MGTOW group - male version of radical feminism

Discussion in 'Women's Rights' started by SpaceCricket79, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Why is it 99% of MGTOW is made of guys like this:



    And virtually no guys like this?



    And yet they still think their problems are the entirety of "women", rather than... the obvious.

    And of the above, who looks like they'd make a better matched couple with women like this:


    Are any questions really needed here? :cool:
  2. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    OP was a little facetious yeah, so here's some meat:

    Here's an example of why I say this "internet subculture" is a hate group akin to radical feminism.

    One of it's most popular websites is "" (the name itself should give you an idea - it's obviously not just about "opposing feminism", but hate of women in general - a sexist equivalent to Stormfront if you will).

    Like Stormfront, the website has murderers liked to it as well - Elliot Rodger, a member of the site went on a mass shooting spree against women back in 2014 - and was allegedly encouraged by members of the site:
  3. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    The handsome men you posted could very well be MGTOW. MGTOW is simply the avoidance of entanglements with toxic women and avoiding their financial exploitation.

    You can still go out and bust nuts deep inside them suga walls. The only difference between a blue and red pill man is that the blue pill man falls in love and pays alimony and child support a few years later. The red pill man sends her on her way.
    Miketo likes this.
  4. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    From my limited personal experience with the MRA/MGTOW individuals on other forums, they regularily link to the site which produced the mass shooter Elliot Rodger, and regularly disparage women as a whole, even using "genetic" arguments for their 'inferiority' similar to Stormfont's arguments about racial minorities - a few of them even make comments along the lines of #killallwomen as you mentioned

    Even the Sandman channel you mentioned has videos with titles like "are women capable of love"? - So it appears to be a movement about demonizing women as a whole, not just combating feminist hypocrisy..
  5. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    I have never heard of

    Women act out a different type of love then men. Men are disposable, however, we are less likely to end a relationship to trade up.
  6. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    MGTOW means men go their own way.

    It means that men are simply fed up with the way things are and we want something better.

    A good example is how when we point out double standards or bias against men, radical feminists and their mangina enablers go ont he attack and make things personal rather than trying to engage in civil conversation with an open and honest attempt to resolve and solve differences.

    Another reason why men are getting fed up is the constant personal attacks to get us to shut up.

    In short, we are simply tired with the way the society treats us, and attempts to put a round peg into the square hole,so we just go our own way.

    A typical reaction is the standard put the blame on men for they are ugly and fat and can't get a date with women so they must be hateful and spiteful people.

    Constant insulting people and constant misrepresenting their views is dishonest and accomplishes nothing.

    And since nothing can be accomplished other than being misrepresented and berated all the time, it shows that we are unwanted, and so we go our own way.

    The other underlying assertions that misrepresent us is that we must all be super macho manly men like Sean Connery in order to be valuable.

    That's not putting us up on a pedestal. That's creating impossibly high standards.

    Most men are not like Sean Connery as James Bond. That is a fantasy man. Most of us are not jocks and wealthy doctors and lawyers.

    I don't understand why women expect us all to be like that and conform to those fantasy expectations, but that's not going to accomplish anything.

    And when more men come to realize that we just are not going to be wanted or valued as anything other than a James Bond (who incidentally is abusive towards women and sometimes forces himself on to them) more and more men will simply go their own way.
  7. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Apparently not.

    Because that's not what you, or most of your websites are about in practice - it's like Stormfront members claiming they're just about double standards against whites, but when you actually read the rhetoric on their website, you see them degrading blacks and Hispanics as savages and advocating segregation, and see what their real agenda is.

    The MGMTOW videos I've seen are filled with pseudo-scientific nonsense and nonsensical attacks and generalizations about "women", so they're clearly not just about combating feminism.

    What "men" - do you think people like Andrea Dworkin speak for "women" - or just a minority of disgruntled women who were never that desired to begin with?

