Obama's Betrayal of Israel and Arming of Iran

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by HBendor, Nov 13, 2013.

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  1. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I hope you can also agree that those who today call themselves "Jews" are clearly not Judeans/Judaens , and present day Israelis are also clearly NOT Israelites.

    FYI : People from Crete ( Greek Krí·ti) in ancient times used to be called Cretians, in Minoan times they were called Minoans and in modern times they are called Cretans.

    Wink ....
  2. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    It hardly matters what you + I support - those Jews in positions of power within Israel have no wish to relinquish an inch of the territories no under their control. " Talk of two state solution is just hogwash to gain time build more settlements , same goes for "Peace talks" when land grabbing/illegal settlement expansions rapidly increased.

    "Lebensraum as a justification for Israeli settlements

    We were fortunate when we occupied the West Bank because had we not done so, where would we have come to live?

    And who knows how high housing prices would have risen?
    By Yossi Sarid |

    "Until now Israel had supported the occupation of the territories with two pillars: history and security - its right to inherit the land and its obligation to defend it. In recent weeks a third pillar was added, which all these years was hidden under straw and stubble. And maybe it's not a pillar but a snake, whose head must be crushed while it's still small.

    According to the school of thought based on history and faith, the Land of Israel was received by the Jewish people from the hand of God, and we are commanded to take all of it by dint of the Covenant of the Pieces that God made with Abraham. That was a nice big gift, we have to admit, stretching from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates. It was granted on various festive occasions not only to Abraham but to his heirs as well. Eventually it was forced to shrink, and now there is really no reason to shrink it further out of choice.

    The second, security-based school of thought stipulates that we need virtually all the territories for self-defense. Without them we'll never be able to live in security without feeling threatened. Therefore, if we are ever forced to leave certain parts of the country, even then we'll evacuate only in order to remain, relying forever on temporary "security arrangements," which even social-welfare-oriented MK Shelly Yachimovich will sign.
    Sometimes one school of thought overlaps the other and the difference between them becomes blurred. It often happens that members of the security school - people who do not lead a religious way of life - put a knitted skullcap on and then prophesy in the same messianic style. And the opposite happens as well: Rabbis and students bring up reasons in the name of security so as not to rely on the promise alone.

    And now, in the middle of the summer, when the social protest is putting the housing shortage at the top of the agenda for a moment, the third school of thought is developing and taking hold. The interior minister - in advance of a Black September of his own - approves the construction of 1,600 housing units for the ultra-Orthodox in Jerusalem's Ramat Shlomo neighborhood, another 624 units in Pisgat Ze'ev and another 930 in Har Homa Gimmel - all beyond the Green Line. Defense Minister Ehud Barak, for whom the election threshold is a sharp knife at his throat, approved 277 homes in the settlement of Ariel, may it be established in his day. And 42 MKs are calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to ease the housing shortage in the country via accelerated construction in the territories.

    Suddenly we are short of space here in Israel, which has become full to capacity and needs lebensraum. Every cultured person knows that this is a despicable German concept, banned from use because of the associations it brings up. Still, people are starting to use it, if not outright then with a clear implication: We are short of land, we are short of air, let us breathe in this country.

    When we embarked on the Six-Day War did we want to remove a threat or did we want to gain control in order to spread out?

    That's what happens after 44 years of mire and moral corruption, which distort things and make us forget the original objective and replace it with an entirely different one. We were fortunate when we occupied the West Bank because had we not done so, where would we have come to live? And who knows how high housing prices would have risen? The divine promise is now being revealed in all its ability to prophesy about real estate.

    The founding fathers, as opposed to the Diadochi who fought for control after Alexander the Great's death, represented a different approach, for the most part. Between "A little goes a long way," and "Don't bite off more than you can chew," they chose to bite; they even agreed to the 1947 UN partition plan for lack of choice.

