Illuminati totally controls orgainzed religion, politics, and the media

Discussion in 'Illuminati' started by bwinwright, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. Cougarbear

    Cougarbear Banned

    Mar 1, 2019
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    One of our past Apostles, Elder Bruce R. McConkie, wrote a book called "Mormon Doctrine." In it, he named the Catholic Church as the "Great and Abominable Church" found in the Book of Mormon. But, the President's of the Church denied this and taught that any organization and individuals that fought against true Doctrine of Jesus Christ trying to thwart the "Purpose of God" were part of the Great and Abominable Church." Not one particular organization but many that come together to attack the Godhead. So, what is God's purpose? Moses 1:39, "For behold, this is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. My work. God's works are endless." Any organization or person who thwarts this work is part of the Great and Abominable Church.

    It's interesting to hear and see so many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints clamor to know if we are finally at the end of times and the beginning of the Millennium. Seeking for signs that this must be the beginning of the final battle for men's souls before the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. People thought the Civil War was that final battle. Then, WWI and then WWII. But, no. They were not. The beginning? Maybe. Everyone is looking for the anti-Christ. Who is he? Where is he? Yet, what did the Lord say? He will come as a thief in the night. When we aren't prepared and morally and spiritually asleep at the wheel. In the 1980's, I saw that the Pope was supposedly wearing a crown and sash that had Satanic hidden writings in them saying he was Satan and the anti-Christ. So, I asked one of the Priests at the Catholic school I was teaching at if there were these writings on them. Come to find out, it was fakery. No such things were ever on the Pope's crown or sash.

    I'm not sure what and how the person came up with 200,000,000 people dying at the hands of the Vatican, Washington DC or London. But, I do know that 100,000,000 or more have died at the hands of Mao, Stalin and Hitler. I'd be more worried about Beijing than London or the Vatican or Washington DC. There is still Russia to consider with all their nukes and to the north of Israel where the Lord will come and stand in the parted Mt. of Olives.

    The real point of my response is to say to you, you have been deceived. You aren't the Savior. You may be a distractor. Jesus Christ wants you and all to "Come unto Christ." What does that mean? It means truly saving souls. Not just for immortality and salvation somewhere in the three degrees of glory (1Cor 15). But for Eternal Life in the Celestial Kingdom with our Father in Heaven and our Elder Brother Jesus Christ. I still fail to see your goal? Are you trying to steer me away from my covenants I've made to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? And follow you? Or, are you simply being a midway station from those who are carnal and devilish to get them away from that but not then pointing them to where they can receive Eternal Life? All for your own income and employment? I have no idea why you still see yourself as a threat to the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You don't think they have been threatened before? They get threats every day from people who say they have been told by Christ to take the Keys of the Kingdom from them. They have had teachers at BYU tell them they lack knowledge and wisdom on what people should be learning and doing. There are plenty of leaders and members who have been blinded by the mist while on the road to the Tree of Life. And, there will be plenty more as we near the 2nd Coming of Christ.

    It's my studies on afterlife experiences (yes, I'm quite knowledgeable about this topic since before I was baptized in 1977) that has concluded that faithful people who sincerely want answers and help from God may receive a gift of knowledge by having the veil over our minds lifted off them. Most people who come close to near death don't have this happen to them. Only a very few. The question is, is the veil being lifted off by the Holy Ghost or is the person seeing revelation from Satan. Those who see details like 3 cities of evil and the coming destruction of the world are being led by Satan. Those who see family members and a loving Lord and loving caring angels are those who have been given a real veil lifting experience pointing them to Christ and living a righteous life. Those are they who no longer have pure faith for they now have a "more perfect sure knowledge of Christ." They are those who now must never deny the Holy Ghost for their outcomes would be Perdition for Eternity.

    Seek the missionaries again. But do so for the sole purpose of learning and following the Savior for you family's sake.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2020
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  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I deeply appreciate your accompanying me into this discussion....... there is a real possibility that many of the readers here could well find a church home with Latter day Saints................ and feel truly welcomed and loved there.

    What worries me is that I must obey the Ruach ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit and not any man on earth...... no matter how powerfully they are guided........

    I do feel that I was given a message through near death experience accounts even for some of the most fallen human beings on earth....... and I have to give that message...... even if it offends the leadership of any and every church that I am really impressed by and would in many ways like to join.............. it would be nice to be part of a church again after not being part of a church since 1991..... but first and foremost I have got to pass on a rather strange message.........

    because some of the most fallen people on earth will become most like the Apostle Paul in our time period.... they will become fearless apostles who will go all out to bring many to salvation.......