    You get told to "shut up" because few if any of your posts are legitimate grievances to begin with - they include nonsense such as a guy who's too much of a weakling to break up with an ungrateful woman - whining about "women" being the problem rather than his own spinelesses. You in specific get told to shut up because you're not actually complaining about "women" - just your own ineptitude with women and expecting others to absolve you of the blame. Even most therapists wouldn't want to listen to this if they weren't making $80 per hour for it.

    I've read all of your complaints about "women" - and they're laughable, even 13 year olds come up with better stuff than this. All of your complaints about women just center on you choosing to be an approval seeker and put up comically petty behavior from women which most people never would have - when normal guys would've just ended the relationship and never put up with that behavior.

    Sorry if you're ugly and fat - and that's not an insult, you're basically admitting this - it was your choice to get that way by shoveling unhealthy food into your mouth on a regular basis.

    Or are you going to expect people to coddle you hear now and blame fast food restaurants for forcing you to eat their food? lol
    If you're unwanted then you're not "going" your own way - you were forced there :smile:

    You're creating the strawman just to justify being a completely lowlife and expecting others to lower their expectations of decent male behavior. Nevermind the fact that guys like Connery are self-made men.

    But even disregarding that - expecting a person simply not to behave like a groveling idiot toward women just hoping to get a mercy f-k, and then blaming women for the reason he's disrespected and thought of as little - is just basic expectation that people would have of all (non-sociopathic) individuals.

    You don't want to even meet a basic socially accepted level of decent behavior, and then blame "women" for having ridiculously high standards, rather than accept the fact that you have ridiculously low standards - and get what you ask for

    It's your choice to not aspire to be anything then. Maybe aspiring to be someone who isn't a Minecraft addict who feels the need to loudly let the world know about how obsequiously he behaves toward women in an annoying pity-starved way, would be a good step in the right direction

    The company you keep says a lot about you

    I don't understand why women expect us all to be like that and conform to those fantasy expectations, but that's not going to accomplish anything.

    Just like most women aren't "really going to be valued" as anything other than an ass or a pair of tits - that's the law of the jungle, the entire purpose of romantic relationships is about attraction. No guy's going to date a 90 year old grandma just because has a "great personality" (supposedly) - and you certainly wouldn't either.

    Incorrect, if you have to lie to assert your view then that's telling.

    Reading your posts is a worse form of abuse a woman could experience anyway.

    Even a guy is slightly an (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*), he's still way more biologically attractive than a guy who's a complete groveler or pity seeker, since he's still demonstrating a lot more of the masculine qualities that are responsible for sexual attraction - just like hot 10/10 attractive woman with a (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)y streak is a woman I'd much rather (*)(*)(*)(*) than an Andrea-Dworkin looking dog. If she wants to bury her head in her gut and think she's entitled to have men like her because she's "such a nice person deep down" (despite being as attractive as Jabba the Hutt in drag) then she can go cry a river.

    I'm not entitled to sleep with unattractive women just because they're supposedly "so nice" - I'm going to sleep with attractive women (who hopefully aren't total (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)es).That's not how sexual attraction works in humans (or animals), and anyone who doesn't understand this is to blame for their own ignorance.

    Not even mentioning that many of these guys aren't even that "nice" to begin with, and women just aren't dumb enough to fall for the act. So they get angry and blame "women" when yet again, they should be be blaming themselves for being "nice" in a phony and slightly sleezy way just hoping to get laid, not because they actually had any underlying moral principles.

    No one cares because they won't be missed, and no "more and more" men won't be doing it, because the majority of men never have nearly as horrible experience and understanding of women as you do - this is an example of "narcissism by lack of life experience"

    If you want proof, go in any social situation outside the internet - and tell me how many guys feel any sympathy for your "choices" to stay in exploitative relationships and sell your dignity just hoping for a mercy f- - I guarantee you you won't find many, unless maybe at a Brony convention.
  8. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Not to mention, James Bond saved the world countless times, and put his life on the line to save countless women - I think he's entitled to hit a woman from time to time, he earned that privilege.

