Pelosi Says Media Should Do Better Job Selling Dem Agenda

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Bluesguy, Oct 13, 2021.

  1. Hollyhood

    Hollyhood Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 9, 2020
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    For the vast majority of my life, the press has never fully informed the public of every detail in a piece of legislation. Each side emphasizes certain portions of bills that appeal to their base, and that is the crux of Pelosi's statement. It's well known already that Pelosi and the Democrats are trying to push the media to focus on aspects of the bill that appeal to a wide range of voters while glossing over the controversial aspects. It's also well-known that the Biden Administration and Democrat Party in general is frustrated that the media is focusing on the taxation aspect of the bill.

    Also, I want a citation for that Poll cause the ignorance of voters when it comes to details of legislation is exactly the point Republicans have been making for years. Even though people are ignorant of those details, they will still demonstrate support based on external bias.

    Anyway, I honestly don't care if the Democrats think the media isn't doing their job. If the media was doing their job, the Hunter Biden scandal would be the one of biggest stories in the country, so I find the whole notion unbelievable. She wants the media to pump up the bill, because Biden is incapable of performing his duties. He can't sell it. Pelosi can't sell it. So the Democrats want the media to do their job.
    glitch likes this.
  2. DEFinning

    DEFinning Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 25, 2020
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    Non sequitur. No one ever suggested anything of the sort. As you are already trying to misrepresent the point, by talking about, "every detail in a piece of legislation," this bodes poorly for your actually making a valid point, later in your post. The standard that we are talking about is just having a basic sense of the bill's contents, since a majority have no idea at all.

    I would love to have you explain how you know that this is, "well-known," for starters. But, secondly, if it were true, there would be no Democratic frustration, because what I have heard from numerous sources, about polls on this legislation (so would think was fairly well-known), is that the tax part of it

    It seems clear to me that you don't really know about that which you are speaking. Just making it up, as you go? BTW, I see that my prediction about your post's degree of promise, was accurate, as you ended up talking about Hunter Biden.
  3. Hollyhood

    Hollyhood Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Everyone on the site exaggerates from time to time. This is not one of those times. When media members and politicians of a party is calling for unvaccinated people to lose their freedoms, economic opportunities (jobs), and life, then it's enforced. This is a video of Don Lemon saying unvaccinated people should not be allowed into grocery stores, and Murder Cuomo's brother agreeing.

    There are people being denied life-saving transplants despite having a private donor lined up. Thirty year-old woman denied a transplant cause she isn't vaccinated? It isn't even an exaggeration to call these notions Nazism, Communism and Marxism. What else would I call it?—heres-what-to-know/ar-AAPqFGj

    As far as the election fraud claims, you need to learn the difference between a statement of fact and opinion. It is Trump's opinion that the election results are fraudulent. So what? You had Democrat observers write affidavits in which they claimed the process was unfair cause they were barred from monitoring poll workers. I've worked on elections. I know election fraud happens. You're not going to convince that voter fraud doesn't happen in elections, because there are tons of examples that shouldn't be trivialized. Campaign workers have been caught. And you might say "oh that's just a dozen or hundred and they caught it". There's an old saying for shopkeepers that catch employees stealing for the first time. It's not the first time they've stolen; it's only the first time you caught them.

    Exaggerations and untruths. Who cares? Politicians exaggerate and lie. I don't condone it. But the fact is that the Democrat media is claiming first amendment rights to free press, and have established themselves as supposed 'authoritative journalistic' entities. At this point, I don't pretend a story is credible until I've verified through primary source documents. None of them even meet professional standards. Not even Fox News. All these media entities have too close a relationship with corporate and government entities. If CNN starts criticizing China, their conglomerate (Warner Brothers and Turner Sports) loses billions in international sales. This is a much bigger issue than Trump.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  4. Big Richard

    Big Richard Banned

    Feb 20, 2021
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    Well at least we got til post #7 til the first Orangeman bad.

    Piglouseys comments shows just how the Dems take the msm support for granted. She didn’t even have to work the room, just tell the media get going, go sell this for us.
    And some here will tell you the msm isn’t biased.
  5. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    "For the love of God, Democrats like George Bush. Why? How? He literally lied us into a war, and we've come to accept that he (we) were wrong. There's no clearer example that Democrats have completely lost their moral compass."

    what? Bush was and is a Republican
  6. Across the pond

    Across the pond Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2021
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    It is one of those times. It might feel good making your point stronger but that's not what the word "enforced" means.

