Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Speaks to the 69th UN General Assembly

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by HBendor, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Because the canal wasn't theirs, it had been leased to your nanny state Britain and the lease was to last for 20 more years. Moreover, UNSC binding resolution 95 condemned Egyptian passage restrictions as gross violations of international law. You respect international law and binding UNSC resolutions, don't you?
  2. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    This sums it up nicly:
  3. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    And in any case, funney to say but today Israel and Egypt are non-officially, best buddies in this area. God bless El-Sisi.
  4. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Its not that unbelievable snake stretcher, you may be viewing the world through a glass of anti-Antisemitism not of your own making.

    Nu nu muumuu!…lol… You are taking licenses with my words! Ii said I did not particularly believe what you are calling crimes are actually crimes. I have not even got to natural vs. positive law yet. I said you made way too general sweeping claims, and that all accusations must be looked at individually. I also said before and reliably I do not support Israel or anyone’s else’s violating NATURAL law. Positive law (that laws made by nations bergs cities or states or the world are far too ambiguous and delve too far into a subjective pot to abide by again without looking at each case individually! You see those dastardly complicating facts are the reason a world court or a world government WILL NOT WORK. Each entity must have its own relevant laws etc. NO ONE BUT GOD CAN ENFORCE CREATE OR DEFINE MORALS.

    Well to 2.2 billion Christians God is more important than family. Without God there is no life truth justice or good. Again you stick a finger in Netanyahu ignoring your own countries atrocities and hope somehow the world will not notice the hypocrisy of it all!

    No because the rMuslim monsters clearly intentionally violate natural law for fun and profit. Thinking that (the above) a comparison valid is insanity manifest.

    We spy on Israel, routinely. I hope you are not so naïve to think all nations who are allies or no, abide by agreements like promising not to spy… LOL, man REALLY? I am sure you do not believe that! So it seems you are grasping at straws while failing to defend or support your case against Israel.

    Nine Scholars Give 10 Reasons for Jonathan Pollard's ... › BlogsAlgemeiner Journal

    We were talking about the prime minister. In addition you make a claim you should source that claim. By source I mean a specific piece paragraph or sentence. Not an entire web site or a ten thousand word article. So sigh show me where the prime minister ordered the use of Children as shields failing that show the source that made you suppose children was used.

    Is not at war or never has been at war? Lol …

    As I have said hundreds of times. The government of the Jewish state is secular. I said the Prime Minster is honorable because he protects Israel from the Goons that would destroy her. If he did nothing else his service to his country and God would be enough to earn that kind of respect from me. You didn’t ask me if I agreed with a specific action committed by and the Prime minister working alone etc.

    I happily express my beliefs. While it does sadden me you are on the wrong path there is always hope you might change your ways. The good news is all of us have the right to practice and express our religious beliefs or the lack of them, I am happy to that you and others have that right. I am only required to minister to others which I do every day 24/7 via my churches (ABOTCC) Christian displays (you would love them, a huge 50‘+ and two 40’ crosses sitting atop our church owned mountain. They are illuminated at night by seven kilowatts of sodium mercury vapor light power, hopefully a green laser will be added if funds allow). Beautiful and can be seen for ten miles away. We also created and sponsor a food pantry type mission and are partnered with second harvest food bank.

    No the discussion is over when I stop speaking or typing or… Do you hear anything ? That means I am done with

    God bless this forum ~

  5. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Try to be rational and admit you don't know if God exists or not. To say that is the hallmark of irrationality. No one knows with an accuracy of 100% one war or another. Lastly wake up, I said war AND NEGOTIATION. Lastly (again) There is no agreement on who started the various wars' of Israel and friends etc. The only sure thing is Israel won because God was on her side.

  6. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    the League of Nations never promised the Jews that every square inch of land on both sides of the Jordan River would become a Jewish state.

    you need to stop faking history
    creation and (deleted member) like this.
  7. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    Jews lived there in relative peace before the increasing number of European Jews began to poor in...

    The agressions were started by the Jews...or the British, if you look at it another way. The British, first of all, put them on this land even though it was made clear to them by Arabic leaders in neighboring states that the importation of Jews from Europe would not mix well with the locals. In the partition plan, as well as other examples, the British were pro-Israeli and enforced a lot of pro-Israeli policies in that area to the detriment of the Palestinians.

