UV student says 'too many white people' at new multicultural center

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Pred, Feb 13, 2020.

  1. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Why would any member of the dominant powerful culture want to hang out with members of the less-powerful minority, anyway. Let them huddle together and bitch and moan to their hearts content.
  2. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    No but it was more of a generalized “You” as opposed to you specifically anyway
  3. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    You do realize we are the ONLY race that it’s legal to discriminate against don’t you?

    And if you, or anyone else, expects me to just take abuse because of my skin color you have another thing coming and the person abusing me better have hands

    Why the hell do you think I should be discriminated against because I share the same skin color as people who discriminated against their race in the past? I had NOTHING to do with it.

    But let me guess, if I try to place blame on the entire black population because they represent less than 13% of the total population and yet they commit 52% of the total murder and 33% of the total rape in our country, you would call me a bigot right?
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
  4. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Actually, whites do have the same right to create groups and organizations based on white skin color as any other race has. There are several white supremacist and white separatist groups in existence. But why would anyone join one of those groups, except for a race-based motive? The motive isn't to celebrate white culture. The motive is the political exclusion of non-whites.

    Similarly, a Multicultural Center which is created by a collective of minority groups for minority groups isn't celebrating cultural awareness as long as they discourage whites from using the center. The motive is political.

    I don't want to join any group which is race-based personally. I don't find these political groups to be healthy for a country which has the most multicultural diversity in the world.

    We need to be working together as individuals of a diverse "American Culture" rather than dividing into skin-color tribes, but I may be in the minority opinion there. We were going that way for a while after the Civil Rights Era, but Democrats have pushed the "Racist" propaganda narrative so hard that more people of all races seem to be turning harder towards separatism again. Separating ideologies by race rather than by issues is going backwards, IMO. The Democrat Party left me decades ago with all the collectivism and tribalism versus the middle- to right- focus on individual rights, regardless of color/sex.
  5. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Okay but I challenge you to name one group that whites can join that are created for the sole purpose of benefiting their race and they’re not looked at as bigoted and discriminatory?

    Because the other side has plenty and it’s PERFECTLY fine for them to participate in. Here I’ll start and list SOME.
    These groups exist for the SOLE and STATED purpose of advancing policy and programs that EXPLICITLY benefit their race at the exclusion of others. If white people created any ONE of these organizations for whites it would IMMEDIATELY be declared racist and anyone joining would be subject to harassment and more.

    But apparently it’s fine for everyone else to have these. But not white peoples. That would be racist.

    For the record I agree with you these types of orgs shouldn’t exist. But if they’re going to exist and be acceptable for one race then they have to be allowed to exist and be acceptable for all races.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
  6. FlamingLib

    FlamingLib Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2018
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    A black shopkeeper cannot refuse to sell to me because I'm white. We're all covered by the Civil Rights Act. Are you talking about affirmative action?

    I don't think you should be discriminated against. I do think whites have turned into gigantic snowflakes. Who controls Congress? Whites. Who controls the Presidency? Whites. Who controls the Fortune 500? Whites.

    For the dominant group that controls all the levers of power in this society to be whining about abuse from minorities is really pathetic.

    No. Black people are going to have to address that. It's a glaring problem. I think the reason for the spike in black crime is a combination of poverty, lack of education, a society that is still pretty racist against blacks, and a breakdown in the essential family unit. I don't think blacks are some inferior group that is bound to commit more crime whereeever they're at. I think they had the bad luck to be exploited by colonial powers, and then the American slave trade, and they never really recovered from that. I think it's amazing blacks still have a culture, after what we put them through.
  7. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    I expect a lot of those groups started before or during the Civil Rights Era, and as long as the most impoverished and crime-ridden inner cities are primarily black, then some or many of those groups are working to improve lives of their own. That's a good thing. Some of those groups are probably working to promote blacks into leadership positions or giving scholarships to exceptional students. That's not a bad thing. A few are probably racial-supremacist political groups and a fair number probably just exist for profit's sake and aren't actually helping anyone but raking in money because they can. (I'm not going to research.) Regardless of their motive or success in helping people, they do have a right to organize.

    If some white people see a need for a group like any of these, they can start one. I think David Duke (or someone) did start a NAAWP group...but what for? And yes, it would be labelled racist to start a White Policy Forum, White Female Reporters, National Association of White Accountants...or most of those others. No law would stop someone from doing it though. Non-profits exist as long as enough people are interested in paying dues or making donations to cover salaries and other administrative costs. I don't know that there is enough market demand for "White" non-profit groups to stay afloat very long. If there were, there would be lots of "White" organizations, regardless of whether people wanted to call them racist. People will shoulder insults if it brings in some cash.

