Sununu, as a fiscally-conservative, socially-moderate libertarian, would be swimming against the authoritarian red tide that has swept away the GOP.
The election is 19 months away so who the hell knows where Trump will be landed by then. Sununu would be quite attractive to Independents,moderate Dems and sane Republicans.
Sununu too sane, most likely. The last thing the voters want is a rematch between Trump and Biden in 2024. Only 25% of all Americans want Biden to run again in 2024, 59% do not. It worse among independents only, 16% want Biden to run again, 60% do not. Question 35. As for Trump, 32% of all Americans want him to run again, 57% do not. Independents 24% want Trump to run again 61% don’t. Question 36. But it’s not up to independents or all Americans, it’s 100% up to the two major parties. Today, a rematch is exactly what seems to be in shore. But the shoe is on the other foot this time. Biden is president and he’s had time to peeve independents off at him while Trump remains the most disliked. We’ll see what happens. Maybe Trump ends up in jail by that time, then the democrats can come up with a fresh, young face.
In the current spirit of relentless negativity, petty vendetta, and pervasive antagonism, incumbency inevitably accrues its baggage (that kibitzing media entertainers, free from the exigencies of reality, relentlessly exploit via the sagacity imbued by a liberating impotence in actual governance.) Nevertheless, if the nominative system inflicts its draconian restraints upon the electorate, a reasonable expectation is Groundhog Day, November 6, 2024: Biden wins, Trump loses, and Trump denies the democratic will. Past is preludicrous. "If you don't like the garlic/chipotle/wasabi, you can have the potato/tofu/matzo!"
'We’re going first whether they like it or not,’ NH Governor Sununu on retaining first-in-the nation presidential primary in 2024' By Tonya Alanez Globe Staff,Updated March 22, 2023, 2 hours ago "At the forum, Sununu said he responded to the vote with a letter to the DNC that was “cordial but firm and snarky with a little bit of New England sarcasm thrown in there” saying the DNC was “crazy” and to go “pound sand.” A little bit later, Sununu added: “I dare you come, come and take it.” Snip: "But barely 15 percent of South Carolina voters participate compared with 50 percent of New Hampshire voters, Sununu said. “That’s hypocrisy at its worst,” Sununu said, adding that the Democratic delegation in New Hampshire “is totally with me.” “It will be really interesting to see how it plays out,” Sununu said. “But we’re going first whether they like it or not. Come and enjoy the show. It’s going to be a circus. It’s the funnest circus in town. It’s great.” cont
When picking a VP candidate, you are looking to fill some gap, perceived or real, to either reassure the voters that between the two candidates you have either a coverage of issues, a reach to other parts of the party, experience levels, or sometimes, simply geography. It's not geography, South Carolina is in no danger of going to the Dems, it's not experience, since every possible mentioned candidate has that, and it's not reaching out to other parts of the party since the part she represents, the neo-con faction of the Republican Party, "Every war Everywhere All at Once," is a fast shrinking in the GOP and in a few years will probably be a sole Democratic faction. So what does she add? Nothing.
Lookie lookie. Nikki's desperation to make headlines after this weeks failed abortion speech . Such a power hungry despicable opportunist. Nikki's gurgling at the bottom of Boeboe and Gangreene's swamp trying to get her numbers up. 'Nikki Haley: Biden will likely die within five years' "With recent polls showing voter concern over Biden's age, Republicans are divided about whether it should be a line of attack as the 2024 race heats up." "Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said Wednesday that President Joe Biden, 80, will likely die within five years and that his supporters would have to count on Vice President Kamala Harris if he were to win re-election next year. “He announced that he’s running again in 2024, and I think that we can all be very clear and say with a matter of fact that if you vote for Joe Biden you really are counting on a President Harris, because the idea that he would make it until 86 years old is not something that I think is likely,” Haley, 51, said in an interview on Fox News." cont:
Don Lemon got reprimanded by CNN and brutally slammed on all media platforms for saying Nikki Haley isn't in her prime. And this desperate wannabe says due to Biden's age he'll be dead in 5 years.
The irony is that Haley or Sununu or Christie or Scott or Hutchinson (or several others) would have a better chance of defeating Biden that anyone who could win the Republican nomination. (More folks are motivated to vote against rather than for these days.) Support for reproductive freedom is also driving many to the polls. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, in 2020 (when Americans had had 4 years of him) by over 7 million. He was the first POTUS since Hoover to lose his party the House, Senate, and Presidency in a single term, and then he reached out from beyond the political grave to cost Republicans heavily in 2022. His inciting a goon attack on Congress because he couldn't handle the electorate rejecting him, as well his multiple, diverse legal problems, can only reenforce the repeatedly-confirmed public verdict on him. He persists in his inability to accept the will of the People confirmed by all 50 states. The unpopular, aged, alleged rapist remains, consistently, less popular than the unpopular aged President. Meanwhile, DeDoRunRon is being manhandled by a mouse in the starting gate. November 5, 2024 is looking more and more like Groundhog Day.
Nikki Haley: Not 'honest' to pledge federal abortion ban The GOP presidential candidate declined to endorse a federal abortion ban Sunday, saying it's not politically possible to pass such a ban through Congress. 'I'm not going to lie to the American people' »
I like what you posted here. Problem is 60% republican don’t accept anything you wrote. They think Tim or Asa or Sununu is a RINO. They don’t believe Trump lost any thing. Even in 2016 , they think Trump won popular vote and the 3 million vote are all undocumented immigrant. 70% GOP think Democrats stole the election in 2020. If you believe you didn’t lose election, why would you find another candidate?
The fantasists reject the certified votes of 50 states - often after investigations, audits, recounts and dozens of failed court challenges - that delivered a victory over a loser who had been accorded majoritarian disapproval throughout his four years in office. In the 2 1/2 years that have followed, no evidence of their unprecedented theft of an inexplicable "Landslide!" has been contrived, no legal or legislative challenges mounted, no election thief identified, Not a single collaborator in the necessarily vast network of complicit criminals has been exposed or confessed. Given the weird worships infinite capacity for self-delusion, they might as well be celebrating their leader's third term already (in which E. Jean Carroll will be executed for having violently deflowered Donald Trump.) The RINOs of Trumpery are an alien species that invaded the GOP in 2016. That they would claim dominion over party traditionalists with a history dating back to 1854 demands hubris supercharged by ignorance.
Missy Nikki trying to be relevant with a "much ado about nothing" on Meatball Musso's leap into the real world which will be a rude aWAKEning . 'Haley says she'd sign abortion ban, but more Republicans are needed in Congress' The Hill 'GOP presidential candidate and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley said Wednesday she would sign a federal abortion ban into law if she were president, but she dismissed the possibility of such a ban materializing, notin g it was unlikely to get the necessary 60 votes to pass the Senate. Haley’s comments are the clearest answer she has provided about her abortion position since she launched her campaign in February, becoming the only woman in the primary field so far. “No one has been honest” about how difficult a ban would be to achieve, Haley said at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., on Wednesday, The Associated Press reported. “It would take a majority of the House, 60 senators and a president to sign it,” she said. “We haven’t had 60 Republican senators in 100 years.” Read more:
Give me a break! If Sununu got the Republican nomination, you would start demonizing him just like you would any other Republican.