Waffen SS Tribute

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by John Sholtes, Jun 7, 2012.


    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I don't know- and don't have the numbers- I do know that both the Germans and the Russians were pretty thorough in shipping their counterparts off to slow deaths. My point- and my only point is that Japanese atrocities were more topical for both Australia and the U.S. than the Eastern Front. There is no excuse for how any of them treated their POW's- or the occupied civilian populations.
  2. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Or in the case of German's, their own citizens.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Doing a quick check- the Germans claim about 1 million out of 2.8 million- so about 35.7%. Soviets of course disagreed with that number.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    To be fair- the Soviet Union also did the same with their own citizens.

    However, i want to make sure to repeat one thing- regardless of what the Soviets did, regardless of what the Japanese did...

    Nazi's were scum.
  5. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Yup, no doubt about that.
  6. Panzerkampfwagen

    Panzerkampfwagen New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    So it was about as bad to be an Australian POW of the Japanese as it was to be a German POW of the Soviets?

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I would say I wouldn't have wanted to be in the feet of either of them- nasty, brutal and short was the likely future for any of them.

    Oh and Nazi's were scum.
  8. raytri

    raytri Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    That sounds about right.

    But being a Soviet prisoner of the Germans was probably the worst. Germans treated captured Russians like dead men walking. Casualty rate among Russian POWs was about 60%, if Wikipedia is to be believed.

    There are plenty of stories of captured Americans, say, standing in one prison enclosure and looking over at the Russian enclosure. The Americans didn't have it easy, but they were fed, clothed, allowed to maintain their own command structure, get letters and Red Cross packages from home, etc.

    The Russian POWs were given less-than-starvation rations, no warm clothing, worked to death, beaten, etc.

    And the ones that survived were viewed as traitors by Stalin, who had many of them killed or imprisoned when they returned home.
  9. John Sholtes

    John Sholtes Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    Waffen SS Tribute
    The best soldiers of all time


    God(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) this is a Tibute and none of you deseve to lick the boots of any Waffen SS.

    Read this man. Listen to this man.

    He was one of the greatest sons of the west, who upheld all that was beautiful in us.

    Don't be a vassal for the destroyers of the west by demonizing him. Our misled fathers have done that for a half-century now, and we know how much uglier the world has become for upholding the opposite of what this man (and his brothers of the Occident, our own forefathers in Europe and America) preached.

    He won't be coming back, but he didn't sit around wishing when he saw the west being conquered by an alien; he took all of THE VALUES OF THE WEST that made it beautiful, and embodied them in himself as a standard for all to rally around.

    We can't go back, nor do we want to, nor would he want to. He picked up the standard that his forefathers dropped and the 'Weimar Republic' and other aliens were stomping all over.

    You must pick up that standard and carry it for all to see, and not his standard that is burnt and battered, but your own which is made of the same elements as his and his (our) forefathers.

    You must be that standard the best you can. You cannot simply be words. You must live as a standard of the values of our forefathers, not as an anachronism, but as the man of the healed, revitalized, STRONG AND HEALTHY west who all others will be inspired by.

    Hitler talks about his loyal Waffen SS - unknown date.


    Waffen SS Parade March - ♫ Viktoria Sieg Heil ♫ (high quality)

  10. John Sholtes

    John Sholtes Banned

    May 6, 2012
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  11. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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  12. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    "The World" says you must cut certain people some slack for bad behavior. I believe that most everybody is born with a moral compass, a soul, a concsious that tells them what is right and wrong. So the World says to the Waffen SS guy charged with a war crime, "You should have known better, you are a cultured Westerner." "I was just following orders," comes the reply. "No excuse, hang him," they come back. Based on a real trial and evidence, this is fine. Same thing with the Japanese, except their excuse is, "This is my culture to torture and kill prisoners, part of my duty." The World says, "Poor man, it's not your fault."

    I say "rubbish." No one should get mercy for gratuitously torturing enemies, even if they have been caught doing the same to your own buddies. A simple bullet to their heads is an adequate punishment. No soldier anywhere has the right to follow orders to rape and torture innocent civilians or cut off their arms so they can't vote, etc. Makes no difference if you are a young soldier from the most primitive part of Africa, you still have no exuse. Now some people and cultures are just more "jacked-up" than others, and even though the leaders of these twisted cultures are most to blame, individual acccountibilityfor the rank and file soldier must come into play as well.
  13. John Sholtes

    John Sholtes Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    But it’s human to look elsewhere for a culprit, and who better than the Germans? After all, we know that they’re ruthless, brutal, unforgiving, war-mongering, humourless, club-footed crypto-Nazis. Every last one of them. Villains straight from central casting. And how do we know this? The MSM, print, film and TV, have been drumming it into us for over half a century. And as every schoolboy knows, the MSM, and tenured academic faculty, don't lie, or engage in tendentious propaganda.

