Do African Americans Exercise Free Thought?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by FAW, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. Ex-lib

    Ex-lib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 14, 2010
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    I don't think ANYONE should vote without passing a very simple test of the issues and candidates. There needs to be an Amendment passed for that.

    And I think the voting age should be raised to 25.- 25 year olds remember what their issues and desires were when they were 21 and they can vote that way when they're 25, if those were good, lasting issues. But most 21 year olds have no idea how vastly their thinking is going to change by the time they're 30
  2. Ex-lib

    Ex-lib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 14, 2010
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    Johnny, I think what's changed isn't the GOP itself, but I think that blacks have been hornswaggled into THINKING that the GOP has changed.

    Remember, both you and I see sides that the other guy doesn't see.
    And I'm telling you the truth about what I see.

    You could be right in what you say, I realize that since I don't see all of your side.
    In return, I hope that you realize that I could be right in what I say, since you don't see all of my side.
  3. Ex-lib

    Ex-lib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 14, 2010
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    I think what the GOP has to "deal with" is how to expose the media lying about them.

    Because NO MATTER WHAT the GOP says or does about blacks, the media will STILL spin it to you black guys so that you'll believe that the GOP is racist. Don't you see that, Johnny?

    When the GOP tries to nominate a black guy to do something, the Left comes out and trashes the black guy. And you guys fall for it. Herman Cain was AT LEAST as good a man as any Democrat black in the Federal govt. And that's even if he DID flirt/talk bad to women, like he was claimed to do. (funny how those claims just died, when he quit running for office, isn't it?- you'd think that at least some newspaper would report "Cain sued by or pays off 5 women who accused him of blah blah---but those women now seem to have dropped off the face of the earth)
  4. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    The GOP has expressed enough racism via their latest political moves; so much of it that no one needs to 'lie' about it.

    Just read what the GOP says, the policies they promote and the political agendas they support in various States. The "media" is just skimming the cream off of the TOP. There is more than enough to list, a list so long it would be boring to post it here.

    The media is not "lying", but they do have a spotlight (that I don't possess) and of course, they are using it. The GOP is a SOCIALLY NASTY BUNCH. I want nothing to do with them. :(
  5. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    O that homogeneous old bugaboo, "The Media":

    FoxNews? Rush Limbaugh? Glen Beck? Bill O'Reilly? Michael Savage? Sean Hannity? William Krystol? Laura Ingraham? Mike Gallagher? Gordon Liddy? Michael Reagan? Ann Coulter? John Stossel? Star Parker? John Podhoretz? Roger Simon? Mike Adams? Wes Pruden? Doug Giles? David Harsanyi? Sean Trende? Brent Bozell? Cal Thomas? Daniel Flynn? Dick Morris? Rich Lowry? Ben Shapiro? Michael Barone? Jeff Jacoby? Chuck Norris? Robert Samuelson? Rachel Marsden? Charles Krauthammer? Jonah Goldberg? David Limbaugh? Dennis Prager? Michelle Malkin? Frank J. Fleming? Walter Williams? Byron York? Victor Davis Hanson? Thomas Sowell? Mark Steyn? George Will? David Swindle? Jack Kelly? Ross Douthat? John Fund? Mona Charen? Kathy Shaidle? Karl Rove? Katie Kieffer? Wes Pruden? Andrew McCarthy? Debra Saunders? Rachel Alexander? John Ransom? Larry Elder? Scott Rasmussen? Kevin Williamson? Derek Hunter? James Pethokoukis? The Weekly Standard? The National Review? The Wall Street Journal? etc. etc. etc.?

    As if it is overwhelmingly black and hispanic Americans who read, and access radio and television :roflol: and are thereby indoctrinated by "The Media"! :eekeyes:

    There in nothing at all surprising that a whopping 89% of the current GOP's registered voters consist of non-hispanic whites (paranoids included), only 2% non-hispanic blacks, and 6% hispanics. Given their policies one would expect just such a lopsided distribution.

    The Democratic Party consisting of 60% non-hispanic whites, 10% non-hispanic blacks, and 13% hispanic Americans simply reflects the more inclusive policies it advocates.

    No persecution complexes or conspiracy theories need be contrived to justify the numbers. They are what one would expect.

    Incidentally, "Independents" are no where near the lilly patch that Repubs are:

  6. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Yes, indeed!! Amen!!
  7. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Actually, it's psychology 101 and your denial only demonstrates your ignorance.

    You would rather believe that African Americans are just dumb "(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)rs" who vote the way their white masters in the Democratic Party tell them to vote than accept that it it the policies of the REpublican party that drive away people of color, all colors.

    OK, fine. Dem dum (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)rs gonna vote de way deir masters tells dem to vote an all yous gots to do is get dem dumb (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)rs to listen to you.

    Please. I encourage you to spread that among your "conservative" bretheren far and wide. Make sure this becomes a part of every Republican gathering from now to November 2016.

