The difference between David Duke & MLK?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Libhater, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    Yeah, people can change, but honestly, that David Duke guy seems like cult material, but I have my reservations about a whole bunch of modern day "prophets", "guru's", and "popular-spiritualist" leaders like Ron Paul (basically an older, mellower version of who people thought Obama was pre-election). Either that, or I'm a hopeless cynic.
  2. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I've always been curious to hear liberals explain how this supposedly happened. Considering the fact that the Republicans freed the slaves and the Democrats actually formed the KKK in response to that. To terrorize people and prevent them from voting Republican.
  3. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    google southern strategy.....
    Why do I have to continue to educate people on this?
  4. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Great, find a place like Mercury and privately fund an interplanetary colony there for white separatists because they certainly don't belong in the United States. Mercury is hot as Hell and therefore appropriate.
  5. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Its quite obvious to anyone who has 20/20 eyesight that our mixed/multiculturalized/colorized society isn't working here in the United States, and the more the black race whines and blames WHITEY for being depressed and oppressed while accepting big daddy govt's overreaching helping hand in the form of chronic dependency benefits....then the more the racial hatred and racial tensions expand. You are the one that is living in a Mercury hell, and you don't even realize it. I happen to live in an all-WHITE community where there are zero racial problems and everyone gets along just fine. No gun battles here, no broken families, no crime, no school dropouts and no one here drinks kool aid or smokes the silly weed.
  6. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    1) Like clockwork. So predictable. I almost said, "INB4 Southern Strategy."

    2) When presenting a counter-argument, the onus is on you to present your own research. So go ahead and show me what you've got.
  7. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    During the Goldwater campaign, the Dixiecrats decided to support him over Johnson and many of the southern democrats became Republicans including leaders like Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and later Trent Lott. The rank and file southern Democrats were swayed to the GOP with the use of racism by Republican leaders starting with Nixon and later Lee Atwater. Some southern Democrats remained in the Democratic party but changed positions like Robert Byrd did. Others left politics seeing their time was over. There is no doubt that southern democrats clearly were opposed to civil rights and took at first a libertarian view a la Goldwater, and later became more conservative, leading to sometimes, as leaders in the GOP, promoted ideas that could easily be called racist.
  8. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Ahhhh, a community based upon a violation of federal anti-discrimination laws propagating the racial oppression of minorities based upon ignorant bigoted racial prejudice. Got it.

    It's always interesting that those responsible for racial prejudice and oppression that is the root cause the problems in America today live in denial of their responsibility for creating the problems.

    End igorant White racial prejudice and oppression of minorities (and white male prejudice and oppression of women) and virtually all of America's domestic problems disappear. Welfare assistances virtually disappears and crime is dramatically reduced. That is exactly the message that Martin Luther King was delivering to America before he was murdered by ignorant bigoted White racists.
  9. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Let me put this response into the form that an ignoramus can understand...'joo ain't got nuttin'. My/Our friendly community haven't broken laws for we are open to all kinds of stripes of people sharing our wonderful enclave of like-minded and culturally in-tuned people that look to live a traditionally ingrained lifestyle. There are no signs saying...'Blacks need not apply'. Just curious as to how you think that people like myself are responsible for any real or perceived oppression of blacks, especially when I have either little or zero contact with them. Perhaps the KKK (who we haven't heard much from these daze) as they're living their lives out in peaceful harmony in their own enclaves...are still responsible for the miserable oppression and welfare of blacks. I guess you're still not satisfied that a good percentage of my paycheck taxes goes to Uncle Sam--who redistributes that $$ in the form of bennies to many of those oppressed blacks.

    I'm not surprised that you live in Kallyfornicator where the entire leftist state is going into the dumper big time for their increase taxes and regulations on private individuals and businesses alike. So now you're still not satisfied that these blacks are getting enough $$ in the form of bennies--that you continue to roll out this tired old liberal mantra that anyone (blacks) not making it in this economy or in this society must be oppressed. You know, other than any Conservative black, the only leftist black out there who has any clue as to what ails the black community is Bill Cosby. Cosby doesn't blame WHITE people for the black homelessness, for the black crime lifestyle, for the black gangs, for the breakup of the black family, for the one or no parent black family, for the high black unemployment rate or for the ongoing black dependency on big Government to meet their every need. Why Cosby is a liberal is beyond me.