    Anyway, I didn't say that these types of organizations shouldn't exist as much as I wouldn't personally join a race-based group because I think most are counterproductive to the unity of the country. I defend their right to organize and exist.
  8. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Affirmative action is one everyone knows about but not just that. There are plenty more which I’ll get into.

    As I said we are the only group whom it is legal to discriminate against.

    Our government gives grants and loans to minority farmers that I can’t access because the color of my skin is white.

    The government through the SBA program 8a provides grants, loans and government contracts to minority businesses which I either can’t access or have to jump through impossible hoops to access that no other race has to jump through because the color of my skin is white.

    Our government provides tax credits to businesses who hire minority contractors but they don’t provide them for hiring white contractors. Essentially paying the businesses to hire ANYBODY but white people.

    And I haven’t even begun to get into the plethora of state and local programs such as NY setting aside $1.5B in taxpayer funds for minority businesses that I can’t access because my skin is white.

    The left has created an ENTIRE vernacular which makes it acceptable to discriminate against whites. They use terms like socially and culturally disadvantaged when what they really mean is non-white, non-straight, non-Christians. They use terms like minority and majority when what they really mean is non-whites and whites respectively. And they do so to obfuscate their blatant racism against whites because it sounds okay to advocate for policy which is beneficial to the minority at the expense of the majority. But it’s incredibly racist to advocate for policy that benefits non-whites at the expense of whites.

    Poverty doesn’t explain it. Blacks commit more violence at EVERY level of income than their peers within that same income level. It doesn’t matter what level you pick, that is ALWAYS true. For example if you look at the population within the income level of 0-25,000 or 50,000-100,000 of 1,000,000-10,000,000 the black population commits a disproportionately high level of violence within that income level.

    For the record it’s not really the black population I have an issue with (other than the violence). There’s a minority of the black population entrenched in the entitlement and victimhood mentality who vocally demand they be paid back for institutionalized discrimination from years ago. The REAL issue is the part of the white population who has this white guilt complex and this mythical white privilege ideology. So they subjugate themselves before the black population in hopes of ingratiating themselves to that vocal minority of the blacks.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
  9. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    So why is a a national white lawyers or accountants or teachers association racist but the national black lawyers, accountants and teachers associations are not?

    And it’s nice what you said in theory but the reality is when blacks join a group like that nothing happens if whites do it they’ll be protested, doxed and reported as white supremacists to their place of employment. Do you think anyone would join a group when that’s going to happen to them?
  10. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    All groups which organize around race are technically "racist". The black lawyers or black accountants groups are probably catering to black customers who only want to do business with black people (or sending a message that they strongly prefer to serve the black community to the exclusion of others). A white lawyers or white accountants group would essentially be marketing to white people who only wants to do business with white people. It seems self-marginalizing to me. If I started a group, I'd want to make it open and available to as many people as possible versus limit my customer base.

    Not sure why there's a Black Teachers Association. They can't expand or contract their market of students by race, and teachers are covered by a Teachers' Union which should ensure that compensation is equal for experience and such. Black teachers are probably more likely to be working in these inner-city schools though...so they may be united to lobby for better funding for these schools. That would be worthwhile.

    I do understand why you are angry. Democrats are using "Racist!" as a political tool, primarily against conservatives (even non-white conservatives :rolleyes:), and particularly targeting white men. They're calling LGBTQ conservatives "homophobes". o_O It is the Party of the Collective versus the Party of the Individual.

    People as individuals don't fit the blanket stereotypes that the left is throwing at the right. We are seeing (a few) blacks, other minorities and gays looking side-eyed at how extreme, crazy and untrue the rhetoric is and walking away from the Democrats. They may not be walking over to Trump, but some of them are finding that it is more liberating to be treated as an individual than as part of a collective which is expected to all think like a mechanical piece of the Borg from Star Trek...else be called "Racist, Sexist, Homophobe, etc".

    I don't think Democrats have a good long-run strategy here, but I could be wrong. I wouldn't worry about "groups". That's what the left does.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
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  11. Rugglestx

    Rugglestx Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    International League For Darker People...is there a test to get into that that ends with "yep, dark enough" or "nope, not dark enough"?
  12. FlamingLib

    FlamingLib Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2018
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    I think Asians might disagree with that. They're not too happy about Harvard using their ethnicity against them.