    Did you read your own article? It explains that unvaccinated transplant patients are at much greater risk of dying from Covid. So the hospitals are trying to protect patients by this stance.

    "This election was stolen" is a statement of fact. "I believe this election was stolen" is expressing an opinion. Which does Trump say?

    Yes election fraud happens, but all the research suggests it is extremely rare. Has anything Trump claimed regarding fraud held up in court? I don't think so.

    Who cares? In this dangerous situation which Trump continues to inflame, you should care very much.
  7. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Both parties wish the media would sell their agenda. Every time Trump opened his mouth he whined about the same, and called them "fake" because he wasn't happy with them.

    The argument has been that the media works for the Dems, but based on Pelosi's comments that is not accurate.
  8. balancing act

    balancing act Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2020
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    You are trying to make a big deal out of nothing. You have intentionally mis-characterized the exchange.
    This and many other instances like this are examples of why the base of voters for Trump and the Republicans is not expanding, but shrinking.
    These types of things turn off the independent voters.
    But, you did excite the homies!
  9. Across the pond

    Across the pond Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2021
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    I honestly don't think it helps to accuse people of intentionally mischaracterising things. Since both sides accuse the other of doing it regularly, either the site is FILLED with liars, or else there is a very large partisan divide (and probably also too many people not thinking clearly). I think the latter is the more likely explanation.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  10. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    It is telling that the democrats assume a media bias, and this time are disappointed. The democrats and the Zionist 911 W "Biden republicans" have watched the entire media lie its rear off for decades, but the last two decades showed a profound all encompassing "cancel culture."

    Pat Buchanan was the first cancel culture victim for calling W's Iraq invasion "Israel's war."

    Why couldn't Fox News notice we had a man as "First Lady" for 8 years.

    Why can't they ask

    Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other?

    Greg gutfeld had that question put to him multiple times, first when he was a featured writer for, yup, huffington post.....

    None of the media is at all curious as to how many have died from the murderous fraud vax, last reported by CDC in mid July at 11,900 Americans dead plus over 1k fetus dead. Since then, total censorship. Real America's voice said yesterday it is 50k dead, the "safe and effective" fraud vax.... Which does not even actually vaccinate if you believe the bogus fraud test....
  11. balancing act

    balancing act Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2020
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    You're probably right. It probably doesn't move the needle at all, but that isn't my intention. I don't like bs, and sometimes I call it out. I think "liars" is a little too strong. There is definitely a large partisan divide, but more of the moderates are being pushed away from the exaggerations. I think people want to see and hear that which supports their existing opinions. Also, most people like to appear as if they know something no one else does, and they can be the one to inform others.
    Thanks for your advice! I'm kind of "call it like I see it" guy. Probably could use lessons on tact, though! lol
  12. Hollyhood

    Hollyhood Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 9, 2020
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    It's enforced. Federal policy mandates businesses of over 100 people to require vaccinations. It's enforced cause a company will get fined if they do not adhere to the rules. The very definition of 'mandate' is authoritative command or instruction. To mandate something is to enforce it. I wouldn't be surprised if enforce came up as a synonym for mandated.

    How is it that it is unsafe for a thirty year-old to receive a transplant from a private donor, but it is safe for a 65 year-old to receive a transplant? The risks are significantly higher for the latter regardless of Covid-19. The hospital says it "will not perform transplants on unvaccinated patients in most cases", and therefore, it prefers vaccinated patients live despite there only being a small risk of any patient dying from Covid-19. There is no justification for putting a >65 year-old vaccinated patient over a <65 patient. It cannot be medically justified.

    Sure. That's a statement of fact in a closed context, but what does it mean for an election to be "stolen"? One could make a case that the ejection of observers makes the process presumptively fraudulent because the legislative and judicial inclusion of observers was based upon the assumption that an election cannot be fair unless people can observe the process.

    Research has not demonstrated that it is extremely rare. The stats aren't significant, because there hasn't been a significant effort to investigate. Like I mentioned about some of these poll workers that were caught with dozens and hundreds of ballots, the assumption that these people have finally been caught engaging in the does not preclude the likelihood that they've been doing it many times in the past. A guy you catch cutting phony checks has probably done it in the past. Even if there was an insignificant number of check frauds, we wouldn't simply stop the investigation, and we certainly wouldn't pretend like there isn't a massive amount of check fraud occurring. That essentially boils down the issue cause significant resources weren't placed into check fraud investigations until someone discovered that it's happening, and the same person keeps getting away with it over-and-over.

