What Is The Underlying Cause Of Astronomically High Black Crime Rates?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Zook, Aug 17, 2011.


What Is The Underlying Cause Of Astronomically High Black Crime Rates?

  1. Genetics

  2. Greed

  3. Low intelligence

  4. Poverty

  5. Other

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  1. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Stereotypes exist for a very good reason. Some 12-year-old boy didn't think them up in his bedroom one night.

    My ignore list is empty too... when it comes to real members of the forum and not trolls. I prefer to place trolls on my ignore list because I have zero tolerance for immaturity.

    Hey, just out of curiosity, why do you have only one green square of rep despite over 4,000 posts? Can't be too many other people who agree with your posts. [​IMG]
  2. Alif Qadr

    Alif Qadr Banned

    Jan 19, 2012
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    So you say that "America" would not have heard or known about drive-by shootings if it were not for Black criminals? REALLY? I guess you have forgotten all about the Italian, Irish and Jewish. Heck, they are the inventors of drive-by shootings. If you are in doubt, do some investigation of your own on this subject. As for Black criminals beating up old White ladies and the other inexcusable actions that you have mentioned, what do you really expect to happen in a society where barbarity, incivility and all other ills of negative behavior are cherished, nutured and developed? Also, why haven't you focussed on all of the Black people in this country who do not commit crime(s)? It seems to me that you really have issues with Black people which is of no surprise to me being that I have lived in this country all of my life so I know what it done, taught and promoted.

    Also, why have you not offered any plausible solutions to reduce such problems amongst Black people?

    I am of the school of thought that unless we Black folks strive and overcome all of the negatives that we have learned from this society, we will never actually be a free people. One of the major problems is the silly notion that integration; we cannot no more achieve freedom, justice, equality nor independence as long as we focus on intermixing and integrating with others while we abandon ourselves. Love, Respect, Zakat, Employment, Spiritual Correctness, True Guidance and the like without us re-learning to commit to said said Divine actions amongst one another.The time for following and wasting our time with the agenda and misleadership of MLK Jr. and the like to step up as Men and Women of Allah and do for ourselves as suggested by Mr. Muhammad (The Honorable Elijah Muhammad), the Honorable Minister Louis Farakhan and the like. We know what the problems are and many of us know what the solutions to these problems require. Those who refuse to follow said course of actions that are tried, tested and true will continually suffer the consequences.
  3. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Peaceful segregation. All you blacks to be sent back to Africa where you belong. Something tells me you'll love that idea deep down, what with all the "black pride" and love of "the muddaland" you're always talking about.

    Peaceful segregation... it's the key to reducing America's crime epidemic.
  4. hiimjered

    hiimjered Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Tried that once - Liberia. The black Americans that are here now are descendants of the ones who decided that they would prefer to stay here.
  5. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    I don't care what happens in Liberia. It's none of my concern. They're not our "people."

    Crime would decrease around 80% if blacks were peacefully sent back to "the muddaland" they're always boasting about. This is about saving innocent non-black lives, nothing else.
  6. hiimjered

    hiimjered Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Look up the history of Liberia
    or more directly, the American Colonization Society.

  7. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    It clearly proves that black people are unable to think for themselves and take care of themselves as a group. It's easier to stay with a race which is more intelligent, productive and exploit "race card". All of this "fight for the rights" against "discrimination" is created on purpose to make white man to take care of the black man and let blacks to sit on the necks of the whites. Plus their lust for white women. Of course it's beneficial for blacks, but it's a burden and destruction for whites.

