesting question is why you feel it's so necessary to ascribe him that label of "Christian terrorist?" Is it a race thing because he's white? I noticed when the news came out of the massacre, that was one of the major, and off reported items that all the news organizations felt was vitally important; that he was white and had blond hair. His hair color was so important!

    So is it race? Honestly, I'm really trying to understand why so many people feel this compelling need to label him like this despite the evidence.
  16. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    So he's not a Christian terrorist, he's an Azeroth one? (*)(*)(*)(*) those creatures!
  17. GeneralZod

    GeneralZod New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    He might be. Since Brievik is ignoring his lawyers advice and going with 'self defence' for his defence.

    Now his laywers if they take it seriously have a up hill mountain to climb to in any way, try to explain his actions. They might use the christian terrorist nonsense to try and confuse the jury.
  18. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I'm betting you didn't even read that article, so terrible was the argument that the author made. When you get taken to task by the commentors in the HuffPost, you know you've hit argument fail.

    Hey I have an idea! If this argument that the writer made really represents your argument for why Breivik should be considered a "Christian terrorist" please try to put it in your own words. You didn't supply a link to facts, only to an opinion that was poorly thought out and rather fact free. I mean think about it. Even Huff post readers thought it was dumb.

    Let's see if you can do better!
  19. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    hey if the Huff post is what i think you would understand then to the post you go ,now what about the wikipedia link ?

    give it a sqwiz ,skip ,give it a sqwiz,sorry all the world but you knows him as christian Nutjob.Wanted to destroy the Luteran tradition and return to catholic stupidity instead.

    Hey the article is well above the usual Huff standard and worth reading you just bdon't like your questions definitively answered by older people thats all a bit of losing bruising.

    Poor lil mike go boohoo big bad commie right he wrong ,boo hoo ,go hug your mummmy she cares.
  20. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Says its a christian ,defends Zionism in Israel another fundamentalist christian faith thunkun trait,duh,Hates muslims particularly as in all christians should hate muslims as a duty type hate.

    Was a christian is a christian and incorporates the 'knights templar 'no he couldn't be described as a Fasco\christian terrorists ,see i even go down to your Fox think so you can un-DER-stand.

    Hey find a link to his documents that he sent to the world on the day and show me where what has been extensively reported that he was classic type religious fundamentalist of christian type ,or are you saying all religious folk are always beyond suspision ,like right ok ,put the pill bottler down move away from the drugs lil man .

    get mumto have the ambulance pump your stomach one ecky to many son you will be ok God dosen't exist ,its only a Halucination on a mountain 4000 years ago. it will go away.
  21. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Yeah,don't get me wrong the christian]\RELIGIOUS fundamentalist thingy he has goin' as putrid as it always is,still is secondary to his open Fascist political ideas which are a worrying product of the society that schooled and produced him .NORWAY.

    In saying that is to no way lessen a understanding that fascism circa 2012 everywhere is cloaked in Religious Fundamentalist clothing and that is in no way accidental Faith non thinking is just as reactionary as Fascist non-thinking.Its the Faith in nothing thing,the unknowledge and anti-Knowledge thing they have in common Ideologically ,Identity politics of the constructionist non evidence based variety for instance.
  22. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    the ideology of his movement is the same ideology of breviks and his movement because for him to carry out the near 70 executions, in just ove an hour, one a minute, is more then one human could do particularly the military untrained Brevik.,who helped him he didn't act alone.

    yes the same Fascist religious [we are special people gods chosen ]type of thinking best represented by the fascist Zionist state of Israel and the human genocide it is predicated on.

    Brevik is crazy for israel and glowing in his admiration for his Fascist zionist friends.

    much like Hitlers Admiration for Mussolini.

    so the fairy tale so far ,a totally untrained gunman and explosive expert blows up the government building in oslo,then travels by car to a ferry gets changed into a not to great police uniform ,whilst carrying a glock pistol and a assault rifle with mutiple clips and ammunition of some 1000 rounds.on his 75minute stay on the Island ,he executed by one bringing them down and two 9mm behind the ear fashion ,70 humans who must have stood still waiting to be shot.

