Israel demolishes West Bank homes, displacing 36 Palestinians

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Grau, Mar 5, 2016.

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  1. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    The arbitrary mass destruction of civilian homes & other possible forms of shelter nearly guarantees the deaths of Palestine's most vulnerable Occupied civilians; the youngest, the oldest, the sick & those civilians wounded or poisoned during routine mass slaughters, "Cast Lead", "Pillar of Cloud", "Protective Edge, etc etc.

    The death counts of those mass slaughters do not include long & painful, subsequent deaths from lack of shelter, wounds incurred from IDF's conventional ordinance & even more horrific deaths caused by IDF' illegal deployment of Genotoxic, experimental Chemical ordinance.

    Those civilian forms of shelter surviving routine IDF assaults are frequently prey to destruction under the internationally condemned Israeli government's apparent drive to rid Palestine of its native, non Jewish population.

    The timing of these sadistic destructions of civilian shelter all to frequently occurs during the seasons in which protection from winter's elements are most needed especially by the very young & most infirm..

    What was so compelling that these homes, for example, be destroyed during one of the coldest part of the season if not to inflict additional death & misery on a population tormented for over 60 years?

    It is noteworthy that a French built school that could have housed some of these tormented civilian population did not escape the eye of the world's most heavily subsidized Ethnic Cleanser on the planet:

    “Israel demolishes West Bank homes, displacing 36 Palestinians”

    EXCERPTS “Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli forces demolished dozens of structures including a school in the northern West Bank this week, leaving 10 families homeless, the UN said on Friday.

    The demolitions took place on Wednesday in the village of Khirbet Tana, south of Nablus in the northern West Bank.

    Last week the European Union hit out at Israeli authorities after they demolished a school funded by the French government.

    Nickolay Mladenov, UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, said last month the number of such demolitions has tripled on average since the start of the year.
    "Since the beginning of 2016, Israel has demolished, on average, 29 Palestinian-owned structures per week, three times the weekly average for 2015," he said.”CONTINUED


    “Father Finds Five-Month-Old Son Frozen to Death in Gaza”
  2. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    'The Israeli military has provided estimates that Hamas spent around $30 to $90 million, and poured 600,000 tons of concrete, in order to build three dozen tunnels.[23][24] Some tunnels were estimated to have cost $3 million to construct.[25][26]"

    The (*)(*)(*)(*)ing gazillions in donations used to build these tunnels could have been used to build housing for thousands of families, hundreds of skruls, hospitals... Gimmi a break, crying out for poor Palestinians. Where's the (*)(*)(*)(*)ing outrage at Hamas, keeping Gazans suffering?
  3. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    ye reap what ye sow.
  4. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I must compliment you on an excellent job at following your Hasbara script* & being careful to only chose pro Zionist sources:

    -"The Israeli military has provided estimates...."; These are the same "creative" people who classified a death via ax as a Hamas "Terror rocket"


    EXCERPTS “Two Israeli groups have set up ‘Zionist editing’ courses with aims to alter perceptions about Israel.
    Now two Israeli groups seeking to gain the upper hand in the online debate have launched a course in “Zionist editing” for Wikipedia, the online reference site.

    Yesha Council, representing the Jewish settler movement, and the rightwing Israel Sheli (My I srael) movement, ran their workshop, teaching participants how to rewrite and revise some of the most hotly disputed pages of the online reference site.”CONTINUED

    So much for the credibility of your "sources'

    . . . . . .

    As much as your bizarre "Ziono-logic" would like to make it sound like Hamas is gassing, dismembering, slaughtering & burning innocent civilians alive, the simple fact remains that it is IDF that has massacred tens if not hundreds of thousands of unarmed civilians using conventional, Genotoxic, chemical ordinance, Depleted Uranium as well as robotic Weaponry (A.I.) in which Palestinians are used as guinea pigs.