    The quicker we will you off the better off we'll all be.

    And if you want to start a thread about why the Dado is a Republican, please do so. it is off topic here and I'd rather have a separate thread to exercise my specialty, grinding "conservative" thought to dust under my crap covered right sneaker.
  8. FAW

    FAW Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    I can understand its likely covered in psychology classes, but I can say beyond any shadow of a doubt that it was covered in my Management 101 class, that was the introductory management requirement in the school of business. In either case, taking your same argument, and rudimentarily applying it to Maslows Hierarchy doesn't do one thing to back up the notion that 90% plus is beyond the pale of free thought. I have said countless times on this thread that of course African Americans are going to vote in huge margins for Democrats. Subsequently stating why African Americans vote huge margins for Democrats doesn't refute the premise that 90% plus is beyond the pale of free thought. You can say the reasons why African Americans vote Democrat until you are blue in the face, I don't believe anyone would be in disagreement. You can come up with whatever "theory" of motivation that you desire, it doesn't really address the debate as to whether or not 90% plus is an example of free thought. Homosexuals in the quest for self actualization have more quantifiable and legitimate reasons than anyone for being anti Republican, and even they manage a 75-25 split, which shows a great deal of free thought amongst its ranks.

    I never said that African Americans "are just dumb "(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)rs" who vote the way their white masters in the Democratic Party " did, for the sole purpose of being inflammatory and incorrectly trying to paint my argument as racist.

    There is no spreading of "that" to my conservative brethren to be had, because "that" is nothing more than a mis characterization by you to inflame racial tensions.

    I have no desire to start a thread about what makes you a Republican, but since you have repeatedly made the claim while at the same time espoused nothing but leftist dogma, it seems a fair question to ask what makes you a Republican. I see people all the time that falsely claim to be a disenfranchised Republican, but when asked to explain what makes them a Republican, they almost never explain what issues make them so. If you have voted for one Republican in the last 15 years, and he was a sherrif..... lol....let me enlighten are NOT Republican. I looked through my cousins telescope a decade or so back, I don't go around calling myself an astronomer.
  9. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Sure you did. That's all you've said on tis entire thread.

    Look, I'm agreeing with you. Please, go out and make that another mantra of the Republican Party.

    I just know t will work for you.
  10. FAW

    FAW Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    Make what a mantra for the Republican Party?.....what are you even talking about?

    Do you think it would be a slimy, even reprehensible tactic for a person to claim to be either a Democrat or a Republican, not because they really are, but because they think acting like a disenfranchised party member lends credence to the notion that the claimed party has simply went off the tracks and left them?... personally I would consider someone doing that to lack intellectual honesty, and that would take away from their credibility.....but that's just me.
  11. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    I'm just giving you my best political advice.

    Make sure all of your candidates repeat that "blacks can't think for themselves" mantra. It is a can't miss proposition.

    Worked for birtherism.
    Worked for immigration.
    Worked for abortion.

    This type of stuff is just guaranteed to win elections for someone.

    Now who's the "secret Democrat?"
  12. FAW

    FAW Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    This thread isnt about a mantra. Its an honest, sincere discussion about whether or not any large diverse group such as African Americans can possibly have 90% plus agreement on something as complex and varied as politics while still using free thought. That is not a rallying cry, or a bumper imply that it is so, is really just nonsensical. I realize you are trying to marginalize this legitimate discussion by analogizing it to birthers, and trying to paint me as some racist zealot, but that isnt the case, and as such you are failing miserably.

    Am I a secret Democrat?....absolutely not. I dont make any attempts whatsoever to deceive when describing my political beliefs. I find that tactic lacking in dignity, Mr. "I do nothing but spout leftist dogma, but I'm a Republican, and I voted republican once in 15 years, and that was for a Sheriff."
  13. BlackSand

    BlackSand New Member

    Apr 9, 2013
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    “I’ll have those nigge** voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” ... That's what Lyndon B Johnson said about the Civil Right's Act ... Not a Republican or a Conservative.

    Now who is denying what?
  14. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Please. Given the record of the Republican Party over the last 40 years why are you at all surprised that African Americans reject Republicans in such great numbers?

    Some 8 years ago the Senate Majority Leader called lynching, segregation, and Jim Crow "right." Leading voices in the party defended his words.

    Republicans had an opportunity in 1963-64 to lead on civil rights. To lead on medicare. Instead, a few grudgingly went along with civil rights and the opposed medicare.

    You can try to deny the racism that permeates the party but it is there and it controls the party's destiny.

    Want to change the minds of Blacks? Change your party's policies.
  15. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    So you're saying that Johnson understood that by addressing the issues of concern to African Americans that they would vote for Democrats?

    Isn't that what I've been saying all along?

    Johnson also understood that by supporting civil rights the South would be lost to Democrats.

