What can be done about black crime?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Anders Hoveland, Nov 26, 2011.

  1. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Why bother? Morons ignore the facts.

    I'll confirm the biological differences between Whites and Blacks:

    Testosterone levels:

    'Warrior' gene:

    Brain volume and IQ differences:

    I assume you're competent enough to find the rape/homicide rates by race in the UK and US.
  2. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Yes, denial of economic equality (economic oppression) does lead to other forms of crime including rape and murder. When a person has bright prospects for their future they are far less likely to engage in many forms of criminal behavior but when they have extremely low expectations of success regardless of whatever they might personally do (e.g. racism in employment) then they are far more prone to engage in criminal activities.

    I'm pleased see that IQ (tests) were referenced as opposed to the racist claim that blacks are less intelligent than whites. We know why the IQ test scores for blacks are lower because "a lack of motivation" has been identified as the probably cause. There is a lack of motivation because of racial discrimination in employment and "education =/= economic success" for African-American overall. There have been extensive gains in educational accomplishment for blacks since the 1960's but that has not translated into economic success as blacks are still discriminated against extensively in employment, advancement, and compensation in America today.

    Racial discrimination against blacks in the UK isn't much different that racial discrimination against blacks in the US so of course the statistics are similiar.
  3. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    It's an interesting, but slippery question.

    I saw a comment that called America a civilized society. Checking back into it's past, I don't see any evidence of this. Especially concerning Black people. Also the Hawaiians...the Dominicans...the Indians...the Central Americans...the South Ameircans. I think only Canada hasn't received the graces of the US's darker courtesies. I'm not sure where this illusion comes from. I think acknowledging this moral gap in reasoning might bring to mind a little consciousness for how these people got here. Of course, there is also the well known saying about how a country that brought Black people here in chains are no whining about them going back as if they came here illegally or something.

    Another thing is to remember that the poor in any country are heavily exploited. They are a very cheap source of labor and, as you might have gathered by some of the comments, a successful campaign to diminish the public image of these people allows for this exploitation to continue almost unabated. It's easier to say it's "their fault".

    I do, however, acknwledge the destructive influences Black people project on themselves...or so you would think. For instance, many people bleat on about the corrosive rap music in Black America. Of course, they don't realize that 90% of the music industry is controlled by white billionaires who have made it clear that they do not advance rappers that talk about positive things, but actively support the negative image. It was what led from the particularly clean, educating, and progressive rap in it's earliest stages, to the garbage you see now. However, this also has a similarity with the increasing garbage you see in all other music and media. As I said...they are owned by the same billionaires who see "garbage" as profitable. And they appear to be right.

    One last thing I could say is that, of course, Blacks are targeted by cops far more than whites. This has happened even before there was a large growth in Black crime. People don't seem to realize that. Blacks have always, always been targeted. They used to be hung and lynched, and the judge and the governors of the local used to be in the pictures with the hung body. Think about how that effects your view of your chances for a fair life in America. And think how that effects the lessons and idealogy passed down generations. For instance, in New York, more white people smoke weed than Blacks, however far more Black people are arrested for marijuanna possession than Whites. Conclusion? Also, in New York, they have okayed a law where it is legal to stop any Black person on the street and search and frisk them. This gem of a law, you can imagine, fills African Americans with a fuzzy feeling of hope and joy knowing how they are seen by their government.

    Only recently, Black people seem to find a slight elevation in standing due to the emergence of a high immigration- which is the emergence of a new underclass barely covered by our laws. But it is also fair to say that the centuries of abuse of the Black culture is what led to the relatively few decades they have been allowed to actually build upon the s**t sandwhich civilized society handed to them. And to say racism is dead would be utterly....utterly naive.

    So...aside from shallow statements about Black people being given a fair chance in everything, and that they really need to pick themselves up, by various politicians and d**k heads, it's not that simple. At the very least, the country should devote considerably more time to actually cleaning up those places in a way that was civil and respectable to those people. Aiding them and nuturing their growth. But...they just shove liquor stores and pawn shops and all that stuff into these places. Drugs and guns. Thee guesses who owns, produces, and transports all of these things (hint: civlized White billlionaires) And so long as the country can pretend that they had no hand in the condition of the Black community, allowing themselves a moral distance with which to antagonize them with, there probably won't be any meaningful andavncement unless Black people can overcome the considerably steep uphill climb. I mean, while the nation has just entered a depression...they've been in a sort of quasi-depression for a long time. And the recent one has hit them even harder than you think.

