Tea Party Afraid Obamacare will be a success.

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by CourtJester, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    ACA is here to stay = thousands more lives will be saved.

    Thank you Mr Obama!
    :flagus: :flagus: :flagus:
  2. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Mr_Truth and (deleted member) like this.
  3. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    ACA = a complete victory for America. :flagus: :flagus: :flagus:
  4. hudson1955

    hudson1955 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Thus far not very successful and leaving an "uninsured donut hole". Hope it works out for you. But their are far more individuals that now and will lose affordable coverage come Oct-Nov. 2014 when the Small Group Health insurance mandate kicks in. So too early to call it a success IMO.
  5. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    It is comforting that critics of the ACA are starting to be worried about the few that are in the "Uninsured Donut Hole" Wonder why they never worried about the 40 million who had no insurance or those who basically had imaginary insurance.
  6. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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  7. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    We're working on that. Hopefully Medicaid will be expanded by Republican states so that those folks can enjoy what we now have:

    New England Journal Of Medicine: 20 Million Covered Under Obamacare

    Source: New England Journal Medicine/Talking Points Memo

    A report published last week in the esteemed New England Journal of Medicine provided an overview of Obamacare's first year, its successes and the challenges ahead. It also offered a yet another estimate of the number of people covered by the law: 20 million.

    The NEJM report pulled a wealth of information, much of it already known by those closely following the law's implementation but presented together by the journal, from think tanks and government agencies. It covered a range of topics, including the number of people covered, 2015 premiums, and the adequacy of provider networks for plans offered through the law.

    But its bottom line was that millions of people have become insured under Obamacare.

    "Taking all existing coverage expansions together, we estimate that 20 million Americans have gained coverage as of May 1 under the ACA," the authors wrote. "We do not know yet exactly how many of these people were previously uninsured, but it seems certain that many were."

    Read more: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/nejm-obamacare-progress-report

    ACA = patriotism in action!
  8. Texan

    Texan Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2014
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    Since most of the people enrolled in ACA received subsidies for their policies and those subsidies through the federal government are now illegal, how many policies are going to be abandoned because people can't afford their policies without the subsidies?
  9. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    So the ACA is working to reduce the number of uninsured. Just not fast enough to make you happy?
  10. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Guess you would have had to read it to understand what it was supposed to do.
  11. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Hospitals See Troubles In Red States That Snubbed Obamacare's Medicaid Deal

    While record numbers of Americans sign up for the larger Medicaid health insurance program for the poor, financial issues are emerging for medical care providers in the two dozen states that didn’t go along with the expansion under the Affordable Care Act.

    Reports out in the last week indicate the gap between those with health care coverage is widening between states that agreed to go along with the health law’s Medicaid expansion and those generally led by Republican legislatures and GOP governors that are balking at the expansion.


    The moves against expansion are “beginning to hurt hospitals in states that opted out,” a report last week from Fitch Ratings said. The U.S. Department of Health and Human services has said Medicaid enrollment in the 26 states and the District of Columbia that agreed to go along with and implemented the expansion by the end of May “rose by 17 percent, while states that have not expanded reported only a 3 percent increase,” HHS said in an enrollment update for the Medicaid program.

    “We expect providers in states that have chosen not to participate in expanded Medicaid eligibility to face increasing financial challenges in 2014 and beyond,” Fitch said in its July 16 report. “Nonprofit hospitals and healthcare systems in states that have expanded their Medicaid coverage under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act have begun to realize the benefit from increased insurance coverage.”

    ACA = patriotism in action :flagus:
  12. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Millions of Americans can expect to get a refund from their insurance companies this year, at an average of about $80 dollars per family, thanks to a little-known Obamacare provision that’s helping people save money on their premiums. According to a new report released by the Health and Human Services Department on Thursday, Americans across the country have received a total of $1.9 billion dollars in rebates since this provision first took effect in 2011.
    Obamacare’s medical loss ratio provision — which is also frequently referred to as the “80/20 rule” — requires insurers to spend at least 80 percent of every American’s premium costs on their medical care, rather than on the company’s own profits or administrative overhead. If insurance companies don’t hit the right balance, they have to issue a refund check to their customers to make up for it.
    According to HHS’s calculations, 6.8 million Americans will save $330 million in refunds this year because of the 80/20 rule. Insurance companies are required to provide those reimbursements by no later than the beginning of August. Not everyone will actually receive a physical check in the mail; insurers are allowed to apply the reimbursements to future premiums, so the savings could show up that way.
    In a press release announcing the new data, HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell said that the health reform law is giving Americans a “better value for their premium dollars.” The whole point of the 80/20 rule is to encourage insurance companies to operate more efficiently and cut down on their overhead — and it’s slowly working. The portion of premium dollars allocated to insurers’ profits and administrative costs dropped from 15.3 percent in 2011 to 11.7 percent in 2013.
    HHS estimates that if insurers weren’t making those type of changes, Americans would have likely paid about $3.8 billion in additional premiums in 2013. Altogether, since the medical loss ratio took effect three years ago, the administration calculates that it’s averted $9 billion dollars worth of unnecessarily high insurance premiums.
    The 80/20 rule isn’t the only Obamacare provision that seeks to keep premium costs affordable. The health law also extends federal subsidies to help Americans purchase plans on the individual market in the new state-level insurance exchanges, something that allows millions of people to buy health care for less than $100 each month. However, under a lawsuit against the health law that could make its way up to the Supreme Court, those subsidies could be put into jeopardy in the majority of states in the country. If that happens, insurance premiums could increase by about 75 percent.


