What Don't You Like About The Gay Community?

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by 808state, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. diligent

    diligent New Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    'It's also not fair to judge ALL homosexuals for a disease and un-safe behaviors only practiced by a small subset.'

    That seems a fair enough point.
  2. CanadianEye

    CanadianEye Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2010
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    You and I agree on a few things, and disagree on others. Your post makes a lot of sense, and offered some things I didn't know about. It is surprising about not knowing the risk. Is the younger males who are somehow not knowing the risks? That would seem to follow the same pattern as hetero males and females.
  3. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    Indeed, a lot of the older males know the risk, but it's too late for their generation. Middle aged males grew up after the HIV crisis and consequently learned quick to protect themselves. But the younger generation, who never had to grow up in the peak of the HIV crisis underestimate the significance of the risk. Of all age groups, the young generation is the ONLY age group where the rates of new HIV infections is going up.

    Why is this? there's probably a variety of reasons. For one, we are talking about young men here, who are broadly impulsive, stupid, and think of themselves as immortal. They are ignorant of the HIV crisis, and probably don't think it's a substantial risk. I personally can't think of anyone I know who has HIV, and the lack of general exposure likely leads to a fair amount of ignorance on the subject. Most who are infected don't even know it.

    General ignorance and male stupidity aside, stigma, mental disorder and rebellion may be large contributor as well. Gays are often depressed and rebellious, leading to drug problems. Injected drugs themselves cary a risk of transmission, and along with drug use comes other forms of poor decision making (i.e. unsafe sex)... so that's a double whammy. Lack of family support can hurt the self esteem of a homosexual, promoting poor mental health and unhealthy behavior. Stigma also inhibits young men from creating long-term relationships that reduce the risk of disease, and instead resort to secretive flings. The CDC discusses this: http://www.cdc.gov/msmhealth/stigma-and-discrimination.htm

    There is also a substantial racial/cultural component to it. African Americans, by far, are the worst segment in terms of new HIV infection cases, dragging the statistic up for the entire group of homosexuals as a whole... with most other groups flat or declining. This may have to do with increased stigma they face in their culture, or perhaps a culture that generally approves of riskier behavior. I'm not educated enough on the topic to say the cause.

    It's a complex issue, with a variety of causes that apply to different segments of the population.
  4. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    you exclude your black and hispanic brothers and you wonder why you are called a Racist.

    Btw gay and lesbian are totally lifestyle choices but homosexuality is not ,see the difference is in the words and their meaning ,homosexuality is a sexual orientation ,whereas gay and lesbian are political constructs of well lets say less then honest minds.

    oh and the conection between rascist and gay lesbian think is known by the name of identity politics.
  5. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    In the 4 years of intensive study of the Gay and lesbian,lifestyle choosers i have found a common theme of Aids denial and aids phobia ,they hate the words themselves as it reminds them they are part of a greater community .

    See your average "gay and lesbian ' person will accept the fact that the homosexual community is the central community in nAdvanced nations that are responsible for the mmost cases by number BY A LONG shot ,for instance in NSW the figures are revealing ,the homosexual community comprises about 10% of the population yet still accounts for over 70% ,0f all new infections reported.

    Sorry anyone that thinks in the advanced nations that the homosexual community isn't the predominant community with Hiv infection is a dagerous idiot ,but then the Gay and lesbian community formed itself on the basis of Aids denial.Yep they say that Aids dosen't kill anymore ,hey go to Africa ans asia ,It kills millions still ,but because Gay and lesbian lifestyle choices are so exclusive then gays and lesbians don't get Aids only Homosexuals.

    i kid you not they think this way ,oh i am not homosexual I am Gay so I am different to those homosexual types of people ,I Identify as gay so I am not responsible for Aids .Don't blame my Gay and lesbian community ,blame the Homosexuals for it!
  6. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    I have never been called a racist by anyone logical enough to utilize the word as I tend to ignore race unless the issue at hand has statistically significant data. The post that you were replying to contains said data, this is the reason race is mentioned. Refusing to talk about these issues while pouncing on aids rates in the homosexual community show you are not trying to figure out the problem but rather make a point to prove your own prejudices. This would make you a bigot. You should also look up the meaning of a racist - you look as foolish as the left that throw it around.