    OK, so this is going to get philosophical. You're equating "harm" with "failing to benefit". For instance, you're saying you're being harmed (discriminated against because you're white) because the government is failing to benefit you with the same goodies minorities get. There are a couple responses to that:

    1. Those grants and loans exist because the playing field is not level. A member of a minority culture, on average, always has it harder than a member of the dominant culture, everything else being equal. That's true in any society. That's just how people are. And then we can get in to the legacy of abuse minorities have suffered at the hands of whites for much of the country's history, and the effects that are still with us today because of those past abuses, but I don't think you're going to dispute this point.

    So, if you acknowledge the playing field isn't level, what do you do about it? The only thing I can think of is help minorities so that, on average, they has as much chance of success as the majority culture. There's no other way to do this other than steering money towards minorities, and not letting the dominant culture have any of it.

    You're right, this is obviously discrimination. However, I would argue that since the discrimination exists to level an unfair playing field, you're not being harmed by any of it. You're just not getting the goodies, because you're white. Of course, the problem with doing these minority grants is you get a case where a poor white farmer is shut out of a grant he desperately needs while a middle-class minority farmer who doesn't need a grant can still apply for one because they're a minority.

    I have no answer to that. It's totally unfair. But I don't know any other way to correct for the fact that minorities have it harder than majorities. What do you suggest? A public awareness campaign? Ignore the problem entirely?

    Yes, it is race-based discrimination. The argument is that it's being done for a good cause and that society benefits from it as a whole. But I can see someone rejecting all the stuff you're talking about, just on the principle that a society can't correct for racism with racist policies. I thought that for much of my life.

    We only have stats on races in the modern era. Like I said, for the modern era, blacks had the bad luck to be exploited by colonial powers, and then us. I don't think they're any more inferior than the Native Americans who had the bad luck to be the first ones to greet us in the New World and catch smallpox. They never did recover from that.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
  13. arborville

    arborville Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    "Probably" is a revealing word that translates to I don't really know. Just say that :) because your theory got shaky when you got to teachers because it's incorrect. Please ask people who actually know and join these organizations. You are expounding on a false theory. You are also conflating groups and associations with business that serve customers.

    The best analogy that I can use in these examples are women's organizations. If a female accountant joins the American Women's Society of Certified Public Accountants does that mean she strongly prefers not to do taxes for men? If a woman joins a group for female orthodontists, does she only want to straighten teeth for women. Of course not! She wants to serve as many people and make as much money as possible.

    To think that people that people who join organizations for minority professionals intend to limit the reach of their product or service to only one demographic is also ludicrous. They join organizations for women and minority groups because they offer another great opportunity for mentoring and networking, with conventions, scholarships, possible job leads, etc. They are not considered to be racist or sexist because minorities and women are underrepresented in alot of professions in this society.

    Why don't you see many of these organizations for white men? They are not underrepresented.

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  14. cyndibru

    cyndibru Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2014
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    They should spray paint EVERY student the same color at the start of each school year. Maybe then they will realize they are all STUDENTS, and any and all facilities at the school are open and available to EVERY ONE OF THEM.
  15. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Yes, I did say "probably" and also noted that I was not going to research the organizations to prove any assumptions I was making. So I did say that. :)

    I'm not much of a group joiner personality myself. Other people are. People have a right to do whatever works for them.

    If I wanted to join a networking group with accountants, I would join an American Association of Accountants, not a Women's Society of Accountants (and definitely not a White Heterosexual Peoples Accounting Consortium :rolleyes:). I stand by my opinion that the more microscopic a group's focus is, the more self-limiting it is.

    That was pretty much my conclusion. If there were a demand for those groups, more of those groups would exist.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  16. arborville

    arborville Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    People will often join the minority and women's groups and the more generic groups. You cast a wide net when trying to find a job or develop business contacts.

    Also, I hope I don't sound snarky. I actually like you. I just disagree with you.

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  17. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    No, you don't sound snarky. I like you too. If no one ever disagrees with what you say, you're "doing it wrong". ;)

    I do understand that a lot of people join a group or multiple groups for networking. I just prefer to network one person at a time on my own rather join a focused group.

    I was a member of a public speaking club for a while, but that was to develop a skill where I needed to fix a personal weakness more than for networking.
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  18. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    No that has NOTHING to do with it. You don’t see these organizations for white men because if that organization existed for white men it would immediately be declared racist and the individuals joining would be protested against, doxed and reported as white supremacists to their place of business. Even if the goal and verbiage of their stated purpose was EXACTLY the same as these black organizations except they put white instead of black.