    I think you're the danger. I don't see Trump as a dangerous force. Democrats were the ones that instigated all the hostility and violence in 2020. We can go all the way to back to 2016 when Democrat media members were praising one of their supporters for bum-rushing Trump during the campaign trail. You guys placed wiretap on a political opponent. based on fraudulent information provided by the Clinton Campaign. You got a President that wants to prosecute parents for express their first amendment rights at school board meetings. Don't tell me they're the dangerous ones when BLM and Antifa are burning down commercial and government building across the United States. When the entire Democrat party condemns BLM and Antifa for their terrorist acts, I'll start caring about the few instances where Trump might have gone over the line. Over 70% of mass murders in this country are happening by people that normally vote Democrat in areas that are swing or solidly blue. The radical Republican is more a rarity or myth while the violent Democrat is pretty much the rule. And Democrats inflame the situation every single day with constant false information and narratives.
  13. Across the pond

    Across the pond Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2021
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    Well I'm British, so tact is my middle name. I totally agree on BS, and I know very well the feeling that someone else must be deliberately obfuscating to bolster their position. But for me the lesson is that people process facts and feelings incredibly differently from each other. When you encounter someone so different from you it's very tempting to think they can't be genuine; but my impression here, when you cut through the BS, is that more often than not people are. Of course, I might be wrong. As a Brit, I'm legally obliged to hedge my position.
    Hollyhood likes this.
  14. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    This is what RNC would want the media to show. Kimberly Klascik who posted the pic was a GOP candidate who lost her race.

    The only problem is that the picture was obviously not taken in US (unless we changed our currency to UK Sterling overnight).

    And they wonder why the media won't carry their water

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  15. Hollyhood

    Hollyhood Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Yeah cause she's whining that they won't help her more than they already do. They censor Donald Trump and Republicans. They put out favorable stories for Democrats and hide scandals like the Hunter-Joe Biden bribery scandal. What more does she want from them? They're basically censoring a major story that strongly suggests that Pelosi and her husband engaged in insider trading. She should stop whining, and start thanking those people for not doing their job.

    Every time a Democrat opens their mouth they whine about Trump, and 99% of the time their allegations are completely false and insanely over-exaggerated. The liberal media disseminates fake news, and so does the Conservative media. But you guys brought it to a whole other level.

    Conversation with Democrats about Trump and Cuomo
    "OMG... Cuomo days Trump didn't send masks to NY. He's Hitler.

    Wait a second... Cuomo did have the masks.

    OMG. But DeSantis is not reporting the truth deaths in his state cause his policies are killing people.

    Except he did report those numbers, and Cuomo was defrauding the government with faulty statistics.

    Okay. Let's forget about Democrats lying and defrauding the public, and just agree that Cuomo is a rapist.

    You wanted this guy to President.

    Lalalalalala.,,Trump is a liar.

    Who cares? You were lying to me for two years. You're the liar.
  16. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Really? I ask because I was here the last 4 years, and saw Trump's mug on TV every day, and he obviously LOVED it. No other president got anywhere near as much air-time as him. He was on TV raving against the media, and when he was not on TV, he was on social media raving against social media and the news media.

    That is a weird personal accusation, and I'd like you to back it up. What did I lie to you about for two years? I have to ask, because I opened by profile 2 years ago, but I have been posting for less than a year, and you have been here for less than 6 months. So, the floor is yours.

    Or never mind, your post doesn't make any sense so I dont even know what you are raving about
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  17. Hollyhood

    Hollyhood Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 9, 2020
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    So what? She made a mistake. Some aisles at my local grocery stores are half bare. There's a shortage of beans and rice, and restaurants no longer have it (Chipotle). I had to drive 40 miles just to get a new Xbox. My brother can't get construction materials on time. There's 6-12 week delay. Inflation has happened and it is not transient. I have to wait weeks to get Kosher meat. What's happening in Europe is just a taste of what's coming this winter, and we've predicted it for over year.

    So I'll concede that she's a liar for posting that picture, but so is every loyal Democrat that wants to pretend like we aren't heading for a train-wreck.
  18. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    The wicked witch of the west has spoken. Media must do their bidding better... Histerical....
  19. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    A mistake by pretending to have taken a pic, which she obviously did not take and lying about it being in US.

    Well, that's too bad. No issues here, but I am aware they are having a tough time meeting the demand right now. Lot of container ships waiting to be unloaded and delivered to distributors. I waited 6 months for outboard engines. The issue is global, which means it will take some time to resolve itself.

