Why is black America always protesting but never fixing their culture ?l

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Channe, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    You don't know me. In fact, I've helped people of ALL ethnic groups to do as you suggest.

    That being said, the problems of Blacks are associated with our White American culture in ways which many aren't very forthcoming about. I've witnessed ignorance and it is what it is, something that education can help; yet, there are more than a few within this nation's majority culture, who are relatively disingenuous about what their heritage and current mindsets/behaviors have contributed to the very problems they complain about.

    So, while I can agree that some of what ails Blacks is primarily 'theirs' to address... it is also true (but often denied) that much of what they have suffered and are suffering is both systemic and institutional. Certainly, more of us who are White as Americans need to be aware and candid about the same. Otherwise, large components of the problems that many often point out, will not be effective address (at least not as efficiently as they should be).
  2. Esau

    Esau Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    the last thing i would want is for some blacks to tell me how to run my trailer park. i would only listen to someone who made it out of the trailer park, not some privileged idiot.
  3. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    You keep yapping about "Black Culture" and you don't even know what the hell it is. Black Culture is not drugs, crime and gangs. Do you think that the majority of black folks engage in those activities.
  4. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Progressives have created a 20th century plantation or animal farm with these ghettos. They have blacks in bondage with social welfare and that's exactly what white progressives in power want. They will continue to vote democrat just as long as they're allowed to live off the taxpayer.

    All solutions to stop this cycle are painted as racist - NOT beacuse the solutions are actually racist but because the solution stops allowing those in the ghetto to live for free.

    Here is a solution - axe the public sector public works unions andput those living for free in the ghetto to work? Oh yeah progressives would be opposed to that because it would a) (*)(*)(*)(*) off their union voting base and b) free blacks in the ghetto from relying on government to put food on the table and the last thing progressives want is independent black people who no longer need their welfare handouts to survive.

    Of course my plan would reduce poverty in the ghetto by employing blacks and reduce the budget by axing ridiculous union pay.

    These union guys make 40 bucks an hour, I could hire 3 workers for that salary in the private sector. Of course the union employees make 40 bucks an hour because progressive politicians made it happen, therefore unions vote progressive..

    Progressives are responsible for all these problems.

    They need and want poverty and crime because it keeps them in office. This is why my solution when proposed by politicians has been shot down every time by progressives.
  5. Yepimonfire

    Yepimonfire New Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    I certainly hope you're not referring to Romney's "47%" statement. Just because someone doesn't have an income tax liability doesn't mean they don't pay things like payroll taxes, gas taxes, property taxes, or *gasp* capital gains taxes. Unfortunately, everyone to some degree is dependent on taxpayer funded government. Your drive your car on taxpayer funded roads after fueling up with gas partially purchased with between $10-$52 billion in oil subsidies, buy food from subsidized farms etc. You can't not be dependent on it because it's managed to distort every market in the country and even the world.

    Good luck trying to do that now. The entire system is screwed up. The cause of this is debatable, but its reality undeniable to anybody of my generation or the previous generation.
  6. Yepimonfire

    Yepimonfire New Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    I'm pretty sure i'm one of maybe 10 total white people living in a completely black neighborhood. It's just like any other neighborhood.
  7. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Exactly, and you don't see this as a problem?

    It really isn't debatable. Under regulating, the too large to fail crowd/rich/elites, and over regulating/taxing/governing for the overwhelming majority for the past 40 years is finally taking it's toll.
  8. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Progressive ideals.

    Responsiblity for nothing and blame for everyrthing.

    Notice how a progressive will never point fingers at a "culture" like ghetto riot jungle (*)(*)(*)(*) and will always blame a white male 10 states away for breaking the window in a riot and the ants that follow and steal that follow.... Of course socialism is the key to "black lives matter" funny part is half of those spewing that bull(*)(*)(*)(*) on the streets are drug dealers who embrace capitalism.

    Of course that was too short, semi-blunt and I only made half my pont but ....

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