Trump knocks border wall reports, insists Mexico will pay – eventually

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Natty Bumpo, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    "Experts" will tell you not to eat certain varieties of mushrooms. Of course you should persist in defying all experts in all areas if any experts in any area has ever been wrong.

    Here are some more "experts" with a plethora of empirical data that you won't like. So, you can substitute your emotional, ideological prejudice and your blind faith in your messiah for expert knowledge that wreaks havoc with your dogma:

    A central point of an executive order President Trump signed on Wednesday — and a mainstay of his campaign speeches — is the view that undocumented immigrants pose a threat to public safety.

    But several studies, over many years, have concluded that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than people born in the United States. And experts say the available evidence does not support the idea that undocumented immigrants commit a disproportionate share of crime.

    “There’s no way I can mess with the numbers to get a different conclusion,” said Alex Nowrasteh, immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, which advocates more liberal immigration laws.

  2. Your Best Friend

    Your Best Friend Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    If local scoff laws don't want to help federal immigration officials enforce federal law, and indeed work to thwart the law of the land, then they have no right to complain and moan when the federal money spigot to their city is turned completely off!

    Socialist moron Bill DeBlasio seems to think he has a constitutional right to take the fed's money and yet thumb his nose at our laws. This is a legal battle
    he has no possibility of winning.
  3. Njoror

    Njoror Banned

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Build the wall, and make Mexico pay for it............

    Si se puede!
  4. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Local law enforcement is financed by local jurisdictions to maintain the peace. The federal government's commandeering of those local resources constitutes an unfunded "Big Government" mandate that is not only a distraction from their mission, but can be antithetical to it.

    The federal government can pursue its agenda with its own resources.

    The single greatest factor in reducing illegal immigration to the US from Mexico is a healthy Mexican economy, the availability of jobs in Mexico.

    Ruin Mexico’s economy, exploit The State’s power to intrude into the free market, prevent private capitalistic ventures from maximizing profit by abrogating independent corporate decisions regarding the optimal allocation of their production facilities, and you will have greatly boosted the incentive for Mexican workers to support their families by seeking employment in the US.

    Not surprisingly, American businesses want a reliable, low-cost work force. Thus, many of its undocumented workers have been in the US and steadily employed for a median of nearly 14 years, often live openly, buying houses, running small businesses, raising U.S. citizen children and paying federal income taxes under their own names. (The Internal Revenue Service issues individual Tax Identification Numbers that allows them to contribute even as they are ineligible for many government benefits.)


    If you build it, they will come.

    Illegal immigration from Mexico is considerably lower than it once was, but The State interfering with free market dynamics would provide an incentive to increase it significantly.


    1. Damage Mexico’s economy by erecting trade barriers, thus inflicting severe unemployment upon Mexico.

    2. Create jobs in the US, so that relocation Northward is the no-brainer move for unemployed Mexicans.

    3. Waste US taxpayer money on a ludicrous Great Wall of Trump, and inspire a reenactment of the Mongul hoards scoffing at its Chinese model, serving as nothing more than an exorbitant Southern-facing scarecrow holding up a "Now Hiring!" sign.

  5. AKS

    AKS Banned

    Jun 20, 2010
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    Post of the year.
  6. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Thank you, but irrational emotion seems to triumph over mundane common sense for the cultists whom their messiah has grabbed by their xenophobia..

    "CooCooCaChoo! I Am The WALLrus!"
  7. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Natty, whoever said anything about federal commandeering of state agencies, other than yourself. I have always stated that the federal government is the Supreme government of this here nation, so I suggest that you read the ENTIRE Constitution for the United States of [North] America. When the federal elected government passes a law,it becomes the law of the land. So keeping with this theme, the elected Federal government and its agencies have passed protocols in regards to immigration, so this means that the state governments cannot take it upon themselves to pick and choose which portion of said immigration laws, they want to obey and disobey; they MUST obey ALL immigration laws. If the state elected governments do not decide to reprimand said violators within their ranks, then it is up to the people via referendum to remedy said violators. What about his do you not comprehend? When I mentioned I.C.E., I state emphatically that during GW's first term, he authorized I.C.E. to round-up illegals throughout NYC, I know this because I used to witness this. I.C.E. would go block by block in the early morning hours, which is within their authority to do so. I take it, via your responses, you may be one of those who either benefits from violation of the set immigration rules.
  8. Your Best Friend

