When Will the New House Republicans Start Working on Creating Jobs?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Dasein, Jan 7, 2011.



  1. Right After they re-read the Constitution for the third time

    5 vote(s)
  2. After they invade Iran

    3 vote(s)
  3. Just as soon as they eliminate taxes for those making over $1 mil. a year

    10 vote(s)
  4. Only after the American people agree to elect Sarah Palin "Grizzly-Mom-In-Chief"

    6 vote(s)
  5. Never.

    68 vote(s)
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  1. Accountable

    Accountable New Member

    Feb 11, 2011
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    I don't see the relevance of your last sentence.
  2. Stupidsheep

    Stupidsheep New Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    You poor fool. People like you keep the USA from bouncing back. You sit here all day every day pointing your finger at one particular party when BOTH parties are not creating jobs.

    Did you ever answer my question about entrepreneurs (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)ing about creating jobs? No, you didn't.

    Please tell me where America would be if Steve jobs and bill gates constantly blamed a political party for not creating jobs. We might not have apple or Microsoft products.

    If Henry ford sat around with his thumb up his butt and every day blamed the democrats for not creating jobs, the world would notnhave the mustang or the gt40.

    If Richard sears sat around blaming politicians for not creating jobs, I wouldn't be able to drive over to the local department store and get a good deal on anything from shoes, to Powertools or home appliances.

    Why don't you walk down to the commerce commissioners office and start your own business? No one is stopping you. It's costs less than 100 dollars in most states to get a business tax ID.

    Are you going to wait for an employer to knock on your door and beg you to work for them?

    Try your local newspaper or craigslist for jobs.
  3. Accountable

    Accountable New Member

    Feb 11, 2011
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    What the hell are you talking about??
  4. Stupidsheep

    Stupidsheep New Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Daesin, what city do you live in? I bet I can find you a job in less than 60 minutes.

    Who on here knows this fool? I want to make him look more dumb than he already does. Find this guys Facebook and post it.
  5. Dasein

    Dasein New Member

    Mar 26, 2010
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    You are certainly living up to your name. You might want to check out the results of the poll. Nobody agrees with you.
  6. Sturmgeist

    Sturmgeist Active Member

    Nov 20, 2009
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    I voted never. Incompetent individuals are just that (the GOP and the Dems), and true conservatives do not believe that the government can create jobs that will benefit the economy anyway. It will always be akin to spending $2 to buy $1.98 and claiming that we are promoting spending (therefore implied economic growth) through such actions.
  7. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Comparing government jobs with private sector jobs is what is total nonsense.
  8. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Where on earth did you learn that? That is the job of the private sector and private markets and private employers and employees.
  9. TheTaoOfBill

    TheTaoOfBill Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
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    The goal of the private sector is to increase their bottom line and please their investors.

    The goal of the public sector is to increase standard of living for all Americans. Poor and rich, white and black, infant and elder, sick or healthy
  10. AF_Commando

    AF_Commando New Member

    Jan 22, 2010
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    :clap::clap: keep dreaming.
  11. Accountable

    Accountable New Member

    Feb 11, 2011
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    Yes, and for those whose profit depends on sales to the public, they know that the best way to increase their bottom line and please their investors is to please their buying public.

    The public sector has no single coherent goal. The jobs were allocated with the goal of gaining votes, and funded or not funded in response to campaign contributors with the goal of additional contributions in the future. The goals of the funded positions are as varied as the people that fill them. The financial goal, rather than increasing the bottom line, is to spend every available dime - lest the allocation gets cut next fiscal year - and find a way to justify an increase (a futile exercise but with irresistible appeal).
  12. Dasein

    Dasein New Member

    Mar 26, 2010
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    Did you drink a glass of water today and not get sick?

    Did you eat meat and not become ill?

    Thank the government.

    Private business will never do those types of jobs and don't want to because there's is no money in it. (unless of course you want your monthly water bill to be over $500 a month).