    Again, you have this screwed up imagination that racial prejudice (be it real or perceived) is the cause of America's domestic problems. Racial prejudice has absolutely nothing to do with domestic problems. MLK was perhaps the greatest cause for the ongoing problems in the black community by inciting useless and dangerous city race riots and getting his people to rely on big government as being a form of reparations for his so-called oppressed peoples. Tell me how his people have progressed since the sixties. If you say they haven't because of WHITEY oppression...then do yourself a favor by pinpointing those examples of WHITEY doing so. Evidently quotas and reverse discrimatory Affirmative Action policies wasn't enough for the black people. You think black people deserve reparations from WHITEY for perhaps being related to someone who abided by the jim crow laws? This should be interesting.
  10. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    So basically, the story goes that both parties engaged in dishonest marketing practices to steal votes from the other side, and the results ended up benefiting the Democrats who hoodwinked blacks into thinking they were pro-black and backfired on Republicans who disenfranchised them? And thus now it's all a matter of empty stigma? That makes sense, I suppose.
  11. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    In short the community is very careful to not provide evidence that would violate federal law.

    Let me share a story. A friend of mine is black and he was looking to purchase a new home. He called one agent of a new housing development and in his discussion with the agent the agent stated that the community "didn't allow blacks (he actually said "(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s" which will be blocked by the profanity filter) and Mexicans. He didn't know my friend was black because my friend's speech was not ethnically influenced so my friend made an appointment with the agent. To cut to the chase when my friend walked into the office the agent's jaw dropped because he knew what he had said. My friend didn't stay but did tell the agent, "I wouldn't live in this racist mother(*)(*)(*)(*)ing community for all the money in China!"

    So yes, by living in a community of full of racists it will prevent minorities from living there because the minorities don't want to live anywhere near a bunch of racist mother(*)(*)(*)(*)ers.
  12. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Ignorance of long established facts seems to be a trademark of racial prejudice in many people.

    The fact that poverty that is rampant in the African-American community because of economic discrimination is a leading cause of the break-up of the two parent household is well known by everyone except those that choose not to believe it. The fact that poverty destroys the family unit has been documented for decades and here's a story from 1993.

    The statistical evidence is overwhelming related to racial discrimination which denies equality of opportunity for African-Americans that, on the average, only earn about 60% of what a white person earns for exactly the same job and that blacks are roughly three-times more likely to be denied employment than a white person.

    Racial discrimination is the number one cause of poverty in our African-American communities and as early as 1993 it has been documented poverty is one of the primary causes of a break-up of the "two-parent" household according the the US Census Bureau. The claim that "racial discrimination" which denies economic equality doesn't create "domestic" problems is false and every informed person knows that this claim is absolute BS.
  13. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Exactly how stupid do you think people are?

    Duke is a racist. Duke is a jew hater. Duke is a fraud. Duke is a holocaust denier. Duke is a convicted felon who spent 15 month in jail. Duke bilked hundreds of thousands of dollars from his followers and spent it on women, gambling and even home improvements. Duke ran away to Austria to live in an enclave like minded nazis.

    Ya gotta luv the spin white racists are putting on their racism. "i'm not racist, i just want to preserve the white culture that is under attack, by blacks and jews and non-white immigrants". This is proptalk that means "I don't want no jews or blacks or browns living near me," the "attack" being living nearby, doing their own thing, and horrors of horrors actually bringing elements of their own culture to the community.

    the fact that these white nationalist racists feel that their whiteness is under threat, demonstrates just how paranoid, ignorant and stupid they can be. Imagine the white race under threat. Of what we cannot be sure, but the implication is its from "cross breeding" and taco stands.

    This is you:


    this is me:

  14. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Well, I guess the answer to the question presented by this thread has been answered.

    David Duke is the former head of the largest hate group and terrorist organization in the history of the United States and opposes the ideals upon which America was founded as established by the Declaration of Independence.

    Martin Luther King supported equality for ALL Americans and was an advocate for the ideals upon which America was founded based upon the Declaration of Independence.

    For the racists that have forgotten the Ideals that America was founded upon I will leave them with this from the Declaration of Independence that enumerated the Ideals for America.

    Martin Luther King - For this Ideal.
    David Duke - Opposed to this Ideal.

    End of discussion.................
  15. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    It certainly was answered by any or all of my posts here.

    David Duke has leadership qualities pertaining to those interested in preserving the WHITE race and America's traditions as given to us by the ancestry of our FOUNDING FATHERS, i.e. National WHITE Pride movements. I've told you before that Duke quit the KKK because some of his minions became too violent. I also told you that Duke doesn't have a hating bone in his body as I informed you of the love he had for his black nanny to use as an example of his kindness.

    You and others and MLK have this flawed notion that its possible to equalize people, and that in of itself is reverse discrimination or just plain crazy--not to mention un-American. What you should be advocating is for equal opportunity. There is a quite a difference between adopting laws to equalize everyone and equalize outcomes such as with business successes or with educational grades etc with making sure there is an equal opportunity available for the so called oppressed to get a chance at making something of their lives.