    I am also for peaceful segregation. It would be good for blacks too, they need to evolve and learn to think for themselves, instead of sitting on the backs of whites. Also, they would be more thoughtful about their behavior, because "If I will not behave good, my white neighbor will move away to white-only place".
    Also, there was no poll and nobody voted for forced integration. When it was? In 50s? I don't understand how it can go with democracy. Black wanted to live around whites, but did white want to live around black? It's a basic society/social law - you can't impose yourself on people, they might not want you. It's a 2-way street. You can't force people love you and be your friends. I can imagine how offensive was for whites, when they all, without asking were forced to coexist with blacks and hispanics! I've heard about the stories in 50-60s when blacks were moving in into some neighborhood - all white were fleeing into the suburbs.
    According to my knowledge is was done by Jewish communists, like Martin Luther King support, etc.
  8. Alif Qadr

    Alif Qadr Banned

    Jan 19, 2012
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    Why about all of you Caucasians? Should not we send you back to either Eur-rope or to the Island of Pelan/Patmos? What makes me laugh is that people such as yourself actually think that you own this planet when the fact of the matter is that you own no part of this planet. Everplace where your people tread is another people's home, so you really need to re-evaluate your position on this "Back to Africa where you belong" insanity. Your people are outnumbered eleven (11) to one (1) in our favor so if any one is to return someplace, it will in fact be you and yours.

    In response to anything peaceful being suggested by a person such as yourself, such a proposition is impossible being that eventually one of yours will seek an avenue to break the established peace or agreement. It is not within your nature to actually continue any agreement that you have made with other peoples. If you are in doubt about this, all you need to do is study the histories of your people.

    As to the reduction of crime, it is this nation's and the nations' of Europe (your people) whose entire existence has been fostered by and supported by your own criminal/unrighteous behavior(s) and it continues to this very day.

    You white/colored supremacists really make me laugh with your arrogance, hostility and other unrighteous behaviors.

    P.S. I knew that you are a Caucasian just be the tenor of your posting. As I read it I was laughing to myself while thinking, "This clown really thinks that he/she is deceiving others when he/she is only deceiving hisself or herself with this display of clear delusion."
  9. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    All of our founders including those that landed at Plymith were WHITE Europeans, so it isn't a stretch to say that America was founded by WHITES where we currently still hold the majority of the population. So this nonsense that we should move back to Europe makes no sense.

    What Zook and others including myself are saying here is many things that would in the end help the black race. You don't need to get on the defensive since we aren't attacking you per se as much as we are attacking the black problem(s) as they are presented here in the land of the free. Other than Bill Cosby and a slew of Republican/Conservative blacks such as Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams, lib blacks haven't a clue as to how to help their race assimilate and progress here in America. Your race hasn't assimilated or progressed to the American way of life or hasn't realized how to obtain the American dream since the majority of blacks are being raised with liberal/socialistic tendencies where your dream(s) have been pathetically reduced to accepting a slavish life where your master (centralized govt) has dictated or mandated you to cradle to grave benefits.

    Look at every other group or minority peoples' who have come to America and have over time realized the American dream despite all of the difficulties they endured during the process. Your black should be no different than any of those groups of immigrants, yet blacks continue to accelerate the crime statistics, have lowest IQ test scores, need affirmative action and quotas to get ahead (yet continue to fail), have high broken (fatherless) families, race bait every perceived injustice (thanks jackson & sharpton), and overal haven't adjusted or assimilated to 21st century life here in America. So you tell me why peaceful segregation isn't the answer to your many woes. How has integration worked out for your people so far? How did forced bussing (integrating) work out for your people up in Boston in 1973?
  10. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Actually, you're dead wrong about me so all of your arrogant assuming is saying more about yourself than anyone else. I am not 100% Caucasian and "White-Supremacists" wouldn't accept somebody like me. Also, I have moved back to Europe. I'm typing this in London as we speak and you know what? Black "people" are here too contributing a big bucket load of nothing like they do in the States.

    White Europeans fought hard for the land you call the "United States" today. The United States was won fairly and it belongs to White men. They can do with you former slaves as they wish. You have no business talking about where YOU would send White men because your "people" haven't the power to dictate anything. But White men do. Because America is rightfully theirs.

    White people have done nothing but bend over backwards and make this world a better place for you colored folks. We've dragged your ungrateful behinds into civilization with the rest of the world, given you concrete roofs over your heads, an alphabet to communicate with instead of grunting at eachother the way most Africans still do to this day and provided you clothes and other wonderous inventions. And you repay us with the most brutal crimes and sordid depravity. I think other races would join the White man in sending you "people" back to Africa where you belong.