    I personally think that the following message fits amazingly well with the one hundred and seventy year old LDS doctrine..... Multiple Mortal Probabions..... but I was told that the largest branch of the Latter day Saints have abandoned this doctrine?????

    post number seven....

    I want to start an online outreach to Satanists....

    Christian Andreason, Chapter 3:

    Most churches would find those statements by near death experiencer Christian Andreason kind of offensive....... I think that many LDS would be open to these ideas...... but I am of the belief that near death experience accounts fit with John chapter sixteen verse twenty five.....

    Jhn 16:25

    These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.

    LDS church on Gilgul or multiple mortal probations

    This page may help you to understand why I am worried about joining the LDS or any other church......

    Auditions for the role of Elijah needed....

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2020
  3. Cougarbear

    Cougarbear Banned

    Mar 1, 2019
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    Nice that you went to an anti Christ website and were able to change a few. I've done that in the past. I once visited a "gay and lesbian" website and entered with the name "God." My comment to them was like, "My children, why do you condemn yourselves after I've taught you that homosexual behavior is a sin. Repent and come back unto me and end your abominable ways." Most of the reactions were negative except for one girl who thanked me because she was confused and thought lesbianism might help her feel better about herself. She said that she was wrong and would never enter again to behave wrongly." So, I too help people as well. And, I don't need a near-death experience to do this. The problem you seem to have is understanding prophets and apostles with respect to their mission as God's mouthpiece on Earth for us to be guided by. We don't, or should not, blindly follow the instructions of any man. But, because the Prophet is the messenger ordained by God, we should listen, then pray about his guidance, instructions, ordinances and receive our own testimonies by the influence and/or gift of the Holy Ghost whether they are true or not. There cannot be duel prophets teaching contrary doctrines, commandments or anything about God, Heaven and so on. Amos 3:7 says God only speaks to us through his servants, the prophets. You're no prophet for the world. President Nelson today is.

    This doesn't mean you can't have your own personal experiences. But, they are your experiences. I know many people who have had near-death experiences and they simply learned of the love the Savior has for them and their family. No doctrine. No confusing the doctrine. No trying to stop people from being baptized by one with the proper authority to do so. And, while all religions may have some truth in them, they do not have the fulness of the Gospel. That only resides in Jesus Christ's Church that he has sanctioned and it won't be given to another. Daniel 2:44, "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." Joseph Smith was the Prophet who restored the Church of Jesus Christ in these the latter days guided and directed by Jesus Christ and the angels of Heaven. You have come along 176 years later and thus you cannot assume a position over Christ's Church. It isn't left to you or anyone else but Christ.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2020
    DennisTate likes this.
  4. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    I really do appreciate your gnostic unitarian bhuddist Tao insane Jewish Christian quantiative relativistic realistic model shizo affective inter-planetary physics existential multi dimensional manic depressive Captain Krunch stuff.

    Wierd stuff. How you were able to get Lawrence Welk to jam with Jim Morrison, Pink Floyd, Cream, the Allmans, Eric Clapton, Jimmi and Janis is beyond moi.

    Balance at the end of the rythm man. We are riding the wave with a surf board. Very precarious.

    The strongest tidal wave must recede eventually. Water may be the most powerful force at times but it also when it finds its balance cleanses and offers the ultimate source of the beginning of life as we know it. We didn't have that Noah story for nothing. Noah was the first surfer. We can all surf it out man. That balance between too much and too little its possible. I mean you got to learn hip movement baby. Its all in the hips.

    This illuminati Satan concept-every society has had its share of dark people caught in self service and cliques of self servers.Bottom line is man they get too caught up in the gyrations. Looks like a large seizure at times. Not everyone can balance real purty like a ballerina. Some of us have junk in dee trunk. Takes all kinds.

    Whether we evolve past the shackles of self or ego I just do not know. I really wonder what would it be like to be selfless. I see hints of it in music, dance, the wind, movement of water, flight of birds just wisps of it so I know its there. Every now and then you run across someone floating. Its rare but they are out there more than you think. They just don't brag about their flights. Most people aint ready to ride the waves that way. They still are learning to wade into it real slow. Man remember the first time you learned to float? Well we all learned that-we thought we would sink.