    I think you'll find that, throughout history, every population that has their food & medicine supplies cut off or restricted by Blockades intended to increase suffering, death humiliation has resorted to the use of "Survival Tunnels"

    Since IDF Occupiers not only pass their time in the recreational execution of children, they also destroy Gaza's food & water supplies & murder Gaza's food suppliers:

    1. “Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

    2. “Israel used 'calorie count' to limit Gaza food during blockade, critics claim”

    3. “Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”

    4. “Gaza's corpse-ridden farms reveal destruction of Palestinian livelihoods”

    5. “Israel escalates deadly attacks on Gaza's fishers”

    6. “Israeli Deputy Prime Minister: “We Must Blow Gaza Back to the Middle Ages Destroying All the Infrastructure Including Roads and Water”

    It is not only Israel's US Government supported Ethnic Cleansing practices[1] but the US subsidized Terrorist nests of IDF protected, Psycho-Settlers[2] who destroy the sources of food for Palestine's Native civilians forcing them to import food by any means possible:


    2. “Uprooting Olive Trees in Palestine”

    So, please explain to me & the other readers how Hamas is responsible for turning humble civilian homes & everything within them into countless thousands of radioactive rubble mounds from IDF gratuitous use of Depleted Uranium.

    I've only touched on a few of the many insidious ways in which Israel's Ethnic Cleansing agenda is carried out. Most of us are aware of the shocking, systematic & overt mass slaughters "Cast Lead", "Pillar of Cloud" etc in which thousands of innocent men, women, children are massacred via "beheading" mutilations, burning to death, suffocation etc from US supplied conventional ordinance.

    Few of us, however, count those slow & painful intentional deaths from Israel's illegal chemical ordinance wounds, exposure, malnutrition, dehydration, delayed exploding bomblets from cluster bombs, delayed or lack of medical care, infant mortality.

    Israel's trained network of apologists are told to express phony sympathy for these survivors of 60+ years of lethal torment by blaming Gaza's elected government which, for all its warts, is all that deters the genocidal mescreants in Israeli Government from slaughtering far more of the world's longest, most brutal & heavily subsidized Ethnic Cleansing

    * “The more the dead, the better”: Israel’s crumbling media war””_israel’s_crumbling_media_war/

    EXCERPT "This framework, developed in 2009, can be found in The Israel Project’s 2009 Global Language Dictionary. The Orwellian manual provides a detailed outline on how to “communicate effectively in support of Israel.”
    One of its first instructions is that pro-Israeli propagandists need to show empathy. The manual insists that they should “show empathy for BOTH sides” (caps in original) as a way of gaining credibility and trust. To make sure that the point is understood, the manual repeats again (in bold, and underlined this time) the instruction:

    “use Empathy”—the suggestion being that empathy is an important tool to be used in the propaganda war.

    When innocent Palestinian children and women are killed, the first response should be to show empathy; the next is to reframe the issue stating that Israel is not to blame and that it is only defending itself and further that it only wants peace.

    Even when it is raining death and destruction on Palestinians, the manual is clear: “Remind people—again and again—that Israel wants peace.”CONTINUED

    When an honest, On-Topic, factual rebuttal is not possible, the next step in most Hasbara propaganda handbooks instructs their "Factually Challenged" individuals to resort to obfuscations, personal attacks & revile all & any inconvenient sources as "Neo-Nazi" etc no matter what their origin.

    [1] “Israeli Deputy Prime Minister: “We Must Blow Gaza Back to the Middle Ages Destroying All the Infrastructure Including Roads and Water”

    2 “Bombing of Gaza children gives me “orgasm”: Israelis celebrate slaughter on(*)Facebook”
  5. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    So then, in your informed opinion, how many tunnels were built by Hamas, how much money and truckloads of cement were spent building them, and how many houses, skruls and hospitals could have Hamas built instead of building tunnels?
  6. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Lets not have double standards here ;)
  7. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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  8. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Is it your belief that that adage applies to all of history's many holocausts?
  9. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Exactly. The sponsors of West Bank illegal settlement complain about double standards against Israel when engaging in the same against Palestinians every minute of every day due not only to their prejudice against Muslims but also their lack of intelligence in noticing this. ;)
  10. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    As much as I appreciate your choosing "obfuscation" over "personal attacks" etc, you're still attempting to blame Hamas for the systematic extermination of Palestine's native, Gentile population by Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs & their descendants.

    The news article I cited was about the Israeli destruction of the village of Khirbet Tana & thousands like it, leaving their civilian populations without food & shelter during the coldest months of the year; a common, murderous practice of the Israeli government.

    Since the Israeli government has destroyed that same generations old village 11 times, whatever amount of concrete has been used to rebuild its homes has been wasted due to the genocidal practices of the Israeli government you attempt to absolve of all wrongdoing.

