As whites become a minority in the next 30 years, the Republican Party will

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Gorn Captain, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    They don't matter. The only reason people think they matter is because there is an entire political wing (who controls the media, the entertainment industry, and academia) that works tirelessly to reinforce negative thinking and limited beliefs in the public psyche. Because this provides them with steady voting blocs that allow the party to retain power. The entire thing is calculated. Which is why Democrats don't actually help people. Because their entire brand loyalty is tied to the belief of being downtrodden. If people no longer thought they were oppressed, what would the left have to offer them?

    Mind shackles are as effective as physical ones. And we all know the Democratic party's history of using shackles to keep people from leaving.

    And what good would that do? What you have to realize is that the country as a whole was a lot freer and more prosperous when the Democratic party was further to the right (i.e JFK). Thus the Republican party moving to the left would only make current problems worse. It would essentially be cutting the brake line and plummeting full force into the dirt. Right now the GOP's admittedly timid defense of those previous standards is the only thing serving as any kind of checks and balances against a complete collapse of the country. The left is deliberately steering the country toward destruction, and most of the useful idiot voters don't even realize it. Because they've never heard the names of any of their puppet masters who are still pulling their strings from beyond the grave. Puppet masters who - from their own mouths - openly acknowledged that their critical theory principles cannot create anything new and were designed specifically to tear down and destroy western society.

    Wrong. Waking people up to the reality that they are not bound by trivial things like race or class and that the people who are constantly pushing these things in their faces do not have their best interest at heart is a much more productive solution. Because otherwise you're just treating the symptoms and not curing the disease. Identity politics is the disease. And it's being promoted by people who stand to gain from keeping the public exactly where they are. Divided and miserable.

    Maybe not yet entirely. But the days of that old paradigm are numbered. You see, there are other shifts currently at work too. Most notably the rise of New Media. Which threatens the old guard more and more with each passing year. Rendering the Democrat Media Complex increasingly less and less relevant. So much of this bull(*)(*)(*)(*) is a result of too much power being concentrated in the hands of one little group of people with a twisted, self-serving agenda. But the internet is the great equalizer. It returns the power to the people. Eventually the Democrat Media Complex will collapse like so many other industries and will become yet another casualty of technology in the digital age. When this happens, it will be much harder for those with ill-intent to maintain a steady stream of effective propaganda. And slowly, little by little, perspectives will begin to change.

    This is the price of basing your entire platform on dishonesty. Eventually the truth will always resurface. "Truth crushed to earth shall rise again."
    Sanskrit and (deleted member) like this.
  2. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    The internet and the diverse views on it, together with more and more blacks and hispanics becoming entrepreneurs and taxpayers, entering the upper classes and becoming leaders and examples for others, will lead to only small majorities in those groups for the left over the next 20 years IMO. As much as the left constantly repeats the narrowminded "death of the GOP" theme, it is actually the left that must hold onto every single % of its favored voting blocs to survive. And this is independent of shifting demographics.

    The left MUST retain 65%+ of single women, and that is the closest thing to a stable block they have. Lose even a few % points there and they are done. As more and more young women flee the sinking feminist ship that sailed proudly and unchallenged for 50 years before being sunk outright by the internet, I wouldn't want to bet on retaining that bloc as strongly. A 55-60% younger unmarried female vote is a dire catastrophe for the left.

    The left MUST retain 90%+ of the black vote. Will the same % of blacks vote for a rich, ugly battle axe of a sour white woman as voted for Hollywood Barry? Again, wouldn't go to Vegas with that bet. If the left ever falls below 80% of the black vote consistently, they are done. Same reasoning with hispanics. Left MUST retain 70%+ of hispanics. The South used to be solidly Democrat... when it was dirt poor post Reconstruction. It took about 60 years for the newly middle class South to switch away from the biggov left, and look at the South today. How long will it take blacks, who have only had a significant middle class for a few decades, to replace the Sharptons and Jacksons with more private sector type successful leaders? Once that happens, if it does, the supermajority black vote for the left instantly becomes a thing of the past.

    The left has PO'd the mature white vote, particularly white men well and good, by vilifying us as evil oppressors and violent racist rapists for 50 years. Whites aren't going to forget this crap anytime soon. Men, regardless of race, won't forget that 80% or so of the campaign ads in the recent elections run by Democrats were positioned and structured as if men don't even exist. BAD IDEA.

    In light of the POVs being blasted out via the net that are rapidly supplanting intermediated MSM, print, TV, even Hollywood, I would not want to bet the bank on the GOP, or more cogently, the anti-left "dying out" anytime soon. Enjoy the comfortable delusions though, anything that lets you sleep at night.
  3. galant

    galant Banned

    Nov 5, 2014
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    all we have to do is get all the (normally) nonvoting conservatives to come to the polls, and all will be well.
  4. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I think republicans and white people still have power to make an effective change if we do it right now. We should fight to divide the country among the races. We have to accept that we lost the country already. Learn from our mistakes when we make a new constitution.

