Did someone think 1984 was a blueprint....?

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Jack Napier, Oct 26, 2013.

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  1. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Oh yeah.:roll:

    I also heard Obama was the ANTI-CHRIST on that super stupid mess, Coast to Coast AM with George "butthead" Noory.

    Thats Clear Channel for ya. Completely useless.

    Like Murdoch taking control of the WSJ completely delegitimized it. Back in the 90's the OP-ED page was still pretty authoritarian or even fascist with regard to America invading whomever it wanted, but the business side of the reporting still had credibility. Not anymore. Now its just another GOP propganda tool, like Clear Channel is.

  2. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Sure, believe whatever you want. That won't change the fact that CRT's cannot form an image in the reverse direction. You're expressing not only ignorance of the electronics involved, but the laws of optics, too. Yeah, we wouldn't expect you to know that the image formed on the phosphor screen is created from a scanning electron beam that is modulated by plates and grids between the cathode and the screen, and that the phosphor screen is flatly incapable of forming an image, and the modulating elements can't focus a diffuse signal into a tight beam for the cathode to read....which would, even if the grids and plates could do, only be a varying DC current devoid of informational content....and, of course....who's out there in the street to pick up the signal the TV can't create and can't broadcast? Nobody.

    Punk-rock isn't anti-establishment, it's anti-freedom. You ever hear any punk-anti-DemocRAT songs? Nope. You never will, either. Punkers are at their hearts fascists, just like the DemocRATs.

    Oh, and if you'd ever heard of the Constitution you'd recognize that the Mayor has the right to deconstruct any fascist song he damn well pleases, and there's nothing strange about that.
  3. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Talk about a Minstry of Truth :evil::thumbsdown:

  4. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    This is so true, and can't be stressed enough.

    Everything from your phone calls to your e-mail is sent via TCP/IP, a 30 year old data protocol that was designed to be used in a closed network, with no security. "Stealing" information from TCP is amazingly easy, and it is done all the time. We even have groups of hackers (not even government affiliated) who release sensitive credit information and such fairly regularly.


    So in my opinion, anybody that tries to complain about their "lack of privacy" while engaging in transfer over such a system is a complete idiot. Akin to screaming at your next-door-neighbor, then complaining that somebody else heard what you had been saying.
  5. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    No, TVs can't be used as cameras. Not possible, try learning some Electronics 101, eh?

    And no need to "reverse" phone lines, they all have speakers inside of them already (duh!). And as long as it is on the hook, a physical switch disconnects it from the network. As long as it is disconnected, eavesdropping is impossible because of a physical break in the connection.

    Oh yes, that is why we are rounded up almost every day, right? Mass arrests and executions because "the gummint" is watching everything we do.

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