The Gruesome Reality of Racist South Africa

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Brewskier, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    No. You shouldn't adopt left wing ideas that are harmful to our people because of fear. Its illogical to reject racism because Hitler was a racist.

    One thing I do think is that Hitler did a lot of goods. He was the first to pass laws against animal abuse. Now surely you wouldn't oppose passing laws protecting animals because Hitler supported it?

  2. charleslb

    charleslb New Member

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Well, if a large segment of white working-class males in this country identify with Mr. Trump, or view him as their standard-bearer, this is quite sad and disturbing commentary indeed. Well, the man is an abject fraud, a narcissistic capitalist elite who's merely and clearly embarked upon an ego trip, therefore for a large portion of the population to buy his populist schtick, to buy him as an advocate of the little guy, indicates that our school system is indeed not doing much of a job of teaching critical thinking. Yes, apparently we're well into a serious dumbing down of our society, which is an exceedingly dire thing, "A well-educated electorate being necessary to the preservation of a free society" and all.

    And, to state the obvious, if American males identify with a cartoonish caricature of an alpha male like Mr. Trump, well, then they suffer from a quite atavistic, primitive mentality.

    "Now that the goal of demographic diminishment is in sight..."?! A bit of advice, you need to do your homework before making such easily fact-checked and refuted statements. In point of fact, "demographic diminishment", to use your terminology, is not anywhere in sight. Hispanics, the bogeyman racial group that deplorables believe are demographically taking over are actually only 16% of the population, and are vastly outnumbered by non-Hispanic whites, who weigh in at 63% of the nation's population. Even combined the Hispanic and African American populations are outnumbered by whites by a whopping 108,654,110.

    As for the danger of whites suffering some consequences for having imposed their hegemony on people of color, revenge isn't something that I advocate, my point is simply that fear of revenge doesn't justify the perpetuation of structural racism. And that the acts of violent revenge that might conceivably be perpetrated by some individuals of color can not be simplistically equated with the original crime (hundreds of years of systemic racism, affecting a vast number of innocent human beings, and often brutally and murderously enforced) that precipitated them to do violence to whites. Well, just as a parent acting out his/her pain by killing the pedophile who raped and murdered his/her child isn't to be condoned, but needs to be taken in context, likewise the violence being committed by blacks in South Africa against their former white oppressors (and the "racially-motivated" crimes perpetrated by blacks in the U.S. against members of the white demographic ongoingly engaged in oppressing them) certainly needs to be understood in its historical context. No, "racially-motivated" black on white violence is never justified, but there are indeed extenuating historical and current circumstances. Conversely, there are no historical facts and factors that can mitigate the heinousness of the genocides, the 245 of years of chattel slavery, the segregation, and other forms of structural racism that nonwhites have been subjected to. In short, the backstory of "racially-motivated" black on white violence absolutely matters and needs to be duly taken into consideration; and it's quite lame indeed for whites to glibly downplay centuries of genocidal and structural racism with the rationalization that "racially-motivated" black on white violence proves that "they" are just as bad as "us". No, whites can not nullify their history of cruel and brutal racial hegemony quite that easily.
  3. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    Your own link to BBC debunks your own contention. It is in line with what I am saying. The factual statistics are clear. South Africa has seen and increase in violent crime. That violent crime has affected all populations in South Africa including white farmers but it has been disproportionately having a negative effect on black South Africans. Your own links debunk your silly, racist OP.
  4. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    So since you've posted multiple times that you think Trump is going to set up concentration camps....what would you do to Trump?
  5. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    First, according to the Census Bureau:

    Census: White majority in U.S. gone by 2043

    Now you can argue on who exactly, is white. Since most "Hispanics" are in fact white, I doubt that 2043 really represents the hard date of the end of white demographic dominance, however since the majority of babies born in this country have been "non-white" since 2011, I would say the long term result is baked into the cake, regardless of wall or no wall.

    In short, you were, as expected, wrong when you said, "n point of fact, "demographic diminishment", to use your terminology, is not anywhere in sight."

    Feel free to correct the record.

    Second, although I'm glad to hear that you don't agree with racial violence, it still sounds like you're hedging on whether or not it's understandable. My guess is, you're white and think you'll be spared because you are a woke ally. I think, some decades from now, you'll be in for an unpleasant surprise.
  6. Map4

    Map4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    My family, including aunts, uncles, and numerous cousins grew up poor. Some extremely poor. We did not resort to violence for any reason. We simply lived our lives, went to school (most did, some did drop out) and worked to improve ourselves financially. I will add that the ones who dropped out of school still struggle as adults more than the rest of us. Which is to be expected since they can't get a decent paying job.

    Please tell me what stops blacks or anyone from doing the same things we did to better our situation?
  7. Map4

    Map4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Do you see movements, such as BLM, as using violence or force to get their point across?
    I ask because I have seen others say they do and that it is justified in order to gain attention to their cause.
  8. Map4

    Map4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    So we should vet and have a litmus test for who comes to this country? And not allow certain ones who fail that test?
  9. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    If they kill off all their farmers we need to be dnnnmnn sure not to give them any food aid.
  10. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    Violence and force are synonyms.
  11. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    So in other words you are worried that black jurors might start doing what some white jurors have been doing since this country was founded.
  12. WAN

    WAN Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 6, 2016
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    These words have close meanings in certain contexts, true, but they are not exactly the same.
  13. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Interesting, I wonder why the OP didn't post those numbers.
  14. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    In the context of political action, they are nearly identical in meaning.
  15. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    I wonder how the OP felt when Apartheid was alive and well in SA.
  16. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    No, I have a hateful chip on my shoulder for ALL racists and bigots.
    Diversity strengthens humanity.
    No, I do no support their "right" to separate. Funny how many racists believe what's good for the goose ain't good enough for the gander

    There is no insistence, just no resistance. I realize that could be a tad to subtle for some tho.