    All this is just to say avoid simple people who try to offer you simple reasons for the way things are...or how they are to be fixed.
  4. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    Hilarious, as usual the rabid right wingers have brought into the propaganda of misrepresentation and lies.
  5. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    I could have mentioned lower performance on cognitive tests and brain volume differences between Blacks and Whites.

    Inherent differences where education does not affect ability.

    Reaction time tests and backward digit span show inherent differences in ability between Whites, Blacks and East Asians.

    I'm pleased to read this groundbreaking revelation I've never heard before. When did you manage to prove or demonstrate this in numerous studies?

    Let me know when you can prove that. Or show that discrimination and rape rates are linked.

    Perhaps it's due to Blacks having significantly lower IQ than Whites, as opposed to East Asians, which further explains why East Asians have managed to succeed in 'racist' America instead of lower IQ Blacks and Hispanics?
  6. Riot

    Riot New Member

    May 12, 2013
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    I can lower crime rates in days.
    It's simple.
    Guns- shape them like penises. Most men wouldn't want to be walking around with holding a penis other than their own.
    Drug- pain pills. Make them shaped like penis. He'll make them penis shape suppositories.
    Weed- little male penises on the rolling papers. Most men would never want to smoke a pole.
    Alcohol- put a valve in every bottle that forces you to deep throat half the bottle neck before the valve opens to release the alcohol.
    There I fixed the problems. Well I may have increased the problems in the gay and female communities. Sorry. I tried
  7. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    It isn't actually "groundbreaking" as numerous studies have supported it and it is also logical as well. A person that is not "motivated" to do well on a test is unlikely to score well on the test. A completely "unmotivated" person would just mark any answer on a multiple choice test not caring whether the anser was right or wrong and the test measures absolutely nothing but random chance. As noted though there have been several studies that have also established this fact so here are some links to them.



    Always remember that the IQ test was never designed to actually measure "intelligence" but instead was designed as a test to predict future success in education and enterprise but as recent studies have shown motivation plays a huge role in both the IQ test scores and as a predictor of future success or failure in education and the ecomony as well as being a predictor of possible future criminal activity. We can also note that "motivation" is far more important related to future success than "intelligence" which, as noted, is what these tests were really designed to predict.

    It would actually be more accurate to call an IQ Test (Intelligence Quotiant Test) a MQ Test (Motivation Quotient Test) as that is really what they're measuring more so than anything else.

    Because if the historical denial of equality of opportunity for blacks in America the motivation for many blacks has been all but destroyed. While we've seen a significant increase in educational accomplishment for blacks (i.e. high school graduation rates are almost on a parity with whites and more blacks are attending and graduating college than ever before) there hasn't been a corresponding increase in black economic advancement. Studies have shown that typically a black person has to be significantly more qualified for a job to actually be hired over a white person for a position because of anti-black racial prejudice in employment in America. The identical situation exists for employment advancement and compensation. The black person typically has to be significantly better than their white counterpart in our economy to achieve success.

    There isn't a level playing field for blacks and that adversely affects their motivation in almost all aspects of human behavior.
  8. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Your last paragraph in which you do nothing but mouth leftwing propaganda points deliberately designed by the Democratic Party leadership to KEEP Blacks and all other minorities unmotivated and endlessly sucking at the teat of free handouts is where your structure falls apart:

    1] Since the 1960s legally there has been mandated BEYOND equal opportunity to the extent that the term "Reverse Racism" was coined and also to the extent that leftwingers actually set up in for life, fully funded sinecure positions in order to propagandize why the term "Reverse Racism" was nonsense. But if something is patently nonsense then you don't need to start up a propaganda industry to refute it.

    2] Legally you simply cannot discriminate based on the color of an applicant's skin tone or facial structure or accent or what have you. Lot's of very successful and lucrative law suits over that one. It's been in the news. Lots of leftwing attorneys and their clients getting wealthy over the results of those lawsuits whether not some of them were simply invented.

