You have to re-define "collapse" to make that a true statement. The Windsor Tower was devastated but it did not collapse. It is still standing in the picture you posted.
Okay, whatever you say. It looks like they are still standing to me and it does not look like they are encased in concrete.
Windsor tower: Fire Damage: Extensive slab collapse above the 17th Floor. The building was totally destroyed by the fire. Construction Type: Reinforced concrete core with waffle slabs supported by internal RC columns and steel beams, with perimeter steel columns which were unprotected above the 17th Floor level at the time of the fire.
That's right susieq, it didn't happen, because it is impossible. NIST claimed the impossible as the official conspiracy theory and got caught lying by a high school physics teacher.
Thanks bro. Twice in an hour and three times in a day is a charm. That's the official conspiracy theory and they're sticking to it.
Sorry reverend,they didn't collapse JUST from fires,so stop being dishonest,or is that expecting too much?
yeah national geo just like the history channel is controlled by the CIA just like all mainstream media is.
Only in that time/space continuum in which a four-legged stool collapses straight down when you break two legs. You posted to the wrong continuum again.