    Fact is government produces things we need and 98% of private business does not. I can live without an ipad, an xbox, or some other useless piece of plastic crap. I can not live without safe food and clean water.
  13. Stupidsheep

    Stupidsheep New Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    So you don't want me to find you a job? There are jobs everywhere. You would rather sit around like a ignorant fool and blame one particular political party, instead of realizing that the lack of job creation is due to people such as yourself who refuse to find work.

    Like I said, an employer is not going to come knocking on your door.

    What do you know? Besides expecting others to hand you a paycheck.

    Do you work in the food/hospitality industry?

    Do you work in the auto imdustry?

    Skilled trade? Doubtful.

    Accounting? Again, doubtful.

    Retail? Likely.

    Are you a bank teller?

    A hippy that hasn't showered in days?

    Come on, I'll do all the work for you and find you a job nearby your residence. That's exactly what you want, isn't it? Someone else to do all the work for you.

    What city are you in. Hell, what state are you in, since you are obviously too much of a wimp to say it. I'm in Phoenix az. What are you afraid of? Responsibility? Rolling up your sleeves and doing a bit of hard work? Do you know how to change a flat tire? Can you even tie your own shoe?
  14. Stupidsheep

    Stupidsheep New Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    So you don't want me to find you a job? There are jobs everywhere. You would rather sit around like a ignorant fool and blame one particular political party, instead of realizing that the lack of job creation is due to people such as yourself who refuse to find work.

    Like I said, an employer is not going to come knocking on your door.

    What do you know? Besides expecting others to hand you a paycheck.

    Do you work in the food/hospitality industry?

    Do you work in the auto imdustry?

    Skilled trade? Doubtful.

    Accounting? Again, doubtful.

    Retail? Likely.

    Are you a bank teller?

    A hippy that hasn't showered in days?

    Come on, I'll do all the work for you and find you a job nearby your residence. That's exactly what you want, isn't it? Someone else to do all the work for you.

    What city are you in. Hell, what state are you in, since you are obviously too much of a wimp to say it. I'm in Phoenix az. What are you afraid of? Responsibility? Rolling up your sleeves and doing a bit of hard work? Do you know how to change a flat tire? Can you even tie your own shoe?
  15. Octo

    Octo New Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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    The Tea Party Republican were elected because there was too much unemployment in this country. But now the voters know that they really put in the wrong people to represent the middle class. These representatives that took control of the house of representatives, the Tea Party have thrown this country into a spiral that Americans have never seen before. The greater percentage regret putting this people into office because they have not come up with any idea's on how to create jobs. All they want to do is protect the billionaires and millionaires that have put them in office. They care less about the middle class, and the poor.
    Union members can hardly wait until the next election. Republican governors that were elected want to bust all unions and make the state a right to work law state where there will be some jobs created, but all will be minimum wage jobs where a family can't make a decent living.

    Billionaires like the CEO of Caterpillar was bragging on Moody that his company had built a new shop in China and had created 15K jobs. Now that is a good example of a company that is receiving tax breaks by this country and he is investing it in China instead of creating jobs in this country. That is the type of billionaire that should pay taxes to this country to help lower the deficit. I completely agree with Obama that they should pay their fair share.
  16. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Here's the deal kiddos: No jobs while a leftist is president.
  17. jthorp24

    jthorp24 New Member

    May 7, 2010
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    How much is a "fair share"?

    Why should he pay a higher percentage of his earnings than you?

    Why do you want to punish the successful?
  18. Accountable

    Accountable New Member

    Feb 11, 2011
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    The "Tea Party" Repubs didn't run on jobs. They ran on low taxes and reducing gov't. Where on earth did you get the idea they wanted to create jobs?? That fantasy is the Dem's part of the show.

    You're right. Unions are not interested in anybody creating more jobs. Their only interest is in preserving their own revenue flow. If that means 1/2 or even 1/10 of the people find employment, it is still preferable to allowing anyone the freedom to avoid union taxes.

