I am thinking that the answer to this question is yes! Canadian Abortion Statistics Facts and figures relating to the frequency of abortion in Canada. Five hundred dollars per Canadian per month, can this work? I am advocating the usage of the Bank of Canada that is owned by all Canadians to finance giving five hundred dollars per month to all thirty seven million Canadians. It will of course mean much more to poorer Canadians than to millionaires........ but it could be surprising how many stay at home wives with cheap and stingy millionaire husbands who control the purse strings of the home may find this extra five hundred very helpful indeed. I suspect that well over eighty percent of of Canadians will spend this money reasonably well and: 1. enrol their kids in more after school programs..... 2. begin to purchase a higher percentage of organic produce vs the cheap GMO stuff 3. purchase a newer car, SUV or half ton truck 4. do renovations to their homes 5. hire landscapers to do certain projects on their properties 6. pay down their debt loads, especially the higher interest ones 7. buy a new home rather than renting 8. buy a cottage outside the city so that they can get away for weekends 9. many will choose to move to rural Canada in order to escape relatively hectic city life 10. eat at nice restaurants more often 11. I also believe that a significant percentage of Canadian women who would have chosen to have an abortion under the present economic situation will CHOOSE to keep their babies as opposed to having an abortion! I suspect that less than ten percent of Canadians will attempt to live off this five hundred dollars / month and simply use it to drink or smoke more. To whatever degree this happens the worst cases where these Canadians put themselves and others in danger this can be dealt with by issuing food stamps vs a monthly check. http://www.politicalforum.com/index...r-month-can-this-work.556638/#post-1070636879 Yes.......... before this upcoming federal election campaign begins P. M. Justin Trudeau...... in spite of all of his many, many, many flaws..... could well set in motion a policy that could inspire thousands, even tens of thousands of Canadian women to feel free to CHOOSE to keep their babies...... as opposed to choosing to have an abortion..... due to a general increase in OPTIMISM in the Canadian economic condition???????
You could not be more wrong. It will be 80% blowing the money, and if you're VERY lucky, 10% who actually use it as you imagine. People in the First World aren't poor due to lack of money. That's the key here.
Abortion isn’t only about money. It’s about giving up part of your life for 18 years because you’re not ready
WOWSER!!!! If 500 smackers buys all that I'm moving to Canada...!!!!!! Heck, why isn't everybody living in Canada??
Good point......... but in our economic climate the money aspect of women choosing abortion over keeping their baby or giving their baby up for adoption is a truly important aspect of the formula. https://abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics/ My apologies for the way I worded the poll..... I probably should have written it this way for greater clarity: Will a Minimum Basic Income dramatically reduce the incidence of abortions? Perhaps by 1- 10 percent lower than the present rate. 0 vote(s) 0.0% Perhaps by 11 to twenty percent lower than the present rate. 0 vote(s) 0.0% Perhaps twenty one to thirty percent lower than the present rate. 0 vote(s) 0.0% * Perhaps by even more than by thirty percent lower than the present rate? 1 vote(s) 100.0%
Uh, here's the whole post:Abortion isn’t only about money. It’s about giving up part of your life for 18 years because you’re not ready""" I think it is very responsible to abort when you can't afford and/or don't want a kid...
Perhaps I am naive but I am thinking that doing this could alter the entire formula. This is an EXPANSION of choice for Canadian women because if they, their parents, their grandparents not to mention the father of her unborn child, were all receiving an extra five hundred dollars per month....... then all of a sudden keeping her baby would be an easier choice for her to make.
But isn't it obvious that what I am proposing is ultimately an EXPANSION OF CHOICE for women who are pregnant? If the mother, the father of the child, all four or their parents not to mention step-parents, the grandparents and siblings and close friends of the pregnant woman all were receiving an extra five hundred dollars per month........ it is pretty obvious that this would tend to inspire many women to decide that they can afford to keep their baby!
An UBI would reduce significantly abortion quite a bit. We pay up front for low-income families. Let's use the money wisely.