    Not when the term is accurately descriptive.

    What a strange question. Is having a morbid fear of dead people a common thing amongst you guys?

    Newton's third law.
  17. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I'm honestly not worried black jurors would do this, as I indicated if he was going to throw up a conspiracy theory that he should worry about, this one would be far more practical and possible with todays social media, but its still extremely unlikely, mostly because black jurors respond as such horrific rates which we need to change if we want to bring the justice system into a true jury of peers, but most people who DO show on all ends of the ethnic spectrum, are generally people more apt to take this seriously and do the right thing and perform their duties as expected... but if we're going to make up conspiracy theories, at least this one has a realistic possibility with the organization of many community groups now to spread a message like this (but in reality almost 95% plus cases are settled prior to trial so its almost a moot conspiracy theory itself)...

    but yes, white juries had a history of convicting the person police caught (black juries too mind you), and police sometimes got lazy in putting in an honest effort to find the criminal, instead of the first person "close enough" to the description or happen to be walking around... I myself have been stopped by police in my own neighborhood, and I live in an upper class community with zero households with income under six figures, and I was stopped because now into my retirement years, I wear sweatpants and let my hair get scraggly, rather than wearing suits and ties everywhere I go as I did for over 40 years... I get what you're saying, but lets not refuse to recognize the tremendous changes in the justice system either, you act as though whites are still convicting based merely on skin color, or at least you seem to suggest "they're all alike" in your response... do you not recognize significant changes that not only protect black americans but white americans who get railroaded as well? lets not forget, many white people got the same treatment in their communities, or do you dismiss that notion that its the method of the police and not just the racial blinders of whites?

    (I would think its clear where I stand on the justice system after all my postings on this website, if you want to get into a side discussion let me know, I'm all for it)
  18. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    BINGO! You just described what is currently being done. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the processes involved in obtaining travel visas and immigration status in own country.

    This extreme vetting that Trump is calling for is already being done to a fairly large extent. Seems the American government and security apparatus isn't anywhere close to as stupid and incompetent as some on the far right would like everyone to believe.
  19. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    No. As for the term genocide, I reserve that for actual cases of attempted extermination.

    As for caring, I don't care much if a bunch of racist ********s get themselves killed for being racist ********s. I do care if racist ********s or any other group (except pedophiles) are indiscriminately slaughtered, but that is not the case here.
  20. Map4

    Map4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    I recently had a jury summons. Out of around 200 summons only 45 or so showed up. I remember one or two black people there. The defendant was a black man. He opted for a bench trial.
    I even said to the person next to me before we knew and were excused, 'and this is a jury of his peers'. The movie A Time to Kill came to mind. My favorite movie BTW.
  21. WAN

    WAN Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 6, 2016
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    So...if someone is being a "racist ********" it's ok to kill him/her? Just trying to understand your stance. Also, what if I say, "I don't care if a bunch of liberals and leftists get themselves killed for being deplorable liberals and leftists"? How would you react to such a statement?
  22. charleslb

    charleslb New Member

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Well, it’s more like Henry II actuating the assassination of Thomas Becket, with whites and the predominantly white bourgeoisie exclaiming Who will rid us of these troublesome blacks and hispanics, and the criminal justice system and the prison industrial complex answering the call.
  23. Map4

    Map4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Are you sure?
    According to Comey and other officials it is not being done with some because we simply can't vet them properly.
    Are you saying we are not letting those people in? All of the refugees, for example, have been properly vetted?

    Regardless, you seemed to not want a certain type of persons to be able to come here. Not that I disagree, mind you. Just pointing out you can't have it both ways.
  24. Map4

    Map4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    What do you mean by 'except pedophiles'? Are you saying you would or wouldn't care if they were indiscriminately slaughtered?
  25. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    this made me try to remember the numbers of my community, although the county I live in has close to a million people, so 200 jurors requested for a day would be a winter storm day when they end up canceling court heh... but its a similarly horrific number that show up from the city itself, the city contains the bulk of our black population while the suburbs contain most of the white population, the numbers that show up are on the opposite ends of the spectrum, so the jury is almost never of their peers from within the city, and mostly just a jury of people from the suburbs who moved out to get away from all the city issues...

    but like I cited in my responses, my conspiracy theory was just to present one that has real world potential to happen in america, and quite easily could with a social media campaign, and as we've both demonstrated, black representation and response to jury notice is just abysmal for someone to be before a jury of their peers... so before my conspiracy theory would even have a leg to stand on, we have to find ways to get black citizens to show up just to be on a jury... nevermind the fact in my city many would be excused from jury duty because of current felony probation excluding a grossly large proportion of black males in my city, they are the least likely to show category, and most likely to be convicted category... so its really up to black women to respond in greater proportions than average to help create a jury of peers... and is often the case...

    I think the last time I went for jury duty after I rescheduled it twice, there were two rooms of several hundred people, and thats just the ones who showed... they sure showed us a lot of 80's movies, which I enjoyed myself, not sure the younger folks did at all... heh...

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