    A very few atrocities committed by the Israeli government include but are not restricted to:

    - their poisoning of farmland,

    - execution of fishermen,

    - promiscuous use of banned, experimental Chemical Ordinance & cancer causing D.U.,

    - - systematic mass murder of civilian populations etc. etc.

    - systematic destruction of all life sustaining infrastructure:

    “Israeli Deputy Prime Minister: “We Must Blow Gaza Back to the Middle Ages Destroying All the Infrastructure Including Roads and Water”

    Since the Israeli government has proven its intent to destroy any & all life sustaining structures above & below ground using U.S. "Aid" to do so, I can think of no more effective humanitarian measure than de-funding the world's most egregious Ethnic Cleanser & re-routing those criminally deployed $ Trillions to needy Americans & responsible agencies representing the long tormented native Palestinian survivors of Zionist genocide.

    Why you or anyone would attempt to justify & support the systematic extermination of this one indigenous, Levantine population is a reprehensible mystery to me.
  11. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Seems odd that with all this ethnic cleansing that the Palestinian population is booming and is expected to pass Jews in 2017.

    So either this ethnic cleansing is wrong or Palestinians do nothing but shoot rockets and have sex all day.
  12. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    In my opinion this is a very clear situation. Palestine has decided to attack a neighbor with a significantly more powerful ability and has done so since the neighbors moved in. The new neighbors have no intention of moving away regardless of this and have tried to build a bigger fence to stop their dog from crapping in the yard. Rather than chaining the dog or training it they keep putting holes in the fence to let it do it's business in the neighbors yard. The neighbors then try to stop the dog with a bb gun...eventually they will simply shoot the damn thing with a shotgun.

    Israel is guilty of reactionary retribution and often accused of overreaction.....yet it is indeed REaction.
  13. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    It is a parable. It is universally applicable to ALL of history, period.

    And in the particular case under discussion completely on point.
  14. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    So, in your rather unique opinion, ALL victims of Ethnic Cleansing, throughout history, deserved their fate but Palestine's indigenous Muslim, Christian, Druze etc population deserved / deserve to be Ethnically Cleansed more than any other victims of Ethnic Cleansing?

    While that reprehensible mentality is in keeping with the ideologies that subscribe to the racist "Master Race" / "Chosen People" mindset, it explains one of the reasons that the Zionist State is among the most widely disliked entities on the planet:

    “BBC Poll: Israel Among World's Least Popular Nations”
    EXCERPT“The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular; only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.

    The world's opinion of Israel has not improved in the last year: According to BBC World Service's annual poll, Israel is one of the least popular countries in the world; the only states less popular are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.

    Only 21 percent of participants had a positive view on Israel, while 52 percent viewed the country unfavorably. Iran, in comparison, won the favorable opinion of 15 percent of those who answered the survey, while 59 percent viewed it unfavorably.”CONTINUED

    I'm not sure to what extent the Megaphone software used by Israel's international, multi-million dollar, State run Hasbara / Propaganda network influenced this BBC Poll but its use by Hasbara hirelings has skewed polls in favor of Israel in the past.

    As much as Hasbara hirelings love to howl "anti Semitism", the reason for Israel's unpopularity is its Ethnic Cleansing agenda & thriving hate-filled & racist Right Wing Extremism:

    “Far-Right extremism on the rise in Israel as Gaza conflict continues”


    “Jewish Extremists' Leader: Christians Are 'Blood Sucking Vampires' Who Should Be Expelled From Israel”

    EXCERPTS "Benzi Gopstein, head of Lehava, calls to ban Christmas in the Holy Land: 'Let us remove the vampires before they once again drink our blood.'
    Benzi Gopstein, leader of the extremist anti-assimilationist group Lehava, has called for the prevention of Christmas celebrations in Israel and the expulsion of Christians whom he compared to “vampires.”
    “Christmas has no place in the Holy Land,” Gopstein wrote in an article posted a few days ago on the Haredi website Kooker."CONTINUED

    . . . . . . . . .

    I'm happy to differ with you in my belief that no Ethnic Group, Religion, Nationality or Race is intrinsically Good or Evil nor is their suffering any more profound because of those classifications.