    PS - I knew you were black by your illiteracy and deluded fantasies about the history of "my people." I was actually laughing to myself while thinking "This fool honestly thinks his "people" have an opinion on world views that actually matter to anyone when the vast majority of people couldn't care less what a black "person" has to say."
  11. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    I'm glad to see, Cigar, that you gav eup on trying to think and got a new avatar feature a self-portrait.
  12. Alif Qadr

    Alif Qadr Banned

    Jan 19, 2012
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    The system of The United States was founded by Caucasians, NOT THE LAND THAT THE SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES CURRENTLY OCCUPIES. That (the land), was founded by The Originator.

    The problems that we Black folks are facing in this system are directly tied to the machinations of your sytem. From three hundred ninety years (390) of slavery plus the one hundred (100) years of Jim and Crow along with the continual obsticals that we as a people face are major contributory factors in the behaviors of Black people today. From these facts you can trace an actual line or track the beastial hooves marks of the myth of White Supremacy. From imagery to perceptons to excuses that justify the wicked behaviors of the majority population in this country, one can honestly conclude that it can all be traced back to the door steps of your people. Sure Black youth and others need to change their behaviors but as long as your people always meddle into our efforts of self-improvement, the problems will persist. Just as your people still do on an international scale, the throwing of rocks and hiding your hands. Maybe if we got rid of your people who always seem to be the major causitive factor of the problems, we can start gaining ground?

    Assimilate? Why should we assimilate into something that is not for us nor by us? Why should we assimilate when your lifestyle causes nothing but misery, death and destruction to all who persue it? It seems suspicious to me that you and others who ridicule Black folks are always quick to establish yourselves as examples of good behavior when that is as far from reality as the two Easts (East and West) are from each other, which is an ever growing distance.
    As I have already mentioned, there are Black men and Black women who are far better role models than those who ignorantly pursuit your express ways to ruination and death (your so-called lifestyle). If you are asking were are said people, I reply that they are their fighting the good fight by showing clear paths to clean and prosperous living. The problem that you people ahve with them is that you have no control over them. Yes, that is what I have stated. You people, especially those within your government are still the slavemakers that their fore-parents where. I guess the model is: if it worked then, it should work now.

    You have fogotten, I believe intentionally, that immigrants come here with a planned design of conquering the beast that is your nation. Most of us on the other hand, no matter how ill we are treated by your people follow behind the silly intergrationists and the other enemies within in the mental death of hope in a lost causes. How many all Black towns were established directly after slavery? These towns prospered until your people with the aid of the political classes of your kind as well as the KKK destroyed them. Those that did survived were smothered out by being blocked from obtaining supplies and needed goods. Then on top of that, we have the "integration" plague which was concocted by your political classes to negate any desire of unity among my folks.
    As to schooling, do not make me laugh. The lack of funding, adequate and respectful teachers, overcrowding, lack of interest in what is being taught because of what is taught along with methodologies that are sure to cause students to lose interest, education is a joke. The point of Blacks having socialistic tendencies only shows an acknowledgement that we need to work together but with your people and conflicting messages in regards to Black folks and your designed hatred for any type of independent success among us, need I say any more about this? even you have admitted to yourself that YOUR WAYS DO NOT WORK FOR US in mentioning the "failure" of bussing/integration. <-----You know this as well as I know this.

    As you can gain, I am well aware of the many problems that we as a people face in a hostile nation, one of them being your hatred for us in general and as a whole. You even admit that unity among people brings about success, so why do your people as a whole oppose any Black man or Black woman who teaches us true independence, freedom, justice and equality among ourselves? I will tell you why, it is because your hatred of people being truly independent in your midst absolutely drives you to actions that have, will and still do, bring destruction upon you as well as the targetted people of your hatred. In plain language, your desires to subjugate Black folks has now backfired upon you. Your people initiated the actions, now you have the unmitigated gall to complain?
  13. submarinepainter

    submarinepainter Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 12, 2008
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    I closed this thread because it has turned into a flamefest with trolling as a sideline
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