Ron Paul may run Third party/anouncement tuesday 11/4/12

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by marbro, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    obama is a constant, pathological liar. You just posted another of obama's lies.

    I gave you what Romney SAYS, IN WRITING. That you choose to believe the lies of the most inept, failed president in history, is your failing, not mine. What Romney wants to do HAS been successfully done. 1986, by Reagan, and b.o. doesn't qualify to wash Reagan's jock, The tax code was rewritten, many tax shelters, deductions, and loopholes were eliminated. The RATE for everyone went done. The collections from everyone went UP. I lost my cattle tax shelter and my oil partnership tax shelters, and the result was that I paid thousands more in taxes. Prior to the rewrite, I was paying as low as $1300. on a six figure income. Legally and able to withstand YEARLY IRS audits.

    obama's own hand picked, bi-partisan fiscal commission recommended b.o. do exactly what Romney is proposing.

    When Reagan did it,,,,,,,,,

    Reagan, to start, had a tax code that had ballooned like ours today. He also had a recession that was very bad and diuble digit inflation. I got 18% per year, on a BANK CD back then. That's an insane number today.

    With the ridiculos tax code from 81 to 85, Federal revenue increased 22% in 5 years.
    INCOME tax receipts increased 17% in those 5 years. Federal deficits increased 68.7% in those 5 years.

    Then the tax code was thrown OUT and a new, simple code was written with EVERYONE paying a lower rate. But the deductions, giveaways, shelters, and loopholes were GONE.

    In the next 2 years, Federal revenue INCREASED 23.8%. INCOME TAX receipts increased 20%. And federal deficits DROPPED, 29.8%.

    obama got the recommendation to do exactly this in Dec 2010. He choose to ignore the advice of people much more experienced than him in favor of more and larger govt.

    Now b.o. LIES about what Romney wants.

    He LIES about Medicare. He says Ryan/Romney wants to take away Medicare. WHY? Because the 2012 Federal Budget, PROPOSAL passed by the House had the "voucher" SUGGESTION in it. It is a budget PROPOSAL. The Senate can accept it, parts of it, or none of it, and pass their own budget PROPOSAL. Then they hash out the differences in the 2 PROPOSALS. So how does the Senate 2012 budget PROPOSAL compare with the House PROPOSAL for Fiscal Year 2012?[which ENDS in 18 DAYS] Oh WAIT,,,,,,,,There is no Senate budget PROPOSAL for FY 2012, or for FY 2013 which STARTS in 19 days.

    And Ryan's PROPOSAL will not affect anyone over 45 now. And in case you did not know. When people 45 now reach Medicare age 65. MEDICARE WILL BE BANKRUPT. Is that the Democrat plan, wait till its totally broke and then borrow money from China to keep it going?
  2. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    obama is a constant, pathological liar. You just posted another of obama's lies.

    I gave you what Romney SAYS, IN WRITING. That you choose to believe the lies of the most inept, failed president in history, is your failing, not mine. What Romney wants to do HAS been successfully done. 1986, by Reagan, and b.o. doesn't qualify to wash Reagan's jock, The tax code was rewritten, many tax shelters, deductions, and loopholes were eliminated. The RATE for everyone went down. The collections from everyone went UP. I lost my cattle tax shelter and my oil partnership tax shelters, and the result was that I paid thousands more in taxes. Prior to the rewrite, I was paying as low as $1300. on a six figure income. Legally and able to withstand YEARLY IRS audits.

    obama's own hand picked, bi-partisan fiscal commission recommended b.o. do exactly what Romney is proposing.

    When Reagan did it,,,,,,,,,

    Reagan, to start, had a tax code that had ballooned like ours today. He also had a recession that was very bad and double digit inflation. I got 18% per year, on a BANK CD back then. That's an insane number today.

    With the ridiculous tax code from 81 to 85, Federal revenue increased 22% in 5 years.
    INCOME tax receipts increased 17% in those 5 years. Federal deficits increased 68.7% in those 5 years.

    Then the tax code was thrown OUT and a new, simple code was written with EVERYONE paying a lower rate. But the deductions, giveaways, shelters, and loopholes were GONE.

    In the next 2 years, Federal revenue INCREASED 23.8%. INCOME TAX receipts increased 20%. And federal deficits DROPPED, 29.8%.

    obama got the recommendation to do exactly this in Dec 2010. He choose to ignore the advice of people much more experienced than him in favor of more and larger govt.

