Muscovy is the faster Islamizated country in Eurasia , already entire its religions lives under Islamic - Sharia laws . gay- hunts, female castration, new Muslim institution , are daily reality in Putin´s Muscovy. many experts say that the next czar of Muscovy will be a Muslim (Kadyrov) my question, what do you think about Kadyrov chances ? my guess he has 90% .... The Islamization of Chechnya - View from the Right Översätt den här sidan 10 apr. 2011 - I had no idea that Chechnya had gone in such a radical Islamic direction. ... A key aspect of Kadyrov's drive towards sharia has been forcing women to ... At the same time, it is necessary that Moscow ensure that UN Special ... Who owns women's bodies in Dagestan? | openDemocracy Översätt den här sidan 16 sep. 2016 - A recent scandal over female genital mutilation reveals how, for Russia's Muslims, “universal values” are just another instrument of a repressive ... Curtailing 'Depravity' in Dagestan With FGM? | Human Rights Watch Översätt den här sidan 22 aug. 2016 - The good news is that, according to him, there is a simple fix: just subject them all to female genital mutilation (FGM) and they'll retire to their ...
Muscovy?? We call it "Moscow" in English. Forum protocol and all that. Slightly surprised that the Russians, who really are a xenophobic lot, put up with Muslim advancement. You'd think Vlad The Impaler would have something to say about that.
Well, I guess I am to be your voice of reason for tonight. In Islam exists a holyday, simiral to the orthodox Easter - day of a big celebration, after a long fasting. Muslims on that day begin it with a 30-60 minutes long pray half or so hour after the sunrise, it is one day when segment of street mext to a cathedral mosque in Moscow is clear of traffic for muslims to pray there - many come to capital for this celebration - after which they go homes to families, friends et cetera, and city life returns to normal. This is an important holyday for muslim community, which is almost a 10% of Federation's population, and for one hour of one day in a year they have right to go in certain places in cities to pray. This is hardly an 'advancement'. Just a religious tolerance of multicultural, multireligious, multinational state, that is such due to historically formed borders. Ramzan Kadyrov, president of Chechen republic whithin Russian Fderation does indeed argues for Sharia law, and polygamy and such - he has right to express his opinions, and opinions of people of Chechen republic. Never the less, despite his continuous efforts, still his lawprojects are rejected by Federational Council. Have a good time reading, stay critical and sceptical, and have a good evening.
its a myth a Muscovite propaganda, he pays war - contribution to muslims (chechens), a they have much more power then Vova Putler or KGB , are what is left from red army
Also, don't bother correcting him. He is from politically active belarusians, it cringes him to write or say 'Russian Federation'. It's like vampire trying to eat garlic.
"Muscovy" appears to be some ancient republic centered around Moscow which ceased to exist about 500 years ago. It certainly isn't a country - my geography is a bit ropey but I think I'd have heard of it. I'm probably in the 99.99% of forum members who'd never heard of it and would assume it to be a reference to Moscow. Not sure what is achieved by invoking these ghosts of Russia Past.