    Serious question: is English your primary language as I am having trouble following you. Never have I said Aids is not a problem, most within the homosexual community know that it is a problem but some are ignorant or just do not care (just like in the heterosexual community). Please show me one person (gay or straight) that says AIDS/HIV is not deadly - thanks. And gay/lesbian equals homosexual, why do the anti-gay people always start arguing semantics when they cannot make valid point???

    Also learn to multi-quote
  7. fishmatter

    fishmatter New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    All three of these are wrong!

    Most of the unsafe sex taking place in Africa is the result of misinformation and ignorance. There are a few dictators out there who are responsible for killing hundreds of thousand of people because they told the citizens about some snake oil they had that could cure AIDS.

    It's not pretending - marriage is by far the best term to describe 2 people living together as a couple and making a legally binding commitment to each other.

    The evidence actually says that children benefit overwhelmingly from having two parents but found no difference between gay or straight couples as far successful parenting goes.

    I'm not going to dig up the studies for A and C unless you're dumb enough to disagree with me.
  8. fishmatter

    fishmatter New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    It seems weird that a homophobe would get a degree in Gay Studies but who am I to judge.

    I'm curious - what's your opinion on the shift in the way Foucault is cited since his death?
  9. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I say that HIV has never been responsible for the death of a single human being ever ,as Medical science says actually .go and educate yourself on the subject .And as far as the use of the English language in relation to politics ,science and law .Gay\lesbhian dosen't mean homosexual ,just the slang speaking uneducated think so.

    I am curious ,please answer THIS time ,if I am an inhabitant of the Greek island of lesbos ,am i correctly refered to as a LESBIAN?

    Nothing semantic about national identity now is there?

    "Race" is an Anti-scientific and just plain ignorant untrue disproved concept ,just like the other forms of cultural ethnic Identity Politics that spews forth from the Sociology Departments ,a race is an athletic event nothing else.

    RACE has no significance ,data included or not .So Mister non -racist define the RACES please ,as i say there are none ,even Human race as a definition is crap,we are a species ,see new word just for you and those that use backward unscientific concepts like Race its the Human species ,thats Species or known as species ,please repeat after me 'SPECIES" Not ever race.Clear now !

    Why do Gay\lesbian non- people insist that people do things the way they demand or they won't talk to you?

    Why do Gay\lesbian non- people insist on attacking SCIENCE?

    Why can't gay\Lesbian non- people get it into their non -heads that the Only valid discriptions of human sexuality are ,again,HOMOSEXUAL,BISEXUAL ,HETROSEXUAL.Is a Non Gay\Lesbian brain incapable of scientific thinking or something ,beyond me ?

    to spell it out ,W-H-A-T I-S Y-O-U-R PROBLEM WITH SCIENCE ?

    crickey ,someone actually believes that HIV is deadly ,hey newsflash ,Aids thats AQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICENCY SYNDROME is not a disease,Its a and the clue is in the last word,A "SYNDROME" specifically not a disease,a group of symptoms denoting an illness or disease progressing ,but not a disease itself. .And guess what its treatable.maybe never curable but humans need not die from it any more.

    Is one of the definitions of being "GAY"that the area of the brain that deals in complex scientific thinking is suppressed or something ?
  10. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Again, you are arguing that words cannot and do not have multiple meanings dependent on the context of how they are used.

    1. A competition between runners, horses, vehicles, boats, etc., to see which is the fastest in covering a set course.
    2. Each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.

    (of a person, esp. a man) Homosexual.
    A homosexual, esp. a man.
    merry - cheerful - jolly - joyful - blithe - mirthful

    Webster, wikipedia, britannica and all of the sources I could find agree with the definitions above - but I am sure they are all "uneducated" :roll:

    It is called a homonym - welcome to the English language; Enjoy your stay ;)

    Since I asked your question, answer mine: Why is everything you post so incredibly vapid. I cannot decide if you are a troll or just seriously deluded.
  11. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    How is he now citede ,as the post-modernist trash peddler that he was,oh dear and like all Post-modernist dunder heads they all ,say 'Iam not a post-modernist,i love Emanuel Kant ,and the unknowable "thing in itsefl'"And thrn when challenged what did he dive for the Armour of Neitche.Any one other then them selves and the promotion of the Anti-scientific, post-modernism .