    No one deserves to "reap" the genocidal torment currently endured by by Palestine's native population for over 60 years.
  15. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    It is certainly not my wish but if a heavily subsidized & heavily armed biker gang, aka "new neighbors", moved into your neighborhood, killed off most of your old neighbors & family after destroying your homes & left you freezing in the fecal rubble that used to be your home, you'll better understand the realities behind the history of the Foreign, Zionist invasion & genocidal Occupation of Palestine.

    Did you know that of the 38 signatories of Israel's Declaration of independence, only ONE was from the Region?


    Guess who trained & helped fund what was later to become IDF:

    “Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army”
    EXCERPT “In his 1988 book "Blowback," Christopher Simpson says captured SS records documented a covert agreement between the SS and the Haganah, the forerunner of the Israeli Defense Force. They funded at least one Haganah commander. (*)

    "Under the arrangement the Haganah was permitted to run training camps for Jewish youth inside Germany.

    [Haganah Commander Feival] Polkes and the Haganah, in return, agreed to provide the SS with intelligence about British affairs in Palestine.

    Haganah commander's sole source of income, moreover, was secret funds from the SS."(*)CONTINUED

    Because of the pervasive anti Arab / pro Israel US Media bias, it's no wonder your opinion is so skewed.
    Until you spend time in the Mid East or at least study its realities more closely, you're welcome to hate tormented people you've never met in a region about which you know very little & have, apparently, never set foot.

    Ever wonder what the people you classify as "new neighbors" think about you?

    “What do Israelis think about Americans”
    EXCERPT “Most Israelis think Americans are pro-Israel and we can sell them anything, especially mud from the Dead Sea,” said David Lif(*)(*)(*)(*)z, the lead writer for the Israeli comedy show “Eretz Nehederet,” or “Wonderful Land.”

    “Or — just regular mud with a ‘Dead Sea’ sticker on it.”
    But it’s not just American tourists whom many Israelis see as guileless. American foreign policy is held up to similar scrutiny here, even as Israel receives billions of dollars in foreign aid from the United States each year.”CONTINUED

    Wonder no more.

  16. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    West Bank and Gaza have one of the highest natural growth rates of populations anywhere in the world. There is no extermination.
  17. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Sounds bad, so Im wondering, what would you like for to happen ?
  18. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Neat....does not in any way change my analogy.
  19. Doofenshmirtz

    Doofenshmirtz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Maybe you can convince the terrorists so stop hiding among innocent families. Is Israel making them victims, or are Muslim terrorists making them victims? Even the Israeli soldiers feel bad about destroying homes, but they are left with little choice. The terrorists indiscriminately launch missiles and hide among women and children. They use the images of dead babies to fuel hatred and recruit more terrorists.

    Of course, no one is asking why a family left a baby to freeze. Israeli soldiers didn't leave the baby. Of course, the headline needs to have some power, so who not add ethnic cleansing while you're at it.

    Speaking of ethnic cleansing, what does the Quran say about non-believers? Oh yea, it says they are to be put to death. If a Muslim does not believe in the Quran 100%, they are considered apostates and are to be put to death as well.

    So you tell us the peaceful solution.
  20. milorafferty

    milorafferty Banned

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Perhaps I will give a (*)(*)(*)(*) about the Palestinian's when I stop seeing rockets being fired at Israel, buses being blown up, rocks being thrown etc. And then maybe if the rest of the middle east countries will stop using Hamas as a proxy to attack the Jewish people in Israel, maybe, just maybe, I will begin to give a (*)(*)(*)(*).

    But probably not. :machinegun:
  21. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Nothing you've stated differs from the fatuous fodder found in any of the many rhetorically twisted Hasbara Handbooks, & manuals of vapid responses that I haven't wasted time debunking dozens of times before.

    I've already addressed every scripted cliché you've recited in previous Posts & there are 3 more Post I feel obligated to acknowledge.

    Have you ever considered that the IDF members are also "hiding behind women & children" in their illegal, & internationally condemned "Settlements"

    Who trained you to refer to Palestine's native residents who are resisting the world's most ruthless & genocidal, foreign subsidized Occupation in modern history as "Terrorists" when they are trying to hang on to scraps of their devastated homeland invaded by FOREIGN Zionist Terrorist Gangs?