    3] When the Left tells Blacks and other numerical minorities that "Nothing can EVER be your fault!" and that, "You are OWED things due merely to an accident of birth and random roll of the genetic dice," and that, "Relax and we will see to it that the handout gravy train never ever ends for you," then -- gasp! -- one tends to lack as much motivation as the fellow told, "You? Oh we don't give a rat's arse if you life or die. You're totally on your own," then one group tends to do nothing much at all except wait for the next batch of handouts whereas the other group scrambles to make something of themselves in life. It's rocket science. Go figure.

    What's grotesquely amusing though is that any time anyone from a leftwing designated unlimited handouts group figures out the Dem Party's ideological scam deliberately designed to KEEP them in the peasant class and they defiantly eschew the handouts and ignore the leftwing whispers that there's no point in even trying . . . they are inevitably labelled dupes by the Left and even Uncle Toms. Of course they also generally make themselves prosperous via the fruit of their own hard work . . . they in turn laugh at the Left.
  9. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    What you didn't show, is that Blacks are less motivated than Whites when taking IQ tests, or that the gap between Whites and Black IQ test scores is due to motivation.

    The level playing field claim is rather humorous, as the IQ gap between Whites and Blacks increases at higher SES levels.

    So Blacks from wealthy families are still somehow not playing on a level playing field (supposedly); worse, the playing field mysteriously becomes more lopsided. Imagine that?

    Then again, there's the IQ gap between Black and White children and teenagers adopted by White middle class parents, too.

    As for your studies on employment discrimination, once again, the same has been shown to apply to East Asians - who experience the same type of 'discrimination' as Blacks in hiring.


    Quick references:



    Yet, somehow, they outperform Whites than lower IQ Blacks and Hispanics.
  10. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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  11. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    As noted in the studies I provided the IQ tests we use today are more related to "motivation" than to actual "intelligence" and "IQ tests" were designed as predictors of future achievement and were never actually designed to measure human intelligence. Motivation plays a much more significant role in determining future behavior than intelligence. The tests themselves establish that generally speaking blacks are less motivated than whites when it comes to taking IQ tests and the reasons why they're less motivated is clearly that they know they will face economic discrimination regardless of their educational achievement later in life.

    Along with other studies a study done in 2003 established that a white person was 2.4 to 3.4 times more likely to be employed when compared to a black person when all other factors were identical.


    This study is reinforced annually as the "official unemployment rates" which relates to those that have been employed, are qualified for jobs, and are actively seeking employment, have always been significantly higher for blacks than for whites.

    What the studies have shown is that preadolecent test scores for black children (taken at age 5) adopted by white parents are virtually the same as for white children raised by white parents but then drop dramatically as the child becomes older. In short, as the child grows older they become aware of the discrimination and oppression they will face in adulthood which destroys much of their motivation to succeed.



    First post a link that establishes the Asians are discriminated against when compared to whites economically and then the claim is made they do better than whites when the link established just the opposite. Ever heard of the word "consistancy" in making an argument? If the claim is made and documented that Asians are discriminated against in hiring and wages then it cannot be claimed that they aren't discriminated against in hiring and wages.

    It's also rather ignorant to make a comparison between Asians, Blacks and Hispanics where different social factors come into play. What we can document is that every demographic group except WASP Males has been oppressed and discriminated against in the United States albeit to different degrees and in different historical points in time but that Blacks have always been the most discriminated against and most oppressed throughout American history.

    BTW Just to keep the information rolling we can also document that as of 2012 that 79% (or virtually 8 in 10) Republicans expressed explicit anti-black prejudice and prejudice is the primary cause behind racial discrimination and oppression. Of course Republicans were not alone in expressing explicit anti-black prejudice but they were certianly the worst group to do so. When it came to "implicit" (i.e. derived from other statements) racial prejudice there was more parity between political ideologies but the fact is that anti-black prejudice is a serious problem in American that is well documented and has been virtually forever in America.


