Russian Jews Responsible for 30-60 Million Deaths

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Libhater, May 27, 2016.

  1. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    I did no such thing since I listed the bibliography resources where Duke's name was not included.

    Glad to have your opinion, not. Nothing I said or nothing I post here even gives it a chance that I'm this racist and anti-semite. Again, we have someone here (you)
    that labels anyone a racist or an anti semite that posts the facts concerning Jews. If you look closely at the resources I listed in the'll see that many of them
    are from Jewish publications, and then of course there was Winston Chrurchill's quote and some captain from the United States as well. Are you calling any of these
    people/resources racists and or anti semites simply for supplying the facts? Btw, are you a denier of the Jewish led holocaust of the some 30-60 million Christian/Gentiles
    of the Russian/Bolshevik Revolution era? Try to honestly answer some of these easy questions.

    No, propagandists have always been lefties such as with that of yourself.
  2. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Most of the text in your post traces to Duke's website so you either got it from there or another website where the text was copied. Either way that is the source and you did not give credit to where you got your writing so you are plagiarizing. You are plagiarizing anti-Semitic propaganda.

    You're not a racist or an anti-Semite? Your post history suggests differently. You are an admitted member of Stormfront a Neo-Nazi/White Nationalist message board, the largest of its kind and you are constantly making racist and anti-Semitic comments on this board. Quoting anti-Semitic comments about "greasy Jews" running the Bolshevik Revolution qualifies as propaganda not truth. Let's say you are right about communist Russian leadership being disproportionately Jewish. Does that mean that Jews as a collective are responsible for genocides committed by the Russian government or that such leadership has anything to do with the values of Jews? I find this whole practice of vilifying Jews for what some ethnic Jews did to be disgusting and blatantly racist/anti-Semitic. The difference between Hitler and the Nazis vs. a few Jewish Bolsheviks is that the German Nazi party had a professed ideology that listed Jews as their enemy and they committed a deliberate genocide against them while Judaism had nothing to do with the Bolshevik Revolution or its actions.

    The objective of Duke and other anti-Semites is to demonize Jews by portraying them as a threat to Western Civilization going as far as to directly blame them for the genocide of millions of White Christians
    when Jews as a collective had nothing to do with it. Your sources are clearly anti-Semitic and suspect at best. I mean claiming Lenin as a Jew based on his mother being half-Jewish (the daughter of a Jewish man who converted to Christianity) is reaching. What is particularly despicable is that you claim there is some sort of double standard because there are no movies about Jews starving White Christians to death as if you want Jews to be portrayed in movies as the supposed villains that they are. You also said that the 6 million figure of Jews that died in the Holocaust was bloated. Would you care to provide evidence of that?

    Let me make something very clear to you. I am not someone who believes that any race or ethnic group is infallible. If Jews as a collective do something wrong then I hold them accountable for it. For example I think that Israel has treated the Palestinians horribly. I am not a Zionist and I do not believe that Israel should be persecuting the Palestinians the way they have. But I will not demonize Jews for what the Israeli government has done any more than I would demonize Whites for what America and other countries have done. What the Bolsheviks did was terrible. All of the people involved should be blamed for their actions. However playing this game of "name the Jew" in order to portray Jews as responsible for genocide is wrong. It is historically inaccurate and blatantly anti-Semitic.

    You have completely discredited yourself with this comment. You hate liberals for what exactly? Being more morally righteous than people like you? The world has had enough of far-right lunacy. In America your political ideology is a dying breed. Trump is going to lose the election and I do not expect to see a Republican President for at least 20 years. America will become more Multicultural and people like you will be further marginalized. But go ahead and keep spreading your racist and anti-Semitic propaganda on the internet. I know that is all you have.
  3. clarkeT

    clarkeT Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    I totally agree with this, as I'm sure all the other sane folks who do here in this thread, and all the other loathsome threads started by Libhater. And while I think it's important that we continue to engage and discredit him and those of his ilk with our responses, I find it tiresome and a shame to have to 'waste our spit', so to speak, on such white supremacist Aryan racists. They're an utter disgrace to humankind with NO humanity whatsoever.
  4. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    I'm glad you find common ground with a rape supporter over a 'racist'.

    Rapists rather than racists. Amirite?
  5. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Daniel Pipes??? LMAO. Now THERE'S a trustworthy source, by golly. I don't care about the Protocols, but the Bolshevik movement WAS inspired by ethnic (not especially religious) Jews. They killed millions and millions of Christian Ukrainians a Belorussians through deliberate starvation or killing them outright for hoarding small numbers of their own potatoes. Churchill (another ********) was right. And they pissed Hitler off no end.

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    After the Bolsheviks, anyway.
  6. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Shouldn't this actually be in the conspiracy theory section?
  7. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    I took all of the information for the OP directly from the listed resources. If the honorable and highly intelligent David Duke had written or spoken any or many of the same text (and that wouldn't be surprising since he's a -muy- (little spanish lingo there for ya) educated and highly intelligent concerned person. So take your plagiarizing claim and stick where the sun don't shine next to your equally ridiculous racist claims.

    Hey, I sometimes watch and listen to the lefty nonsense over on msnbc. You think that action would make me a card carrying pinko commie leftist progressive? You see, I don't know how many Neo-Nazis there are over at Stormfront for I tend to read and or respond only to posts that I find worthy. So every post that has an agenda to save the white race from the multiculturalists and the Zionist jews who own or have most of America's financial power will be top on my response list. Those White Nationalists (including myself) that you speak of in a derogatory manner are the very people who have the best interest in saving the white race and in saving America or preserving our Constitution and our Christian roots.

