20 Questions Conservatives Would Love To See Asked At The Next Democrat Debate

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Prunepicker, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    We know the hard lined left wing extremist media won't dare ask hard questions
    during the Democrat debate. Here are some good and not so good questions
    that should be asked.

    From Town Hall

    1) Hillary Clinton, your husband has had numerous affairs, has had sex with an intern and he settled a sexual
    harassment case with Paula Jones. Incidentally, there are far worse accusations than that against him that
    haven’t been proven. So, isn’t it fair to say that your husband is part of the war on women?

    2) Hillary Clinton, in the first debate, you said you were proud to have drug companies and health insurance
    companies as your enemies. However, your campaign and the Clinton Foundation have received millions of
    dollars from both industries. Will you be giving that money back?

    3) Hillary Clinton, in Bob Woodward’s book, The Choice, he noted that you communed with former First Lady
    Eleanor Roosevelt and Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi from beyond the grave. Your husband also confirmed in
    a 2012 speech that you used to commune with Eleanor Roosevelt; so this isn’t something that you can credibly
    deny. Can you explain why you did that and what you believe you learned from talking with the dead?

    4) Hillary Clinton, do you think someone who hasn’t even driven a car since 1996 is in touch enough with the
    average person to run the country?

    5) Hillary Clinton, in the first debate, you were proud to have Republicans as enemies. Since that is your attitude,
    wouldn’t electing you as President guarantee non-stop partisan warfare?

    6) Hillary Clinton, the constant refrain from Republicans has been that you’re not qualified to be President. Can
    you name your 3 biggest accomplishments that you believe qualify you to be President of the United States?

    7) Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation took in millions in donations from foreign governments and defense
    contractors, some of which you helped rather significantly when you were the Secretary of State. Your husband
    also collected some rather extravagant amounts in speaking fees. According to the International Business Times:
    "Under Clinton's leadership, the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20
    nations whose governments have given money to the Clinton Foundation...The Clinton-led State Department
    also authorized $151 billion of separate Pentagon-brokered deals for 16 of the countries that donated to the
    Clinton Foundation....American defense contractors also donated to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton
    was secretary of state and in some cases made personal payments to Bill Clinton for speaking engagements.
    Such firms and their subsidiaries were listed as contractors in $163 billion worth of Pentagon-negotiated deals
    that were authorized by the Clinton State Department..."

    This is unethical on its face and it raises serious questions about whether you took bribes from defense
    contractors and foreign governments as Secretary State. If you had it to do over, would you have done things

    8. Hillary Clinton, back in 2002, after reading the same intelligence reports that George Bush did, you took a
    position to his right on whether Saddam Hussein had WMDs. You said, “It is clear, however, that if left unchecked,
    Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep
    trying to develop nuclear weapons." Given that you made the same mistakes that George Bush did when it came
    to knowing whether Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, do you think it’s unfair for people to accuse him
    of “lying” about the evidence?

    9) Hillary Clinton, you were caught lying to Americans when you claimed a video was behind the Benghazi attack.
    You were also caught lying when you claimed you came under sniper fire in Bosnia. You’ve also been caught
    lying about whether you had classified information on your private email server among other things. Why should
    the American people trust you after you’ve been caught lying so many times?

    10) Hillary Clinton, you’re going to be 69 years old next year and you suffered a very serious head injury in 2013
    after you fainted. That caused a blood clot in your brain along with a concussion your own husband said it took
    “six months of very serious work” to get over. Are you healthy enough to handle a job as incredibly demanding
    as being President of the United States? Additionally, can you assure the American public that there was no
    brain damage from your injury that might make it difficult for you handle the position?

    11) Bernie Sanders, in a 1972 essay, you said, "A woman enjoys intercourse with her man - as she fantasizes
    being raped by 3 men simultaneously." Do you believe most women fantasize about being raped by 3 men
    simultaneously and what were you trying to get across with that comment?

    12) Bernie Sanders, you have attacked Uber on multiple occasions. You’ve called it “unregulated,” you say it has
    “serious problems” and yet your campaign has exclusively used Uber instead of taxis because it’s cheaper.
    Does that make you a huge hypocrite?

    13) Should a woman be able to abort a baby that can survive outside the womb? Should she be able to abort a
    baby the day before she’s born? At what point, if any, should an abortion become illegal?

    14) Do you think men who claim to identify as women should be allowed to use the same bathroom as women?
    If your answer is “yes,” do you think this is unfair or even potentially dangerous to women?

    15) All the candidates on the stage are strong supporters of the Affordable Care Act which was the centerpiece
    of Barack Obama’s agenda as President. However, the ACA was sold to the American people with a lot of
    untruths. Barack Obama said that if people like their plan and their doctor, they could keep them. He claimed that
    the ACA wouldn’t raise the deficit. He said the average family would save $2500 in premiums per year. None
    of these promises turned out to be true and yet, none of you have criticized the President for misleading the
    American people. Since that’s the case, why should anyone believe your promises?

    16) There are hundreds of thousands of American citizens who have been victimized by illegal aliens who
    wouldn’t be here in the first place if our border were secured and our immigration laws were enforced, something
    nobody on this stage plans to do if elected as President. What do you say to the victims and families of the
    victims who’ve been raped, assaulted, or robbed by illegal aliens? What do you say to an American mother
    whose child has been molested, murdered or killed by a drunk-driving illegal alien?

    17) How much of a problem is white privilege for America and if you do think it’s a problem, what can we do to
    combat it? Also, what would you say to white people who disagree with the idea that they have white privilege?