    Of course every "Republican" and "conservative" seems to claim that they're in the 21% of Republicans that don't express explicit anti-black racial prejudice but that just means that 4 out of 5 are lying to themselves and we can tell from their statements that they're lying. I've always wondered what it must be like to be a racist and a liar at the sametime but I guess I'll never know.
  12. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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  13. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    While we can state that what we say is a matter of opinion my opinion is based upon reading literally hundreds of studies and pages of history and then logical deductions are based upon that information. For example I can uncategorically states that "every demomgraphic group except WASP Males has been discriminated against and oppressed in America and I can prove that based upon history. It's not an opinion but instead it's a historical fact. I can also state that 79% of Republicans expressed explicit anti-black racial prejudice because I have a study to back that up and there isn't any study anywhere that contradicts it. When someone posts a study that contradicts this study, for example establishing that only 65% of Republicans express explicit anti-black racial prejudice then I would be forced to re-examine that "facts" but that has never been done. When I state that "whites" are a 2.4 to 3.4 times to be hired when compared to a black person when all other factors are identical I have a study to support that. When I state that "motivation" is more important than intelligence on an IQ test and that IQ tests don't actually measure human intelligence I can provide the citiation that support those statement.

    There is "opinion" and "informed opinion" and I provide "informed opinion" and that makes a significant difference.

    I'm not up on British education systems but I did study learning and education in America in college and there is one simple fact. Our education systems are based upon obsolete education models that are prone to failure over success. When we can show that an education system is fundamentally designed for failure any comments about it really become moot. The traditional education model of rote memorization and "teaching to the test" have are a demonstrated failure for most students so why even address it. We need a complete overhaul of our education system.

    That still doesn't change the fact that a black person requires a superior education and experience when compared to a white person competing for a job and even if they are employed they will receive lower compensation for that job. I don't have the link anymore but there was a study where where blacks with an MBA (Master in Business Adminstration), which is one of the most coveted degrees in America, received on the average less compensation than the average white college graduate with any four-year degree. That is a dismal fact when it comes to employment and compensation and I'm going to keep looking to see if I can find the link to that study again.

    Anyone that believes there is a level playing field economically for African-Americans in the United States has their head up their rectal cavity because every single study ever conducted contradicts this belief. They might have that "opinion" but it is based upon ignorance and is not an "informed opinion" which is why there are differences between what I state and what many others state.
  14. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Well in point of fact I'm simply not in the mood this morning to debate with closed-minded individuals steeped in ideologically-based propaganda bullet points. You are flat out wrong in many areas of your assertions and merely somewhat off base in others; but I just don't care enough to wade into it with you this A.M.

    Thus I will take the unusual approach of stipulating that you are utterly correct in your every assertion. I suggest that we neuter all White males so that everything will be perfect for current minorities in the near future. Of course that will then depend upon various competing minority groups getting along in perfect peace and harmony as they move into the resulting power vacuum . . . but I have faith that people of brown and browner skin tones will always find a way to respect one another and always and forever advance the group common good. There you go. Enjoy.
  15. Nanninga

    Nanninga Member

    May 6, 2010
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    Give those who want to remain in America some reservations and ship the others back to Africa to run their own countries. Truth is, multiculturalism works only with middle class people or that of a higher status.
  16. JooDee

    JooDee New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    They need jobs and a good role model.

    Grand Secretary of Bar Sing Say.
  17. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    I'm glad you thought it funny.

    What I actually said, was that East Asians experience discrimination, yet they outperform Whites on IQ test and various life achievement metrics. No, you didn't actually address why East Asian IQ is higher than White, I see (That was the point I was making - East Asians experience discrimination, but outperform Whites).

    I've heard of consistency, but I think reading comprehension is the issue.

    Just like your inability to dig up those studies showing the IQ gap between Whites and Blacks is due to motivation.

    No, I'm not interested in your analysis of disparate studies and connect the dots approach to explain that motivation is why Blacks perform worse than Whites on reaction time and backward digit span tests, but they perform closer to Whites on forward digit span tests.

    Can you quantify oppression? Has East Asian oppression in the US been worse or better than Black oppression in the UK?

    Care to give some actual analysis?

    Btw, there is an IQ gap at age 7 between Black and White children; at age 7, Black children have an IQ 20 points lower than White children of same age; at age 17, the gap is around 17 points.

    Last table, corrected for Flynn affect:
  18. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Btw, interestingly enough, your quote of the NYT article doesn't actually say Black and White five year old children have (near) identical IQ, does it?

    Funny that.

    As for the two tables, they show Black-White performance on forward and backward digit span memory tests.

    The gap for forward memory is much closer between Blacks and Whites. Interestingly, however, the gap increases significantly on ability to recall numbers backwards.

