The Human Cost of illegal immigration.........

Discussion in 'Immigration' started by El Cid, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. Liquid Reigns

    Liquid Reigns Banned

    Sep 23, 2013
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    I know what it is. If they apply, they are legally waiting in a line for the year. Once they are denied they can get in that line again. Meanwhile they can be in other lines too.

    Do they not work in every venue or blue collar job sector? Hell there are even some in white collar positions. :roll:

    They are not outside our system, they are very much in it. They choose themselves to not work with police because they don't want to be found out, when the police can't legally arrest them for being here in violation of law. The only time the police can question their status is if they are detained with probable cause. Are they not productive for their employer? or for themselves? Many have their own business and hire others in their situation, and take advantage of those like themselves for their own personal greed.

    You haven't introduced anything new or original in this discussion, all you have is ideals and sympathy.

    It certainly is, you have demonstrated you haven't much understanding of it.

    Granting amnesty and allowing them to all then get the free handouts immediately once they become legal? :roflol: I prefer to deny them any help and deport them as they are caught, its cheaper.
  2. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    No, you are still wrong about the lottery.

    No, they do not have employment freedom. That is crystal clear.

    Yes, their status blocks full cooperation with law enforcement. Yes, their status is a huge obstacle to their employment. Good lord!! It's illegal to hire them!

    No possible plan for deportation has achieved any acceptance for several very obvious reasons. You think other solutions look bad, because you compare them to fairy tales.

    It is time to recognize facts about our laws, about our situation, and start thinking seriously abot real possibilities.
  3. Liquid Reigns

    Liquid Reigns Banned

    Sep 23, 2013
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    :roflol: I'm not, but that's beside the point. Here is the definition of a line: a number of persons standing one behind the other and waiting their turns at or for something; queue. Are they not waiting to have their number called by waiting their turn? If it is not called, they can get back in that line the following year. You are limiting how you want to define what is a "line" to meet your own already made up mind.

    Are they not working in every venue of labor? Can they not quite any job they have? By what right do they have to obtain a job? This is where your claim to the US being "Free Market" capitalism falls apart and you are shown to be inept.

    Its illegal to hire without documentation. How does an employer know the person is an illegal immigrant? :roll:

    Is that like claiming we are "Free Market"? :roflol:

    The real possibility is they can be deported once they are found. :yawn:
  4. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    No, they are not in a line. There is one DV lottery per year. The results are available to all. If you lose, you start over from scratch.
  5. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    No, people who are here without papers have a broad range of skills. Their status is a huge impediment. Employers demand ID. Cheating our system is dangerous for employers, as it involves the IRS as well as other law enforcement. Besides, most employers want to be legal.

    Your depotation idea is a total dead end.

    Show me a p!an for deporting any significant % of our undocumented population backed by ANY politician

    Try to come up with something significant next time. Rolling and pouting aren't arguments. Show me a plan - and, not YOUR plan, the plan of someone in a position to make a policy difference at tbe federal level.
  6. Liquid Reigns

    Liquid Reigns Banned

    Sep 23, 2013
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    You are standing in line to go into a nightclub, you've been in line for hours, you're at the ropes in the front of the line waiting to get in, some people walk out, the bouncer lifts the rope and tells the girl behind you she can enter, he closes the rope and you cry you were next but didn't get let in. A few minutes goes by, you are still the first in line, the bouncer removes the rope and lets the couple half way back, in, he then closes the rope, you cry some more that you were the next in line. The bar closes, and guess what, even though you were in line, you never got in. :roll: :roflol:

    Were you in line or not? :yawn:
  7. Liquid Reigns

    Liquid Reigns Banned

    Sep 23, 2013
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    How is their status an impediment if they are working? Employers don't demand ID, the Federal Govt does, the employer is simply the one that gets the ID and transmits it to the Feds who then determine if the person is eligible to work or not.

    Why? Because that's what you claim? Explain the exodus from both AZ and GA. :roflol:


    The only person that can change policy has already done so, by not deporting illegals as they are caught, and that would be the President through his administration. You really don't understand how any of this works, do you?
  8. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The old 70's Green Lantern/Green Arrow comic was a great book!
  9. Colonel K

    Colonel K Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2010
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    The human cost in Europe, on a Turkish beach. One of two Kurdish brothers drowned, washed ashore after their boat caspized during the night.


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