Thanks for taking up the gauntlet regarding Incorporeal. I went for pages with him, and finally lost it and got kicked out. My bad, but I got to the point I couldn't take it.
Hey, thanks for the credits, you won't believe this, but I only just discovered the credit section. So only like over a year late with my thanks. LOL! Leo
lol OK awesome.. We were arguing over viruses mutating vs. evolving but I was lacking knowledge. You and grasping did well in informing me and I finally got it.. lol :)
Hey man, I hope we're cool dude. I don't disagree with you on the virus thing anymore, I just didn't get it fully at the time of our discussion. (micro evolution) I had some pre- conceived ideas in my head at the time. Peace to you.
Hi are the atheists behaving around there? as I was away I noticed DOC having to defend himself over and over again..and you helping out. are you still an atheist of have you joined Jesus in the quest?
Thanks Freeware. The rep meant alot to me coming from someone I so fiercely debated for months...LOL. Peace.
How are you Freeware ? It's good to see you online. This place is always a hell of allot funner with you on it.. I like your one liners, they are especially creative and to the point. LOL
looking forward to more lols...i'm my biggest fan...if you lived inside this head and with no sense of humour you would go bonkers...i have a good lol at meself daily...
I am thinking about leaving. It looks like they don't like fools here - its quiet but maybe with more posters it could become interesting:
Freeware,you are a respectful person.I wish all atheists were more like you and I wish all Christians lived up to the non judgmental ways they are supposed to live up to.Then our world would be a powerful,knowledgeable place far beyond what it is now.Everyone has something to offer..... AIC
Freeware,please do not mistake my discussion on the satanism stuff as a shot at atheism,It started out as a joke and I am just playing as I know you to be a cool person so - Peace bro