    Imagine what it would be like to be enlightened enough to be selfless and never need a life preserver and be able to ride a wind current with no assistance. Homo sapiens. We drag our knuckles Dennis. We still are learning to stand straight. Lol there is a reason for insects-to remind us of how trapped in gravity we are. Funny most of us zap them little sob's. We keep obliterating the lesson. I had a long talk with a mosquito. Arrogant bastard.Stuck it right to me. Mosquitoes can smell that ego from miles away. Its dinner for them. Illuminati can't even get close to the way mosquitoes can take over and suck the blood out of it all. Illuminati like to think of themselves right up there with rats n roaches as survivors. Not a chance. They may have similiar qualities but they are far dirtier than rats or roaches. If given their proper environment rats n roaches are not dirty at all but we illoomanotteez types we choose to wallow in our filth and turn it into a religious ritual/

    Been to some places Dennis. I can tell you, the more simple you are the more they hate you. If they can't find what weighs you down and add to the weight they got no power. They hate that. Illuminati aint interested in skinny people. Just the fat ones. The ones with all the blood to suck man. They like high cholesterol blood. Simple folk with good posture and eating habits don't taste so good. They like eating the buttocks, the thighs. They need that stuff fleshy and greasy so they can bbq it. When they eat each other they are looking for fat greed to feed off of. Cannibals are just meat eaters with a craving for big Macs or KFC. My people tried issuing kosher dietary laws. I think we should have put humans on the list next to shell fish and porkers.

    Lol I aint holdin my breath. I have a snorkel Dennis T.
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  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I truly do feel honoured to be in contact with a Latter day Saint who is courageously going through the massive open doors that are in front of us at this time.......

    i wrote something this morning that will help you to understand why I cannot so easily just become a Latter day Saint..... as a Messianic Gentile who is at least interested in being baptized LDS.. I have a freedom to bring up potentially controversial ideas that I might not have if I were baptized LDS......

  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If I am way, way, way off in the following idea...... my apologies in advance... but there is a speaker with Indian ancestry who impresses me as being amazingly gifted........

    my wife has similar spiritual gifts so I've been studying this phenomena for twenty years.. .and I am in something of a state of awe regarding all of this.........

    The speaker here Mr. Albert Milton... .asserted that on December 12, 2020 something serious would happen in terms of President Trump being
    confirmed for a second term.........

    in his second video he asserts that on December 12, 2020 some sort of very Pentecostal "Jericho March" had been organized for Washington, D. C. that
    really was significant..... especially in terms of invisible dimensions of space and time and the atmosphere of the coming take over by our Creator in the
    affairs of we humans...........

    This information is potentially understandable in two nearly opposite manners...... that could tend to drive Americans toward something of a Civil War??????

    Donald Trump Will Win - Prophetic Word that will happen in next 7 days!

    Donald Trump Will Win - 777 Updates and Prophetic Word Over America!
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Thank you for giving me credit for not being a total moron when it comes to the topic of spirituality.

    I actually am a red neck from the back woods of Nova Scotia, Canada who for most of my life if I travelled west.... I would have to walk through a forest for eight to ten kilometers to find a neighbour....... if I walked south I would have to walk about four kilometers to find a neighbour....... if I walked east I would have to go one kilometer and cross a river to find a neighbour..... and if I walked north I would have to walk five hundred meters..... (and my first neighbour to the north might remind us of the character Nabal.... the ex-husband of widow Abigayl who married King David of Israel)!?

    Anyway...... when it comes to history and politics..... in your obviously well above average for being well informed opinion..... did I do a reasonably competent job of tackling this topic?

    Does what happened to President Ronald Reagan explain events since 2015?

    For the record.... I am partly referring to some shocking information on modern USA history given by the brilliant, (in my opinion anyway)... Steven Greer M. D. who I quote in post number one here:

    Could this UFO have been Made in America?

    I would truly be honoured to get your opinion on the same question that I just asked of Death and......... also.....

    I do feel a special affinity to the Patriarch Adam....... I feel that the combined guilt / debt / burden of shame from all of my past lives combined...... (or should I write Multiple Mortal Probations combined) ... ... would rival even that of Adam himself.... or even his firstborn son....... Cain........ the twin brother of Luluwa according to the Book of Adam and Eve!

    Warning......... i've met a member of the Nephilim who strangely resembled Pan..... and he was shockingly respectful to me................. frankly........ I have something of a lump in my throat as I think about those times....... I look at my past differently than Evangelist John Ramirez does....... but he is indeed one of my all time favourite great, great, great.... grandsons from any or all of my many possible if not probable past lives!

