This is one inconvenient truth about events in Ukraine. As I wrote before, American people are lucky to live through so many wars and escaping occupation on their own land. Having a hired army (no draft), they easily OK new wars over fake reasons. As to fascist insignia, it is not new or frightening to us. We have Ku-Klux-Klan, white supremacists and other kinds of hate groups fascinated with fascist rituals and ideology. Who cares of people of Ukraine? Only Ukrainians and Russians, do not count on America or EU.
Yep, the American media have a very, very obvious pro-Kievan, anti-Russian slant. They serve as our government's propaganda machine, and it is disgusting.
Watching current events in Ukraine and how American media reports the news, I see through lies. Moreover, I had to revise other "news" I had watched in the past. At this time, I was well familiar with that geographic part of the world (Ukraine and Russia) and this helped me to understand we were mislead and misinformed. Even our political leaders speak lies and evil.
This is also how things have been since time immemorial, but now in the age of the internet, of global social media, the truth of the situation is becoming much easier to discover through sharing of stories and images, and through the kind of discussion we're having here.
Do you want to allow US warplanes bomb Donetsk and Lugansk as Belgrad. Do you want to separate Ukraine as Serbia? Are you Ukrainian separatist?
What lies. It is not my fault that your reading comprehension limited. If you really think that the articles I cited do not minimize the Pro Kiev involvement in the killings then state where the article (Just the first one) says that it was the Pro Kiev forces and police that were the responsible parties.
But why then when the pro junta nationalists seized the building in Kiev and were throwing incendiaries at the police so they could burn them, they were being called peaceful protesters in the American press and now they're being called terrorists simple because they want a federalized Ukraine? Isn't the U.S. federalized, so why are we denying it to them?
Jefferson is being misquoted by the neo pagans of our era. All the Founding Fathers of the U.S. were exceptionally devout men, and never ceased mentioning God. In fact one of them said that without Christianity democracy could not work... as we are seeing now. When the Frenchman Tocqueville visited the U.S. to study its penal system in the early 1800's, he was amazed at how devout Americans were compared to Europe. That has all has gone ever since liberals began infiltrating our media en masse. What Jefferson feared, and rightfully so was our judicial system, since the judges in the Supreme Court were in for life. It seems his fears were justified since so much of what is happening now in the U.S., has come from the left's manipulation of our courts.
There are pictures and videos showing clearly who started the fire and who was beating to death some, who tried to escape. Misterious "people in dark uniforms". You may not like Putin, but this is about Ukraine, Maidan junta and people of Odessa. On the pictures you can easily see a regular crowd of local people, including youngsters, women and old men. You may wish to share them with your buddies to dispel the lies.
A junta is one who takes over a government by force. Isn't that what was done in Kiev? By the way this demonizing of Putin is coming from the Western press who hates him because he refuses to bow down to U.S. dominance as well as for instance he won't allow homosexuals to parade naked and commit obscenities in parades. Also because he has made Russia a power to be reckoned with, to his credit of course. I mean that's what a president is supposed to do, protect and look after the interests of his people. They are not supposed to be manipulating their country with lies so they can do what ever they want.
it's all over the news..the internet..ukrainian news, russian news, US news, world news... what cover up..? it's everywhere, for anyone looking to find it..
Well, the freedom of speech is always the freedom of "others", even if they are liars or crazy people. So let him paste his garbage, he is an eye opener!
You're right, and in the video it shows that he was part of a small group that disappeared afterwards, so it was a deliberate provocation.
I agree. This is why democracy looks untidy. May be some will be able to learn from what is going on.
It's being mentioned, but how is it being presented? Had the pro junta nationalists been burned it would have been flashed all over the front pages of the NY Times and BBC, and the medias would never stop mentioning it. I mean to burn people deliberately, how much worse can something be...unless of course its the massacres of Al Nusra in Syria...who again we support and are rarely mentioned.
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there's a junta in Crimea led by Askyonov.. other than that, I dont follow. Those killed in Odessa have been on the news daily. maybe some need to find better news sources