Absolutely.. I know the Sudeiri Seven since they were in their late teens and as young adults.. Their track record is the best evidence .............
He has every reason to lie.. He's from Morocco and he can only hope to contribute in some way to suspicion that will divide the Arab world and turn the US against the Saudis.. I am surprised at you. Do you remember the "booze wars" of Nov 2000? We howled with laughter with that sloppy false flag operation.. Derek Plumbly made a hell of a mess with that bit of killing before he returned to the UK to set up Operation Mass Appeal.
Weren't those flying the planes Saudis? Why were Saudis allowed to fly out of the country when Americans weren't allowed to fly at all?
Because the Saudis had ALWAYS expedited the exit of Americans from KSA in times of crisis... None of those guys were terrorists.... and the State Dept certainly new that. I can tell you why the terrorists chose KSA to obtain visas to the US and how 6 of them had false papers.. We don't know their identities.
With all due respect, your opinion fits more into the "fictional action book" genre. If you think that the Saudi's are that homogeneous, you are mistaken. There are already big rumblings about issues regarding succession. I urge you to do some real research into how varied the Royal Family really is. You have deeply religious Wahabbists, liberal reformers, Shiite sympathizers, etc. It isn't nearly as cut and dried as you are making it out to be. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/24/world/middleeast/24saudi.html Now, none of this is absolutely certain. The evidence is murky and unclear: there is no smoking gun connecting Saudi Arabia to 9/11. But to suggest that it is impossible for Saudi Arabia to be involved is nonsense, just as it is nonsense to suggest that the Royal Family is omniscient and omnipotent.
I am afraid you don't know Saudi Arabia or Prince Turki or Prince Salman at all.. Succession will be seamless.. but that hasn't stopped speculation in Western since 1952.. If YOU want to promote this falsehood that the SAG was involved in 9-11, you are working for the terrorists.
Seems the Saudis and the Islamists want to 86 Assad as bad as Israel does. You don't suppose the Israelis are funding the Islamists too, do you?
A bit OT- most of the terrorists were Saudi nationals. NONE were from Iraq. It's a lot more rational to believe Saudi Arabia was somehow involved than it is to believe Iraq was involved, as many here no doubt believe. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijackers_in_the_September_11_attacks
Why doesn't Obama release the redacted pages of the 911 Commission report as he promised to do. Obama vowed to change Washington, but Washington changed him and sucked him into the web of deceit.
I don't think the thousands of people whose family members were killed in 9-11 are "working for the terrorists." What a shameful thing to say. What I think is that there is ample evidence that Saudi Arabia has funded terrorism historically. I mean that is just basic, indisputable fact. When did you meet Prince Turki and Prince Salman?
Qatar wants a gas pipeline across Syria so they want Assad gone... The Saudis had TAPLINE from Ghawar to Sidon and ultimately that proved to be a pain in the rear. The Sag wants Assad to stop killing Sunni.. but they have frozen the assets of any who fund the rebels.. and have been on a campaign to keep young Saudis home .. saying if they go fight in Syria they will only make matters worse.
We don't know the identities of SIX of the high jackers since they were using fake IDs and forged papers.. The guy in the visa office at the consulate was from Yemen.. He also left the country and turned up in Colorado of all places.
Margot- very surprised by you. You're usually quite reasonable. http://www.theguardian.com/commenti...ort-saudi-arabia-dictatorships-fundamentalism
You haven't read it carefully... The identity of six of the high-jackers is unknown... The ones they can identify were from several other countries as well as Arabia.. Visas were obtained in KSA because Saudi student visas have been fast tracked since the 1950s... whereas getting a visa from Yemen, Pakistan and elsewhere would be far more difficult.
Wahhabis are typically peaceful since the early 1930s and you are confusing them with Deobandi which was a reaction to British rule in India.
Because Margot disagrees with you, she is unreasonable? My, how tremendously open minded of you. Look, there are two or three people on this forum who have lived in the Middle East. Margot is one of them. Are you truly trying to imply that living within a culture and interacting with that culture for a long period of time is somehow inferior knowledge to reading some blog from someone who may or may not have actually been to that country? On issues about the Middle East, I trust Margot implicitly because she is almost always right. How do I know, because I lived in the Middle East as well, and I know a tremendous amount of news about the Middle East is just a lot of crap. If you lived there, you would know that the mere thought of the Saudi Royal family supporting terrorism is just unthinkable. It would go against everything that the Royal Family is supposed to represent.
Are you kidding me? Surely you can't be that ill-informed. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2006-12-08-saudis-sunnis_x.htm http://www.meforum.org/934/does-saudi-arabia-fund-terrorism http://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/dec/05/wikileaks-cables-saudi-terrorist-funding http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/terrorist-sponsors-saudi-arabia-pakistan-china
Most of the 9-11 terrorists were from Abu-Dhabi or that is where they were reported to be from. That doesn't mean they were actually from Abu-Dhabi. A very small percentage of the population of the people of Abu-Dhabi are native to the city state. Making a claim that someone was from a certain Middle Eastern country is always a rather dubious proposition which ignores the enormous population movements which have been occurring in the Middle East in the last 35 years.