    LIVE Q&A With Kevin Zadai & Ex-Warlock John Ramirez

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
  8. Cougarbear

    Cougarbear Banned

    Mar 1, 2019
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    Well, December 12th came and went. Nothing spectacular except the SCOTUS are no help to the Constitution and to the United States. They are part of the Deep State. Even the two new justices. Thomas is the only one with any guts to do the right thing. Roberts is a complete disappointment. The fact is, we are already divided into two camps. That's pretty obvious and has been for many years now. Marxists in the U.S. continue to grow in strength and the Conservatives just grow more tired and apathetic. 25,000 republicans in Georgia failed to vote in the 2020 election. That may have given Trump that victory. Republicans in the swing states except Florida didn't stand up to the Democrats and let them count illegal votes.

    Aside from that, a few years ago, our then Prophet Thomas Monson, began a program to center religious studies around and in the family. From our past prophets we know that a time will come when we won't be able to attend church meetings inside a Church building. The program was developed and followed through by our present day prophet M. Russel Nelson. It's called "Come Follow Me." Manuals were given to every family that would accept it for personal and family studies. That was last year. Sure enough, COVID19 hit and we have been forced to stay away from our Churches. We have been able to have short ZOOM Sacrament Meetings, Relief Society meetings for the women, Elder's Quorum meetings with the brethren and youth and primary meetings all on ZOOM. But, the main studies are weekly studies with Come Follow Me in the homes. It's been a real blessing and prophecy come true. Those who have an Elder in the home and given authority to bless the Sacrament have done so as I have. Others can receive the Sacrament if requested and an Elder will go to them masked and sanitary. The question is, will this attack on religion continue after the pandemic is over? Or, will the evil politicians be able to continue their attacks on religion, liberty and freedoms? If so, as Latter-day Saints, we are prepared. The work will go forth.

    The question on whether to become violent, that will be up to each individual. However, if the Prophet of God says don't. Then, we probably won't. Some will and suffer for it. They key is listen to a true Prophet's voice. The messenger from God. Not the others. One voice, not many. There are great people in all churches and religions. But, they don't have the true connection the Prophet Nelson has. No, not one of them. He is the Prophet for the world. And, right now, we are to continue to bring souls unto Christ. We are to continue our helping the salvation for the living and redeeming the dead. You think you can't make the change. But, many don't make the change because they can't give up their coffee. There's always an excuse. And your obsession with near death experiences is your cup of coffee. Let go. You cannot bring souls unto Christ with it. Only the Holy Ghost can testify the truth.
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  9. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Dennis T to answer your question I do not thhink you are a red neck and I feel very comfortable with your concepts. I have no issues. Sure we would dis a gree on certain traditional concepts but it means little because you and I honour our wives and nature and sanctity of life and all that stuff that means we both end up asking the same questions, feeling the same humility about that thing biggercthan our ego's and so on. My challenge these days is trying to practice genuine humility in the direct face of an abuser. I wish and am trying to be more humble but I keep shoving my head up my but butt. Man its just a lot easier being under the sun smelling pine and hearing would crackle and sipping on a cold drink. The covid, violence, materialism, is tiresome but I get why. Lessons are never ending. I get that. You ever wonder what this thing would sound like if it could let us hear it laughed? I think it would be song bird song of some kind or bull frog cracks, crickets, coyote howls, wind blowing in trees at night, rain on a tent, a dog sighing, cat purring or a pig gettin scratched. The other one? To mee its the sound of a ng angry human.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2020
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  10. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    One theory is that one of the Supreme Court Justices has been to Epstein Island..... and there could be serious implications to that fact......... The one who was on Epstein Island may well be controlled due to the dirt that somebody somewhere has on him........ and if so it would all fit with:

    (Incidentally this Dutch banker in the interview got Hillary Clintoned) :

    Ronald Bernard (ex illuminati dutch banker) released part 2 of his interview

    but good news..... apparently the NSA has the transfers from China to Hunter Biden..... and the transfers from Hunter Biden to Joe Biden..... all of them... so we can expect Mr. Joe Biden to capitulate soon..... in order to avoid doing jail time perhaps?!

    Crickets From the Left 2
    December 19 at 8:24 PM ·
    Rick Wiles: "Mr. Biden Will Not Be Sworn In As President He Will Be Arrested"
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Back in 1990 when I discovered that there really were scary higher invisible dimensional environments...........
    through several negative near death experience accounts.......
    I went through a massive philosophical crisis and I prayed and asked for wisdom..... .and I stuck my right hand up in the air and quoted Isaiah chapter forty five verse one...... and I asked HaShem to take me by the right hand.... as he had done for pagan King Cyrus.............................. My attitude was not good at all.... and from 1990 to 2000 I regularly used four letter words while I was praying........ but I ended up hearing audible voice twice...........

