The Impossible Photo

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Striped Horse, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. goody

    goody Banned

    Jan 26, 2015
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    I think you should listen this for the sake of me having granted you the chance to lecture a horse... Not everybody is that lucky ya know..?

    Pisa likes this.
  2. goody

    goody Banned

    Jan 26, 2015
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    24. Considers HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing; regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the HAARP programme currently being funded in Alaska;

    Source: European Parliament|YEAR@99|PLAGE@1&TYPEF=A4&NUMB=1&DATEF=990128


    You know better than that Pisa...
  3. Striped Horse

    Striped Horse Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Seeing patterns that aren't there

    Top journalists, police detectives, the FBI and intelligence professionals et al, spend a great deal of time developing connections and patterns as part of their investigative / analytical protocols. They wouldn't do this if this technique didn't have value.

    Conspiracy is simply opportunism

    Now you're engaged in word play definitions - conspiracies are opportunism. I'm not in the slightest bit interested in chasing rhetorical rabbits down a hole just for the sake of having a debate. If this sort of road is followed (and I've seen it happen so many times) we'd end up a million miles away from where we started in no time at all (in fact we're already heading that way now). Sorry, but you'll have to find someone else to play that game. Have fun doing so though.

    Hitler's killing was unlawful

    Ditto re your Hitler statement and lawfulness. It's a cul de sac that would end up nowhere of significance.

    Btw, what makes you think Hitler died the way it was portrayed at the time and has mostly been ever since? The skull of Hitler that was captured by the Soviets and later analysed turned out to be that of a female (HERE). Draw your own conclusions.

    Conspiracies are only short term.

    No, not short term (Quigley makes this very clear about the Rhodes secret societies and the control the Oxford Group and Establishment had over British political decision making for over a hundred years - one can argue much the same for the CFR in the USA). Conspiracies by definition necessarily include a limited number of individuals, so this is a redundant argument. The so called elite is a limited number of people, for example, but as the Princeton study has convincingly shown, the US is run by this elite ("oligarchy") and no longer adheres to a democratic (inclusive) model of government.
  4. Pisa

    Pisa Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    The European Parliament? You mean, that place that gives the likes of Le Pen, Golden Dawn, Wilders, and Jobbik, a platform to push their agendas?

    Not that I'm against political pluralism, of course - even extremists should be allowed to have a voice - but blindly following that voice to the edge of the precipice and beyond is not a sine qua non of the democratic process.

    The European Parliament is better at calculating optimal banana curvatures, anyway.

    HAARP might be detrimental to the environment (or not), but so is cutting trees for various uses, including the devices to which conspiracy theorists' behinds are firmly attached when typing nonsense on a keyboard. Cutting trees is a vast conspiracy to help conspiracy theorists, I tell ya...

    Yes, I know better :p
  5. Pisa

    Pisa Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Nature doesn't care about individuals. Evolutionary advantages - like a pattern seeking brain - evolved and stuck because they offered a better chance for the survival of the species. At the individual level, though, the pattern seeking brain might sometimes be a major pain in the everyday life, as superstitious people know too well (yes, superstitions are a result of seeking patterns where they don't exist).

    The patterns those mentioned in your post are using apply to relatively large numbers of people, from smaller groups like criminal organizations or terrorist cells to whole nations or groups of nations. Even on such a scale, the patterns are not always correct, as proved by political blunders and judicial errors. On an individual level, things are worse. How many innocent people are being arrested and wrongfully sentenced?

    Anyway, it's pretty funny to have such an outspoken critic of the MSM enlist journalists to defend the "patterns that lead to conspiracy theories are correct" theory.

    I didn't say that conspiracies are opportunism. What I said was that, when someone uses an opportunity created by a situation he's not responsible for to advance his own interests, it may seem like that individual conspired to create the situation in order to exploit it. Not every opportunity is the result of a conspiracy, and not every conspiracy leads to the creation of the desired opportunity.

    Chasing rhetorical rabbits is exactly what conspiracy theories are.

    So, the Soviets lied. Color me not shocked.

    Only short term conspiracies have a chance to succeed, that's what I said.

    A long term conspiracy spanning large geographical areas can't be limited to few individuals. The kind of knowledge required to maintain the conspiracy going can't be acquired by sitting in a upholstered chair by the fire with a glass of fine brandy and a cigar. Even very large official organizations enjoying the support of governments - intelligence agencies - are not able to gain sufficient knowledge without cooperating with other intelligence agencies in other countries. The number of people involved in intelligence gathering on the field, and the number of people tasked with receiving and processing the information, must be added to the number of the original conspirators. Even if the whole secret is known by only three or four conspirators, parts of the secret are leaking out to the staff. The pattern seeking brains of the individuals involved will then try to complete the picture...with unexpected results for the conspirators.

    The Princeton study is not evidence of a conspiracy. Ongoing conspiracies, being secret, are not subject of studies. The subject of a study is not secret.
  6. Striped Horse

    Striped Horse Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Firstly, there's nothing funny at all about using a journalist to attack journalism. I was one, and who are in a better position to understand what has happened to it.

    On your conspiracy theory you keep making statements that don't accord to reality. I appreciate this is your opinion, but even so you're asking me and other members reading here to believe that conspiracies don't exist - even when I have given you examples of them (ignored).

    In regard to the rest of your post you've now almost entirely strayed into other areas than what this thread was about - as always happens on this forum. This is always the consequence of these types of discussion where ego enters the equation and discussion is switched to another subject. In your latest post above you are again entering into those areas of theoretical gobbledegook that I have no interest in - I said I wouldn't be chasing those rabbits of yours.

    goody likes this.
  7. goody

    goody Banned

    Jan 26, 2015
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    This :above: and this :below: both sound very much like they are out of a Russian troll ( :banana: ) mind that ludicrously tries discrediting the EU with a very shallow Kremlin troll narrative.

    Actually this one sounds a little stupider. The principles of EU are universal and they were set to promote the rule of law. Ergo the fascists like Le Pen, Golden Dawn, Wilders, Jobbik, Northern League, and the likes have direct "financial" and "political" ties to the Kremlin who wants the international order of "rule of law" replaced with some modern day Westphalian-Imperialistic geopolitical reality embedded a lot of toleration to and a direct military-political alliance with, religious extremism... They were paid good...

    I think I will throw up...


    That sort of English is not sufficient for "average" sarcastic remarks, let alone insults...

    It was just a saying... Wasn't meant to say you knew something really...
  8. Pisa

    Pisa Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    All true... still doesn't mean that HAARP is part of a conspiracy though...

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