    Your Best Friend Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Not without local cooperation and not merely cooperation but a spirit of
    open defiance and hostile non cooperation that makes enforcing federal immigration law nearly impossible.

    You would think that leftist politicians would see that it's in their self interests to limit illegal immigration (and the added crime, social support, education, medical and legal costs etc. incurred) But I guess they just like living in Balkanized cities that they themselves, through their cowardly political pandering, have made so much more deadly and dangerous.

    In San Francisco the city leaders could have allowed their police to hold dangerous illegal felons, deported multiple times and always making a bee line back
    to the saftey of a sanctuary city, for pick up by federal officers, and spared the innocent life of Kathryn Steinle ( or the lives of the Balogna's (

    But I guess you find standing up for the criminals, who shouldn't even be here, preferable to protecting the people who pay the bills and follow the law.
    The incredibly disingenuous claim that holding people like Edwin Ramos for pick up by the feds creates an untenable "unfunded mandate" on a city like San Francisco (which rakes in hundreds of millions of federal dollars per year) is so false and laughably absurd I wonder that if you thought up that whopper yourself, or are just mimicking what you've been told by other leftist dupes.

    In any case your rationalizations are so false and absurd that they are barely worth discussing and when did the matter of enforcing federal immigration law
    become so onerous to sanctuary cities that they would rather see innocent Americans die than cooperate to the small degree they have been requested?
    Your "unfunded mandate" amounts to, in many cases, simply holding onto criminals already in custody for pick up by ICE agents. That's how sick America is

    Maybe we should pay Mexicans to go live in their own nation then.
    That's the ultimate outcome of your illogic.
    If we didn't have leftist governors and mayors making their turf havens for millions of lawbreakers then Mexico's economy would be meaningless to our own national interests, if you start with the assumption that America is for Americans and we should put their interests before those of hordes from foreign third world nations (a crazy idea, I know).

    Which greatly complicates everything but still does nothing to excuse the cowardly panderers who
    are going to defend sanctuary cities to their political deaths. When the money spigots are shut off we'll see how "principled" they are then.

    OR...instead of knuckling under to your extortion we could just make it considerably more difficult for illegal immigration
    to flourish here and reassert our sovereignty over our own affairs.

    Israel has a wall that works simply and magnificently and I suggest we bring in some Israeli consultants to show Trump how a simple and humble
    double fence with electronic and human augmentation has shut down illegal incursions almost entirely. The question is will we exist on Mexico's terms or our own
    (assuming we don't let the Hispanic lobby and Chamber of Commerce types wag the dog for the rest of us).

    We certainly can see where you stand.
  9. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Why do people like to pretend that Mexico and other nations are not having an adverse effect on the U.S. citizenry and denizens? As I said, if I was not negatively effected by willful disobeying of immigration laws, I really would not care, for several reasons. To think that allowing know-it-all propagandists to scheme and connive with their globalist agendas and think that such does not have an adverse effect upon taxpayers, is insidious. If you are not aware, part of the reasoning behind people fleeing to these United States of [North] America shows how much people do not actually weight truth in the balance. Imperialism, is the number one reason why people flock to this country, not just from south of the border either. In order to stop this trend, there must be a rethinking of this lust for power and control. Why would people support imperialism, when they do not really benefit from it in the long run? A former Major-General of the USMC wrote a book, named "War Is A Racket" and in this book, it is clear as to why this country if currently in the quagmires that it is in. Fromm a historical standpoint, Liberalism and Leftist thinking has aided in creating the current situations. I guess this is the cost of having an insane idea of being a defender of freedom with a bleeding heart (uncontrolled emotions) which is also childish and the thinking of little children with boyhood fantasies of being Superman, Batman, Thor, Spiderman, etc. Insanity is costly, and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of these little boys' dreams. To boot, such "dreams" turn out to be nightmares in reality.
  10. AKS

