Racism in the Press

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Shiva_TD, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Taxcutter says;
    Reduce government power and you reduce the scope for stupid, lazy, greedy, and self-serving people to do damage.
  2. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    What this creates is larger and higher cost government, continued inefficiency, inability to solve critical problems, less competitiveness in the global arena, a tentative economy always teetering on the next event, and while this is our path in the USA, although others have huge problems as well, places like China and India and even Russia are going to glide past us. I won't be around when the (*)(*)(*)(*) hits the fan but today it sickens me that everything we talk about, everything we debate, are nothing but one problem after another, problems which linger for decades...instead of marveling at achievements and enjoying an energized economy and living less stressed lives. And wouldn't it be nice if we had a government concerned about mounting debt and barbaric military wars and more than anything...people hating people, killing people, robbing people, embezzling people/business, living in ghettoes and (*)(*)(*)(*)-holes in every area of the USA...when will we see great and wonderful things in the USA?
  3. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    You can't reduce government because government is people and people are the root problem. As long as a majority of us care more about ourselves than we do the nation, we will maintain the status quo. In order for people to change requires education and the termination of all of their personal biases...and this ain't going to happen!

    Lastly, here's one anecdotal comment about society today; go into a Starbucks or Walmart or shopping mall, anytime during the typical work day, and across the nation you'll find millions of people in these places, all of working ages, who are not working. If they are not working, who is supporting them? If they don't work then they don't pay taxes. Why do we spend $80 billion a year on food stamps? In my small area the food banks serve 80,000 people per week and the entire county population is only 400,000. Business and a few people are left to fund the entire government which during the next ten years will spend $500 billion to $1 trillion more each year than they take in. Makes no difference all the reasons for this...it is not sustainable...
  4. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The problem of racism remains a problem and predominately it is because of individual racial prejudice that the government can do little about.

    At the same time because of the extremely high level of explicit anti-black racial prejudice in the Republican party (i.e. 79% of self-identified Republicans expressed explicit anti-black racial prejudice in a study done in 2012) it creeps into their political actions such as the "Voting Laws" that target predominately poor black Americans to disenfranchise them from voting. Instead of encouraging voting by Americans the Republicans use demographic statistics to suppress the vote of minorities and the poor that typically don't vote for Republicans and they do so even though there are no voting problems in America. Voter identification fraud at the polls, for example, is virtually non-existant in the United States so why are Republicans passing Voter ID laws?

    We also see it in Republican anti-Hispanic immigration laws to block Hispanics from immigrating legally into the United States where employment demands exist for their labor. We even see that while they are willing to grant "legal status" to "illegal immigrants" that are already in the US but only if they can block their path to citizenship where they can vote in the future. They impose financial requirements for their "pathway to citizenship" that low income Hispanic immigrants would never be able to meet.

    The last thing Republicans want are African-American and Hispanic citizens to vote and they're doing everything possible to block those people from voting. That is Jim Crow racism by all definitions.

    We really have Jim Crow laws being passed by Republicans these days that adversely affect Americans.
  5. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Taxcutter says:
    Your anecdote is 100% accurate. This is what I rail about all the time. Whether its 10% or 35% or 47% or whatever, the US has a situation where a decreasing number of people are working like sled dogs to support an increasing number of people who do not/cannot/will not contribute. Every year the moochers increase and the taxpayers decrease.

    It is not sustainable nor is it fair. It breeds resentment. When I'm in a grocery store and someone better dressed than me buys two grocery carts full of food and pays for it with a SNAP card when I have to pay my money for food I get honked. further it always appears to me like they buy top-shelf stuff while I'm getting by on Beenie-Weenies and ramen noodles. Now these people may not be the real beneficiaries but rather bought the SNAP cards at a discount. Doesn't matter. Somebody got a free ride and I didn't. The culprit (in my mind) is the government.

    Free stuff is not a necessity of a nation. It is a bribe paid to the poor to not riot. This is counterproductive policy. that which you reward you get more of. In this case the government is rewarding dependence and I don't see why anybody is surprised when we get more dependence every year.

    The Romans had bread and circuses.
    America has TV and SNAP.
  6. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    No, spending $15 to be able to vote is a "poll tax" and a violation of the US Constitution.

    In Harper v. Virginia State Board of Elections the Supreme Court ruled that any "government fee" imposed either directly or indirectly constituted a "poll tax" that violated the equal protection clause. At issue was a $1.50 tax being imposed on Virginia voters.


