Does the prospect of a Biden Digital Currency scare you? I have to admit that this development scares me quite a lot but.... I believe that this plan will fail and the plan for the Biden Digital Currency will fail. I believe that those who want it moved too fast.......... too furiously these past four years...... and I believe that they have gotten themselves into a LOT of legal troubles!!!! Fox News: “This is a deeply troubling development.” Biden Orders US Dollar Replaced with Trackable “Spyware” Version Former Advisor to Pentagon and CIA: "Your life savings and freedoms are at immediate risk. Do THIS today..." (Mr. Jim Rickards ) ....
I could be wrong..... I often am as my wife can verify but.......... .... it seems logical to me that Atheists will tend to be less worried by this Biden Digital Currency than people who regularly attend either a church and / or a synagogue and / or a mosque and / or an ashram or other type of house of worship! People who tend to be fascinated by all things spiritual or religious or theological will tend to place HIGHER VALUE ON THE FREEDOM to worship as they choose...... .... whereas people who regard Richard Dawkins Ph. D. as one of the most intelligent and accurate philosophers on earth........ .... will.... .I presume.... tend to place LOWER VALUE ON freedom of worship and thus PROBABLY BE LESS WORRIED BY THIS BIDEN DIGITAL CURRENCY!!!!!!! Does Richard Dawkins Ph. D. lack understanding of The Anthropic Principle? I could be wrong.... I often am.... but I strongly suspect that "God" .... our Creator might just look like a Being of Light who has produced a Reality Film out of the events of our lives........ ... that can be shown to us as the Life Review of near death experience fame???!!!! The Life Review and the Near-Death Experience BY KEVIN WILLIAMSPOSTED ON SEPTEMBER 22, 2019
Digital currency needs to be eradicated. Bitcoin isn't any better than a state issued digital currency. The same problem will arise.
The “Hi I’m successful so and so, I’ve never made this kind of public announcement before” BS. Don’t get info from places like this.
Fact checking claims is easy, so why not do it? No, Biden executive order won’t replace paper money with digital currency Some people on social media have claimed that an executive order signed in March 2022 would make paper money “worthless.” That’s false. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have exploded in popularity in recent years, leading President Joe Biden to sign an executive order in March 2022 that outlines the government’s plan to address the “risks and harnessing the potential benefits of digital assets.” The executive order also explores the possibility of creating a centralized bank digital currency (CBDC) in the U.S. That’s led some people on social media to claim in August that the executive order would phase out cash and make paper money “worthless.” VERIFY reader Jerry also emailed the team to ask, “Is President Biden doing away with paper money for digital currency?” THE QUESTION Will Biden’s executive order replace paper money with digital currency? THE SOURCES Executive Order 14067 The Federal Reserve The Atlantic Council, a nonpartisan U.S. think tank Aaron Klein, senior fellow in economic studies at the Brookings Institution THE ANSWER No, Biden’s executive order won’t replace paper money with digital currency.
I could be wrong about this..... I often am but...... if there is so much as ten percent to twenty percent truth in a film about the Q movement....... THEN...... the question comes up as to what role Mr. Jim Rickards may perhaps be playing in this hypothetical "Q movement??????" At minimum.... I suspect that everybody in this hypothetical Q organization...... has listened to the lectures by Mr. Jim Rickards over and over and over again........ but.... it is even possible that Mr. Jim Rickards is one of the ten most influential people in "Q"....... IF there is such a thing as "Q????" Exodus USA I plead guilty.... I am biased... you can tell that by my answer to the following poll....... Q? ? Q? Q was always crackpottery. 43 vote(s) 84.3% Q was legit early on, but it was hijacked and became a disinfo psy-op. 1 vote(s) 2.0% I hoped Q was legit, but was always a bit leary of it. 4 vote(s) 7.8% I fell for Q right up until it was clear that Trump was out of office. Lesson learned. 0 vote(s) 0.0% * Q is legit, The Plan is still right on track. 3 vote(s) 5.9% Change Your Vote The * shows that I am in agreement with a mere five point nine percent of the people who have responded to this poll so far. One of the reasons for my bias...... is that Isaiah chapter forty five had me expecting something bigger in 2017 than what was in the news.... .so when I saw this video I took much of the theories in that video rather seriously!!!! * Q is legit, The Plan is still right on track. 3 vote(s) 5.9% In my opinion the amazing documentary that Mr. Jim Rickards did back in 2014 that was disguised as a mere informercial....... set the stage for President Trump winning the election in 2016!!!!!
ACTUALLY... I agree with Mr.Jim Rickards that Bitcoin is totally different from what Biden's handlers who pass him a script to read for them are planning......
It doesn't matter. Digital currency is bad and should never be adopted in any form. It will ultimately give too much control over people.
Depends on whether the use of said currency is coerced or not. If the Biden admin is pushing it, then coercion into the program is a legit concern. But how would it be done? Is the trading in other currencies (or just bartering in gold, for example) to be outlawed?
Doesn't have to be outlawed. If Amazon, Wal-Mart, and the other major retailers end up only accepting digital currency, your gold isn't going to be very useful.
Why not? So long as it remains legal for me to turn some of my wealth into gold and use it to trade to other people, then why would it matter what currency Walmart and Amazon use? I could buy from them with 'BidenBucks' or w/e, and still buy other stuff with gold.