    That seems like a clear example to discredit your theory that the IQ gap between Whites and Blacks is due to motivation.

    Otherwise, your argument becomes incoherent when you try to claim Blacks are more motivated to recite numbers forwards than backwards.
  19. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Perhaps it is time to interject an opinion that is something to think about more so than to attempt to argue with rebuttal.

    Those with prejudice seek to rationalize their beliefs.

    We don't like to think of the fact that we might just be wrong so we tend to dispute or deny anything that disagrees with our opinions. The very nature of prejudice generally reflects a denial of it's existance in our own personal lives. As was documented by a study (the second in a series) 32% of Democrats expressed explicit anti-black racial prejudice so basically one in three "liberals" harbor anti-black racial prejudice and I seriously doubt that they will either admit it or even realize that personallyt they're racially prejudiced. They "rationalize" their beliefs and attitudes of prejudice dismissing any critics believing that even if the study is accurate that they're one of the two out of three that don't express explict anti-black racial prejudice.

    Of course the causes of prejuduce are complex.


    I emphasized a couple of points in the above citation for a reason. None of us like to think we're "inferior" to others. If asked few people will admit to having an IQ lower than 100 and yet IQ tests are calibrated so that 100 equals the median test score. No one wants to believe that they're "dumber than the average person" but according to the IQ tests half of us are regardless of what an actual test might reveal. We tend to always believe that we're "superior" to others in society and often resort to rationalizations to support that personal belief. The fact is we're all people and none of us are superior or inferior to someone else in any significant way.

    When someone resorts to such criteria as "race" in attempting to rationalize their "superiority" they're really grasping at straws because biologically there is only one race. We are all a part of the "Human Race" (i.e. homo sapiens) biologically. While there are genetic differences when "groups" are segregated (e.g. Asians v European Whites) the differences within the group are far greater than the differences between different groups. By analogy we're really comparing two identical cars with different trim packages or paint color but functionally the cars are the same.

    Here is where I personally drew the line. I can look at the "statistics" such as IQ test scores where a difference is shown and the first question I have to ask is how can two groups that are biologically the same have different outcomes? What are the most evident factors that can be the "cause" of the difference and when we address "race" the most obvious is the social impact of oppression and discrimination that is documented so well based upon every study and historical fact we know. I can't ignore the social impact of racial prejudice that leads to discrimination that we know beyond any shadow of doubt exists.

    Others seek to find another reason and ignore the most evident reason completely. For many human nature dictates they deny that they have racial prejudice and then ignore the fact that racial prejudice is the most evident "cause" behind the different outcomes when comparison are made. They seek to find another more obscure reason behind the different outcomes while ignoring the elephant in the living room. They rationalize resorting to "stereotyping" to hide their own prejudice but stereotyping is reflective of the prejudice they hold.

    I can only ask others to not ignore the elephant in the living room. Prejudice and the resulting discrimination is the elephant in the living room and before looking at any other factors we must first account for the impact of prejudice and the resulting discrimination. Don't under-estimate the power of the elephant.
  20. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    What the transracial adoption studies also show is that biracial Black-White children have IQ that is the average of the Black and White IQ scores.

    Interestingly, for that to happen, biracial children must somehow receive nearly half the discrimination of full Black children.

    Evolution also didn't stop at the neck up.

    West Sub-Saharan Blacks, Whites and East Asians are different in brain volume, testosterone levels and gene frequency affecting aggression and brain size.

    We are slightly less different from each other than some breed of dog; in some cases, certain dog breeds are more similar to each than, say, Sub-Saharan Africans and Australian aborigines, however. Of course, dog breed intelligence and temperament varies greatly.

    How is one sure that humans are so closely related w/o SNP and mtDNA frequency data?

    As far as citing discrimination as the reason for racial IQ gaps, that once again ignores that East Asians throughout the West have IQ's higher than the White average and nearly the same as averages in Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong.

    We can see from above that the forward and backward digit span results blow the theory of motivation being the factor for the Black-White IQ gap out of the water.

    Such an explanation would require that Blacks are more motivated to recall numbers forward than backward.
  21. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    you'd ignore them anyways and still find a way to call Zimmerman a racist
  22. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Well print them and then lets see. BTW I would call him what he is, a murderer.
  23. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    I didn't make a claim in this thread about anything more than your hatred of an acquitted man. So the only links I have the onus of presenting is the ones showing how you feel about Z.