    Then the Jews of this area began making Jew-only businesses where they refused to hire Palestinians and began to ostracize them from their networks. They also began to aggrevate the local Palestinians when heated disputes began to arise as the Palestinians increasingly found themselves socially inferior and second-class citizens on their own hand. Attempts to appeal to the British failed because...the British always sided with the Jews. However, the British did try to stabilize the violence, however the most violent actor was the Jews. At this time, nationlist fervor was reaching a boiling point and hostile Jews began taking on increasingly violent clashes with the Palestinians. The Palestinians also retaliated, but where out-matched. The British- kind of like what they did with the US- attempted to pass legislation protecting the Palestinians and mitigating this Jewish fervor and the Jews turned on the British much like the American Colonials turned on the British when they tried to limit the colonials hostile expansion into more Indian territory. The Israeli's engaged in a series of geurilla and terrorist tactics- the most famous of which is the Hotel David massacre. Today, in Israel, these men are celebrated as hero's because after this the British left the area and wiped their hand of the whole situation. This left the inferiorly equipped Palestinians to content with a now hostile, nationlistic Jewish population that would begin to receive aid and munitions from the US.

    There is a difference between the local Jews who were already there and the importation of European Jews who carried with them the express intent of making a nation for themselves in this area. This plot to take the land is older than the holocaust and importation into the area also older- beginning around the early 1900's. However, before WW2, importation was slow and while the rhetoric was building in the region, it was still manageable- or at least not hostile.
  8. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    LOL, you havent explained why, merely the how...

    and where is Egypt a signatory to this?

    And on what grounds would Israel accept such a similar situation where a strategic land area in its own territory that could be used to invade itself could be allowed to be under someone else's authority?
  9. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Dont you guys argue against the arabs as being under various dictatorships?

    Now you approve? What gives?
  10. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Are you saying both that egypt has no sovereignty over its own territory and it must allow any passage through that canal even to the extent of aiding its own enemies?

    Are you really saying that?
  11. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Jews in the Middle East suffered under constant persecutions, pogroms, massacres, expulsions, long before Zionism was an idea.

    Zionism simply gave the Muslims the excuse they need to implement their Final Solution to the Problem of the Yahoud.
  12. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Finally, you got it buddy, you are right on both accounts. Egypt can't lease its land and have it too, and as per binding UNSC resolution 95 their actions broke international law.
  13. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Egypt rejected the lease decades beforehand, a nation isnt bound to hand over its territory - that contradicts international law and the suez crisis confirmed egyptian sovereignty.

    And the resolution chastises egypt for interference with shipping so reading it Borat where does it reject egyptian sovereignty?
  14. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Rubbish, |Jews reached high positions through out and lived safer lives than in europe. Thats why so many of them were there rather than moving to the USA.
  15. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    You are right again, Egypt broke the lease agreement which it had no legal right to do and it put restrictions on the usage of the canal, which according to binding UNSC resolution 95 was a gross violation of international law. You respect binding UNSC resolutions and international law, right?
  16. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Are you a liar or just intentionally obfuscating the truth?

    circa 1948 The U.N. General Assembly by a 2 / 3rds vote adopted the majority opinion for the partition of Palestine to a Jewish and Arab state.
    Upon independence, the combined established armies of Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and friends attacked with the aim to "push the Jewish state into the sea".
    WHERE WERE THE BLUE HELMETS. Israel had no tanks, air force, organized army nor outside nations carrying some of the war burden. What part don't I have correct ?

    The U.N. has never promoted Israel's right to exist beyond the 2 / 3rds vote of partition
    nor guaranteed Israel's right on International waters.
    If you check, Israel should have had rights per agreements when the Suez Canal transferred from BritLand to Nasser.
    If not good enough, study up on Sharm el-Sheikh and the blockade established by Nasser.
    No U.N. for about a month. Then the 6 Day war.

    creation, people like yourself will always try re write history. Just like the Holocaust deniers.

    Moi :oldman:

    r > g

    No :flagcanada:
  17. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    The 'blue helmets' werent even thought of yet. Stop the clear displays of ignorance.

    Isreal was already invading the arab areas long before the intervention of the arab powers so there was nothing for the UN to defend except the arab people.

    Israel like any other country has no special rights to do as it wishes on international waters.