    This is globalization. This is what it means. Now let's imagine for a sec that you get your way and Washington raises Caterpillar's taxes. Do you think they would (a) go to the expense of closing the cheaper China shops and reopening shops in the US, making sure they pick a closed-shop state with its higher overhead, or (b) break off the China shop into a separate China-based corporation - with the same ownership - which would pay no US taxes at all?
  19. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    They don't, the best government corporate money can buy sees to it. Obligation has absolutely nothing to do with actual payment. Seriously you cannot be that naive?
  20. Octo

    Octo New Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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    Nobody is saying that the super rich should pay more then the middle class. All I am saying is that they should pay their fair share. Right now they are not paying any taxes. And if our Tea Party group is really interested in lowering the deficit, then they should agree that the billionaires need to pay.
    What this country needs is a straight across ten percent tax on everybody. That would make it fair.

    LOL! Makes me laugh when you say that just because you have been successful that you shouldn't have to pay taxes.
    What you are doing is milking this country by not paying your share. The country that made you who you are and successful. Don't you think you owe this country your fair share of taxes? This country is in trouble because the Bush Administration blew the tax payers money like if there was no tomorrow, and then Obama administration had to spend more to save the country from going into a depression. This country needs some cash and the people that have been successful should try and help instead of sending this country in bankruptcy.
  21. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    Why would they help the enemy (95% of the population) to help create competition against themselves, something that they have spent 40 years to eliminate. They have the best government corporate money can buy and the tax code that made by and for the rich/elites THAT THEY ARE. As long as their democrats and republicans control the congress you will never see tax increases that they themselves will not be exempt from, or a tax code that actually makes sense.
  22. Octo

    Octo New Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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    Globalization sounded really good a couple of decades back and the main intention was to help these third world countries, BUT! those trade agreements have come back to bite the U.S. in the rear. We were used to having a country with plenty of jobs and a high standard of living. And in order to have a good standard of living people have to have jobs. The only problem is that our politicians never thought that this country could not compete with countries like China where they would work for fifty cents an hour, while here in this country the average was probably around eighteen dollars per hour. Our government didn't put any protection from all these big corporations from going to where the cheap labor was. Now we find ourselves in trouble with very few jobs created by big corporations. Then we have people like Fiorina running for senator in California who is one of the culprits for sending thirty five thousand jobs overseas being the CEO of HP. And she is not the only one running for office and claiming that she is for creating jobs here in this country. She must think that the voters are stupid and don't know what she has done.

    Now by your post I can tell you are not for unions. I can tell you by experience that unions are good if you are the employee, bad if you are the employer. I worked as a union member for many years and then I worked in management for about twenty years until I retired from a big corporation.
    But what unions do for employees is to get them good benefits. Decent wages that are comparable to other companies, good health and dental benefits. Now most companies would like to have you working for minimum wages if they could and no benefits. They care less about what you need to make a decent living. All they think about is profits and a good return to investors. So don't tell me that unions are out there just to fill their pockets. That is the thinking of the Tea Party and that is why a couple of legislators in Wisconsin got recalled. Like I said, voters are watching real close as to what this new Tea Party movement is. And the greater percentage do not like it.
  23. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    They are republicans, and they are using the people behind the movement just like they used the religious right back in the 70's and 80's. When they are done with them a new batch of fools will take their place. Democrats have enough fools they don't have to much of a problem recruiting people who want to be used.
  24. Stupidsheep

    Stupidsheep New Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Hey op, did you get a job yet or are you playing the blame game with your buddy mr. Bill?

    Did you learn how to tie your shoes yet? Don't be afraid to step out your front door into the big bad scary world. Someone needs you to shine their shoes or take their garbage out, I'm sure.

  25. Dasein

    Dasein New Member

    Mar 26, 2010
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    Q: You know the best way to tell when someone is inferior to you?

    A: They stalk you for attention.

    Have fun down there.
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