    The fact is that there are tens of millions of American citizens that can't even afford to put all the food necessary for their family on the table each month much less pay a $15 fee to obtain the documents required to obtain a state issued Voter ID card so they can vote. The North Carolina voter ID law is going to be overturned by the US Supreme Court just like the Texas voter ID law that also mandates the purchase of documents from the government to establish "citizenship" in order to obtain the voter ID card.

    Of course asking a Republican or "conservative" to follow the US Constitution and comply with Supreme Court precedent is like spitting into the wind as they are always looking for a way around it.
  7. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    We must put this into historical context. After the Civil War the WASP Supremacist of the Southern States (often lead by the KKK) rejected the Republican Party because it was "The Party of Lincoln" that freed the black slaves. They were really "racist conservatives" wearing a "Democratic Party" banner while hiding behind a white sheet. By 1948 they actually formed the Dixicratic Party but it was a short-lived segregationist party based upon "States Rights" where they ignored the US Constitution.

    Of course after the civil rights movement of the 1960's these same "Democrats" became "Republicans" and with former KKK leaders at the helm.

    Today there is a clear deliniation between leftwing "progressive-Democrats" and rightwing "conservative-Republicans" and all of the White Supremacy group basically reflect extreme "rightwing conservative-Republicans" and no longer associate with the Democratic party at all.

    It we wanted to breakdown Republicans today based upon extremism it would be:

    Moderate Republicans > Tea Party Republicans > White Supremacy Republicans...

    .... but one statistic comes back to haunt them all and that is that 79% of Republicans expressed explicit anti-black racial prejudice in a 2012 study. Of course the further to the right one goes the greater the probability that the person is racially prejudiced.

    Not to let Democrats go unscathed that same 2012 study also established that 32% of Democrats also expressed explicit anti-black racial prejudice.

    Basically in taking with any Republican the odds are 4 out of 5 they are racially prejudiced while the odds in taking with a Democrat are 1 in 3 that they're racially prejudiced. Either way it isn't good for America.
  8. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Well hell, you consider the daily beast pointing out the irony of those organizing the protest against voter ID laws, requiring protesters to carry an ID, to be racism, so of course you see a racism problem.
  9. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Actually, they rejected the party before the civil war as well.
  10. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Whether the protesters have ID or not is irrelevant because it isn't about their Right to Vote.

    I don't even know why the NAACP suggested it but I'd bet a dollar that no one was asked by the NAACP to show ID before they were allowed to participate in the protest.

    Let's get back to the real point which is that the North Caroline Voter ID law is a Jim Crow voting law to suppress the "black vote" in North Carolina. That is it's only purpose because voter identification fraud at the polls is all but non-existant in North Carolina.
  11. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Well of course, if you see racism in the Daily Beast article, you are going to see it in the voter ID law. I suspect you could probably see racism anywhere you wish it to appear.
  12. darckriver

    darckriver New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2010
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    Good post!

    Nations rise and fall, as I'm sure you're well aware. We're no different. I think that it's nearly inevitable, given the real nature of mankind, that a free people will progressively choose to enslave themselves with a more and more powerful and coercive government and depart from the very foundational principles that gave rise to their society in the first place. We may have a great many people that ideally value and lean toward smaller government and individual liberty but eventually, like the moth's attraction to the flame, we most likely will also end up crushing the freedom that we once cherished. That's especially so given the decline in essential ethical standards of the people and indeed, the trashing of standards in general. We select leaders based on what benefits those leaders can squeeze out of the larger body. We ask not what we can do for our country, but rather what our country can do for us. And we even deliberately train new generations to do the same. Consequently we end up empowering deceivers and self-absorbed fools - little more than con-men, really - instead of wise statesmen. The USA is certainly not the first society to have fallen victim to its own foolishness. And it won't be the last.
  13. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    Is Obamacare's individual forced mandate a way to suppress healthy? After all, it requires people to go to extra effort to buy something they wouldn't have bought without being forced.
  14. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Racism in the Press
    The press will always headline a story "White man shoots black man" when they could just as easily say "Man shoots another man".
  15. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    I'm not a fan of Obamacare and it certianly has nothing to do with the fundamental Right to Vote or Republican efforts to disenfranchise minorities (blacks and Hispanics) that overwhelmingly vote for Democrats with nefarious changes to the voting laws, including voter ID laws, that are not aimed at correcting any significant problems with voting in America. Politician should be encouraging American citizens to vote by all pragmatic means possible. Early voting was established for that purpose. Reducing early voting is an attempt to limit the vote of those that use early voting (e.g. Blacks that vote for Democrats moreso that other demographics) and voter ID laws (where Blacks are less likely to have or be able to afford the costs of obtaining the Voter ID Card demographically) are nothing but the imposition of Jim Crow voting laws that Republicans are advocating and implementing.