    Fictional character aside, I guarantee that he's done more for women than the poster above has or will in his entire life - this right here shows just how warped the mentality here is, that the poster above actually thinks he's more of a catch than James Bond just because he's "never hit a woman" (wup de doo).
  9. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Unnecessarily harsh as I may have been to that guy - I'll just reiterate where I'm coming from - this "women are evil" rhetoric isn't helping men at all, all it's doing is encouraging men to lower their personal standards and just blame every relationship grievance they have "on the woman". It's not inspiring women to "be better", it's just inspiring men to act like adult babies.

    Most of the gripes being levied against "women" are just pretty basic concepts universal to pretty much all types of relationships, whether with men or women. Fact of the matter is being "nice" isn't the same as being a doormat and letting yourself be used by others - people who do that don't come across as respectable or desirable in any relationships.

    Just like the guy who's afraid to say "no" to anyone, and always offering to buy drinks to his friends at the bar because he's worried they won't hang out with him if he doesn't - he's going to attract the kind of friends who only hang out with him because he gives them free stuff, and he's bringing it on himself by not demanding any respect in the relationship.

    The double standards and pity party here are also ridiculous - the poster above seems to be blaming women for not wanting to date men who let themselves become obese, and thinks something is "wrong" with women for not appreciating their other good qualities. Truth is though I doubt he's gung ho about dating morbidly obese or unattractive women just because they might "have good personalities".

    So a lot of misunderstanding and double standards about how romantic attraction works is at work here as well - romantic attraction is an emotional concept based on how desirable a person's mating qualities are perceived according to evolutionary instinct, and has very little to with just "being nice" or doing impersonal favors like buying gifts - it's the same in both sexes, men are no different. That's why man would rather look at a picture of Megan Fox in a bikini than Queen Victoria the II regardless of how "nice" she is. Hence this silly attitude is not far off at all from the attitudes of the angry, hirsute feminists who think men are responsible for everything wrong in their lives
  10. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    The post in this thread are a most excellent education. in short they can be used to teach children on textvook examples of logical fallacies and misleading statements and libel and slander and defamatyion of character.

    in short there are posts that can be summarized thusly:

    Women are special creatures. Men are scum.

    Men must make themselves completely subservient to women because of how special women are.

    men must not resist women in any way.

    Men must not criticize women in any way.

    Men must never speak out against how poorly they treated or any bias against them or any injustice done to them. (They call this phenomenon you have to man up and be silent, and no I am not joking or trolling in any here)

    Men have no rights and must not defend themselves against women in any way.

    men must not speak out against women in any way shape or form. They must sit down and remain silent.

    Men must give up and sacrifice everything to the woman.

    Those sentiments are what separates a real person from a Mangina.

    Real men don't do this. Only radical feminists and their Mangina enablers resort to this. And some posts azre a textbook example that should be taught to children on how not to be this way.

    Real men realize that:

    neither men or women are any better or worse than each other. Nor are real men manly macho muscle must eat steak and potatoes only kind of men either.

    Real respect means treating each other with grace and dignity and does not put each other down.

    Are not above being held responsible for their own asinine behaviors.

    Do not practice double standards or special privileges based on gender.

    Should be equal partners that help and support each other when the time calls for it.

    Are not resentful of each other because of gender.

    Are nor subservient nor are the dominant over one another, unless those positions are by their own choice.

    Men nor women are not special creatures because of gender or anything else.

    Abuse is abuse, regardless of which gender does it and should not be allowed in a civilized society.

    A happy and productive society is a society that is loving and respectful and supportive of one another. True self esteem and mental health are what makes a society productive.Isolating people like this does not influence good mental health or self esteem in any way.

    isolating people only causes resentment, hostility, and madness, one that will eventually bite those who want that kind of thing in the behind.