    Submitting to democrats and moving left is not the way to go to survive. That is just changing your philosophy altogether, which is not what I would consider to be successful.

    Also, the Founding fathers were flawed in a lot of ways. They were vague and ambiguous in writing the constitution and this lead us to a lot of heartache which will be avoided if we formed a new country.

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    Why should a fed up conservative like me go and vote for some coward republican who is going to betray me and submit?
  5. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    I wouldn't be so certain. You make some rather bad assumptions. First off, are you including Democrats in that white group too....or are you claiming there are no white Democrats? That part of what you said didn't make any sense.

    Secondly, you seem to assume that the minority groups will come together and vote as a block....but I think you might be mistaken. In many big cities especially, it seems that blacks and Hispanics don't get along so well together. There's also a large population of Asians now.....and they seem to get along quite well with whites.....probably more so than they do the other two groups. As the immigrant populations are here longer and longer....they begin to assimilate. It's only the blacks who seem to always stick together so much as a group when it comes to voting. But I do believe more of them will eventually peel away and come to realize that the parental attitude towards them of liberal leaders is actually responsible for keeping them down all these decades. We have quite a few conservative blacks now.....all very well educated, well-spoken....and through their example will only increase in numbers. So, I'm really not too concerned and the scare tactics aren't working.

    You're also assuming the Democrat side somehow "owns" the Hispanic support and vote. I think you're going to be sadly mistaken on that one too. Remember than George W. Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote. IF his brother becomes the Republican candidate, he can peel off even he's married to a Hispanic and has Hispanic children. He speaks fluent his brother did, which is a huge advantage in reaching a population.

    We also have at least two other up-and-coming, dynamic Hispanic leaders......Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. I've heard Cruz speak in person and he's not only extremely intelligent, he's not at all the extremist that Dems like to portray him.

    We now have THE youngest woman Congresswoman EVER. And I'm proud of all the variety in our new leaders. So, I think the scare tactics from the left are not working now, nor will they work in the future. IMHO, it seems that it's the Republicans who are living the words of MLK and not so much the Democrats......."dream of the day when people are judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Dems need to come into the 21st century and stop acting as if they own a certain group and allow people to think for themselves.

    My mother was a big Democrat; and I became a Republican after becoming an adult. But I loved my mother dearly...and she loved me. We could discuss politics without getting mad at each other and I would try to see her side of an issue...and she would try to see mine. So, I don't hate Democrats. I also know there are many "conservative" Democrats. For instance, many Democrats I know do NOT believe in abortion, but they vote Democrat because they are not a one issue Democrat. Many Democrats I know are religious....and to hear Dems talk on this board, one would believe that only Republicans are religious; but not Dems. But that's just not true.

    BTW, in Texas we have worked alongside Mexicans and Hispanics since even before Texas was a state. My Dad....a carpenter, built houses right alongside Mexicans. We grew up with Mexicans and know them to be hard-working, entrepreneurial, religious people. We have intermarried since forever. Just because we want the laws to be followed and the border to be respected doesn't mean we don't like Hispanics. I come in contact with Mexicans/Hispanics almost daily....and they are like family; good people.
  6. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    It took more than one generation for every single immigrant group in this country to assimilate and flourish, from Jews to Irish, Scotch Irish, Italians, etc. The white South was poor for 100 years after the Civil War. Granted we have a welfare state that hinders assimilation. However, there will be more and more wealthy and upper middle blacks and wealthy and upper middle hispanics as a matter of fact. It doesn't take that many to form a tipping point. If those supplant rabble rousers in leadership roles, you will see quite a different message preached in their churches and homes. In light of what happened in the white South once it got some money, it's not a far leap to foresee the same in the black and hispanic communities.

    And work on your tone. Beginning sentences with "show me" or putting "dude" in your posts is usually going to get you flamed. I'm not beholden to "show you" anything. I have read your posts, though, and feel sorry for you.
  7. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Is there any Catholic country in the world that has a booming economy? Nope.
  8. peoshi

    peoshi New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Yeah...they really took a beating in the recent elections. :roflol:

    His country?

    If you do not even live in the US then why do you think you are competent/credible enough to lecture someone who does? :roll:
  9. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    How long does a Mexican have to live in America before he stops being a Mexican and becomes an American, 500 years?
  10. lizarddust

    lizarddust Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    Define non white. A darker shade of pale?
  11. peoshi

    peoshi New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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  12. peoshi

    peoshi New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    I would say if he lives 500 years he can be whatever he wants to be. :pray:
  13. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    I don't have to "explain" jews and asians, that blacks "are not successful economically," or anything about graduation rates or "valuing education." My claim is that more and more blacks and hispanics are achieving, and will achieve the upper middle socioeconomic classes, not that they will do so as fast as jews or asians, or that they will do so en masse at the same time. SOME WILL, MORE AND MORE WILL. Once those types of private sector, as opposed to public sector types of leaders begin to exert influence in communities, schools, churches, it isn't much of a stretch to see that reducing the current leftist supermajority to a 55-65% majority.