    What were Irgun, Stern Gang, & the SS funded & trained Haganah if not the original INVADING Terrorists who came from far, far away for "Free" Land.

    The only thing that you've made clear is that you're only reciting the one side of a story, have never spent time in the Islamic world, never worked in a Palestinian refugee camp & have been professionally deceived by people who see you & fellow supporters of a Terrorist Government as gullible dupes:

    “What do Israelis think about Americans”
    EXCERPT “Most Israelis think Americans are pro-Israel and we can sell them anything, especially mud from the Dead Sea,” said David Lif(*)(*)(*)(*)z, the lead writer for the Israeli comedy show “Eretz Nehederet,” or “Wonderful Land.”

    “Or — just regular mud with a ‘Dead Sea’ sticker on it.”
    But it’s not just American tourists whom many Israelis see as guileless. American foreign policy is held up to similar scrutiny here, even as Israel receives billions of dollars in foreign aid from the United States each year.”CONTINUED

    Since we're corresponding via computer , you & I will spend the evening with a full stomach, a comfortable bed & in a comfortable home.

    All of Israel's Hasbara Trolls, IDF Terrorists, grasping & parasitic Settlement dwellers etc will enjoy the same paid for by us.

    Do you have any empathy for the countless Palestinian kids etc who have none of these due to unconditional support of our Government & professionally duped Americans?

  22. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Please provide a credible source for your popular evasion.

    Are you claiming that the dead bodies from IDF's deployment of illegal Genotoxic, Chemical & experimental ordinance whose flesh "fell off like jelly...." came back to life?

    “Medical personnel claim Israel tested new weapons during attacks on Gaza”

    EXCERPTS “Doctors and an ambulance officer believe Israel tested new weapons during its July 8th – August 26th assault on the Gaza Strip.

    “The five children from the al-Jaal family in Zeitoun were the strangest thing I ever saw in my life.”

    The room where three girls and two boys...
    ... “Their bodies were hot. Their hair and skin were black liked charred wood. When their parents arrived at the hospital, they didn’t recognise them,”

    Dr Sobhi Skaik, chief surgeon and medical director at Shifa hospital and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, told me earlier: “We saw third-degree burns that cannot be explained; neither flame burns nor chemical burns.

    It was as if the patient became mummified, and most of them died. Their skin blackened and their tissue became tough and solid. I saw dozens of patients like this in the intensive care unit,

    . “I saw more than a dozen bodies that looked normal, with no marks or wounds. But when we touched them they were slippery. If you tried to pick them up, the flesh fell off like jelly. We had to roll them in blankets.”

    . “In previous wars, we could treat most of the wounded,” says Dr Skaik. “This time, the number and magnitude of wounds was far greater. One third were dead on arrival.”CONTINUED
  23. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Quite true.

    ""The Palestinian population living in the State of Palestine is growing comparatively fast, 2.4 percent a year, or 33 percent higher than Israel’s current rate of population growth. ""

    United Nations

    ""World Average 1.18

    Canada - 1.04
    Egypt 2.18
    Israel 1.66
    Palestine 2.75
    UK .63
    US .75""
  24. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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  25. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    didn't do very well in comprehension and logic I see and as to the gaps in your knowledge of history, well, I suppose that is to be expected.

    I find it laughable that you attempt to equate "master race" with "chosen People". Apparently you don't even know what the term "chosen people" refers to, let alone understand it.

    As for Israel being unpopular, yep, its right up there with the USA and North Korea depending on which poll you wish to use.

    I totally understand. Its a given that the jews have their nefarious hands in everything, including influencing public opinion polls regardless of their actual results.

    Yes, far right extremists aren't too popular anyone on the planet, so why should Israel be any different?

    Oh look a religious fanatic being a religious fanatic. Apparently it makes a difference what denomination your fanaticism indulges in when it comes to judgement of others.
    Could you be any less transparent?
    . . . . . . . . .

    So, suffering is not mitigated by ideology nor vice versa.

    Seems to me that them genocidal Israelis are really crappy at exterminating people. According to you they've been at it for over 60 years over which period of time the population of the palestinian people in the occupied territories and the regional "camps" has exploded to 10 times what is was in 1948.

    You seem to have a real hard time in matching facts to your rhetorical bumperstickers. A disease common amongst bigots.
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