Yea, so you couldn't avoid using digital currency. We will eventually live under a tyranny of the blockchain.
I don't think its tyranny unless its compulsed. 'Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.' Or, if you don't like Caesar's system, don't use it. If 'BidenBucks' are intended to be used to control people, their use will be coerced. If their use isn't coerced, they won't be useful at controlling people.
Right, but that would require the outlawing of barter, such as gold. I see that being problematic, like a lot.
It gets costly. There's the conversion cost. There's also the tax. If people were slow to adopt their fiatcoin, they could put a tax on gold and silver transactions.Well, there already is, but any purchase, or sale, of gold/silver for/from fiatcoin could be taxed. And, given, their inability to curtail spending, fiatcoin inflation is going to be more than what we see today, so they may even seek to seize all gold and silver bullion and coins and imprison anyone who is caught using it.
"Just because Lincoln issued Greenbacks for the war doesn't mean that they are going to be legal tender." "Well, he did get legal tender laws passed, but SCOTUS overturned them." "Well, Greenbacks are now legal tender with the new SCOTUS ruling, but we still have gold and silver as money. That will never change." "Well, this new central bank isn't going to stop making gold/silver money, it's just going to protect the economy from ups and downs." Slippery slopes aren't a fallacy when they are real. Biden can't force that kind of change through an executive order. The Congress can, and it likely will when the current fiat dollar reaches it's nominal value. There's no way they are going to turn off the spending spigot and restrain themselves with a sound money regime unless the people demand it.
They won't outlaw it. They'll just put a tax on it that is so high that it becomes an effective deterrent to most barter.
A really good way to control dissent. If you have an opinion contrary to a government narrative, you're locked out of your digital funds. No access to transport, loans, purchasing, rent or paying the bills of anything. This is an example. Your payments on anything will be digitally documented. From your kinky porn fetish subscriptions to what movies you rent from Netflix or GooglePlay to how many times you go to the pub, everything will be collected on this side of your privacy. Coupled with a social credit system, happy days for those who like to rebel a bit, NOT! The Future of Money: Gearing up for Central Bank Digital Currency
I somewhat tend to agree with you....... but I do not believe that digital currencies can completely be stopped........ I am biased.... but I believe that all of us must pray fervently for our political leaders to be given the Holy Spirit at levels that will prevent them from understanding political power in the manner that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau does........ ... . because his messing around with the bank accounts of people who simply donated to the Truckers Freedom Convoy......... was off the scale unethical!!!!!! Only the Being of Light of near death experience fame can save us now.... and over the coming years.... decades and centuries!!!!!!!
No, Biden can't and he it not trying to, and even he (or Congress) did, it would not have anything to do with value of dollar (which is very high at the moment).
Survive? Sure. But Im talking about using fiat currency to whatever extent is necessary, and using barter/gold for everything else.
But am I an idiot to think that the value of the United States Dollar is backed up by the PRODUCTIVITY of Americans? Doesn't the work ethic of the largely Mexican and South American workers to harvest crops decrease the COST OF FOOD which increases the REAL VALUE of the United States Dollar? Doesn't the astonishing efficiency of the United States TECHNOLOGY community and the efficiency of the USA communication system increase the value of the USA Dollar? Doesn't the amazing transportation system in America decrease the cost of getting products from the farm into the stores and then into the homes of Americans increase the value of the USA dollar? Something is finally twigging in my head that in a sense began with my attempt to explain the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM in terms of economics that I got into in my 2006 campaign which can be read here..... But all of this relates to an astonishingly simple principle that will obviously benefit all Americans and all Canadians.... even the political leaders who have been deceived by Bill Gates and those who pass him a script that he feels forced to read for them....(partly due to his having visited Epstein Island so many times) ...... into a dogmatic and simplistic application of Neo-Malthusian Economic Philosophy........ because these people have been deceived......... they really should have known better than to collaborate with Gates with such enthusiasm. Artificial Intelligence, robotics and the massive surge in computer capability puts us into a situation where a Basic Minimum Income must be created..... but we cannot allow this to be financed by Big Banking.... .this must be done in a way that the USA Dollar and the Canadian Dollars are created in a manner that was historically used several times in both the USA and Canada. Once this reformation in economics takes place in the USA and Canada.... all nations will notice and will want to emulate what I believe our two nations will soon implement. Although the link to the video "FORGET IRAN, IRAQ, UKRAINE THIS IS WHERE WWIII STARTS...." no longer works... this was the link to the 2014 documentary film that I believe was disguised as being a mere informercial but....... what Mr. Jim Rickards said in 2014 actually prepared Americans for what happened in twenty sixteen.... the election of President Donald J. Trump! In my opinion..... Trump is leading what will soon be understood to have been something of an Economic Revolution and or Economic Civil War to END SLAVERY!!!! Under the present set of circumstances.... Americans and Canadians are running like Gherbils on an economic treadmill.... and that is about to change...... dramatically...... as the implications of WHO REALLY OWNS THE USA DOLLAR AND THE CANADIAN DOLLAR IS FINALLY UNDERSTOOD by Americans and Canadians!!!!!!! Do three hundred and thirty million Americans own the U.S.A. Dollar?