    What are you nuts? Someone made a comment about "greasy jews" running the Bolshevik Revolution and you get your panties in a wad over the use of the word 'greasy'? Well, I didn't say that word and the jews were responsible for running the Revolution and the Christian/Gentile slaughter. So if the use of the word greasy makes one an anti semite and the facts concerning the majority jew leadership during the Revolution is seen as propaganda by you then I certainly don't have the ability to help straighten you out.

    Ridiculous. Just like saying the German people as a collective would or should be held responsible for the slaughter of the jewish people, one wouldn't be as stupid to presume that the Russian people as a collective would or should be held responsible for the slaughter of tens of millions of white people. No, that blame falls almost entirely on the jewish leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution.

    Yes you're right, and the same goes for those Bolshevik jews as they targeted those white people' only difference was that the Bolshevik jews killed tens of millions more people than did Hitler.

    You know absolutely nothing about the honorable David Duke. Duke is not an anti semite and he's not a racist. Duke points out that the Zionist jews are indeed a threat to western civilization on so many fronts that I won't even begin to explain them to you. As far as Duke blaming jews for the genocide of millions of White Christians--yeah, he does in keeping with the facts presented here by me from the OP. What part of the facts are you still unclear about?

    Many of those sources are jewish publications and one coming from an American captain and correspondent during that time.
    You think Winston Churchill's comment about the jewish leadership of the revolution was anti semitic in nature? You need to get a grip
    on the facts and stop this ridiculous negative labeling of people who you disagree with.

    So you want us to believe that there is no double standard between the ongoing narcissistic jewish fixation on their holocaust while there isn't even a mention of the real holocaust that killed tens of millions of Christians/Gentiles during the jew led Bolshevik Revolution? I see holocaust museums and jewish name plaques all over America in an attempt by jews to keep portraying them as helpless victims. There are movies like Shindlers list that further portrays the jew as a perpetual victim. How many museums or plaques of the Bolshevik holocaust
    have seen in any of our major cities? If you know of one can you let me know?

    No I wouldn't, not until someone can give me the real figure of how many jews died during that war. What is the name of the expert who gives us that 6 million figure?

    Just like Duke doesn't demonize all jews, the same goes for me. The purpose of this post was to show the hypocrisy of those who show or have sympathy for the jews of the mini jewish holocaust of WWII yet have little or no sympathy for the jewish led genocide of we Christians and gentiles alike. I'm a White Christian American and for the love of me I can't understand how people can be so out of touch with world history and with the utter destruction jews have done worldwide.

    Wow, you are so far off base that methinks you're a recent illegal immigrant. First, I don't hate liberals as I have 3 clueless liberal brothers. No, what I hate is liberalism in all of its glorious egg svcking pinko commie progressive anti America and anti destruction agenda. Trump is going to win in a landslide as he keeps rising in the poles and the lying sack criminal/crooked hildebeast is about to get fitted for an orange jumpsuit. Multiculturalism is killing our nation and you can't see it, and in fact you're probably supporting our downfall brought to us by the racist pos obama.
  8. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I agree. These people are nuts. Anyone who admires David Duke and doesn't consider him to be racist is out of their mind. We can debate these people but at some point you have to realize that debating them to a certain extent is a waste of time. When they start mass quoting and making ridiculous arguments that's the point where you need to realize that debating a racist isn't worth it.

    I don't support rape. The comments you are referring to were on another message board in a flame war where I was trolling. On the same board Mikemikev asked a woman if she'd like to get gangraped. Will you condemn Mikemikev in the same manner as you have me or are you only against rape when it supports your racist ideological agenda?
  9. clarkeT

    clarkeT Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    In the first place I have/had no idea what the hell you are 'talking' about. In the second place only an idiot troll would try to infer that someone agrees with what another posted in such another thread totally unrelated to the thread they are currently posting in. Next time try and stay on point.
  10. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Why? That would imply that something I said was not history.
  11. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    it should be in the "Dishonest Hate Speech" section
  12. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    1/3 of all Jews on Earth died in the Holocaust.

    what percent of Ukrainians on Earth died in the Holodomor?
  13. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    well, there's your problem. You clearly need to log off and get out more.

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    duhh, they were the ones that had all the wheat, grain, corn, etc.
  14. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    How many were gassed at Auschwitz?
  15. PolakPotrafi

    PolakPotrafi Banned

    Apr 3, 2016
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    So, that excuses what Ukrainians went through in the Holodomor?

    Besides, high estimates put as much as 1/4th of Ukraine dying in the Holodomor.
  16. PolakPotrafi

    PolakPotrafi Banned

    Apr 3, 2016
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  17. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    People like this OPer ^ hating on Jews is the oldest bigotry in the world. Accusing Jews for every problem on earth and of vast conspiracies for which then Jews should be slaughtered is nothing new at all.
  18. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Jews led the slaughter of some 30-60+ million Christians/Gentiles and you have the nerve to come on here to say that pointing out this little known or published fact makes me a hating bigot? Wow!!
  19. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    The reason it makes you a bigot is because you are trying to vilify Jews. That is your obvious agenda and those of us who oppose discrimination are calling you out on it.
  20. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    this is a lie.

    most Communist leaders and party members were not Jews.

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    like I said, log off and get out more. The world is more than just what's on the internet. You can't judge a whole society based on the words of a bunch of passive-aggressive & cowardly trolls.

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    so this excuses the Holocaust???????????

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