    Now b.o. LIES about what Romney wants.

    He LIES about Medicare. He says Ryan/Romney wants to take away Medicare. WHY? Because the 2012 Federal Budget, PROPOSAL passed by the House had the "voucher" SUGGESTION in it. It is a budget PROPOSAL. The Senate can accept it, parts of it, or none of it, and pass their own budget PROPOSAL. Then they hash out the differences in the 2 PROPOSALS. So how does the Senate 2012 budget PROPOSAL compare with the House PROPOSAL for Fiscal Year 2012?[which ENDS in 18 DAYS] Oh WAIT,,,,,,,,There is no Senate budget PROPOSAL for FY 2012, or for FY 2013 which STARTS in 19 days.

    And Ryan's PROPOSAL will not affect anyone over 45 now. And in case you did not know. When people 45 now reach Medicare age 65. MEDICARE WILL BE BANKRUPT. Is that the Democrat plan, wait till its totally broke and then borrow money from China to keep it going?,,
  3. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    If Obama is lying .. then how come none of the media are calling out Obama for lying ? Hint: Because it is true.

    The pathalogical liars are Romney and the GOP.

    They lie so much it is not even funny .. and then turn around and profess their love of God.

    If I was not a fiscal conservative I would laugh since it is such a joke.
  4. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    If Obama is lying .. then how come none of the media are calling out Obama for lying ? Hint: Because it is true.

    The pathalogical liars are Romney and the GOP.

    They lie so much it is not even funny .. and then turn around and profess their love of God.

    If I was not a fiscal conservative I would laugh since it is such a joke.
  5. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    You are obviously a liberal, not a conservative of any type. And the media doesn't say b.o. is a liar because they are in the bag for b.o.
    Look at RIGHT NOW. The US Embassies are under attack all over the middle east. Planned coordinated attacks. And the media wails idiocy about a movie and about Romney criticizing b.o. Romney and a movie ARE NOT THE POINT. Widespread attacks on the USA IS THE POINT. But that HURTS obama's childish foreign policy failure.

    You still haven't shown me anything of Romney actually saying he wants to cuts taxes by even one cent. You continually post lies by obama and the leftist media. That you believe that nonsense is a shame. But you have not and CANNOT show ROMNEY, saying[video or in writing on a Romney site] that Romney wants to cut taxes $500 billion. And the reason you must use leftist liberal media is because Romney never said such a thing.

    All you have to do is show Romney saying it. Not someone else claiming he said that.

    Same as the obama lie that Romney wants to do away with Medicare. They have put forth a PROPOSAL to fix it. Instead of a counter PROPOSAL, the left tells lies. When IN FACT, obama has robbed both Medicare and Social Security. He IS robbing the Social security Trust Fund with his "Payroll Tax Holiday." And he has passed a law, not a proposal, that robs $716 billion from Medicare to pay for obamaTAX. obama claims he has strengthened Medicare by stopping wasteful payments to insurance companies for good care bonuses. That sounds good. WHAT IS IT IN TRUTH?. What b.o. did thru obamaTAX is to cut out Medicare Advantage Plans. These are the plans used by millions upon millions of POOR seniors because they have NO monthly premiums.
    Here's how it all started.
    First there was Medicare.

    Then Medicare with Supplements to cover what Medicare doesn't.

    Then Medicare HMO's that took people OFF the Medicare rolls for a fee from Medicare that MUST be less than what Medicare pays for the average beneficiary in that area. These eliminated the need for a supplement for the poor. [Supplements cost above $200 per month per person in Florida]

    Then came Medicare Advantage Plans, where people could see any Doctor that accepts Medicare. They are not restricted to an HMO. These were the same as HMO's in the required bidding. They had to bid for an amount lower than Medicare spent. Thereby SAVING Medicare money. But the govt decided to WORRY that the senior consumer might need protection from poor service. So they instituted a Bonus Program for MAP's. If they produced good care results, they got a monetary bonus. Driving the cost above the average Medicare expense for the area. [I neglected earlier to say, WHEN A PERSON SIGNS INTO A MAP, THEY ARE NO LONGER COVERED BY MEDICARE. THEIR MEDICAL COSTS ARE BORN BY THE MAP, NOT MEDICARE]. So a money saving program became a cost. So obamaTAX cancels MAP's. To the serious detriment of poor seniors all across the country. It is true, it does save Medicare money. But what happens to the poor that cannot pay their medical expenses. And I mean the near poor, not the impoverished that are on Medicaid. But a poor couple making like $30,000 a year on SS. They each pay $100 per month for Medicare B from their SS check. That's $2400. and then they EACH pay $220 to $250 per month for a Supplement., That's up to $6000. And then they have to pay for their meds or for a Plan D that can easily be another $2000. Total cost to "near" poor seniors, $10,400 of their $30,000 income. NOT A PENNY OF IT DEDUCTIBLE.
  6. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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  7. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    You have no idea what a conservative is .. try reading up on Goldwater (grandfather of conservatism)