    AKS Banned

    Jun 20, 2010
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    Please elaborate on exactly how Mexico and other nations are having a negative effect on US citizenry in general. Natty Bumbo is right on the money. A healthy Mexico is an infinitely better solution to the illegal immigration problem than relying on walls and gestapo tactics.
  11. Marcus Moon

    Marcus Moon New Member

    Aug 27, 2016
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    I agree that focusing on learning is better than worrying about grades. A lot of the problem at Universities is they have abandoned the value of independent thought, and have given in to the left's fascist requirements to espouse liberal ideologies and political correctness. Many schools, especially in the humanities and social sciences, pointedly stifle any student who evaluates evidence and comes conservative conclusions.

    Decades ago, when I was earning my Bachelor of Arts degree, the ethics that ruled higher education were honesty, courage, curiosity, and tolerance. We all knew that there is no such thing as an offensive idea, and that the most grievous academic sin was unquestioning acceptance of any idea. We were actively encouraged to test ideas, to voice disagreements, to argue and question. No idea was taboo or unwelcome, though not all were unopposed. We could propose literally any idea in class without fear of reprisal. Likewise, we could question, challenge, or disagree with any idea, even when proposed by a professor or an author of required reading. We had to support our statements with facts and evidence, and the arguments had to be logically sound.

    What is coming out of our universities, even our elite schools like Yale, are week-minded parrots who have been taught what to think, but not how to think. University administrations institute policies designed to support only liberal ideologies, and often to discourage or punish those who disagree. The faculty often grade based on orthodoxy and agreement. There are even students who insist that disagreeing with their ideas automatically constitutes "hate speech," which they then use to silence, fire, or expel those who disagree with them.

    This leftist mindset is used to argue against the border wall. Liberals insist that the removal of illegal aliens and enforcement of US immigration law is hateful and racist. By characterizing the view as hateful and racist, they bypass logical arguments and demonize any thinking that runs counter to their own.
  12. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    I will keep this to one comment, displacement of U.S. citizens and denizens.
    Here is another, Mexico and other nations use the United States as a way to drain-off their excess population.
    Both of these issues should be of concern for any awake and aware individual, unless of course, you directly or indirectly benefit from the added population to a country on the decline. Yes, The United States is on decline, since circa 1928.If you are in doubt as to the decline of this nation, have an earnest and honest discussion with a person or people who were around before 1928. I have, I had an uncle who was born in 1907 and the things he used to tell me about the value of the U.S. Treasury Note(s). See, people often have no historical contextual references when they engage in these types of debates, I was fortunate enough to have been born when some of my elders were still alive and I learned from them.
    P.S. I know I said one comment, but this conversation requires more than one comment.
  13. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    By George, I think this person has actually gotten the point of thinking! :cool:
  14. AKS

    AKS Banned

    Jun 20, 2010
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    If the negative effect you are referring to is due to illegal immigration, then I agree. It's a problem and it needs to be addressed. The question is: what is the most effective solution.
  15. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    The most effective solution is for Mexico and other nations to take the onus of responsibility of their actions, both governments and populations. If people are not willing to take the responsibility for their actions, why should someone else take on their said responsibilities? It is as simple as that. On the side of the effected nations, if the people would hold their politicians accountable fro their actions and inactions, in regard to illegal immigration and other issues facing the nation-state, than the repercussions will ultimately fall upon them. As I state in my signature, "There is no mystery God. The ONLY Savior a Man has is Himself.
  16. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    You seem to have been gorging yourself at the trough of rightist, xenophobic propaganda. Your radical dogma is out of line with most Americans.