    The idea that they’re allowed to do so and whites are not simply because they are a majority is patently absurd. That’s the problem. Every group EXCEPT for white people are allowed to advocate for programs and policy that explicitly benefit their race at the exclusion of others and it’s not considered racist. If white people attempt to create the EXACT same groups with the exact same goals it’s considered to be racist.

    Either it is racist to advocate for policy benefitting a specific race or it’s not. But it cannot be racist for whites and no one else.
  19. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Are you making a joke or being serious?

    When I first watched that video, I thought the young woman was being racist and completely out of line, until I read that the purpose of the center is for minority groups. She certainly could have worded her comment in a less rude manner, but after discovering the purpose for the center's existence, I'm going to cut her some slack.

    They probably can't stop liberals from entering facilities reserved by and for conservative student groups or vice versa, but students do have a right to organize groups of people with similar interests and have their own space. In fact, we don't know what happened before the woman made her statement. Perhaps some white people went into the center trolling for such a reaction.

    The issue seems to be the name of the center, which suggests that everyone is welcome, when the fact is that it is targeted to minority and LGBTQ groups.
  20. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Let’s use your logic real quick.

    A few facts first of all.

    #1 while whites are a majority in America they are NOT and never have been a majority on earth.

    #2 We have a political party in this country that advocates for bringing in populations into this country legally and illegally who are not white while decrying any increase in immigration for majority white countries.

    #3 White birth rates are on the decline and whites are on track to be a minority, not just in the world but in this country as well.

    #4 We increasingly live in a global community and not national ones.

    Given these facts and your point of view regarding minority status/representation, do white people not have a right to protect themselves, their culture, their history, their race, nation, way of life, well being and position as every other race has?
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  21. James Knapp

    James Knapp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2018
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    There's too many black people in America.
  22. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    That’s just so incredibly wrong. What you’re asserting is the way to fix past discrimination against one group is to now discriminate today against people who had the same color skin as those who did the discriminating years ago, even though they had NOTHING to do with it.

    That is inherently illogical, self defeating and only serves to breed contempt for the other side.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  23. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    No black people are fine individually. The problem is that in the aggregate they commit too much violent crime.
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  24. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    But what if everyone on earth did have the same skin color? Just assume that for a moment, and keep other factors the same.

    Now what remains is that we have millions of people from poor Latino countries coming across the border (and quite a few making it across the ocean from the Middle East and Africa), who are not equipped or qualified to contribute to the economy. Not only that, but they are coming from a culture of failed Socialism/Marxism and dictatorships but move here and think that Socialism/Marxism will work here. Say that's half of the migrants who demand that the government provides for them. The other half move here and do want to work and contribute to the economy, but they work for less and make if harder for the people here to get good paying jobs. Neither the working group nor government-dependent groups of migrants wants to assimilate as did past migrants to the country, but rather want to keep their own native language and cultural traditions. Many of them not only don't want to adapt to American values, but they actually hate our values and ethics.

    The issue isn't race or skin color, is it? It is about values and ethics and whether we will continue to have a capitalist economy with a splash of government social services, but lots of opportunities to rise into the middle- and upper-class, or do we become a government-controlled Socialist/Marxist country with limited opportunities for people to rise up to the level of our individual skills and competencies. Skin color doesn't make those decisions. Voters do.

    And you have a very good point that we Americans who have lived here for generations have low birth rates. Both blacks and whites (primarily) take birth control and we choose to get more than a couple thousand abortions every day. People moving here come from cultures who value large families, so yes, "brown people" will soon be the majority. It's not because they are brown though. It's because they maintained the family values which we decided weren't important.

    If you don't want to become the minority, then don't start a "white peoples" club. Find a spouse and have more babies.
  25. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    And see I can appreciate that point of view that it shouldn’t be about race. The problem is that to them it is an issue of race. And if we don’t wake up and realize that we are under attack for the sole reason we are caucasoid/white, it’s going to be too late.

    It’s like the bully on the playground. You may not want to fight him because you don’t have a problem with him. But he has a problem with you. And if you don’t stand up in defense of yourself, he’s going to run you over. We can’t just pretend that the other side isn’t playing our race against us. It’s everywhere in everything they do. They’re attempting to marginalize the white population, rewrite history in their favor, diminish the accomplishments of our people, steal what we rightfully earned and demonize us to the point where our own people undermine their own interests.

    And we as a group are too scared to stand up and point it out for fear of being labeled racist, bigoted white supremacists.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020

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