    Its tough to debate with someone who continues to toss the 'racists' term around so freely. I guess you're calling anyone who is a separatist, a WHITE Pride Nationalist or one who believes that none of us are equal (nor would we want to be equal) as racists. I'll surmise that anyone not agreeing with your narrow take on politics must be a lover of our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution and adhere to them as such.

    End of discussion? Seems to me we never had a reasonable, meaningful or effective discussion in the first place. Narrow-mindedness and stubborn partisan views comes to mind when chatting with you.
  16. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    FACT: The majority of those responsible for the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution opposed racism and slavery. They were pragmatic knowing that the institutionalized oppression of black slaves was not something they could likely overcome in their lifetime but established the Ideal where racism would someday be removed from this nation. The founders really did believe that All Men are Created Equal although the leaders of the Southern Slave States would not have joined the United States if slavery had been abolished, as it should have been based upon the Declaration of Independence, in 1776.

    FACT: The KKK has always historically been the largest HATE GROUP and TERRORIST ORGANIZATION in America. The murder of black by the KKK was such a common occurance in the South after the Civil War that we don't even have accurate statistics on how many were actually murdered. These murders continued and were commonplace all the way up until the 1960's when finally the federal government stepped in to stop them. We're appauled by the death toll of the 9/11 terrorist attacks but that death toll is insiginificant when compared to the acts of terrorism by the KKK. The KKK has always been a HATE GROUP and a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION and has not changed one iota. David Duke was the head of this HATE GROUP and TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.

    FACT: I love my pets but don't believe in the equality of Pets and People. David Duke is a White Supremacist that has never believed in the Declaration of Independence or the Ideals upon which America was founded. To say "that Duke doesn't have a hating bone in his body" after he's been the head of the largest HATE GROUP and TERRORIST ORGANIZATION in the history of the United States is perhaps the most ignorant statement I've ever read.

    It is true, there can never be a "reasonable, meaningful or effective discussion" when dealing ignorant bigoted racial prejudice. All the informed and knowledgeable person can do is expose the ignorance, bigotry, and racial prejudice for others to see.
  17. popeye_doyle

    popeye_doyle New Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    You need to bone up on your history.
    MLK preached non violent protest. It was Malcolm X who was on the other side insofar as how to dissent. All one need to do is look at the Cicero march from 1966 and it is obvious who was violent......
  18. popeye_doyle

    popeye_doyle New Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    And you think the white race is pure and pristine when it comes to violence historically? MLK fought for the right things. Did you ever personally know any black person who actually had to drink at 'black' water fountains? Use 'Negroes only' bathrooms? Couldn't sit at the lunch counter? I did. How would you like that kind of treatment?

    Duke distanced himself from his roots for political reasons. Not because he all of a sudden had an epiphany and cleansed himself of his racist views.
  19. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Can't disagree with much said there. However, you might want to re-interpret the actual meaning of the "All Men were Created Equal" clause so as to critically debunk the modern day liberal's meaning of it. You see, liberals would have us believe that being created equal means that we should be granted the right (be it through revising our Constitution or through judicial edit) to be equal throughout our lifetimes. While we may have been created equal--having all the chances and opportunities to remain equal (if that's what you want), nothing in the Declaration of Independence or from GOD's mighty template for us ensured that we woud remain equal in any sense of the word.

    There is something that you and your kind always avoid admitting or even discussing, and that is that it takes two to tango, and as such, the people that the KKK despised even more than the blacks for their chronic destruction of America's social, family and economic traditions-- were and are the jewish zionists who have been responsible for most of our major wars and for most of the worldwide mass slaughter of innocent human beings from the beginning of time, let alone their complete takeover of our financial institutions. So you can scream all you want about a group of people--the KKK who are small in number, currently lead insignificant lives away from the mainstream, and look not to hate but to segregate with their own people. You might want to acknowledge the fact that the blacks and jews (especially those in the ACLU and the congressional black congress) actually hate those WHITE people of the KKK more than the KKK hate them.

    There is nothing in Duke's biography and nothing in Duke's current teachings that even hints at him being a supremacist with the understanding of why and when Duke left the KKK. Someday you may wake up to the fact that there is a huge difference between being a supremacist and a segregationist. The irony here which has flown high over your head is the fact that Duke wrote a book titled "Jewish Supremacism" where the majority of facts pertaining to jewish supremacism are authored by zionist/orthodox jews themselves. So next time you call someone a supremacist--you might do well to have read Duke's book 'Jewish Supremacism' (which in reality is co-authored by a majority of jewish zionists) so as not to embarrass yourself.

    Have you ever considered that the ignorance, bigotry and racial prejudice that Duke exposed in his books of blacks and jews may very well trump your distorted views and actions of the KKK?

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