FoxHastings said: ↑ Uh, here's the whole post:Abortion isn’t only about money. It’s about giving up part of your life for 18 years because you’re not ready""" I think it is very responsible to abort when you can't afford and/or don't want a kid... What are you talking about? Pregnant women have ONLY TWO choices, abort or gestate...there are NO other choices in pregnancy. What TF do any of those people have to do with a pregnant woman's choice? NOTHIING. Why should step-parents or grandparents or siblings or close friends support someone else's kid ???????????????????????????????????????? or And women still may not want to spend their money on a kid....and so should be free to abort ! And if you think that $500 dollars a month supports 18 years of raising a kid then money in Canada must go a lot farther than money in the US...a LOT farther.. BTW, WHERE do these BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars come from?? The Tooth Fairy?
Back in 1994 I was given an article on Social Credit economic theory that really shocked me. It stated that President Lincoln's brilliant Greenback Monetary Policy experiment had saved USA taxpayers in the range of FOUR BILLION DOLLARS in INTEREST PAYMENTS. I took three economics courses in university between 1979 - 1983 and all of a sudden everything that I remembered from those courses began to look different. This is especially relevant to us Canadians because a powerful case can be presented that the economic system seemingly advocated in our British North America Act of 1867 looks like it was based on the assumption that the levels of government in Canada would be based largely on the President Lincoln model? https://www.michaeljournal.org/articles/politics/item/abraham-lincoln-and-john-f-kennedy
Dennis is absolutely correct that an UBI would expand the women's choice from a much more loving fiscal point of view.
Good God, is that ridiculous! Do everyone a favor and post how much raising a single child costs and calculate how much of a UBI a single parent would need OK? I mean, you don't think taxpayers will provide a UBI and rent subsidies, and SNAP, and Medicaid do you? You'll have the 15 million illegals hiding here running back to Central America. You think they're all going to volunteer to work low wage jobs and pay for your UBI?
If I remember correctly the number of times that money turned over until the government had taken it all back in taxes was less than three times. I am hoping that the boost to the Canadian economy that this would cause would make working Canadians so wealthy that even single mothers who are raising a child or two would be able to find part time work that would fit with their parenting schedules. Because the UBI that I am proposing is to ALL THIRTY SEVEN POINT SIX million Canadians this would make it easier for a woman's family to assist her to raise the child that might have been aborted under the present economic situation that we have now. The UBI that I am proposing does NOT do away with the existing social assistance programs here in Canada but is in place outside of them so this is not meant to be understood as total family income. The number that I chose is only slightly higher than what the local Canadian welfare system paid a single male friend of mine who had his own home while he depended on them but the fact that this is UNCONDITIONAL and given to all Canadians leaves Canadians free to also go to work part time or full time or have three jobs if they wish. Because in theory this boost to the Canadian economy can cost Canadian taxpayers virtually nothing... this will make it possible for many Canadians to become debt free including what they may owe in taxation.
JakeStarkey said: ↑ Dennis is absolutely correct that an UBI would expand the women's choice from a much more loving fiscal point of view. So you don't care about pro-birth issues. I knew that. Kid, AI and automation are here and will only intensify. A robot labor tax will take a lot of pressure from job loss. Please, do think more about these issues.
Yes, I know what you think you are. But you will get to do your fair share, and that thought is neato.
Sorry ... this is my last tax season. :: No not another cent shall dems ever recieve to redistribute, all my residual income is offshored, I'm a dual citizen.
but if you made money for each child from the government, many woudl have those unwanted children for sure - but that is what the right wants
the Bush 2 ten+ year wars are where our taxes are going... and the interest on the money we borrowed soon interest will be the biggest part of the budget borrow and spend republicans = interest tax and spend democrats = no interest republicans won out - what is their answer, more tax cuts for the rich and the mega corps
No one should pay more taxes than the law demands. As Big Government continues to metastasize tax revolts happen. We should hope that the cancer can be shrunk before more people feel compelled to act.
EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not resist quoting the following brilliant assessment of our productive capability in my 2004 campaign writing in spite of the fact that this brought me up to ten pages........... which was a rather incompetent approach for me to take at that time. http://www.politicalforum.com/index...016-and-2004-campaign-writings-as-art.534297/ (Post # 7):