You realise that simply being in possession of a firearm is a gun crime? Actual incidents where a gun is used are extremely rare as are gun deaths. Ps, unlike you I live in the UK and have done for all but 5 of my 55 years. I know what is happening in my country and it is you that needs to educate yourself. This statement is such unadulterated bollocks when you look at the number of firearms deaths in the UK (the worst recent year was 39) and compare it to the tens of thousands of deaths in the US. There is no possible metric where you can say that the UK has much more of a gun problem than the US. Oh, and Jihadwatch is a racist site with zero credibility. Just keep your nonsense to yourself and stop spreading BS about somewhere I'll bet you've never even been to.
If you consider that to be your responsibility then I would urge you to undertake it without using violence to achieve your ends.
None of which even attempts to answer the question as it has been presented to yourself. The question will not cease being asked, until it is actually answered directly by yourself. Once again. Can a private individual in the nation of Scandinavia freely assault a law enforcement officer because they have no desire to be arrested for committing a crime?
Disagreeing with fact does not serve to change what is ultimately fact. If an individual disagrees with the physical premise that fire is hot, does such ultimately protect them from incurring physical burns if they thrust their hand into an open flame?
So what your are saying is I have a right to access your or your parents bank account and transfer that money into my account because I need it to support myself? Do I have that correct?
10K is not rare. Hey the facts are what they are if you don't like that fix your problems at home before tossing stones at someone else's glass.
10k is not the number of shooting incidents as I have already explained to you. Simply being in possession of an unlicensed firearm or even just ammunition is recorded as a gun crime. Last year there were just 33 deaths as a result of gun crime. A rise of 3 over the previous year. That's a 10% increase which sounds nice and scary but 33 fatal incidents in a country of about 65 million people is still extremely rare. Out of a total of 650 homicides in 2019 in the UK 33 gun deaths is a small percentage. Homicides were down from 774 from 2018. You won't get these figures from Jihadwatch who like to use percentage increases because it makes things sound scary but suggesting the UK's gun problems are worse than the US's as you did is pure, unadulterated hogwash. I'm going to be charitable and assume you are simply poorly informed rather than a liar but now you know so there is no excuse for you repeating your claim that the UK's gun problems are worse than Americas.
Get over it you have a major problem with violence in your country and guns are just a part of it, keep your anti-gun attitude over there, you are way out of bounds to speak of anything going on about what's happening here. Clean up your own area before complaining about your perceived stench of what is happening over here. By the way, didn't we once kick your rear ends out of here because of that attitude?
Whatever, there's only so many times I can be bothered to point out that you are talking out of your arse. Btw, it was you who started talking about gun crime in a country you don't live in. Physician heal thyself.
Only the State and local government can levy taxes. Scandinavian Nations do levy high taxes on rich people, but rich people remain rich.
80% or more of gun homicides are committed by people who were not legally permitted to possess firearms at the time they killed. many of the remaining 20% are people who engage in criminal activities or are close associates of criminals, but don't yet have an ADULT criminal record.
Guns are inanimate objects. People commit violence. Maybe it should be the "National Human Violence Memorial.
The obvious question of "so what?" must be asked with regard to the above. What ultimate, meaningful difference, does such actually make? The united states is not part of the Scandinavian nations, therefore what they do has absolutely no relevance to the discussion. Cease discussing the Scandinavian nations as if they were relevant to the ongoing discussion.
Why should prisons be humane, the animals in them where not humane when they committed their crimes, so why should they be treated in a humane manner, prisons are for punishment and should be something no one would ever want to be in, furthermore prisoners should be required to work to pay back the taxpayers for their cost of incarceration and if there is any money left over it should be paid to the victim or the victims family, leaving the prisoner totally broke.