    And that is a society I do not want.

    I want something better.

    That's why I go my own way, and always have gone my own way,l and always will go my own way.

    And I am not alone in this idea either, but I am one of the first to have done this, and have been doing this for nearly thirty years now.

    That is to say, to reject the awful society that runs America and go my own way.

    Only insecure people and conformity loving bigots are threatened by that.
  11. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    You summed up your post and all of the MGTOW nonsense I've thoroughly dissected - but like the pot to the kettle, you again cry for false sympathy.

    Speak for yourself, not other men. lol. I'm certainly not. Personally I think men are superior since estrogen is a "corruption" of testosterone, but I'm coming from a biased position likely.

    Look how well that worked out for you, lol - me and most men who are decent with women never did that. Most of the women I've dated have bought me more gifts than I have them.

    You are the kind of guy who did that and let yourself get stuck in bossy relationships, when truth is many men never fell for that trap to begin with. To assume that the majority of men stoop to your admitted level of putting up with bad treatment from women just for a mercy f- is why you're being laughed at. This is a you thing, not a men thing

    You're not speaking out against anything other than your own willingness to stay in mediocre relationships - no one put a gun to your head and made you do it, so you attributing that to the entirety of women is the reason you're being told to "shut up" - to save yourself the embarrassment of your own self-depreciation.

    I've hit a few women before myself - not against hitting a woman at all if the situation merits it as it would a man.

    All your doing is fulilling your own prophesy by crafting an elaborate strawman, and projecting your own failed relationship experiences onto what the typical male experience is, when in reality yours is atypical - the majority of men have quite a bit more dignity than you and unlike you, never put up with this behavior like you did - hence why they found decent women and you didn't.

    Me I don't know any guys personally who are so servile that they'd allow a woman to steal their food in their own home and put up with it just hoping for a mercy f-, and if I did I'd quit being friends with them. That's something I thought (hoped) only happened in awful sitcoms.

    Again, stop projecting your own relationship experiences onto other men. No one does this but you.

    These sentiments are what define the "red pill" community to a nutshell - this is what these twits believed and put into practice - hence why they ended up being "controlled" by those scary bossy women in the first place.

    You're describing everything you admitted doing in your own relationships - so you're admitting to be a Mangina then? Interesting.

    Everything you're saying here contradicts your silly diatribes and the sentiments of MGTOW videos.

    Talk is cheap. Based on the actual sentiments you've expressed what actually "want" is to just be able to act lazy, needy, and whiny and magically have decent quality women "show up at your doorstep" without having to pull your own weight or act like a man of dignity in any way whatsoever, based on some quasi-narcissistic delusion that you have way more desirable things to offer that kind of relationship than you actually do or are in any way willing to.

    You're like the burger flipper who's too lazy to go to college, attending the Occupy rallies whining that he "deserves" $30.00 per hour because in his own cloistered little world, he's "so freakin' awesome'

    Translation - you haven't been able to get a date in 30 years and are now pretending it's by "choice".

    American society is just fine, just because you're to apathetic to care about anything doesn't mean society is the problem for not conforming to your selfish and lazy pleads - it's you who's the problem and needs to change. Nothing you're asking for has anything to do with men's "rights" or equal treatment of law - it's basically crying for "affirmative action" for guys who can't get a date.

    It's not conformity when it's scientific fact - the rules governing human attraction and interacting are hardwired into biology, so denying it isn't any different than denying evolution.

    Your ideas are as silly as the postulation that men could just be "conditioned" into preferring angry, hairy feminists over charming and attractive women - it's bull(*)(*)(*)(*), and just an excuse for people to justify not self-improving and pretending that mediocre and undesirable behaviors are a form of "individuality", when they're not individualistic or creative in any way imaginable.

    But much like drug addicts who deny they have a problem, truth won't be enough to convince those determined to tell the same lies to themselves over and over.