    Do you want those?
  24. edud01

    edud01 New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
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    This nation was built on and exists within a white supremacy power structure so the answer may not be appealing.
  25. taikoo

    taikoo Banned

    Jul 25, 2012
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    The more the whites retreat to their trailer parks and into regressive anti intellectual pursuits like 'fundamentalism" the sooner things will change.

    - - - Updated - - -

    how about this guy? both are black.

    FL man claims self-defense, charged with murder after pursuing, shooting suspected burglar
    1/23/14 | by Jennifer Cruz
    0 54
    Claudius Smith (left) is charged with second-degree murder for the shooting death of Ricardo Sanes (right), but Smith claims the shooting was self-defense. (Photo credit: Orlando Police)
    Claudius Smith (left) is charged with second-degree murder for the shooting death of Ricardo Sanes (right), but Smith claims the shooting was self-defense. (Photo credit: Orlando Police)

    An Orlando man is facing second-degree murder charges after he pursued and shot a young man who he suspected was a burglar. However, according to police documents obtained by the Orlando Sentinel, the man claims he only shot the suspect after he was attacked and feared for his own life.

    It was just before noon last Thursday when 32-year-old Claudius Smith was in his apartment and his girlfriend noticed a young man wearing dark clothes and “walking around his yard” on the home’s video surveillance monitor. The man was also seen climbing over the fence into the apartment complex.

    The area had seen a number of burglaries recently and Smith later told police that “he was certain the unknown male was responsible.”

    Smith, who has a valid concealed carry permit and, according to his girlfriend, often carries a .45-caliber handgun, left his home to confront the young man.

    As Smith approached the man, who was later identified as 21-year-old Ricardo Sanes, he noticed him “looking into windows of apartments as he walked past them.”

    Smith admitted to authorities that he pulled his gun while confronting Sanes, who originally attempted to walk away, but Smith pulled on the young man’s hooded sweatshirt in an effort to detain him while “the police could be called.” However, according to Smith, Sanes then “punched him in the mouth and grabbed for his gun.”

    At that point, fearing for his safety and believing that Sanes was armed “because his pants were falling down” and his hands were in his pockets, Smith fired several rounds at Sanes.

    When police arrived they found Sanes lying in the grass. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Officers also found a .40-caliber handgun tucked into the crotch area of his pants. It is unknown if Sanes’ gun was legally owned or whether he possessed a permit to carry concealed.

    Upon examining the body, authorities also discovered that Sanes had gunshot wounds to his back and the back of his neck – a detail which may tatter Smith’s claim of self-defense. Apparently when the police made mention of this fact to Smith, he indicated they may have been exit wounds.

    Smith now faces second-degree murder charges and is being held in an Orange County jail without bail.

    While Smith claims he shot in self-defense, there is speculation over whether or not Florida’s controversial ‘Stand Your Ground’ law will be invoked.

    “If (Smith) didn’t have probable cause to detain this guy, or make a citizen’s arrest, then everything he did was illegal and he has no ‘stand your ground’ defense,” said Orlando defense lawyer Richard Hornsby.

    However, although Bill Sheaffer, legal commentator for a local news station, believes that Smith will face “an uphill battle convincing a jury that it was self-defense,” he still doesn’t completely rule out the possibility of invoking Stand Your Ground.

    “It’s available, it’s worked, and lawyers and defendants are always testing the elasticity of ‘Stand Your Ground’ and of self-defense,” Sheaffer said.

    Sheaffer also pointed out some similarities as well as glaring differences in the Smith case and the Trayvon Martin shooting, which thrust the controversial SYG law into the media spotlight.

    Of course, there’s the infamous hoodie, worn by both Martin and Sanes. Both George Zimmerman and Smith were concerned about recent burglaries in the area and both men pursued who they perceived to be suspects. In addition, Zimmerman and Smith both claimed that they were physically attacked before they fired the fatal shots.

    However, unlike Zimmerman, Smith admitted to the police that he attempted to physically restrain Sanes. Furthermore, while Martin was shot a single time in the chest, Sanes was shot multiple times in the back.

    If convicted of second-degree murder, Smith could face a minimum of 25 years or up to life in prison

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