    Can the federal government commandeer and re-assign local law enforcement agencies, diverting them from their responsibilities? No. The US Constitution so provides.

    State and local authorities should not impede the feds in fulfilling their mission; neither should the feds interfere and distract from the responsibilities of state and local authorities.

    It's a novelty for right wingers to promote Big Government running roughshod over local jurisdictions, and screaming for unfunded mandates.

  17. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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  18. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Right. I can envision illegal aliens instead of sacks of burritos all carrying 20 foot long ladders :)
  19. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    This comment has nothing to do with the previous discussion item of immigration.
    I am listening to RT and Ralph Nader is speaking, I have come to realize that Mr. Nader does not deal with reality, like so many people involved in politics. I think that Mr. Nader is a Hippie like most others gurus of the Left and Far Left. The Hippies have lost contact with reality and their minds operate off of rhetoric and propaganda which causes them to deviate from direct topical discussion and their responses are always the same, TALKING POINTS. Mr. Nader spoke about President Trump offending "African-Americans". I guess that that is one of the Left's political terms such as Negro, Negro-American, Afro-American, etc. If he means Black people, I was never offended by anything that President Trump said, but I was and always am extremely offended by Hillary Clinton, et al. I guess it requires drug usage and block thinking to be offended by those who speak common-sense. I am more offended by people who speak on political terms because such linguistics are formulated to hide the insidiousness of the speaker.
  20. Your Best Friend

    Your Best Friend Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I don't think so but that's beside the point anyway.

    It's a red herring fest and a place of unreality that you argue from so you should be informed that no one expects local law enforcement to go door to door on an illegal hunt like Nazis hunting down Jews in Holland, or some other such leftist melodramatic tale of fake woe..

    When coming across law breakers who are in the nation illegally local law enforcement is only requested to inform the feds and to hold murderers, rapists, arsonists, etc. when in their custody so they can be deported.
    Gee....sorry rapists and murderers are actually to be deported rather than hidden away like Anne Frank by sanctuary city officials. You are incredibly uninformed, not unexpectedly, and you seem to have a real aversion to keeping the citizenry safe from the illegal predators that are currently shielded.
    I wish you could tell the Steinle family face to face how much you like the sanctuary policies of San Francisco but I doubt you have the guts to stand behind
    the evil that you perpetuate.

    It would be a novelty for you to stop lying about the facts of this issue and consistently misstating things. In that you are like the rest of your disingenuous ilk.
  21. mdrobster

    mdrobster Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    just in the news, now it will be us taxpayers footing the bill.
  22. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    And the great negotiator just lost the negotiation; He lied to all his supporters while his "enemies" knew he was lying the whole time.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Is that before or after you pay the taxes and the tariffs;
  23. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    that is where drones with a circling AC 130 comes in . joking of course

    it will take more than a wall but the wall is an essential part of the solution. Drones and detection along with rapid response teams coupled with violation enforcement. Of course a big part is taking away the cheese, at the moment the US is a better place to live illegally than Mexico is to live legally. Take away the welfqare and the illegal hiring and there is no reason for them to stay. Deport the criminals as they are caught and prosecuted and the USA will be hall of a lot better place. Start doing work VISA enforcement and with bio metrics for those who want to work here legally
  24. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    I'm curious, does anyone on the Right ever address the real problem of illegal immigration? When is the Right going to lock up and fine the enablers? Gosh, I wonder what would happen if they did? Hmm, maybe illegal immigration would go away on its own, and this expensive wall that won't keep others out wouldn't be necessary for tax payers to pay for, while Trump lied to us all, saying we wouldn't?
  25. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Lock up the criminal enablers and fine them, and walls are not necessary. But we won't, because the enablers need the illegals to do the big work that most citizens won't. Therefore, illegal immigration has never really been a problem to begin with. It's just a problem some people invented, because whites are not tolerant of black and brown people being here. And yet, they know the illegals are needed, and they move the economy.

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