    The GOP have run this country into the ground with debt.

    Now we get the so called "business candidate" claiming he is different yet presenting no specifics.

    You can not cut the deficit and maintain current levels of military spending .. It is just not realistically possible.

    Romney claiming that he can is a lie and doing so will add 2 Trillion to the deficit over 10 years = (200 Billion a year)
    Not even the wildly partisan FOX has said anything to counter Obama's claim that Romney's tax cuts will cost 5 Trillion over 10 years. Why ? because it is true.

    Romney is a talking clown .. who can not open up his mouth without saying something stupid.

    Obamacare is "Romneycare" .. same program .. different lable.

    The business candidate (and many of the GOP) seem in complete ignorance that after:

    1) Housing market collapse
    2) Financial system collapse (credit markets frozen)
    3) Stock market crash Dow 14,000 - 6,500
    4) 1.4 Trillion deficit

    The job market is going to suck for many years to come.

    Either Romney is completely ignorant of business and economics .. or he is a disingenuous liar. I think Romney knows a thing or two about business so the latter is true.

    Trying to blame Obama for the statement issued by the Embassy in Cairo .. what a clown.

    Not understanding that a single human cell is not a "baby" = Ignorance of science and logic.

    As Goldwater correctly predicted the religious right is the ruin of the GOP. These are not "real" conservatives but religious wingnuts in persuit of power who want to force their religious beliefs on others by making laws.

    Quotes from Barry:

    You have no idea what conservatism is so quit trying to lable me with terms you are completely ignorant of.
  8. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    He never gets tired of getting his arse handed to him on a platter here constantly everyday .When your paid to get your arse beatings like this though its all good for them.
  9. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    LOL .. It's scary how ignorant and blind that "blind" partisanship makes a person.
  10. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    So you can't find a link to Romney saying he wants to cut taxes by $500 billion. No need for all the cover bullcrap. A simple admission that you are wrong would garner more respect. All the smoke and mirrors gains NO respect at all.
  11. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Like a conspiracy theorist knows anything? You're lost in a world of make believe. And NO ONE has EVER, "handed me my arse on a platter," on the net or otherwise. Many have tried. I'm still laughing at the numbskulls.
  12. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I gave you the links already .. and I told you why I believe them.

    It is a free country dude .. believe what you want.
  13. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    I do severe, in depth research. NOWHERE has Romney said he wants to cut TAXES by $500 billion. NOWHERE. LYING LIBERALS that claim he did say that are just that, lying liberals. Believing them is naive and foolish to a fault.
    You posted NO link to Romney saying, in video, or in writing that he intended to cuts taxes by $500billion. You post to "others" claiming he said such. If he did, WHY can you not find PROOF of what the liars you believe, claim? The WHY? Is simple, because THEY ARE LYING. IF Romney did say he wanted to cut taxes by $500 billion or $100 million. I WOULD ADMIT THAT HE DID. But what he has said is that he intendss to cut SPENDING, not taxes by $500 billion. MAN UP,,,,,,,,,ONCE!
  14. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    I do severe, in depth research. NOWHERE has Romney said he wants to cut TAXES by $500 billion. NOWHERE. LYING LIBERALS that claim he did say that are just that, lying liberals. Believing them is naive and foolish to a fault.
    You posted NO link to Romney saying, in video, or in writing that he intended to cuts taxes by $500billion. You post to "others" claiming he said such. If he did, WHY can you not find PROOF of what the liars you believe, claim? The WHY? Is simple, because THEY ARE LYING. IF Romney did say he wanted to cut taxes by $500 billion or $100 million. I WOULD ADMIT THAT HE DID. But what he has said is that he intendss to cut SPENDING, not taxes by $500 billion. MAN UP,,,,,,,,,ONCE!
  15. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Your research was not that "in dept" .. Here for example is Romney's economic advisor (Glenn Hubbard), in an interview on Romney's statements on "meet the press"

    Romney is quoted as having said that he is going to cut the marginal tax rate by 20%.