    Youre simply ignorant of even the most basic facts. Im willing to engage on any question you have - fire away.
  18. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    No as sovereign power it has every right to break treaties it has previously agreed to. Especially considering matters concerning its own territory.

    Same goes for every other nation. It however did not have any right to restrict passage through the canal, that being said it has no obligation to aid its enemies transportation of goods against its own interests. No other nation has ever done so.

    Indeed I do respect UN resolutions, alot more than you do.
  19. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Just like Israel does, right?
  20. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Rarely.. Jews in Egypt, Libya, Iran, Iraq were largely prosperous.. Like they still are in Bahrain.
  21. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    - can a sovereign state unilaterally break legally signed bilateral treaty 20 years before its expiration? Are international treaties just worthless papers?

    - were Egyptian restrictions on the right of passage gross violation of international law as binding UNSC resolution declared?

    - Is it legitimate to treat a neighboring country with which you have standing armistice agreement as enemy state and based on that violate international law?

    - is someone approving unilateral cancellation of international treaties and violations of international laws/UNSC resolutions truly respect international law?
  22. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Dear Readers, and interested researchers,

    I have reproduced the PREAMBLE and the 28 Articles of the Mandate for Palestine in here for ALL to read. I am sure this will be an eye opener for some, and to all those who still believe that the State of Israel was <created> when in reality it was RECONSTITUTED.