    And what makes the Germans so dreadful? Well, for a start we know they started two world wars. Don't we? Well, no, actually, we don't. I don't think there’s a reputable historian today who’d make that claim for the First World War. That war arose from a whole range of drivers, not least the British determination not to let Germany build colonies in Africa.

    But what about WW II, you know, the ‘good war’? Well again, even though German guilt, and exclusive guilt, is deemed beyond dispute, the facts say otherwise. We must remember that the Treaty of Versailles and its associated reparations reduced Germany to penury within a few years. It also stripped it of vast stretches of land which had been lived in by Germanic peoples for half a millennium. This in turn resulted in millions of ethnic Germans being forcibly expelled, without compensation, and forced to flee to Germany, which at that time was in total economic collapse.

    Remember that pre-WW I Germany stretched, incredible as it may seem today, to the borders of present day Lithuania. Hitler had his eyes on getting that back, and a lot more beside. But he wasn’t the only political figure with revanchist goals. And many of them had what was left of Germany in their sights. Poland, Soviet Union, Slovakia (part of Czechoslovakia then), Hungary and the Yugoslav republics all had mini Hitlers with similar goals. They just didn’t have German brains and organisational strength to do it. Bear in mind too that the Poles thought the Germans army to be paper tigers, easily defeated.

    And although the new Poland had taken over the German provinces of West Prussia, Posen (the Corridor) and East Upper Silesia, bringing more than 2 million Germans came under Polish rule, they wanted a lot more. Here’s Marshall Rydz-Smigly, Inspector General of the Polish Army, in a lecture to officers and cadets in 1937: "Poland wants a war with Germany and Germany cannot avoid it, even if it wants to." Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, Poland’s future dictator, was quoted as saying in 1930 to the League of Greater Poland "We are convinced that we cannot avoid a war between Poland and Germany. We must systematically and energetically prepare ourselves for this war. No prisoners will be taken in this war, and there will be no place for human feelings."

    Now to the vexed question of the Germans and the Jews. It’s unquestionably accepted that nowhere were Jews better positioned than in Germany, arguably even compared to the United States, up to the time of the Nazis.Well, all of that’s true up to a point. As I mentioned earlier, Germany was a total basket case when Hitler came to power, and it’s reasonable to suggest that he would not have come to power had it not been so. Yet once he was elected to a coalition government, where he had to share power, the Jews of Europe and America declared total economic war.

    American Jewish leader Samuel Untermyer declared “the Jews of the world now declare a Holy War against Germany. And we are going to starve them into surrender. We are going to use a world-wide boycott against them. That will destroy them because they are dependent upon their export business." For good measure he added “Germany [has] been converted from a nation of culture into a veritable hell of cruel and savage beasts. Now or never must all the nations of the earth make common cause against the... slaughter, starvation and annihilation... fiendish torture, cruelty and persecution that are being inflicted day by day upon these men, women and children.”

    Bear in mind that at this time there had been no anti-Jewish outbreaks of any significance, nor had there been any anti-Jewish legislation whatsoever. No surprise then that Germany’s Jewish leaders were strongly opposed to the boycott. Given this boycott, the rumours of the ‘stab in the back’ during WW I, and the overwhelming Jewish involvement in drawing up the draconian terms of the Versailles Treaty, it would be surprising if Hitler had not a rich compost in which to embed his plans for the Holocaust. Where six million Jews died. In the gas chambers of Auschwitz and elsewhere.

    Well, do the research, as I did. The six million figure has been quietly dropped to about 1.5 million, and we now know the ‘gas chambers’ at Auschwitz could not have been used for extermination. Cremation yes, extermination, no. What about the iconic photos of bodies piled high at Belsen? Again, do the research. They died overwhelmingly of disease and starvation arising from the Allied blockade. And gthen there's the extensive co-operation between the Nazis and Zionist interests during the thirties, geared towards the compatible goals of getting 'rid' of Germany's Jews and heloing them to move to Palestine. Again, check it out. I suggest that these are the reasons it’s been made a crime to question the Holocaust: It just doesn’t add up.

    Despite this, Germans have become synonymous with genocide. They’re reminded of it ceaselessly. The beat themselves up on it. They flagellate themselves. But not the Turks. They make it a crime to say the did carry out genocide - against the Armenians in this instance. They don't apologise. When some good hearted people set up a monument to friendship between Turks and Armenians on the border, the Turkish people of Kars tore it down. We hear little of this, partly because Jews, having cornered the market on genocide (and the attendant reparations) didn’t want a competitor in the field. And the Turks weren’t taking any of this (*)(*)(*)(*) anyway.


    I hope so.

    Hopefully I've shown enough here to make you question the prevailing concept of the evil Germans. They’ve been traduced, vilified, bled dry and reduced to an emasculated shadow of what they were. The facts show that they don't deserve it. Apart from one thing for which their guilt is beyond question: Their habit of bagging all the sun loungers and then heading off to the beach for the day. Guilty as charged.
  14. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Very simplistic. Not all Germans were Nazis and it is Nazis that are associated with genocide. A populous trained to follow orders only helped.
  15. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Not simplistic- disingenious. Sholts tries to equate our natural revulsion to Nazi's to revulsion against the entire German people. I don't think any of us are making claims saying that a whole racial or national group- for example of the Jews- are bad- that would be a bigotted and racist remark.