Actually, it was a knyajestvo (princedom/duchy), one a many fedualish states that existed in the Rus, fighting for power, until eventually one of them achieved, through force and dynasty claims the domination over the rest. Happening almost right after fall of Byzantium it allowed to use the already common at that time in Rus Orthodox faith to cement the rule of grand knyaz of Muscovy and all of Rus, through adoption of changed byzantine absolete monarchy, with idea of ruler - tscar in that case (formed from latin 'caesar' in greek pronontiation) being a second after the God, His Viceroy on Earth, and a lawful ruler of all humans. On one hand, it played to unification of Rus in a single state, on the other... In time it created a very rigid system, that from time to time was abused by rulers, was reluctant to reform, and, regretfully, ended in revolution and a violent civil war among several factions after monarchy's downfall. Not insisting on anything, just gave a small historical note, on what exactly Muscovy was. But, well... Considering that capital of Russian Federation located on Moscow - city that served as capital of RSFSR and USSR, and before in medieval age and Renessaince was a capital of Rus - it gives people an opportunity to mock modern Russians, especially if these people are from Eastern Europe. The things that were happening here, dynastical ties, figth for power going for centuries, mutual scores with one or other country comitting some sort of slaughter or grabbing some land, betrayals, sudden alliances, invasions, downfalls and resurrections... Compared to history of this part of the world tha 'Song of Ice and Fire' is a meek children's tale. ^^' And some people like recalling the old offences, trying to compete who have hurt whom more. It only gets more confusing after the Russian Empire fell apart in various states, then victory of communists in the civil war and reformation of imperial lands in few republics and one federation, then formation of Soviet Union out of them, then addition of other republics formed in Middle Asia, then reshuffling of land and administrations between republics inside the Soviet Union, then the reformation of Soviet Union in unitary state in 1977, then a sudden 'Parade of Sovereignties' in 1989-1991 when every soviet state - and I mean every, including RSFSR in 1990 - proclaimed sovereignity from Soviet Union, the coup in 1991, Dissolution of the Union, reformation in Democratic states... ...of ~some~ of the states, that proclaimed sovereignity - while others been made part of Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Tadjikistan... Basically, a lot of historically formed borders been made obsolete after beginning of XX century, and trying to reinstall them, or draw new, after the dissolution of Union, turned out to be much harder, than most of people throught. Economy, territorial claims, families torn apart by suddenly being living in two, three, four various sovereign countries with borders between them... It's a mess. For some people it's easier to just blame mess on us, considering we got the majority of the landmass and seat of Union in United Nations council. But along with that we got the constant assotiation with the Union - being expected to be responsible for decidions of soviet administration, that we stepped against in 1990, or being responsible for actions of monarchy, overthrown literally a century and 23 days ago. Even if our government barely has any remnants from the soviet administration - just as do governments of most of post-soviet republics - and basically bears no responsibility for whoever is a president in Estonia, Belarus, Kazakhstan or Poland, or what they do/been doing. It's just easy to blame us, because we already are, at the moment, under pressure from media and foreign governments, so why not blame us for unpleasing politics or inner tensions.
Yeah I try to ignore most of Litwin's obvious provocations that would most likely be labeled racist were it anywhere else in the world. I will say he does bring up interesting posts from time to time that look at things from a completely different view (sometimes!). While I never come to an idea with just one source alone, it is good to take even from the crazies before you come to a conclusion. Good history lesson though, thanks! That area of the world being so close to, or even part of the Great Steppe, made it a perfect "conquering ground" throughout most of history for many different groups from the Scythian to the Avars to the Mongols.
Well I wondered why kadyrov smiledcso much in pics with him and Putin, where Putin seemed like he lost best friend!
this is the expertise of the most famous expert on this subject "Kiev Rus has nothing to do with "Russia" , with other words Muscovy has nothing to do with "rus´" ("Russia" in English people language) and "Thus, the Russia (Kiev Rus´) of the Normans completely disappears from the stage,...terrible apparition of Genghis Khan. The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy."
"Ramzan Kadyrov, president of Chechen republic whithin Russian Fderation does indeed argues for Sharia law, and polygamy" lies . lies and propaganda i can easy revile all your lies here, just with 1 post , bet? ps i forgot to mention pedophile (sharia too) which is legal in Muscovy
how a form of government (in case of Muscovy Mongolian one, with a man -God on the Top, great khan, or the other Mongolian form czar) could possible be labeled as - racist ? helmet of Ivan IV the terrible etc.
its a well know story, Kadyrov killed Putin a pederast in a famous interview, KGB gave a signal (framing him) that he could kill Netsov , what he did in 10 meter from Kremlin walls , everyone blames Putin for this killing, Putin put Kadyrov in cold. the second where, Kadyrov demand from Kremlin kleptocracy more, and more money , Putin is simply scared of this Chechen war -lord . i post here video which ´ll shock you, and olgino will not give any answer about named facts , use youtube subtitles :
after they have committed at least 3 Holocaust style genocides to my people? back on topic , any comment?