    That would mean you call people liars unless they agree with your speculation about the future? Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  20. Hollyhood

    Hollyhood Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 9, 2020
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    No other President actually talked to the media. No other President has the fortitude and bravery to let the media bombard them with critical and, many times, unfair questions. You were scared. Democrats have been scared of the media for decades. They simply won't take the opportunity and risk of putting themselves out to the public in a vulnerable manner. Biden hid in his basement. He got air time because he gave the media what they wanted. Clinton and Biden only hoped the people wouldn't get to see how truly horrible human beings they are deep down. Trump took the time cause the media offered it to the major candidates. Don't blame the media cause Democrats are too insecure and insincere. That one wasn't on them.

    That wasn't specifically about you. That's just an example of a summarized conversation that the Democrats that watch mainstream media have been having with Republicans for the last 2 years in regards to Cuomo, Trump and DeSantis.

    You don't know what I've been raving about because Democrats haven't received any real news for the past five years. Almost every Democrat statements is basically "Look what [insert Republican or Trump] did"? The Republicans aren't in power and Trump isn't President. Who cares? Oh but the Republicans are doing it? Yeah cause Biden's President.

    I just love how you guys think you're not being treated fairly by the media even though Democrats are to blame for not seizing the opportunity in 2016. It was offered to Clinton. Now your complaining when you've just received tens (if not hundreds) of billions of dollars in free negative attack ads on 90% of outlets and the censorship of your opponent on social media whilst receiving better promotion for your candidate.
    drluggit likes this.
  21. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    I can't think of a president who did not talk to the press.

    Why on earth would I be scared? You have an odd habit of making these kids of comments which don't make a shred of sense.

    So, they own the media and are scared of it. Another comment which makes zero sense.

    Who is "you guys". I am not a Democrat, but...again.....either they own the media, or they complain about not being treated fairly by the media. Pick one line and run with it, because it can't be both. We all know who whines about the media endlessly, and its usually not Dems.

    I am not complaining about anything.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
    Across the pond likes this.
  22. Hollyhood

    Hollyhood Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Yeah. Or she's lying about it being from America. whatever. I think it's a bit more serious of a lie when you tell people that there isn't a supply chain issue or a consumer goods shortage.

    It's global. But there is aggravating factors due to government policy at ports and during transit, and the US is the driving force for international trade. It's going to take a load of time for it to resolve if we don't start building port facilities and natural gas infrastructure, as well as Federal highway and port policies. That whole oil spill off California could have been avoided if guidelines didn't prolong ships. I was watching the Weather Channel the day it happen, and called it with the anchor dragging and ripping the line. They need to allow companies to mine for materials that we're currently getting overseas. They're literally holding up mines for EV and Green Energy materials. The guy in office is freaking nightmare.

    I call people liars cause they lie. The Federal Chair and then the Democrats when they were in office tried to play it like there wasn't inflation for the last 18 months even though I was seeing inflation at my grocery and home good stores. My brothers construction business was seeing massive inflation in the industry. Everybody I know from New York to California to Florida was feeling it at the grocery store.
  23. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    She's the SPEAKER of the House. If people don't know what's in the bill..... maybe she's not doing her job as SPEAKER of the House?
    Its HER function to announce the business of the House and to get people on board. SHE'S the leader. Not the press.
    drluggit likes this.
  24. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    She is an American politician.
    No one is denying it. Even Biden went on front of the TVs to talk about it, and how he wants to fix it.

    No, it is not a trade issue.

    Actually the opposite is true. The Fed said in Aug 2020 (over a year ago) that inflation was unavoidable after the slump of 2020. Supply side took a massive global beating, and when the economy recovers they would not be able to keep up with the demand. Now there are thousands of container ships waiting to unload and they cant process them fast enough.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  25. Hollyhood

    Hollyhood Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 9, 2020
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    What President gave that many interviews to the Press during a campaign? Almost every morning the guy would call up television and radio station.

    You guys were scared of going on television. You were certainly scared of Fox News. Trump did all of them. Every single one. Didn't matter if he knew they were going to blast him.

    I never said they own the media. I said those organization are essentially Democrat-run. They still have to ask a few tough questions, and that's the reason Democrats were scared. Their candidates didn't have the confidence to go on the shows cause they thought they would gaffe.

    You're just throwing this word "own" out there like I said it. Like they actually own CNN and NYTimes. These are politically friendly organization that gives them a ton of positive news. You're just getting hung up on that notion and it's confusing you. I don't get.

    And I don't have to pick either one. The Democrats can have relationships with media outlets and fear their own performance during interviews. It's not mutually exclusive.

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