    MORE ACA SUCCESS!!!!!!!!
  13. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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  14. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    The preceeding posts have been sponsored by Americans for Socialism.

    The truth, in case anybody's interested in hearing about REAL people's experiences with Obamacare.

    "Obamacare-such a huge mistake and failure on Obama's part. He promised-he stated millions of American's will now have health insurance. Ha! I lost my job for the second time since he took office-you know...downsizing, companies closings...economy crashes. I tried applying to the great obamacare....w/(*)no job, no money coming in...in my fifties- another Ha....I was denied-told and I quote, "you do not qualify for help paying for your health care." Then told "try Medicaid". Ha ha...VA-told me "we are not accepting any new enrollee's. Okay Mr. Obama...NOW WHAT?? No job, no money and you expected me to pay over $350 per money for a basic policy...and if I didn't you are going to fine me? Guess what Government...how are you going to collect a fine when I have no job and no money? Obama lied to the American people....yes I said it! Before you EVEN try to send me a bill for a fine....I will forward it back to you and tell you exactly where to put it!!!! No job, no money and they want to fine me for NOT paying triple what I was paying when I had a job? You're a failure Obama..."

    Like(*)·(*)(*)·(*)Reply(*)·(*)Jul 22 at 5:16pm

  15. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    You would very likely be exempt under the hardship qualifications and Texas didn't expand Medicaid the money is IN the law they just need to take it for the expansion. THAT is NOT the ACA's fault its your states.
  16. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Don't confuse these CONservatives with the facts as the TRUTH hurts them so often.
  17. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    And they have no actual idea what Socialism is. It just functions as their their pea brained hobgoblin.
  18. hudson1955

    hudson1955 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    $80.00/family? Not a big deal when paying hundreds of dollars in monthly premiums and insurance not paying anything towards care due to the high(individual not family) deductible. And, the Federal Government promised subsidies to individuals whose annual income met the quidelines, but due to a Loop Hole, those working but earning too little don't qualify for the subsidy and instead are told to apply for Medicaid, putting the burden on the States. Those that have full time jobs and that are willing to pay for private insurance but need the subsidy to do so, should not be forced into Medicaid, a substandard form of Insurance. Medicaid should be available to those that are unemployed or who even with a subsidy can not pay private insurance premiums.

    ACA a success? Not.
  19. hudson1955

    hudson1955 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    You mean because "another State refused to expand Medicaid", not the ACA. Medicaid is a welfare program and I would not consider it to be equal to insurance purchased from a Private Insurance company or even Medicare. And, people who still do not have health insurance can still seek treatment from emergency rooms as they have done in the past, they cannot be turned away as per Federal Law.

    Even with subsidies, a majority of health care plans have deductibles in amounts far higher than most can afford out of pocket and hospitals require you to pay up front if your deductible has not been met(up the the amount of the annual deductible.) So, regardless of ACA and subsidies, many still can't afford to seek medical care as they can't afford the deductible . You have no understanding of the problems ACA failed to address.
  20. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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  21. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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  22. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    The two states with the biggest drop in uninsured people among all states are Arkansas and Kentucky, Gallup reports. These two states that voted red in the 2012 presidential election—but which have Democratic governors—expanded Medicaid, and that made a tremendous difference in getting people insured. Add in Colorado, which also had a big drop, and as Greg Sargent points out, you've got three battleground Senate races for 2014.
    In Arkansas, the rate of uninsured dropped from 22.5 percent in 2013 to 12.4 percent now — a change of over 10 points.
    In Kentucky, it dropped from 20.4 percent to 11.9 percent — a change of 8.5 percent.

    In Colorado, it dropped from 17 percent to 11 percent — a change of six percent.

    In Arkansas, Rep. Tom Cotton has nothing but gibberish to add to the healthcare debate, refusing to answer clearly what he'd do to protect the people in his state that have so recently gained health insurance if his vision of repeal is realized. And Sen. Mitch McConnell is, if anything, even more incoherent on Kentucky's Obamcare program, Kynect.
    Seems like there's a pretty good opening there for Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) and Kentucky challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes. Their states demonstrate real success in this reform, and their Republican opponents want to take all those gains away.