    They believed that all the objectives of rational Ben Gurion-style Zionism could be fulfilled even in "Lesser Israel," which is more complete and more at peace with itself. And it has no need for lebensraum, may God preserve us.

  3. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Show us the qualifier in Resolution 242 which states that any acquisition of territory through war is admissible, defensive or otherwise.
  4. simsim50

    simsim50 New Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    Hello Skeptic
    I can see u having a hard time with your question " israel having bomb or not " i can u holding the hair of your head and tearing it away .. i hope u got some left for future debates.

    NOW for your question .. First tell me why its so important for u to know about that issue ?
    What r u going to loose or gain by knowing ?
    R u looking for a scoop or what ?
    Do u think if israel says yes then all arab countries will have a right too ?
    If no then u surely say we r lying or then your wet dream for destroying israel will get a boost, cause right now u ans all arab countries r trembling in their pants.. cause they know that if they instigate us and try to renew thier long last dream to destroy israel and push all jews into the sea .. will result their own destruction !!!

    So stop :wall: u may get brain damage and we may miss your boooring questions on and on !!!

    Any way The best policy for israel is to shut up .. and not disclose anything.. that will keep all of u in line !!!
    Look at my avatar ... do u know the story of Samson ?
  5. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Cretin, Cretan, I have some in my family. Lol.

    I think it would be safe to say we are all mixes of many things.

    Back to the Iran issue, I would explain all politics as packs of simeons with alpha males of each pack clashing with one another for territorial imperative.

    I really do.

    Throw enough bananas at everyone they might shut up but only until the bananas run out.

    The irony is we have enough bananas but no one believes me when I say that.
  6. truth and justice

    truth and justice Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2011
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    For a poster to know that you are answering them, you need to click on the "reply with quote" button . Right click to open in a new window. They will then get a notification
  7. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Pls tell him not to bother , coz most of his posts are incoherent rubbish.

  8. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Yes, the Hebrews (Habiru) were just a mixed bag of oriental Nomads, speak they were Arabs.

    Arabs means "Nomads" in Semitic langauges.

    Some of these Nomads that fled from Egypt adopted the Egyptian style Monotheism, and they are today called "Jews", though the word "Jew" did not exist 2000 ears ago.

    The term "Arabs" is very old, and it includes Hebrews, too.

    The word "Jew" is a recent invention. Not all Israelites were Jews, there was a Hebrew tribe from which the word "Jew" was derived. But in the real sense Jews are the adherents of Talmudic Judaism; and this religion was invented quite recently.

    The term "Mosaic Judaism" is just a misnomer.
  9. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Wow, interesting. And now, they refused 181, attempted to destroy Israel and are still in the doghouse because they won't change their position. And the Jews, who are Arabs, Eskimos or Kazakhs or anybody who is genticly not permitted to be on that tract of land in any circumstance according to the internet experts won't allow them to destroy them.

    Please provide more inconsequential hubris to support your non issue and, I invite all others to give genetic studies to support your meaningless contentions. Heck, let's get some Holocaust denialists in here to further muddle the mix so that in the end we can just say 'thanks for the info, let's move on.'

    - - - Updated - - -

    Filling this one under 'whatever.':roflol:
  10. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Arabs and Jews are closely related by DNA... If you believe you have title to Palestine because of Abraham .. then you should know that Abraham had six more sons by his Arab wife Keturah..

    You should also know that Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah.
  11. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Sorry that your tent got blown down but, when you stop trying to destroy Israel then progress can be made.
  12. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I don't want Israel destroyed. That's your mantra.
  13. Nanninga

    Nanninga Member

    May 6, 2010
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    Which betrayal, what did Israel ever do for the US to deserve the loyality of the US?

    As for Obama, his election campaign was sabotaged by Netanyahu, it is indeed predictable that it is pay back time. Otherwise Obama would be a gutless idiot.
  14. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Obama doesn't hate Israel although he probably dislikes Netanyahu.. He gave them Iron Dome..
  15. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    I've said this many times before on here. Historically, Israel and the US are joined at the hip. The ruling classes in both countries - PR notwithstanding - understand that this relationship is mutually beneficial to both. Israel - the junior partner and major US ME proxy - is the tail to the senior partner's dog. And we know, the tail never wags the dog.