    Now why do you suppose all those white people in the south vote Republican? Wouldn't be "group thought" would it?
  16. dudeman

    dudeman New Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    Zombies. Blacks are like Pavlov's dogs when it comes to welfare and voting.
  17. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    Whatever. Enjoy 2016, lol
  18. BlackSand

    BlackSand New Member

    Apr 9, 2013
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    It would behoove you to know what the hell you are talking about as far as who supported the Civil Rights Act.

    Original House Version:
    Democrats ... 61% voted in favor
    Republicans ... 80% voted in favor

    Cloture in Senate:
    Democrats ... 66% voted in favor
    Republicans ... 82% voted in favor

    Senate Version:
    Democrats ... 69% voted in favor
    Republicans ... 82% voted in favor

    Senate Version reconciled and voted on by the House:
    Democrats ... 63% voted in favor
    Republicans ... 80% voted in favor

    In all four votes on the Civil Right Act ... The Republicans lead the Democrats voting in favor of.
  19. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    It would behoove you to learn the meaning of "lead."
  20. BlackSand

    BlackSand New Member

    Apr 9, 2013
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    So because a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act ... And the Democrats couldn't have pass it without them ... Are you saying that the Democrats were leading the legislation?
    Perhaps you would have liked it better if I used the word "led" instead of "lead" ... That would make more sense.
  21. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    No they didn't lead and they've spent the last fifty years pursuing those former Democrats who opposed the legislation.

    You got em. They're all yours. But while you're snuggling up to them, don't expect people of color to snuggle up to you.
  22. BlackSand

    BlackSand New Member

    Apr 9, 2013
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    I don't snuggle up to anyone in regards to the their race ... or their racial preferences.
    I leave all that to people who think race is an appropriate measure for legislation or politics in general.

    Edit: I don't care what race person is, and treat everyone as equals in regards to race ... I leave all the other bullsh** for bigots and fools.
  23. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Please. You went right to the "Republicans supported civil rights" credo as if there were a shred of difference a Democrat from Alabama in 1964 and a Republican from Alabama in 2013.

    Of more interest are these numbers:

    The original House version:
    Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
    Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
    Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
    Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
    The Senate version:
    Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
    Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
    Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
    Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

    Southern Democrats in 1964 ARE Southern Republicans of 2013.
  24. BlackSand

    BlackSand New Member

    Apr 9, 2013
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    Look ... I know the numbers you posted are of more interest to you ... but it still doesn't change what you said.

    If you want to make some random point about North versus South ... That is your problem ... And still doesn't change what you said about who supported the Civil Rights Act when it was passed.
    If you want to make everything about race ... Then you are more than welcome to ... It certainly sells with certain crowds.

    Personally ... I was born more than 10 years after the CRA was passed ... And became an adult 30 years after it was passed ... And I don't give a damn how bad you want to interject race into politics.
    You may live in a world were someone's race is more important than their accomplishments ... Where somehow we as a country still need to be punished for something we had no part in.
    I don't live there ... Won't live there in the superficial squalor people want to pull politics and legislation down into ... And I am not ashamed to say that a person's race doesn't make a difference to me.

    Race based politics in today's world does nothing more than divide people ... And promote racism through legislation, or perceived racism without legislation.
    If you want to cling onto the bitter hatred of the 60's and prior, knock yourself out ... Because it doesn't serve me, or my fellow Americans of any race.
    We are going to let the rest of you milk it for all it is worth ... Because Political Correctness has made it impossible to fight the prolonged bigotry of both sides without being called a racist ourselves.

    Racism and Race Based Politics are no different to me or the other Americans like me ... Because it serves no purpose other than further dividing the populous.
  25. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    I didn't start this thread. One of you did.

    Race is not a concern to Republicans like me, the reason we failed to lead on the Civil Rights Act, on Voting Rights, on Affirmative Action, but it is important to "conservatives"

    For most "conservatives" it is the single most important thing in their lives.

    Bringing in how many or what percentage of Republicans or Democrats voted for or against the civil rights act, absent the historical knowledge of who these people were is ignorant at best and dishonest at worst.

    The fact is that most of the Republicans who voted for the CRA in 1964 could not get elected or even nominated in today's Republican party while most of the Democrats who opposed it would be in leadership roles in today's GOP. If you look at the political stances of southern democrats in 1964 you will find they are nearly identical to today's Republican party and if you look at an electoral map of congressional seats by party you will note that from the fifties to today the colors of the map have shifted nearly completely with all of the Republican power shifting from the Northeast and west to the south and midwest while democrats have gone from the south to the northeast and far west.

    The question was asked why do the overwhelming majority of African Americans vote for Democrats?

    The answer is that Democratic policies appeal to the best interests of African Americans as a group while Republican policies and especially Republican rhetoric is contrary to their interests.

    Now you and your friends can accept that answer and work toward a solution to a problem that will only grow larger for Republicans or you can reject the answer, place the blame on some genetic or social defect only African Americans suffer from and continue down the current path.

    Either was I eventually win. The party becomes more moderate and I get candidates I can support or the party dies off and the replacement gives me platforms I can support.

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