    I simply explain it this way ,that if there is no objective reality outside of conciousness and everything is "Relative"without an "Objective "basis that is Knowable, then it would be possible to think the universe of your choice into existance.Then its a case of a human thinking on a not particualarly significant planet ,on the rim of a not very significant galaxy,revolving at 1000 miles an hour around a not very significant sun,is the basis of all existance .

    Sorry to inform the post-modernist school of destructive constructionist deconstructive relativist [not in the Einstein sense,as he was a physicist not philosopher] twaddle ,we are not the centre of the Universe and history is Objectively determined not manufactured by some post-modernist twit thinking brain .Deconstruct that!

    Oh hang on ,I know i will construct new sexualities and such TWADDLE!

    Oh ,history as a measure for the development of anything is to be rejected the great mind of Foucault can construct a new Paradigm of gobbly goog.
  12. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    well said, I was gonna type something similar, but I will just say dito to your post instead
  13. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I think many problems are imposed upon gay people, that tend to force other to focus upon them (especially as they fight for their basic human rights). That struggle isn't attractive.

    Sure, I can relate to that as an African American; not everything that every Black person does to address a problem, is something I expect others or myself to necessarily agree to. But I think that people put under the stress of vying for their very 'humanity', leads to certain actions which can be ugly or deemed unacceptable (to say the least).

    Gay people are simply, homosexual human beings. Other than that, they ARE like everyone else.

    I've been around so many types of people for so very long, I realize there isn't much difference between them. Human beings are what they are.

    As I said before, I hope for homosexual people (and their advocates) to FIGHT HARDER for equality... so that the foolishness about discriminating against them might end sooner than later.
  14. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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  15. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    People don't want to talk to you precisely because you seek to dictate to them how they must do things and which words they can use. You clearly just want to engage us in a battle over semantics. It's exhausting, and we have better things to do with our time than fight over whether someone should say "gay" or "homosexual".
  16. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    I think the currently preferred term by folks who live there is Lesbos islander. But if you want to identify yourself a Lesbian -- go for it.​
  17. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    I`m a Lesbian trapped in a man`s body.
  18. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I first heard that on Limbaugh's show. Even so, if you are as you say... it should be no problem for you to 'come-out' and have a relatively happy life. :)
  19. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Uncle Ferd says he don't like it...

    ... `cause dey's a lotta cute womens in it...

    ... he says it ain't so bad when dey's butt-ugly...

    ... but when dey's cute - dat's just plain wrong.
  20. diligent

    diligent New Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    Well you must be really dumb, or a real hardline homosexual, to even contemplate contradicting A and C. Even Blind Freddie can see that I was discussing the horrendous health effects of homosexual behaviour in Western countries and not those prevalent in Africa. Trying to divert the attention from the real problem in Western countries to the problems in Africa will not work!
  21. fishmatter

    fishmatter New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    You're gay, right?
  22. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    I actually have a positive thing to say about a Gay and Lesbian community in Oklahoma. Years ago a Gay and Lesbian organization requested use of on of our city parks. It caused a lot of fear amongst my neighbors (at the time I was ignorant of the goings on in San Franciso and gay pride parades :) So I was unconcerned.)

    They came and filled the park and just had a great time without disrespecting the neighborhood with heavy kissing and bikini pants on men. No one felt uncomfortable taking their kids there and enjoying the park with them. It left a new respect in the neighborhood for our gay and lesbian community that did their best to be respectful.

    And the park was cleaner after they had gone.
  23. Come Home America

    Come Home America New Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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  24. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Why bdo the "Gay and lesbian " community keep trying to push their lifestyle choices in evryones face ,normal homosexual people don't so what gives them the right?

    And if THEY pulled their heads in then they wouldn't get slapped.What do they need to understand the 90% of the crap they cop is their own making!
  25. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    whats that ,as a bisexual for the last near 50years from birth ,i can honestly say i have never experienced Bi -phobia.just like my normal hetrosexual homosexual friends we bisexuals don't go throwing some manufactured middle class fashion lifestyle choice in everyones face ,trying to pass it off as a sexual orientations and "civil rights" which "gay and lesbian "just are NOT!

    Being" GAY "has nothing to do with being Homosexual!

    2 entirely different things ,gay is a lifestyle choice of middle class layers for their middle class values and fashions and ignorance of science.

    or so my homosexual friends tell me ,most hate the idea of marriage BTW!

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