    Bigotry's perfectly fine if it's based on evidence anyway - just like most people are "bigoted" against pedophiles and wouldn't allow one to babysit their kids, even if in theory not all pedophiles actually act on their impulses and molest children. Posting whiny screeds about women based on a 3rd-grader's understanding of biology and gender behavior isn't a far-cry from a member of Stormfront crying about "bigotry toward whites" (immediately after going on a tirade about blacks and hispanics being "mud people") and such idiocy deserves no tolerance, just ostraation.
  12. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Thank you for the post. You are providing a most wonderful education for me.

    And for my friends and their children as well.
  13. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Women seem wicked when you're unwanted-Jim Morrison-The Doors-"People are Strange"

    That line reminds me of some of the guys in the men's rights movement-lol

    I don't have a problem with women. I have a problem with quacks, and feminists are quacks for the most part.

    For the most part, Feminist theories are either based on no science at all or on bogus science.

    As an egalitarean I support feminist theories when they have merit, which is rarely, and also, as an egalitarean, I support men's rights avtivists when their arguments have merit, which is much more often.

    I've chosen not to get married because marriage is a really bad bet. The odds are so great, in a bad way, and the consequences so severe, I don't know why any man would take a chance on marriage...

    I'm sticking with good bets. For example, the odds of boston winning the NBA championship were 150:1, bet 100.00$ and possibly win 15,000.00$ that's a good bet! The odds of Arizona winning the superbowl next year 12:1. That's another good bet. The odds of a marriage ending in divorce 1:2. That's a really bad bet!
  14. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    I'm totally down with men's "rights" - as in issues related to child support, et cetera

    I'm not down with "men's affirmative action" however, which is what modern feminist groups, as well as a lot of these MGTOW people are about.

    A lot of them are basically the equivalent of the obese unshaven feminists crying "fat persecution".

    I agree with this for the most part - if you're talking legal issues, not just perpetuating the idea of victimhood.

    I'm not big on the legal institution of marriage myself.

    Agree here too, I personally don't like human relationships being controlled by the state.
  15. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Most likely not, most likely you'll just return to some hellhole website like "" where you'll have your own digital echochamber to help foster a persecution complex.

    The point of bringing up relationship issues is either A. to actually resolve the problem or B. just to whine and seek pity from strangers without wanting to actually do any work to solve the problem.

    In your case it seems to be B. - since rather than do what people looking to make a positive change do and improve their behavior (such as a man choosing to stop putting up with disrespect in a relationship just hoping for a mercy f-), you want to just sit and whine about "teh evil wimmins!" like a 5th grader who still hasn't discovered women don't have cooties - rather than actually take responsibility where it's due for allowing said disrespect to continue.

    And if you expect to have sympathy from most men, you won't because you're doing far more just to portray all men as whiners and weaklings who let women walk all over them than you are to actually highlight legitimate concerns and seek improvement.

    What children?
  16. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I've shown your post to a friend of mine and he his printing them out to show to his family and are using you as a great example of how people can use dishonest tricks and tactics against a person, and how that your statements are actually libel and slander and that you can actually be sued and maybe even put in jail for your dishonesty and defamation of character.

    he's a lawyer, and he's teaching his children how to use the law.

    Unlike other lawyers, he values honesty and character. he has had more than twenty years of experience in dealing with jerks like you.

    And knows quite a lot about the dishonest tactics people like to resort to when they can't use things like honesty and decency because he deals with them a lot in court.

    So He and Ireally appreciate your posts. they are a real education in dishonestry.

    And i am not being argumentative like you are, but i'm sure you are so considtioned that you will not be able to tell the difference and just keep on being as disruptive as you can and will not even be able to tell the difference in what you are doing.

    So we both thank you for a very powerful education and lesson for his children.

    Thank you.
  17. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Welp Stormfront members likewise scour the internet for any racist statement by blacks or Hispanics to justify their white supremacist views as well...

