Pyongyang Calls on Germany to Scrap Taurus Missile Deliveries to South Korea

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Sobo, Aug 14, 2017.

  1. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    No, not scary, only strange!
    And I am not only in this US forum for it, I am also active in a same sort of German forum.

    But I understand ... it is for you and others somehow impudent when a non US person is facing you with uncomfortable facts and destroys some BS illusions and thoughts and does at least the same as what the US people do to my country here same way ... So it is OK when US people blabber this sort of BS as with the refugee crises and how stupid we Germans are, but if a German faces you how stupid you are by your own and what sort of dumbass is sitting in White House, then it outrages you! Yep ... what was again this freedom of speech please? ;-)
  2. Caligula

    Caligula Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
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    Says who? It's absolutely no problem to criticize Merkel's government in Germany. Well, if you're one of those reading breitbart, gatestoneinstitue, dailycaller, etc then, of course, things are quite different, but then there's very little hope for you anyway.
    Speaking of ridiculous - ever read your own comments regarding everything German?
    And what about those Americans coming to an American dominated forum (like this) ranting about foreign governments yet going completely beserk every time a non-American criticizes Agent Orange? Rather ridiculous, I'd say.
  3. Caligula

    Caligula Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
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    Superiority? Interesting, I’m just using American rhetoric here, have been learning from you folks on this forum and am simply playing the game by your rules here. Funny thing is, when you’re confronted with that, so many seem to be so awfully thin-skinned. In boxing we call that austeilen und einstecken. You folks are extremely good at the first, very bad at the latter. Granted, you don’t know the debates I’ve had in the past, but that’s a different story.
    I know that many yanks take pride in their heritage but I fail to see how that makes one an expert on all things German.

    The comment I first replied to didn’t sound as if you really knew what you were talking about, using these silly pics isn’t particularly intelligent either IMO. Btw, Merkel has been called a Nazi and depicted in SS-uniforms hundreds of times in the Greek media alone (conservative Poles also like to do that at times), do you really think she’s losing sleep over that? Erdogan has been using the Nazi card for months now trying to push his agenda through (giving speeches in Germany, having his ministers taking part in Turkish rallies in Germany, etc.) and hasn’t achieved anything. German government said no (much too late IMO, but better late than never). So, that argument from your first comment doesn’t seem to work.

    I know this kind of argument ‘everybody I’ve met says this and that’. So you know fifty Germans, a hundred, two hundred? They all say basically the same, so it must be representative of 81 million. Really? Doesn’t work like that at all IMO. I can see that personal first-hand experience like that has a certain impact on the way we perceive things and think. Everybody you’ve met told you the same stuff, so those that you’ve met become the German population and they all (81 million) say and think the same. Whether not one German you know is happy with the situation or not cannot be representative in any way. Polls show that around half of German voters are still absolutely ok with Merkel. Social-democratic candidate Schulz had a short high a few months ago but that seems to be over.

    I do agree, however, that the alternatives are not really there. Whether it would be so much worse is rather speculative and I’d like to talk to those comrades you mentioned and see how they would support their point of view. For the record, I don’t support Merkel and I don’t agree with her migration policies from 2015/16, but I’m sure she will win the election in Sep, simply because there is no political heavyweight who could seriously challenge her. Are you familiar with late Roger Willemsen? He once said Merkel hat die Demokratie eingelullt. Unfortunately this also means that we don’t have a serious challenger and all major political parties have partly become interchangeable as they all have moved towards the center to a certain degree (Stichwort Einheitsdemokratie).

    Again, what those people tell you is their opinion and cannot really be representative of 81 million. I have no problem if someone throws a Nazi card at me, I know that person is an idiot and a waste of time, but it happens very rarely anyway. I worked in England a few years ago and had a few ‘Hitler moments’ (very few). I know how to react and the ‘conversations’ were over very quickly. I can see that being part of the German military though might be a somehow different situation. I have no first-hand experience as I’ve never been in the military. Nazi cards don't bother me, nazi jokes amuse me.

    In your first reply you addressed me as a German, now all of a sudden I’m not German, probably because I’m somehow different than the German Bundeswehr folks you’ve met. I don’t fit into that category, thus I can’t be German. Isn’t that awfully simplifying? Vast majority of Germans wouldn’t fit into that Bundeswehr category. The thing seems to be, these are the people you’ve met, hence all Germans are like that. Maybe your American black-or-white, left-or-right, democrat-or-republican, liberal-or-conservative category thinking got in the way. As you probably know the political landscape in Germany is a lot more diverse than that. You shouldn’t be surprised to meet someone from Germany who is not like your comrades from the Bundeswehr. I live in Germany and I’m allowed to vote here and I’m neither ultra-left or a communist nor ultra-right.