    Contrary to the endless lies of the delusional far right, ACA is working!
  23. hudson1955

    hudson1955 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    We should all hope it will be a success because after all we all, including doctors, hospitals and other providers had wanted reform for decades in the private health insurance system. But, the PPACA failed to address the problems with the private insurance companies, instead it gives them more bail outs, minimal limits on raising premiums for identical coverage we were paying for in fact it caused us to pay higher premiums due to forcing us to pay for coverage we will never need to use. And, it created a coverage "donut hole". Meaning premium assistance is not available to those that earn too little but too much to qualify for their States Medicaid program. So they are forced to pay the Penalty( if they qualify for a Tax refund that the IRS can confiscate). What the you know what. Likely, people in this situation will either pay unsightly premiums for poor quality coverage with high deductibles leaving them little to live on, or be forced to "charge" their premium and left with monthly credit card payments with high interest rates. What a crock. The very people that it was suppose to help are being exploited financially. I hate this law and believe soon that most of you will too.
  24. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    If you Google the term “Obamacare poll,” you’ll find a seemingly endless list of different polls done over the last few years telling you all sorts of things concerning how people feel about the Affordable Care Act.

    To be honest, I never pay much attention to any of them.

    Why? Well, because many Americans don’t know a whole lot about the Affordable Care Act. There’s been so much misinformation spread about the law that the majority of what I hear people say they “feel” about it is often completely wrong or at best minimally factual.

    You have people answering questions on opinion polls based on inaccurate information. So all you really end up with is a poll that’s essentially useless. Besides, people often tend to believe what they want to believe rather than what’s actually real.

    But when a poll shows how many people have been directly impacted by the Affordable Care Act, that’s the poll you want to look at.

    And according to a recent Gallup poll, it’s indisputable that “Obamacare” is a huge success. But not only that, Republicans are putting millions of American lives at risk by continuing to peddle right-wing propaganda and not fully comply with the law.

    When taking a look at this poll, of the 10 states that had the largest drop in their rate of uninsured citizens from last year, every single one of them expanded Medicaid and created their own state sponsored exchanges.

    In other words, the Affordable Care Act works.

    For more proof of the ACA’s success, look no further than Arkansas. This Republican stronghold was the state that had the biggest drop of uninsured citizens from last year. Since 2013, and after the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, Arkansas has cut its uninsured rate by nearly half.

    But the bad news for Republicans doesn’t stop there. When digging into the numbers deeper you see that the states that continue to have the highest number of uninsured citizens are either controlled by Republican governors, Republican legislatures or both. Those states are Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Montana, Arizona, Oklahoma, Alaska, and New Mexico.

    And 9 out of those 10 states refused to expand Medicaid or create their own state health care exchanges. New Mexico was the only state that expanded Medicaid and created their own exchange.

    So, is “Obamacare” massively popular when you ask people their opinion of the law? Not usually. Often the law’s approval numbers float around 42-48%.

    But, again, those numbers are based on people’s opinions of the law. And I can promise you there are many people in this country right now who’ve gained access to health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act – yet they still oppose the law.

    However, a poll such as this recent one done by Gallup shows indisputable evidence that millions of previously uninsured Americans now have access to health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

    It also shows that partisan Republican antics in those states where the uninsured rates remain high are putting millions of American lives at risk.

    People like Sarah Palin, or pretty much everyone at Fox News, who helped perpetuate the lies about “Obamacare” are directly at fault.

    Because if you want to talk about “death panels,” those are your death panels. The Republicans who decided playing partisan politics was more important than providing much-needed health care to Americans who desperately needed it. Because I can promise you there are going to be people in those states who are going to die because they didn’t have health insurance. Individuals who will die because Republicans put politics before people.


    Further proof that contrary to the lies of the far right America haters, ACA is working. :flagus:
  25. hudson1955

    hudson1955 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    I don't pay attention to the polls for the reason you state, "most people do not understand the PPACA", but also because most people have no idea what the true problems with delivering affordable health care are. PPACA addressed a handful of the problems but also created many more problems that are and will further increase the cost of providing care. It will become more evident when the regulations affecting small businesses, small group insurance kick in over the upcoming months. More individuals have been opting out of purchasing insurance through the "exchanges", they either have chosen to pay the penalty and/or purchase policy benefits they actually need. Many are simply ignoring it, especially if they owe no federal income tax or eligible for a tax credit refund because as of this time the irs only will access the penalty by subtracting it from refund due. Many that haven't purchased coverage earn too little to qualify for premium assistance and too much to qualify for their States Medicaid Program.

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