    However, of late, there have increasingly been pressures and tensions within certain sections of the US establishment. Petraeus, for example, has relatively recently described Israel as being a strategic liability to the US and, as Margo as intimated, Obama has slated Bibi while in discussions with the former French president (not realizing that the microphones had not been turned off).

    The reality is, that although historically the ties between Israel and the US are close, the former is regarded by the latter as an animal increasingly straining on it's US leash that occasionally breaks free. It's this unpredictability in the face of international community hostility towards Israel that the US regards its regional ally to be an embarrassment on the world stage.

    The truth is, Obama understands very well the dichotomy the US faces. On the one hand, the US feeds the animal large quantities of food on the understanding that the cost-benefit situation is such that it gets more by way of strategic payback. But on the other hand, Obama understands very well that Bibi is greedy which is why people like Petraeus and others within the US establishment understand that the latter has long been biting off the hand that feeds him.
  16. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    For that matter and you know where I stand on this, Arab, Jew, semite, whatever words we use for these people, they all have indigenous ties to the land.

    I will say it again. As a Zionist believe it or not I was taught Arabs, Jews, Druze, Berbers, Kurds, Assyrians, Coptic Christians, Zoroastreans, Bahaiis, the Persians, all have links
    to the area we know see in conflict.

    I was taught to respect all. That is what I do. I will not insult the history of any, well not intentionally. I do stand up when I think our Jewish identity is being unfairly treated or defined but the Zionist I was not was not about religion it was about sufferage-the right to be master's of our own destiny and not be dhimmitude or second class in Europe, etc., and to return to our roots where we originated to rejoin our fellow Jews who never left.

    It was not about considering ourselves superior or hateful of Arabs. On the contrary the Zionist movement I was part of required us to study Arab culture and respect it.

    We can harp all we want on the past but the fact is Judaism, then Christianity, then Islam all
    are inter-related and we can not deny that. We can not deny they all were influenced by Zoroastreanism which can then be traced back to people who probably started Hinduism.

    The movement of peoples necessarily meant sometimes by war sometimes through peaceful migration and there was inter-marriage.

    The word Jew or referring to us as Jews or followers of Judah is an interesting story and as you can see the resident Jew hater has twisted it to suggest Judaism is new which of course is as absurd as saying Islam is new.

    Me I find it ironic that you can have two sons coming from Abraham one allegedly sent out in the desert and forgotten. I find that part of the Abraham story like many stories in the Bible a
    tad strange. For me testing someone's faith by asking them to kill their child is strange, screwing your slave and then sending your child out with his mother alone in the desert is not exactly nice either.

    Then again anyone neutral reading any of the Bible new or Old would think humans are psychotic and violent and hallucinate constantly when we aren't raping,pillaging, killing new borns and torturing people in the name of God.

    Then again I read the Koran and I find some beautiful passages referring to peace but see Muslims focused only on other sections like some people only focus on certain sections of the Bible that are violent or nasty.

    History like the Bible depends on who uses it and how. You can use it as a weapon to justify hating and dividing or a unification tool to help people understand they are not so different from one another and struggle for the same things.

    Lol, Zipporah. Yah I remember her. Now you tell me. Moses comes out of the desert all dirty and crazed and he runs into her and her sisters and man they wash him and she marries him.

    Just goes to show.

    She reminds me of my wife. She got me to shower too. Now mind you I still climb mountains and speak to bushes.
  17. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    I would agree with that. I am sure he really does not like Netanyahu on a personal level. He let that slip on an open mike and Netanyahu did not help himself insulting Joe Biden when he was in Israel. Biden was one of Israel's strongest allies and Netanyahu insulted him pure and simple.