    People determined to believe something will go out of their way to find propaganda to help reenforce their echo chamber, no matter how absurd the belief is - what else is new?

    Good luck with that. You've made plenty of slander yourself, such as:

    I'm a "liberal"

    I've never read the Bible


    Obviously not if he pals around with a guy as unrepentant hypocritical and pathologically narcissistic as you; I mean he's obvously aware you employ the same rhetorical tactics you berate others for doing, but chooses to ignore it to suit his agenda

    Case in point - all you've done is post lies and absurd claims as well as false generalizations and outright hypocrisy, then when confronted you twist it to suit your victimhood mindset. When you can't refute anything someone says, you just derail and use it to prove some point about "persecution" - which isn't far off from tactics used by young earth creationists and the like; they can't defend their pseudo science so instead they just play the "Christians are persecuted/censored" card

    You're not censored since people on 4chan and Reddit say the same stuff as you every day without reprecussion - and as of right now I don't see any radical feminists posting on this forum - but i see you posting a lot of eerily similar rhetoric, just with the delusion that "it's different" because the sexes are reversed - I think it's really you who has bad vagina envy
  18. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    You really can't help yourself can you?

    You really can't seem to understand that i see through your bs and consider a very unethical and argumentative kind of guy?

    The only people you are saying this bs for are those in your group.

    intelligent people understand and see through your unethical behavior and that all you're doing is being argumentative because you're thinkign with the wrong head.

    You thinky ou're a knioight in shinign armor.

    You're not.

    We see you for what you are, but you really can't help yourself.

    all i wanted was a serious discussion about a double standard among women. But all I ever get from manginas and women is "you're hateful" or "you're just whining about women".

    Well, congratulation, you are absolutely right. I've come to hate you ebcause all you're doing is lieing and pulling (*)(*)(*)(*) out of your ass. I've come to hate anybody who is like you, who thinks it's okay to say anything to shut down open and honest discussion ebcause you think women are so special that they are better than all men, and you want to get laid. That's the very textbook definition of a Mangina.

    Good job, you've really exposed me as a hater of unethical and argumentative behavior that accomplishes nothing but interrupts and disrupts civil discourse.

    You really just can not help yourself and you can not understand why what you do is just not any real sense of morality, decency, or ethical discussion. You can only lie, and personal attack people who do not agree with you and threaten your access to that golden magical part that women have.

    Welcome to ignore.

    Miketo likes this.
  19. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    Men; their rights and nothing more.
    Women; their rights and nothing less.
  20. fifthofnovember

    fifthofnovember Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    Could you explain? Do you mean that's the way it is, or the way it should be?
  21. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    No war, know peace.

    No peace, know war.






    How it starts deep and ends high, how it rises into three increasing crescendos and breaks with a command of battle.

  22. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    The exact quote is; "The true republic: men, their rights and nothing more: women, their rights and nothing less.” - Susan B. Anthony. It's the way things need to be. Equal rights, nothing more.
  23. fifthofnovember

    fifthofnovember Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    Ah, ok, the way things "need to be". So men can have no more than what is established as "their rights", but women have no upper limit, only a floor. Yeah, sounds fair. And totally "equal". That's typical radical feminism for you, their "equal rights" are always just a little bit more equal.
  24. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    That would be your opinion. Already, you took the quote out of context. What part of "nothing less" don't you understand? Equality only has one definition unless you want to be figuratively speaking. There is no such thing as "more equal". If you want to believe in the personification of "radical feminism" go right ahead. They all meet once a month in a hidden room located somewhere in the Black Hills of South Dakota where they plot out their nefarious schemes to take over the world. I'll keep you posted on what's happening next month.
  25. fifthofnovember

    fifthofnovember Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    What part of "that statement puts an upper limit on men (no more), but only a bare minimum for women(nothing less) " don't you understand?

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