    Watch out the easter bunny wants to get through .

    brevik did not act alone couldn't be possible sorry couldn't have happened ,how many were just wounded by the way ,about 6.?not real sure on that .Not many I recokon he was thoughtful ,sorry ,THEY were very thoughtful prepared and directed.

    I reckon ,the other gunmen bought them down as Brevik did the coup-de -gras ,the police were so slowed by others in the state that controlled communications,could explain it and the other gunman left by scuba and boat.leaving the rifle with Brevik.

    And lets not forget the fascist terrorist cells in Germany constituted as death squads and financed by the State.
  23. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    lol what?

    A) The Crusades and the emergence of the Taliban are centuries apart.

    B) The Crusades were a response to centuries of Islamic Imperialist unprovoked military expansions into Christendom.

    The U.S. is a secular nation as are all western nations, you see unlike the savage Arab Islamic Imperialist pedophile worshipers who have been slaughtering and subjugating the infidel since their false kiddy (*)(*)(*)(*)ing prophet had auditory hallucinations brought on by acute schizophrenia, we have evolved into a civilized society, do you really want us to apologize for finding, developing, and purchasing your energy resources at fair market values? Without us the Islamic filth would still be squatting in the (*)(*)(*)(*)ing desert raping their prepubescent nieces and nephews in their tents instead of in their houses as they do now.

    The Taliban was not created by the west it was created by the backwards ass ideology spawned from the pedophile prophet Mohammad (may (*)(*)(*)(*) be upon him) you see when given the chance the Islamic Imperialist swine will choose the governance under which best oppresses the non-Muslim which is why they have elected the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists in the (*)(*)(*)(*)hole that is Egypt which soon won't even have (*)(*)(*)(*)ing tourism revenue to keep their laughable backwards economy afloat you see the Islamic Imperialists can not produce anything on their own as they do not teach engineering, science, or mathematics to their children in the madrassas rather they teach them how the Jews are to blame for all the worlds problems and how death in the name of expanding their poisonous ideology is the greatest of aspirations.
  24. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    Of course you have one solitary scarp of evidence that there was in fact more than one gunman right? Perhaps; such as, ballistics testing showing that the bullets fired came from guns not used by Breivik? No? Oh it must be part of an elaborate cover up by the dastardly Zionist controlled Norwegian government bwhahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    evidence is still being taken, pull up ,and if you think that all the victims just stood their like sheep to the slaughter then you didn't listen to the nature of the wounds read out by the prosecutor like I did,you didn't did you ,hear the indictment did you ,so you are speaking from a position of total ignorance .most victims 67 I think were shot 3 times once with the rifle and then twice execution style close range head shot s with apistol ,at a rate if the time given 70-75 minutes means 1 every how many minutes? 1 Approx every minute.IMPOSSIBLE FOR ONE SHOOTER TO DO!

    See you think he just went bang 1 dead then the next and next one shot one kill crap well if it happened that way he may have killed 20-30 and 20 wounded as he didn't check ,just bang bang bang,no sorry he bought them down with shots to the legs then walked up and put 2 in the head.takes time that and explains the strange lack of wounded survivors which whould have been the case with your Bang bang all directions thinking.

    near 70 dead ,at a rate of 1 a minute yeah right! ok then .Watch out pink elephants flying through.

    Newsflash humans run away in terror most of the time when they realise Fascist christian nutters have gone on a God chosen task with guns.

    He fully expected to shot it out with the police yet no cops for over an hour ,Oslo ain't that big a city ,it does have a police force ,they do have mobile phones even teenagers getting shot you think one of them may have dialed the 911 norwegian equivalent ??

    or did the police have some tip off not to respond ????

    OBL is not dead by the way where is the evidence ????well he is alive until proven otherwise unless you are one of the 3 remaining US citizens that believes anything coming from the liar obama's mouth ,OBL lives in saudi arabia as we speak.


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