Keep peddling the "official" BS. You'll eventually confuse some folks enough that your agenda can be vindicated.
More paranoia, how typical. Seriously, how will the 'truth' ever come out if all you do is whine about how everyone is against you? You present no evidence, you link to articles of death beams from space, you get even the simplest of facts wrong (who designed the WTC again?), you falsely accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being 'shills'... and then you declare 'victory'. You see why I find my little pastime amusing?
Nothing better to do for years on end huh? In multiple forums too! I'd say you're past it being "amusing". Sounds like true dedication to me.
I just assumed that you being available 24/7, to post here and in other forums, that you had nothing else to do while 'in between flights".
No, they didn't, because there was ZERO evidence of explosives such as rdx needed th sever the girders, nor blasting resediue
thermite is an incendeary,not an explosive. And thermite is iron oxide and aluminum,bot which were present in the WTC structure. plus the fact that the fires at the towers burned for an hour and a hour and a half,NONE of the 'explosives' was set off by the fire?
They never tested for explosive residue at ground zero, and where is it written in stone, that explosives must be of the same type as RDX to sever steel and other materials?
I have proof that the Government faked 9/11. AFOAF was employed by Dick Cheney in a highly secret "training" operation where a new, undetectable super explosive was placed inside the WTC and supposedly the Government was going to train bomb sniffing dogs there. But "conveniently" this exercise was to take place on 9/11. Shortly after he confided this information to me, he went missing. I think he might be in Gitmo, or Iraq. Not sure. If anything happens to me.. I'll be back there is a knock at the door..
Because as you keep insisting it was an explosive demolition, and that's what they would have used,no inefficient trying tu 'burn through' just brute explosive power
There is no saying for sure what "they" would use. The destructive power of a harnessed hurricane would be a great source for brute explosive power, wouldn't you think?
Yes I know you say it's what they would use, but that's not what I asked.. Instead of getting exasperated just try answering the very simple question. Is RDX the only thing they could use?
You tell ME...I'm only telling you if it were a 'controlled demolition', the parties involved would use what they're familiar with,RDX, an EXPLOSIVE,NOT an incendiary