    Why are people who would vote Green, social-democratic or maybe liberal (FDP) not worthwhile? Why are they not smart, intelligent, well-educated and efficient workers? At least that’s what I’m reading here.
    Regarding that ‘kissing America’s ass’ – you have a very good point. I’m surprised and even a bit impressed and would agree with you here. I’d love to see US military leaving the continent for good and maybe someday it’ll happen (in a century or two), but that would also mean the US giving up its hegemony and I don’t see the most powerful country on earth doing that. No superpower in history has ever given up its no. 1 spot voluntarily. I’d also love to see less tension between Russia and Germany who, traditionally, have had very good political relations for decades. The current situation is quite disturbing.
  4. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    V1 was closer in concept to cruise missile. V2 was a ballistic missile.
  5. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Tell that to the liberals ;-)
  6. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    You don't know what they were advocating for other than what the propaganda MSM told you. Since the protest was cancelled before it even began, you nor I know who was going to speak or what they would say. Once you go down that road the people in power get to determine what is hate speech. Currently some are saying that if you don't approve of open borders that you hate. Some are saying if you criticize Islam at all that is hate speech. That is why we can't let the 1st Amend be slowly destroyed by hate speech laws.
  7. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Not destroyed, but improved to be able to defend against hate speech law who miss-use, not to say rape the 1st amendment to eliminate the 1st amendment!

    And I know why these righty scum people were there of course and I am not telling that the removal of civil war monuments if showing Confederates like General Robert E. Lee there is Ok, because this is a crime. So it is a shame that this valid protest against this bad issue is raped by the Nazi scum and the righties did allow it with closed eyes!
  8. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Small groups of neo-Nazi's, KKK, and white supremacists took advantage of the situation to get air time. There were hundreds of people there to protest the statue removal and I very much doubt that the vast majority were into those extremist camps.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017
  9. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    The cartoon was meant to be a satire caricature of what many of Germany's detractors try to smear Germany with when they start throwing "Nazi-cards"... nothing else. This tactic works well on simple-minded cattle who fall for the idea that "all Germans are Nazis under the skin", or, that all American Confederate soldiers were monstrous racists, when they were only fighting for states' rights listed in our Constitution. We've all known morons who fit into these categories; the danger to us all is that they are allowed to VOTE....

    Surely most Germans noted sadly the passing of Roger Willemsen last year, a man gifted with wit and keen powers of observation. He saw through Merkel, but I do believe that most Germans do, even though as you tiresomely observe, I don't personally know all eighty-one million Germans.... Today my German friends are all retired, as am I. It would be easy for today's German Millennials to look over at us at the Stammtisch in an old Kneipe somewhere and see nothing but an inconsequential gathering of old farts. So be it. The past, good and bad, is rapidly fading into the background. But, I think that the future of Germany can be very bright, indeed! Perhaps we can agree on that much at least.

    As it is, it's clear that Germany is getting stuck with all of the European Union's problems, so, Germany at least deserves to hold control and veto power over the EU, gell? Try to imagine what would have happened if Hitler hadn't stupidly and senselessly launched Unternehmen Barbarossa against the Soviet Union...? Today, minus all the "race"-hatred angst, Germany can have a new, more useful alliance with the Russian Federation -- to the ultimate benefit of both countries. Putin understands Germany inside-out, as I'm sure you know! He would LOVE to have closer ties with Germany of every kind... primarily economic. Putin has a Ph.D in Economics, and he understands the dynamics and operation of capitalist systems quite well.

    It won't happen while Germany is under Merkel, of course, but eventually, and fairly soon after Merkel is gone, Germany and Russia will have a much closer relationship with each other, in all respects. And then it won't matter what America, Great Britain, or anyone else thinks.
  10. Sobo

    Sobo Banned

    Apr 1, 2017
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    You are wrong.

    I vote AfD. And evryone i know will also vote AfD. In eastern Germany AfD is doing great. In all of Germany it is at 3rd place already.
  11. Baff

    Baff Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Do you seek EU membership for Germany Sobo?

    In the UK, AfD is portrayed as Germany's anti EU party.
  12. Sobo

    Sobo Banned

    Apr 1, 2017
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    The AfD is pro EU and against the €.
    Baff likes this.
  13. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Woah there big guy!

    While I definitely also get frustrated when people/countries don't keep their word it is just the way of the world my friend. Germany and us still have a good relationship in plenty of other areas especially when business comes to mind. Now days the most important area for this is in the private sphere anyways. Their more recent treaty decisions with Crimea and now possibly this just need to teach us that the world itself is changing and we need to be mindful of how we change with it.