    The math on a 20% cut in the marginal tax rate is not that complex and works out to hundreds of billions of dollars.
  16. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Had you made that claim in the beginning, I would have agreed with you. However you claimed he said he will cuts TAXES by $500 billion and that is a LIBERAL LIE. And to JUST say he wants to cut the marginal rate by 20% is another LIBERAL lie.

    The TRUTH is he wants to write a brand new TAX CODE, scrapping the one that is so onerous today. WITH the new tax code that eliminates many deductions, shelters, and loopholes, the marginal rate would be reduced by 20% for everyone and there would be fewer tax brackets. But there IS NO PLAN TO REDUCE THE MARGINAL RATE WITHOUT THE WRITING OF A NEW TAX CODE.

    And IF we do a new tax code with many fewer deductions, FEDERAL REVENUE INCREASES, not decreases. This is proven in history. And Romney's plan is EXTREMELY similar TO THE PLAN THAT bozama's own fiscal commission recommended he do way back in 2010. But bozoma couldn't buy any parasite votes with that plan so he scrapped it.

    A major difference in Romney's plan is to also eliminate ALL INCOME TAX on dividends, interest, and capital gains for all person's making LESS than $250,000 per year. LESS, not more. The Romney plan is to boost the economy AND INCREASE FEDERAL REVENUE. Not to CUT TAXES, and reduce federal revenue.

    I was well aware of this long ago, but this is not the subject you brought up and you posted only a SMALL part of this subject.
    So NET.

    You CANNOT post a link to Romney saying in a video or in writing that he wants to CUT TAXES by $500 billion as LIBERAL LIARS claim.

    And You posted an out of context LIBERAL LIE claiming Romney wants to cut the marginal rates by 20%. When, THE TRUTH, is that Romney wants to scrap the present Trillion Dollar giveaway tax code, 77,000 pages long, and write a new SIMPLE tax code where EVERYONE PAYS IN, and everyone pays a lesser RATE, but more dollars, and the govt gets more REVENUE.

    I can debunk LIBERAL LIES all day, every day, because they ARE LIES.

    Is everything about Romney terrific? Duh no. Everything about me is not terrific either, or you. Is everything about bozoma bad? No, he drone rockets the hell out of whatever we're supposed to call terrorists today, and that is very good. But that's it, that's all he's got.

    Will Romney be a better president than b.o.? It is nearly impossible for Romney to not be better than in inept, incompetent, inexperienced, arrogant amateur, like bozoma.
  17. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Do you not watch the news at all ? It is not like this discussion is not out in the open ?

    It is not a lie to repeat what Romney's economic advisior claimed. Nothing needs be added.

    Cutting marginal tax rates by 20% will represent a 4-500 Billion dollar shortfall in revenue. That revenue needs to be made up somewhere else.

    Reporters have asked Romney or Ryan .. "where are these Billions going to come from" ? .. and Romney nor Ryan will give any specifics.

    If Romney and Ryan will not give specifics.

    This money has to come from somewhere and there are limited options.
  18. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Yes I watch the news. ALL of it. I do not mindlessly try to snatch partisan snippets out of the news. Your rant about marginal rates refuses to acknowledge that it is ONLY part of a rewrite of the entire tax code. Without the tax code rewrite, there is no reduction in the marginal tax rates. Your desperation to try to find someway to say ROMNEY SAID he wanted to reduces TAXES BY $500 BILLION IS HILARIOUS. His plan is to INCREASE FEDERAL REVENUE. That is incompatible with lower taxes. Lower marginal rates without deductions, means MORE taxes PAID, not less. But I can understand the liberal angst over that plan, since it calls for BOTH the rich AND everyone else to actually pay in MORE.

    So once again Romney has never said that he wants to reduce taxes by $500 billion. I have repeatedly asked you to post where Romney said that. Not where lying liberals claim he said that. Not where lying liberals claim that's what Romney "means." But post where Romney has actually said that. And you cannot post such a link because he has never said that, he has never meant that. That you constantly lamely attempt to change the parameters is total proof of the liberal lies you CHOOSE to believe.

    Here is what Romney has said. PLAIN TRUTH.