    In 1990 I heard audible voice while praying..... "Ask of me whatever you want and I will give it to you?"
    and in 1999 I heard...... "Are you sure you want to reign in hell or do you want Me to do it?"

    I answered the 1990 audible voice question with.......... (due to my doubt to the source of that question)...... with something like.......
    "If you are sure that you want to do something for me......
    then go as close to YHWH as you can still go........
    and ask HaShem to give CrazyTate more wisdom than Christ while He was human.... so that I can play my father the Devil a good game of chess with five billion unlimited movement variables????"

    Thirty years later and the plot is thickening.........

    If you become a Satanist.... Satan demands a tithe!

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If I am supposed to love my Creator.......
    should I not be concerned with this scripture......

    Isaiah 63:9

    In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.

    Is HaShem AFFLICTED??????????

    IS HAShem afflicted when Israel is afflicted??????

    Is HaShem afflicted when innocent people are oppressed?????

    If so.. .then the Time of Yacob / Jacob's trouble... in which somewhere between two thirds to ninety percent of humanity may well die............ would HaShem be finding all of this trouble on humanity to be no problem at all???????

    I don't think so...... and it is predicted that Moshiach ben Ephrayim and Moshiach ben David will both empathize with the affliction of the afflicted.......

    Isa 53:7

    He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

    This link takes us to all the times that the word "afflicted" occurs in the Jewish and Christian scriptures.....

    I believe in non-linear time..... applied Multiverse Theory.... in which HaShem spins off new time lines... and we are now entering the least violent fulfillment of Ezekiel chapter thirty seven that has ever occurred before.............

    I feel that I must put some variation of the Cyrus / goat for Azazel challenge in front of Breslovian Chassidic Jews and in front of latter day Saints...... because on Yom Kippur 1991 something happened just outside Jerusalem................. in the Valley of the sons of Hinnom that may soon become rather well known...........

    My offer was made just after Yom Kippur 1990 and around 2011 or so I found out that my Israeli friend who is Breslovian Chassidic Jewish had actually followed the steps of a "goat for Azazel" that had walked through The VAlley of the sons of Hinnom... my friend was soon led to the writings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.......
    that in my opinion.......
    address issues that go all the way back to the time of the Patriarch Enoch.... who was made a strange and unusual offer by the Watchers who had fallen because of the daughters of men.......

  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I plead guilty.......
    I have something of an "Elijah complex"...... even though the being who said to me.....
    "What doest thou here Elijah?"........ looked like the proverbial Pan... a member of the Nephilim?!

    But.... .I have some major consolations because Rabbi Alon Anava sure seems to be doing a vastly better job of
    fulfilling the role of the final Elijah than I can imagine myself ever doing!

    Rabbi Anava's 2nd Near Death Experience! And the message we need to be focusing on!
    •Premiered Apr 4, 2020

    Corona Virus - World Epidemic - Current events - The final redemption! - Rabbi Alon Anava
    •Premiered Mar 9, 2020

    The reason the entire world is attacked by the coronavirus & Rabbi Anava 2nd near death experience
    •Premiered Mar 28, 2020

  14. dagosa

    dagosa Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
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    Use miles. It’s not that far
    One thing is for sure, under Trump and his totally incompetent response to the coved virus, Americans have had a wealth of opportunity to study near death experiences. Soon to be nearly 1/2 a million, they have turned out rather baldly. I don’t see many just relying prayer. Most, even the most devoted to Christian Doctrine are in line to get that science developed vaccine. Hypocrisy abounds.
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  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I personally don't want the vaccine... I want to boost my immune system and I've found some pretty good ways to do that over these last two or three decades.

    I finally found the exact message within one of those three videos by near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava that I do believe can begin to get many Christians thinking about the rest of his message and...... have a less fatalistic view of the upcoming decades.

    A message from near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava to all Noahides.

    Rabbi Alon Anava stated that he wants this message sent out to all Noahides and to all Gentiles. I believe that this vision from his second near death experience will mean more to Latter day Saints than to members of just about any other Christian denomination that I can think of.

    You are going to want to go to the 1:11:00 mark in this video about the second near death experience account of Rabbi Alon Anava and Revelations chapter 12 will begin to make a lot more sense.