    The Council of the League of Nations:
    Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and
    Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country; and
    Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country; and
    Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have selected His Britannic Majesty as the Mandatory for Palestine; and
    Whereas the mandate in respect of Palestine has been formulated in the following terms and submitted to the Council of the League for approval; and
    Whereas His Britannic Majesty has accepted the mandate in respect of Palestine and undertaken to exercise it on behalf of the League of Nations in conformity with the following provisions; and
    Whereas by the afore-mentioned Article 22 (paragraph 8), it is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations;
    Confirming the said Mandate, defines its terms as follows:
    Article 1.
    The Mandatory shall have full powers of legislation and of administration, save as they may be limited by the terms of this mandate.
    Article 2.
    The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.
    Article 3.
    The Mandatory shall, so far as circumstances permit, encourage local autonomy.
    Article 4.
    An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognized as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration to assist and take part in the development of the country.
    The Zionist organization, so long as its organization and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognized as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty’s Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.
    Article 5.
    The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power.
    Article 6.
    The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.
    Article 7.
    The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.
    Article 8.
    The privileges and immunities of foreigners, including the benefits of consular jurisdiction and protection as formerly enjoyed by Capitulation or usage in the Ottoman Empire, shall not be applicable in Palestine.
    Unless the Powers whose nationals enjoyed the afore-mentioned privileges and immunities on August 1, 1914, shall have previously renounced the right to their re-establishment, or shall have agreed to their non-application for a specified period, these privileges and immunities shall, at the expiration of the mandate, be immediately reestablished in their entirety or with such modifications as may have been agreed upon between the Powers concerned.
    Article 9.
    The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that the judicial system established in Palestine shall assure to foreigners, as well as to natives, a complete guarantee of their rights.
    Respect for the personal status of the various peoples and communities and for their religious interests shall be fully guaranteed. In particular, the control and administration of Wakfs shall be exercised in accordance with religious law and the dispositions of the founders.
    Article 10.
    Pending the making of special extradition agreements relating to Palestine, the extradition treaties in force between the Mandatory and other foreign Powers shall apply to Palestine.
    Article 11.
    The Administration of Palestine shall take all necessary measures to safeguard the interests of the community in connection with the development of the country, and, subject to any international obligations accepted by the Mandatory, shall have full power to provide for public ownership or control of any of the natural resources of the country or of the public works, services and utilities established or to be established therein. It shall introduce a land system appropriate to the needs of the country, having regard, among other things, to the desirability of promoting the close settlement and intensive cultivation of the land.
    The Administration may arrange with the Jewish agency mentioned in Article 4 to construct or operate, upon fair and equitable terms, any public works, services and utilities, and to develop any of the natural resources of the country, in so far as these matters are not directly undertaken by the Administration. Any such arrangements shall provide that no profits distributed by such agency, directly or indirectly, shall exceed a reasonable rate of interest on the capital, and any further profits shall be utilized by it for the benefit of the country in a manner approved by the Administration.
    Article 12.
    The Mandatory shall be entrusted with the control of the foreign relations of Palestine and the right to issue exequaturs to consuls appointed by foreign Powers. He shall also be entitled to afford diplomatic and consular protection to citizens of Palestine when outside its territorial limits.
    Article 13.
    All responsibility in connection with the Holy Places and religious buildings or sites in Palestine, including that of preserving existing rights and of securing free access to the Holy Places, religious buildings and sites and the free exercise of worship, while ensuring the requirements of public order and decorum, is assumed by the Mandatory, who shall be responsible solely to the League of Nations in all matters connected herewith, provided that nothing in this article shall prevent the Mandatory from entering into such arrangements as he may deem reasonable with the Administration for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this article into effect; and provided also that nothing in this mandate shall be construed as conferring upon the Mandatory authority to interfere with the fabric or the management of purely Moslem sacred shrines, the immunities of which are guaranteed.
    Article 14.
    A special commission shall be appointed by the Mandatory to study, define and determine the rights and claims in connection with the Holy Places and the rights and claims relating to the different religious communities in Palestine. The method of nomination, the composition and the functions of this Commission shall be submitted to the Council of the League for its approval, and the Commission shall not be appointed or enter upon its functions without the approval of the Council.
    Article 15.
    The Mandatory shall see that complete freedom of conscience and the free exercise of all forms of worship, subject only to the maintenance of public order and morals, are ensured to all. No discrimination of any kind shall be made between the inhabitants of Palestine on the ground of race, religion or language. No person shall be excluded from Palestine on the sole ground of his religious belief.
    The right of each community to maintain its own schools for the education of its own members in its own language, while conforming to such educational requirements of a general nature as the Administration may impose, shall not be denied or impaired.
    Article 16.
    The Mandatory shall be responsible for exercising such supervision over religious or eleemosynary bodies of all faiths in Palestine as may be required for the maintenance of public order and good government. Subject to such supervision, no measures shall be taken in Palestine to obstruct or interfere with the enterprise of such bodies or to discriminate against any representative or member of them on the ground of his religion or nationality.
    Article 17.
    The Administration of Palestine may organize on a voluntary basis the forces necessary for the preservation of peace and order, and also for the defense of the country, subject, however, to the supervision of the Mandatory, but shall not use them for purposes other than those above specified save with the consent of the Mandatory. Except for such purposes, no military, naval or air forces shall be raised or maintained by the Administration of Palestine.
    Nothing in this article shall preclude the Administration of Palestine from contributing to the cost of the maintenance of the forces of the Mandatory in Palestine.
    The Mandatory shall be entitled at all times to use the roads, railways and ports of Palestine for the movement of armed forces and the carriage of fuel and supplies.