    He wants to CUT Federal Spending by $500 billion. [I don't think it is anywhere near enough]
    And he wants to throw OUT the present, insane, 77,000 page tax code and replace it with a new simplified tax code. Among the things that would be in the new, simplified tax coda, AND ONLY IF THERE IS A NEW SIMPLIFIED TAX CODE, are the elimination of many deductions, and loopholes, and giveaways that not only allow people at all levels to avoid taxes but also give away a trillion dollars per year in tax credits for no good reason. Also along WITH the elimination of many deductions, the marginal rates would be reduced by 20% ACROSS THE BOARD and some mid-lower brackets would be eliminated. .

    But nowhere at no time was there ever a statement or a hint or a inference of cutting taxes by $500 billion.
    If you want to complain about Romney and taxes, you should be saying that Romney wants to INCREASE taxes while the pathological liar obama wants to lower taxes.
  19. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Don't blame me or the Dems if you can not add. 20% cut in taxes is roughly 500 Billion.
  20. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Don't blame me if you cannot read. A rewritten tax code is not a cut of one cent.

    But it is obvious that you cannot post any proof that Romney EVER said in a video or in writing that he wants to cut taxes by $500 billion. You liberals love lying liberal creative, imaginary math. And you love to pick words out of context and twist them to suit your delusions. We have Romney, an accomplished businessman that wants to rewrite the tax code, AS DO MANY DEMOCRAT CONGRESSMEN, AND INCREASE FEDERAL REVENUE. vs an incompetent buffoon that has never done anything but win elections with lies, that wants to increase taxes by 4.6% points on 2% of the population while leaving all their deductions and loopholes in place. Like that would do anything to solve anything. obama is so stupid it is beyond laughable. And his supporters?????????

    Is Romney's system good? Will it work? We don't know. But we do know that it has worked in the past. And we do know that b.o. has failed, totally, completely, miserably. But I'd like to know why you liberals think winning with lies is a worthwhile way to help the nation?

    We have a broken system.

    Romney has a record of success after success. That does not guarantee he will be able to fix our broken system. And b.0o. has a record of abject failure as president. That does guarantee that he will not be able to fix our system.

    FACTS and truth, you'd be shocked how easy they are to work with.
  21. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Don't blame me if you cannot read. A rewritten tax code is not a cut of one cent.

    But it is obvious that you cannot post any proof that Romney EVER said in a video or in writing that he wants to cut taxes by $500 billion. You liberals love lying liberal creative, imaginary math. And you love to pick words out of context and twist them to suit your delusions. We have Romney, an accomplished businessman that wants to rewrite the tax code, AS DO MANY DEMOCRAT CONGRESSMEN, AND INCREASE FEDERAL REVENUE. vs an incompetent buffoon that has never done anything but win elections with lies, that wants to increase taxes by 4.6% points on 2% of the population while leaving all their deductions and loopholes in place. Like that would do anything to solve anything. obama is so stupid it is beyond laughable. And his supporters?????????

    Is Romney's system good? Will it work? We don't know. But we do know that it has worked in the past. And we do know that b.o. has failed, totally, completely, miserably. But I'd like to know why you liberals think winning with lies is a worthwhile way to help the nation?

    We have a broken system.

    Romney has a record of success after success. That does not guarantee he will be able to fix our broken system. And b.o. has a record of abject failure as president. That does guarantee that he will not be able to fix our system.

    FACTS and truth, you'd be shocked how easy they are to work with.
  22. RPA1

    RPA1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 22, 2009
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    Why is Rand Paul a Republican? Perhaps even he realizes what his dad has failed to realize?
  23. StephenKnight

    StephenKnight New Member

    Sep 6, 2012
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    What's that? That the two-party system is here to stay?
    ... Didn't keep Ron Paul from running, as a Republican, for President this year. Maybe if Gary Johnson wasn't running we'd see him try again as a Libertarian.
  24. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Rewriting the tax code does not change the fact that the 500 Billion in cuts will have to come from somewhere.

    You can whine and holler all you like but this is not going to change the facts.
  25. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Math and reading comprehension, both serious problems you should look into.

    The FACT remains. You cannot post anything from ROMNEY that says he wants to cut taxes by $500 billion, because he does not. Very, very sad that you cannot understand that eliminating deductions and waste in the tax code increases tax revenue. Or perhaps you do understand completely and want to continue paying nothing.

    Facts and truth, amazing ideas if you ever bump into them.

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