    I don't see you offering much support for any of the things you post here ever, so spare the "unsupported statements" stuff. This thread topic is a matter of opinion.
  14. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Really? There are no white people in the Democratic Party? What percentage of the Democratic Party is white?

    Now....what percentage of the Republican Party is white?

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    Whites as a minority will be a do you hate facts???

    Oh, wait....that's right. Rightwingers hate facts. My bad.

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    40% of the country is conservative....which means 60% of the country is NOT conservative.
  15. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Do you realize ...with that declaration.....that you just CONTRADICTED Unifier's posts (that you Liked), which accused Democrats and liberals of wanting to divide people along racial lines????
  16. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    The parties always change. It's history. The definition of the party doesn't change, but people in it do.

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    Try not to get too offended there, Champ.

    The parties always change, it's history. The definition of the party doesn't but the people in it do. I posted this to another commenter as well, so hopefully you both see it.
  17. Paul7

    Paul7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Funny you come out with your slanderous rant right after the libs got wiped out. The same was said in the '20s when lots of immigrants came in. Many eventually wise up. And knock off the 'racist' idiocy, or do I get to say blacks don't vote for the GOP because they're racist? Why did Herman Cain (more black than Obama) do so well in the GOP primaries until his past caught up with him?

    BTW, I am hispanic.

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    Doesn't mean the other 60% are libs. This is a center right country. Conservatives outnumber liberals by about 2 to 1, and its been that way for decades.
  18. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Well, to be fair, nations around our size are rarely monolingual. Regardless of the level of blending, we will at least be bilingual in the near future.
  19. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    They may not have the same economic mobility as Jews, but they're surely doing better than African-Americans.

    A certain amount of this is true. We do have a lot of Latino immigrants that are pursuing citizenship through enlistment, but I don't see that as a bad thing. That's certainly doing a lot more for the country than plenty of native born citizens.

    When I criticize the MIC, I'm referring more to our policies and the loads of money we spend on weapons and nation building. I don't have a problem with a large standing army, but I do have a problem with our level of interventionism.

    Some are certainly militant, but others not so much.

    That's a wide range of countries. We often think about the socialist regimes of Venezuela and Bolivia, but there are other countries like Chile and Uruguay that favor more of a free market approach.
  20. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The Republican Party is about 92% white, or at least the last I read on it, and that's unlikely to change.

    However, sure there are white people in the Democratic Party. It wasn't that many decades ago that it was very much a white man's party. But right now the Democratic party is about 60% and dropping. Every election seems to see a drop in the white percentage of Democratic voters. That's why I asked the question and you didn't provide an answer: Why are white people leaving the Democratic Party? How can the party of abortion on demand not have carried the white woman vote since 1992?
  21. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Um.... Chile is booming.
  22. Riot

    Riot New Member

    May 12, 2013
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    You are so right. Just look at what Obama has done to the banks and Wall Street that have stole billions.
    Slaps on the wrist amounting to seconds of their profits. Oh wait obama isn't a republican.
    At least we can look at how Obama has closed the door to big corp lobbyist.
    Like Monsanto. Opps not a good example.
    Like GE. Damn them neither.
    Maybe Apple. Crap that's not a good one
    Hold on I'm thinking.
    Maybe Warren Buffett and is tar sand oil. This is a hard one.
    Goldman Sachs. Nope.
    Surely big Pharma. Wow what?he hired them on his staff? Damn
    What about huge lobbyist for the telecom corps? Really? They are working now for the FCC. Obama hired them? Really?
    Are you sure that Obama isn't a republican because of your definition he seems to be.
    I don't bring up the big oil lobbyist like the one he hired from a lobbyist for the keystone pipeline.
    So the left is not big corp? Lol what a joke
  23. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    They won't need to escape I imagine. Since they're highly intelligent Jews, they'll be running things(like we always do) and be just fine. Suck it=) There's always Switzerland, Canada and some Scandinavian countries=)
  24. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    You mean ILLEGAL immigrants don't you? There is a difference you know. Then again, Liberals have been using that little ploy for a while now, forgetting that VERY important word when mentioning immigration and anyone NOT for amnesty.
  25. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    But worse than whites.

    What do you mean? Native born citizens aren't enlisting or not working? Whites have lower welfare rates and incarceration rates than Mexicans I believe.

    Mexicans are poor, and they are not moving up. This means we are just importing a bunch of poverty here and we will feel it.

    I meant they are Mexicans nationalists. Not American nationalists.

    Will you be in support of allowing in only white European immigrants to the US?

    if I am not mistaken, chile and Uruguay have large number of whites.

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