    18. Do you think an illegal immigrant who takes welfare on behalf of his child should be allowed to become an
    American citizen? What about an adult illegal immigrant who has never paid income taxes? If the answer is
    “yes,” how does allowing people to become citizens who will be drains on the taxpayers help America?

    19) Please raise your hands: Would anybody on the stage be willing to make the White House a gun-free zone
    to reduce the chance of gun violence there? If not, then does that policy really make sense for our schools?

    20) Since 2008, the Democrat Party has lost 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats, 910 state legislative seats
    and 12 governorships. Has your party gotten so far out of the mainstream that it will make it difficult for a
    Democrat to be elected President in 2016?
  2. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Those 20 questions will not be asked at the Democratic Debates because stones can't be thrown at the Democrats when that OTHER PARTY has their skeletons in the closet.
  3. Steve N

    Steve N Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 4, 2015
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    I'm going to be up all night trying to figure out what that means.
  4. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    IF the Dems were stupid enough to go on FOX they might get a few of those...just as Republicans would on MSNBC. Both would then whine for weeks about how unfair it was. Thing is, So far the Republicans are whining about debating at all and the Dems have avoided getting hardballed.
  5. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Frankly I think that during the primary dems should question dems and conservatives should question conservatives at the debates.
  6. Troianii

    Troianii Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 7, 2012
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    I thought some of the questions put to Republicans by CNN and FOX were even more baitey than that.
  7. BPman

    BPman Banned

    Nov 26, 2014
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    There is about as much chance of these fair, pointed & lucid questions being asked as there is of ObaMao joining the NRA!! :roflol:
  8. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    I would say about half the questions touch on legitimate issues and half are just petty, petulant gotcha nonsense.
  9. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    If Hillary is the nominee, she WILL get hard balled. She will lie her butt off, but the American people won't stand for it any longer. Those were excellent legitimate questions, not like the ones given the Republicans.
  10. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    First, Hillary IS the nominee. The Democrat Party has nobody else. Why do you think you now see a full-on attack at the GOP contenders by the media?

    Nothing will come from what Hillary has done: please re-read how she is the Democrat nominee

    40% of US voters support Hillary no matter what. That figure in itself should be cause for concern as facts don't matter. They want a Democrat and that's it.
  11. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    You mean like MSNBC?

    Sure they can be asked and they need to be.
  12. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Only if the Republicans and opposition can keep Mrs. Bill Clinton's lies in the public eye.
    Let's hope so.
    So true.
  13. CJtheModerate

    CJtheModerate New Member

    Jul 8, 2013
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    Ben Carson is a Seventh Day Adventist who believes that the pyramids were built to store grain. Nobody has questioned him for his ridiculous beliefs, so why should they question Hillary Clinton about hers.

    Ted Cruz has built his entire campaign by saying that he will never work with Democrats or moderate Republicans under any circumstances.

    How many positions did the GOP lose during the Bush Administration?
  14. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I think you should moderate the next Democratic debate. That was epic!

    I'd be fine with doing it this way or doing it the other way around. Having Republicans question Democrats and vice versa. But having Democrats question both sides is ridiculous. It leads to a lopsided outcome. And that has to stop.
  15. clovisIII

    clovisIII Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    No problem with interviewers asking tough questions during debates. The OP actually asks tough questions but that are totally legitimate. Funny thing though is that everyone is so working on a script (MSM bad, MSM in the pocket of the dems, republicans get tough unfair questions, dems get softballs etc...) that they don't look at what is actually in front of them. Here is the very first question of the dem CNN debate moderated by anderson cooper:
    here's the second question
  16. HB Surfer

    HB Surfer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 10, 2009
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    Those questions are perfect and actually fair. So, they will never be asked.

    (21) Hillary, Juanita Broderick claimed you husband raped her and then two weeks later you threatened her if she did not keep quiet. Is this acceptable for a candidate that wants to represent women?
  17. Heartburn

    Heartburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Which ones are petty, petulant nonsense?
  18. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    One thing I have noticed (and I think everybody has) is that the country has been dumbed down. There's really no question about it, and I think it's safe to say that Republicans are always the first to point out that sad fact. So the obvious conclusion is that the dumber the country gets the more seats and governorships the Republicans pick up. Is that about right?
  19. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Dems get questions like:

    What is your favorite color?

    How much fan mail do you receive?

    What makes you so great?

    Why are conservatives evil?

    Is it possible you're overqualified for the presidency?
  20. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Or conversely, you could say that the American people smartened up.
  21. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Or you could say that the American people put Democrats in charge and then don't like the results so they put Republicans in charge and then don't like the results so they put Demcrats in charge and the cycle goes on.

    And gradually the American people realize that the problem is the system not the political parties. And the approval numbers for congress and the government go down and down until.
  22. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Because this thread is about questions being asked to Democrats and specifically Mrs. Bill Clinton.
    Which makes him a better choice. The left won't work with the Republicans and worthless meddling
    moderates can't find their rears with both hands. Yes, Ted Cruz would be a far more reasonable
    choice. Thanks for bringing that up.
    When W moved to the center the GOP lost positions. He should have stood firm.
  23. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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  24. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    I think this means that Dems will never get these questions because Republicans are the devil.

    Dems won't get these questions because a Democrat debate is like intellectual tee-ball. All the average drone wants to know is who is giving the most free stuff away and who hates white men/Jews the most.
  25. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    With questions like:

    Candidate I, Do you like soft fluffy kittens and why do you think we should prevent the other party from coming into your house to drown yours?

    Candidate two, Aren't you appreciative of our Veterans and what do you think are the best ways to prevent our opponents from murdering our injured servicemen in their hospital beds?

    Or did you actually mean that t'other way 'round

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