    Why do Republican support Jim Crow voting laws that disproprotionatly disenfranchise African-Americans and Hispanics?

    That is the question Republicans refuse to answer because they'd have to admit to racism and racial prejudice by acknowledging it.

    The problem for Repubicans is that the African-Americans and Hispanic citizens know these are racist based Jim Crow laws which is why roughly 95% of Blacks and 75% of Hispanics vote for Democrats. It's not that they like "Democrats" nearly so much as they hate the racism of the Republican Party. The Democrats are the lesser of two evils when compared to Republicans in the eyes of minority voters.
  16. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    It is the use of force to impose upon an individual freedom.

    Blacks and other minorities are not intellectually inferior, and I resent your pretending they are, Shiva. They can acquire identification no differently than anyone else, and that identification is cheap compared to the "forced insurance or fine" mandate given to all lower middle income people in the United States.

    Blacks make up 4.5 million of our welfare roll. This is by no means the majority of all blacks and even so, there are methods of acquiring identification without spending the $4k people will to avoid Obamacare.
  17. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Two relevant facts exist that need to be considered though. First and foremost a white person that "murders" a black man is far more likely to be found innocent by a jury based upon racial prejudice in our criminal justice system. The hypothetical question will always remain that if the race roles were reversed in the Zimmerman/Martin case would Zimmerman have been convicted. Based upon statistical evidence there is little doubt because "black" people are far more likely to be convicted if there is a "white" victim.


    So "race" does play a huge factor because the "white man" is less likely of be convicted of the killing of a "black man" while a "black man" is more likely to be wrongfully convicted of killing a "white" man in our criminal justice system.

    The problem is that "Republicans" like to believe in this mythical world where racial bias agianst blacks doesn't exist because they simply refuse to accept the overwhelming evidence that it does exist.
  18. guttermouth

    guttermouth Banned

    Jan 4, 2014
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    im pretty sure you need an id to sign up for the aca. maybe obama is racist towards minorities and wants them to die without healthcare.
  19. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Two facts being ignored (why do conservatives always ignore two facts).

    1) Those that are "poor" are not required to purchase insurance at all as they are covered by Medicaid that costs them nothing.

    2) Those that are poor (and receiving welfare assistance) can't even afford to support themselves much less spend money on purchasing the documents from the government to establish that they are US citizens so they can obtain a Voter ID Card.

    Someone mentioned $15 but I ordered a certified copy of my birth certificate to get a passport and it cost me $45. A poor person doesn't have $45 to spend especially considering that statistically "voter identification fraud at the polls" doesn't exist in the United States. The odds of being hit by lightening are far greater than a case of voter identification fraud at the polls. From what I've been able to find in North Carolina not a single case of voter identification fraud was identified when they passed the law requiring voter ID. They cited other types of voting fraud (e.g. a felon voting) but not a single case of identification fraud being committed at the polls.

    In Texas, that also adopted Voter ID requirements, they were able to cite four possible cases of voter identification fraud at the polls over a six-year time frame (2004-1010 elections).That's one case per election cycle in a state where almost 8 million people voted in 2012. Hardly statistically relevant when it's estimated that millions of US citizens nationwide, predominately poor and minority citizens, wouldn't be able vote because they can't afford to purchase the government documents necessary to establish they are US citizens based upon Voter ID laws being passed by Republicans.
  20. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    To my knowledge they are not required to present a government issued ID card to obtain health insurance under the ACA. Enrollment is online and a person cannot present ID in person online. I've had private insurance all of my life and never once have I been required to present any ID to an insurance company and the insurance exchanges use private insurance companies. I provided my SSN but the SS card is not an "identification" card and doesn't even have a picture on it. I didn't even need to show my SS card but just provided the number.
  21. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    How can you really suppress the Black vote when you can get an absentee ballot sent right to your home and vote right at your own table and they even supply the postage, without an ID?
  22. guttermouth

    guttermouth Banned

    Jan 4, 2014
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    they are i know this for a fact.
  23. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    I would require an ID to register and to vote at the polls. Most of your cheating is from absentee ballots.
  24. guttermouth

    guttermouth Banned

    Jan 4, 2014
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    obama is a racist
  25. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    I'm not a conservative. I'm socially liberal and a fiscally conservative, ie a "libertarian"--something you used to purport to be for some reason.

    Goody for the extreme poor, but what about those that make 38k a year living in a major metro area that are required to purchase insurance or pay a fine?

    Awww, which is why it is a good thing that these states have alternatives for them so they don't have to spend $15. And you still haven't bothered to explain why this affects only "minorities" since more whites are on welfare than blacks.

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