    What I am saying is that Nazi's were scum and deserve to be remembered as such.
  16. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Yep. Nazis were scum alright.
  17. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    I don't think there is anything wrong with having pride in one's heritage...however there's a fine line between pride and superiority.
    Germany is our ally, no one is openly condemning the German people of today. Most around today weren't even alive at the peak of the Third Reich.
    It would be the equivalent of equating the sin of slavery to every U.S. citizen walking around today.

    These are horrible ghosts of the past, and they should never be forgotten...but I see no positive benefit to eternal grudges against those who had no part in it.
    I also see no point in glamourizing the tragedy and degradation of humanity which the Third Reich wrought upon the World.
  18. John Sholtes

    John Sholtes Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    As far as saying that not all Germans are NAZIS ths is true. But Hitler was elected by a 98% majority and when he began his Nationalist Socialism he had the support of 98% of Germany. After the inilalation of Germany and the afterwar murder, torture starvation and continued Allied occupation the Nazis were all killed off or scared to profess any belief or feelings of National heritage or wanting to preserve their Germanic bloodlines for fear of imprisonment, being murdered or sanctioned by the newly zionist regime imposed upon them.

    Right now there are some of the youth who still believe in preserving their ancient Germanic bloodline and are opposed to the newly impliminted austerrity programs being forced upon them by our friends in the jewish banking system. Because the influx of jews and the continued occupation of the Zionist American military they are brave to even speek up and are being demonized by the implaced jewish media and government that they have now.

    I guess you had better get together with your jewish ally you know the ones who attacked the Liberty, and go in and rape, mutiliate the women, gather all of them and put them in concentration camps and starve them to death. Then maybe if you keep it up you will succeed in extermination the evil Nazis from the earth and we will have the worldwide multicultural citizenship of mixed raced mongrels ruled by the chosen jewish rulers amd do our god given duty of being their slaves.
  19. Panzerkampfwagen

    Panzerkampfwagen New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    Hitler was not elected by a 98% majority. Hitler's party had a minority government.
  20. John Sholtes

    John Sholtes Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    There is no longer any reliable statistics that have not either been moderated or falsly created in the regard of the % of Germans who supported Hitler. As when he came to power he did not have a majority of support but after bringing Germany out of the Weimar Republic and creating the success of rebuilding Germany's economy he gained overall support. There is more evidence of this from the film coverageof him than anything that the jewish media wou let us know. Don't get me wrong My father Colonel Carl Edward Sholtes fought in WWII and I have the greatest respect for our military. I just want to get the facts about why we went to war to be known.
  21. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Nazi's were scum.
  22. John Sholtes

    John Sholtes Banned

    May 6, 2012
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  23. Dingo

    Dingo New Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Watching a bunch of robotic genocidal thugs strut around on a video, is how you get your high? How much time have you spent in prison or are you living impotently at home with mommie dreaming your fascist dreams?
  24. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    I can not name the best soldiers of all time. If we go back in time there are some remarkable armys and individual soldiers from the Huns to the Spartans. (yes they and their exploits were probably embellished as are even modern exploits)Lets not forget the highly lauded by film and print 300 Spartans that participated in the defense of Thermopylae. As a army (101st) veteran I could not imagine wielding sword and shield in battle for the length of time etc that they did. If we jump to WW2 there is/was the SAS, equal to the Germans Waffen SS IMO.

    The Spetsnaz is not to be messed with either! Or the MARSOC or the SEALS, in reality all the nations fielded the best soldiers. Who is the best would probably depend on the mission. I would choose different groups for different missions. For example I would not choose the Waffen SS for a total marine operation in WW2, but would probably choose them over a urban combat situation, well it would be a tie between them and the Russian Spetsnaz if they were called that in WW2. In the defense of Stalingrad the Russians spanked the Germans handing what was left of their ass back to Hitler. In all fairness the Germans were at a disadvantage there.
    Anyway I would say the question is unanswerable.
  25. John Sholtes

    John Sholtes Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    You can copy and paste it over there to educate the leftist morons.

    Weimar Republic elections

    1st German election, 1919


    2nd German election, 1920


    3rd German election, May 1924


    4th German election, December 1924


    5th German election, 1928


    6th German election, 1930


    7th German election, July 1932


    8th German election, November 1932


    9th German election, March 1933


    Elections in Nazi Germany (formally under the Weimar Constitution)

    10th German election, November 1933


    11th German election, 1936


    12th German election, 1938

    http://www.churchofthesonsofyhvh.org...ifferences.htm /http://erectuswalksamongst.us/ http://yun.complife.ru/100facts.htm

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