    Revelation 12:9
    "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

    I could be wrong... but from thirty years of studying near death experience accounts...... and comparing them with the Jewish and Christian scriptures.

    I suspect strongly that this event could be more than a century in the future because former Atheist Howard Storm was shown what the world would look like around 2185.

    The first paragraph that I quoted and made bold implied that the role of the final Elijah had already been accomplished.

    4 ¶ Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.

    5 ¶ Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:

    6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

    Deuteronomy 4:35 is the verse that the angel that brought darkness was screaming:

    35 Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the Lord he is God; there is none else beside him.

    My theory.... is that we are about to enter an era of vastly less anger between religions but........ it will be rather New Agey..... and eventually HaShem will have to send that huge angel that was shown to Rabbi Alon Anava in his second near death experience to deal with the remaining serious issue of IDOLATRY.

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Some of us have a job to do that involves more than saving our own souls.........
    although that is important... some of us have to reach out to multiple groups of people with a message.....
    "A message from near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava to all Noahides."

    If my feeling is correct that a Tsunami Wave of genuine Repentance is about to sweep the earth.... that will even affect the wealthiest eight thousand to eighty five hundred people on earth....... as well as their high level employees who run corporations for them.....
    then we could well begin to see a positive shift that is so rapid that our minds are boggled!

    We could be close to the time when most humans will live to be a minimum of a hundred years of age.

    I am actually scheduled for another Facetime discussion with an LDS missionary for this Saturday.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
  17. dagosa

    dagosa Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
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    You are wrong.
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  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    LOL! You are correct....... because I am always somewhat wrong.......
    but from the dozens of lectures by near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava I have listened to..... I cannot see any serious error in his reasoning...... and from the eighteen online courses that I have taken from near death experiencer Dr. Kevin Zadai..... I can't see any error in any of his reasoning either...... .so........
    could we be living in the time period of the two witnesses predicted by Christians and / or in the time period of the two metaphorical goats of Leviticus chapter sixteen??????

    All I have to do is help people to take one step then two steps toward really improving and doing better.......
    but it is not my job to perfect anybody..... so yes.... there are errors in everything that I write....... .and I write a lot!

    Jeremiah 16:14
    Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be said, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;
    But, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers."

    Near death experiencer Sharon Milliman was shown that if historical adversaries would take one or two steps toward each other..... the Era of Moshiach could be ushered in. All of us here on the forum would tend to be at least somewhat intrigued by the idea that HaShem is going to drive USA Jews somewhat north first..... I assume into Canada in many cases....... before they make full fledged Aliyah on to Israel.......

    Exodus USA

    and explained further after the seventeen minute mark in this video by Messianic Jewish Pastor David Herzog......

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
  19. dagosa

    dagosa Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
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    The ability to see error in someone else POV depends totally on your own expertise in that area. If you were a brain surgeon and knew exactly how the body response as the brain is deprived of O2, maybe you would know more how to respond.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
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  20. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Good point.... I am no brain surgeon but......
    I did take the time to view two of the Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski documentaries and it is shocking how supposed experts went all out to attempt to prevent him from using the only proven cure for many types of brain cancer........

    This is related to the topic because there is no way that the "doctors" who assisted in the persecution of Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski could have considered that their actions were in logical agreement with the Hypocratic Oath...... so they must have been going after some sort of long term supposedly higher goal??????

    Could it be that they were in contact with something resembling "The Illuminati????"

    Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover Up (Cancer Documentary) | Full Documentary | Reel Truth
    •Mar 14, 2019
  21. dagosa

    dagosa Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
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    Real science has nothing to do picking and choosing what some claimed expert says who agrees with you. Real answers exist in consensus institutional science. Give me a reference from John’s Hopkins ( or Mass General or govt health agencies ) and I’ll take it seriously.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
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  22. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Do I need to become a member of the illuminate to receive a bank loan or open an account?
    DennisTate likes this.
  23. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    No.... but there is a point at which you need to be willing to leave your conscience at the door.... which can be an issue for many.

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
  24. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The specific study is there in one of the documentaries.... I think it was the first one if I remember correctly....... but his co-author Dr. Samid encouraged him to make a serious error...... To concentrate some research into the minimum dosage. Apparently she was working for a BigPharma company and her goal was to make his anti-neoplastons appear rather ineffective... .which would reduce their cost for the company she was working before in secret.
  25. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    I can guarantee that it will never happen to me.
    DennisTate likes this.

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