    Article 18.
    The Mandatory shall see that there is no discrimination in Palestine against the nationals of any State Member of the League of Nations (including companies incorporated under its laws) as compared with those of the Mandatory or of any foreign State in matters concerning taxation, commerce or navigation, the exercise of industries or professions, or in the treatment of merchant vessels or civil aircraft. Similarly, there shall be no discrimination in Palestine against goods originating in or destined for any of the said States, and there shall be freedom of transit under equitable conditions across the mandated area.
    Subject as aforesaid and to the other provisions of this mandate, the Administration of Palestine may, on the advice of the Mandatory, impose such taxes and customs duties as it may consider necessary, and take such steps as it may think best to promote the development of the natural resources of the country and to safeguard the interests of the population. It may also, on the advice of the Mandatory, conclude a special customs agreement with any State the territory of which in 1914 was wholly included in Asiatic Turkey or Arabia.
    Article 19.
    The Mandatory shall adhere on behalf of the Administration of Palestine to any general international conventions already existing, or which may be concluded hereafter with the approval of the League of Nations, respecting the slave traffic, the traffic in arms and ammunition, or the traffic in drugs, or relating to commercial equality, freedom of transit and navigation, aerial navigation and postal, telegraphic and wireless communication or literary, artistic or industrial property.
    Article 20.
    The Mandatory shall co-operate on behalf of the Administration of Palestine, so far as religious, social and other conditions may permit, in the execution of any common policy adopted by the League of Nations for preventing and combating disease, including diseases of plants and animals.
    Article 21.
    The Mandatory shall secure the enactment within twelve months from this date, and shall ensure the execution of a Law of Antiquities based on the following rules. This law shall ensure equality of treatment in the matter of excavations and archaeological research to the nationals of all States Members of the League of Nations.
    “Antiquity” means any construction or any product of human activity earlier than the year A. D. 1700.
    The law for the protection of antiquities shall proceed by encouragement rather than by threat.
    Any person who, having discovered an antiquity without being furnished with the authorization referred to in paragraph 5, reports the same to an official of the competent Department, shall be rewarded according to the value of the discovery.
    No antiquity may be disposed of except to the competent Department, unless this Department renounces the acquisition of any such antiquity.
    No antiquity may leave the country without an export license from the said Department.
    Any person who maliciously or negligently destroys or damages an antiquity shall be liable to a penalty to be fixed.
    No clearing of ground or digging with the object of finding antiquities shall be permitted, under penalty of fine, except to persons authorized by the competent Department.
    Equitable terms shall be fixed for expropriation, temporary or permanent, of lands which might be of historical or archaeological interest.
    Authorization to excavate shall only be granted to persons who show sufficient guarantees of archaeological experience. The Administration of Palestine shall not, in granting these authorizations, act in such a way as to exclude scholars of any nation without good grounds.
    The proceeds of excavations may be divided between the excavator and the competent Department in a proportion fixed by that Department. If division seems impossible for scientific reasons, the excavator shall receive a fair indemnity in lieu of a part of the find.
    Article 22.
    English, Arabic and Hebrew shall be the official languages of Palestine. Any statement or inscription in Arabic on stamps or money in Palestine shall be repeated in Hebrew and any statement or inscription in Hebrew shall be repeated in Arabic.
    Article 23.
    The Administration of Palestine shall recognize the holy days of the respective communities in Palestine as legal days of rest for the members of such communities.
    Article 24.
    The Mandatory shall make to the Council of the League of Nations an annual report to the satisfaction of the Council as to the measures taken during the year to carry out the provisions of the mandate. Copies of all laws and regulations promulgated or issued during the year shall be communicated with the report.
    Article 25.
    In the territories lying between the Jordan and the eastern boundary of Palestine as ultimately determined, the Mandatory shall be entitled, with the consent of the Council of the League of Nations, to postpone or withhold application of such provisions of this mandate as he may consider inapplicable to the existing local conditions, and to make such provision for the administration of the territories as he may consider suitable to those conditions, provided that no action shall be taken which is inconsistent with the provisions of Articles 15, 16 and 18.
    Article 26.
    The Mandatory agrees that, if any dispute whatever should arise between the Mandatory and another member of the League of Nations relating to the interpretation or the application of the provisions of the mandate, such dispute, if it cannot be settled by negotiation, shall be submitted to the Permanent Court of International Justice provided for by Article 14 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.
    Article 27.
    The consent of the Council of the League of Nations is required for any modification of the terms of this mandate.
    Article 28.
    In the event of the termination of the mandate hereby conferred upon the Mandatory, the Council of the League of Nations shall make such arrangements as may be deemed necessary for safeguarding in perpetuity, under guarantee of the League, the rights secured by Articles 13 and 14, and shall use its influence for securing, under the guarantee of the League, that the Government of Palestine will fully honor the financial obligations legitimately incurred by the Administration of Palestine during the period of the mandate, including the rights of public servants to pensions or gratuities.
    The present instrument shall be deposited in original in the archives of the League of Nations and certified copies shall be forwarded by the Secretary-General of the League of Nations to all members of the League.
    Done at London the twenty-fourth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two.

    Certified true copy:
    For the Secretary-General,
    Director of the Mandates Section.
  23. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    oh, you want to go by the literal wording of the Mandate?

    well then Israel itself is in clear VIOLATION of the mandate.

    "it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"
  24. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Of course, especially as future generations are not logically bound by the decisions of the previous. It doesnt make treaties worthless, it just means the other side no longer has to abide by its own obligations. If appropriate compensation is made what is the problem?

    As egypt is under no obligation to aid its enemy's supply route its certainly not a gross violation though it would count as a violation. Certainly not a reason to kill egyptians.

    Yes absolutely, an armistice is not a peace agreement.

    Absolutely. For example, where treaties are made in poor or unfair or simply one sided circumstances by unelected officials the terms of the agreement may be completely unsuitable.
  25. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    LOL, so many articles broken by both the British and zionist governments.

    What happened regarding article 26 by the way?

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