    Netanyahu made no bones about the fact he did not like Obama. He never concealed it.

    Obama however chose to embrace Zbignew Brezinski, Jimmy Carter'sNational Security advisor as his no.1 Middle East advisor and that absolutely has blown apart Israel US relations.

    The US-Israel alliance will snap back to place once Obama is gone. I also think eventually Saudi Arabia and Egypt have to be brought back as allies. I think Obama's distancing himself from all 3 in favour of Turkey and Iran two countries that really do not like each other only plays into Putin's hands.

    However to say any politician hates a country, I am sure its more complicated then that.

    From what I gather Obama gets along fine with Simon Peres and Tzipi Levni but he has no time of day for Netanyahu or Lieberman. Netanyahu is no idiot. He brought Levni back into the cabinet as Justice Minister because he knows he needs a tie in to Obama. As well Peres plays quite an active role for a ceremonial President in terms of playing elderly statesman and
    good guy to Netanyahu's bad guy.

    There is a lot of posturing going on. At this point Netanyahu wants to play bad cop to Obama's good cop in the Middle East. I personally do not like it, but it may work.

    I believe myself, for their to be a strategic long term peace, the US needs to be allied with Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel as difficult as that often is but they have managed to be.

    I personally think the 3 destabilizing elements in the Middle East are Russia, Turkey, then Iran.

    I do not underestimate Iran's nuclear or weapons threat, but I believe Russia and Turkey at this point have more influence then them on the world stage.

    Turkey is a wild card. They could cause a major explosion in Syria or Lebanon if they wanted.

    I do not hide my bias. I do not like Erdogan any more than I liked Morsi in Egypt.

    In fact I am very surprised the Turkish military did not overthrow him like Egypt did Morsi.

    I find Erdogan's politics to be a threat to progressive Islam just as I do Iran's government and Morsi and the brotherhood in Egypt.

    I personally believe the best hope for peace is progressive young Muslims seeking o shed themselves of their dictatorships and dinosaur Islamic religious leaders.

    I would love to see younger people have more say in their countries futures and push for democratic institutions.
  18. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I tend to agree with you, but I am not up on Turkey.. and I am not sure about Russia. Iran certainly is a factor and so is Syria. If they would stop funding Hezbollah and Hamas, the Israelis might be more amenable to some just solution.

    I don't think Egypt will settle down for a long time.

    I have thought long and hard about pushing for democracies in the Arab world... They have NO experience of civic participation.
  19. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    No, that is the official position of the Palestinian governments. And, for your information I am not Jewish and have no belief they have title to the territory of Palestine because of Abraham
  20. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Yah I know there is no experience. There was no experience in the Jewish and Christian worlds either. Call me naïve, I hope we all keep evolving and survive or tribal hate and our next generations rise past us and achieve the civility we probably will never see. I think that was the point of the Moses story. We lead people to their futures, but we ourselves like Moses only get a glimpse of that future.

    I believe there is also an expression in Arabic that the person who travels the desert never expects to reach the horizon just admire it from a distance and head towards it.

    Its not getting there that is the point-its the voyage itself-in that movement to get there, the meaning comes-there is no absolute point of arrival, ever, so to speak.

    Ah the Chinese love to call it the Tao.
  21. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Its pretty damn dishonest to accuse Obama of "betraying" Israel.

    such folks will only be satisfied when the USA let's Israel commit genocide against the non-Jews of Israel.
  22. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    What a wonderful take on the Moses story.
  23. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    The Iron Dome is an Israeli invention manufactured in the US!!!
  24. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    To refresh everyone's thinking I am quoting a passage from Ted Belman of <Israel Pundit> that is most a propos for all...

    I find the text to be so close to my heart that it leaves me speechless.
  25. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    In May 2010, the White House announced that U.S. President Barack Obama would seek $205 million from U.S. Congress in his 2011 budget, to spur the production and deployment of additional Iron Dome batteries.
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