    This really is just politics, Japan and all of the neighboring countries are extremely concerned and we should stick to dealing with those nations IMO. Announcements like this with Germany are simply a distraction
  14. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    For those completely unfamiliar with German politics, the "AfD" that Sobo references is, "Alternative für Deutschland". It is described, loosely, as a "Center-Right" Conservative Party... at least, conservative by contemporary European standards. Here's a fairly good look at them:

    But, Sobo, I don't understand why you think that under a German Regierung headed by the AfD, a closer relationship with Russia would be undesirable. Any right-wing-"ish" party in Germany would have quite a few common interests with the Russian Federation today, including closer cooperation in making profitable business arrangements with Asian countries -- primarily China (and its puppet, North Korea).

    All Germany is going to get from the U. S. now is lectures, accusations, and veiled criticisms because of the 80-year old "Nazi" past history. Isn't it funny that Russia, which suffered more at the hands of the Nazi invasion than any other country, does NOT dish out this kind of crap to today's Germany...? :wink:
  15. Baff

    Baff Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    It doesn't?

    I think you find every country does and Russia is by no means an exception.
  16. Sobo

    Sobo Banned

    Apr 1, 2017
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    Im not a fan of russia. I only stand for my nation.
  17. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I, too, believe in Germany. You are the only hope that Western Europe has now. And, the interesting thing is that Russia needs you now. That puts Germany in a real position of power to achieve mutual benefit with the Russians. I hope Germans don't waste this opportunity.... Remember, the idea is not to stop kissing America's ass and to start kissing Russia's ass. NO. The idea is for Germany to be the undisputed ruling authority and greatest power in all of Western Europe. In that role, Russia will respect you, and be eager to form even better relationships with you.

    I understand from my German friends that they must re-elect Merkel at this time. But, when you are finally rid of her, you will be able to achieve far greater things than being a dumping-ground for Africa and the Middle East, and you won't have to be the butt of any more unfair "Nazi" bullshit, either. The 21st-century can be an excellent one for Germany, and I hope it is!

    [​IMG]. Helmut Schmidt, your Chancellor for 8 years. Wehrmacht soldier, and very popular German leader!
  18. zoom_copter66

    zoom_copter66 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Putin has PhD in economics? From where?

    So far I've heard, he is successful businessman? What business did he run/own/operate? During Soviet times? I've asked, so far no one knows, unless skimming $$$$ off gazprom constitutes successful "business"? More like a racket to me.

    He was high up in the inner circle of KGB??? Really, seems more like KGB manager of the Dresden Germany branch of KGB. Fellows like Gordievsky, Kalugin, Mitrokhin, those were big fish within the KGB. No one heard of Putin until after Yeltsin resigned.

    He is a chess master? I haven't seen him play chess at all?

    Speaks many languages? As in? He knows German,yes, and some English, haven't heard any others?

    Perhaps someone can enlighten me?
  19. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    I agree. We should stop all trade and business with the UK, especially England for their underhanded deeds which helped to generation our Revolutionary War. Never trust any nation who did us like that and who still has a queen and royal family.

    We need to stop all business with japan as well for those bastards attacked us and treated American prisoners of war lower than a gaunt stray dog, sucking our precious eggs.

    Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
  20. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    I bet your reasoning would be really popular with high school dropouts.
  21. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    Germany has Muslim no-go-zones and Muslim rape squads, and he points to 200 kooks in costumes out of 330,000,000+ Americans.
    To answer your question, Germany is the Nazi country, though this time it is a particularly cultural suicide Nazism and corporate fascism.
  22. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    Soros bragged that WalMart's policy of having employees smile lead Germans to believe WalMart male employees were flirting with other men, because in Germany men don't smile at other men unless they are homosexuals. He then explained for this reason Germans would not shop at WalMart, because of all the flirty gay men, bragging this ran WalMart out of Germany.That was his claim.

    He has also boasted that Germany is superior to the USA because Germany has a higher percentage of white people.

    Sounds rather Adoph-ish to me.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017
  23. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    The reunification of Germany shows why we should oppose reunification of the two Koreas, including for the sake of Korea. East Germany Nazis and socialists took over the government as a voting block.
  24. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Your fabricated reality in unworthy of reply.
  25. Blücher

    Blücher Active Member

    Sep 8, 2016
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    WalMart just wasn't able to compete against ALDI and LIDL and they didn't had a concept for the German market. I went to a nearby WalMart, I think it was 2001, it was a rather filthy supermarket with unmotivated employees. One visit was enough.

    The non smiling stuff about German men is nonsense. Probably the men in Sobos favourite pub in Thüringen don't smile at each other but that's not characteristic for Germany like the most stuff Sobo is posting here about Germany.
    Mandelus likes this.

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