Let the investigations play out.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Nightmare515, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Uh, Spooky, a 'reason' does not prove the case rises above the frivolous. Ten or so lawsuits have been thrown out of court for 'lack of evidence'. I'd say the odds are that additional lawsuits follow the same pattern, i.e, they are 'frivolous'.
  2. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    That is the courts job to decide. Who gave you the power to declare what is a worthy case and what isn't?
    ButterBalls likes this.
  3. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I can only answer this from my own perspective. As I said I wasn't around during election night or the days after so I returned home and had to play catch up to see what was happening. The first thing that confused me when I came back to an area with service and looked at my phone was why wasn't a winner declared yet. I read the news and see that a few states were still counting ballots, alright the mail in voting thing I figured that might happen. But then I see big states like Florida and California and New York were called on election night and Im sure they have mail in ballots too so what is taking these other states so long? I take a look at the election map from the night of the election and it looks like Trump was on track to win. I look at the one from yesterday (at the time I was home) and states were fading from red to purple, then I look at the updated one from the day I got home and states turned blue. And the states that were having trouble getting all of their votes counted were mostly swing states that each candidate would need to win in order to reach 270. Then I guess Arizona was called then retracted and they were counting for days and Nevada was doing the same thing. Then places like Alaska who are always red with Trump having a 30 point lead still isn't called to this day a week after the election. What exactly is going on here?

    The biggest eyebrow raiser to me is Pennsylvania, on election night I think Trump was up like 700,000 votes or something close to that and then as the days progressed that lead vanished and Biden ended up winning it. So 700,000+ Biden votes were waiting to be counted and it took them a few days to count them to certify the lead? And why were poll workers blocking off the windows in the building? Has there been an explanation given for that?

    Then I start trying to cipher through the news which is an absolute nightmare during times like this and I read stories about how 130,000 ballots were found in Michigan for Biden that they missed on election night or something? Some places in Wisconsin had over 100% voter turnout? What are the ACTUAL explanations for stuff like that?

    As I said I wasn't around for the days surrounding the election so I walked back into this blind and had to play catch up and I can't really get an actual answer to anything because all I'm hearing from either side is "Sore losers!" and "They cheated!".

    Perhaps the biggest concern I have really are the mail in ballots. As I speak right now I literally have 4 blank ballots sitting on my kitchen table that were mailed to me. I rent my house and my landlord lives out of state. I received a ballot for him, his wife, his son, and the former tenant who rented this place before me. I called him and asked him if he wanted me to mail these to him and he said no I can shred them because he received his family's ballots at his other house where he lives now. I live in a state that doesn't require signature verification to submit a mail in ballot so what exactly was to stop me from just filling all 4 of these things out and mailing them back? I of course didn't do that as they are still sitting here and that would be illegal but does everyone have that sort of integrity? I'm no conspiracy theory nut nor am I anybody special, I'm a random guy who lives in a remote area of the country and I have 4 blank ballots on my table that don't require signature verification to submit...How many other times did this happen around the country? I find it hard to believe that this was an isolated incident that just happened to me in my remote town in the middle of nowhere...Is that how we had record voter turnout this go around or did people actually legitimately vote en masse?

    I don't believe these accusations of fraud are completely baseless. Was it some massive widespread collective conspiracy by multiple states to print out millions of fake ballots to skew the election and somehow cover all of that up enough to retain plausible deniability? I doubt it. Was it completely legitimate or as legitimate as previous elections with these mail in ballots? I doubt that too. Thats why I say we all need to let these investigations play out and see what is going on if anything. Mainly because if they stopped right now and just said Biden won we aren't looking into anything then even I would have a problem with the legitimacy of this election and I am by no means a Trump fanboy. I can't sit here and stare at 4 blank ballots on my table in a house where one guy lives by himself and accept the government saying trust me all is fine without even digging into any of these allegations I'm reading about.
  4. ButterBalls

    ButterBalls Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Id be far less suspicious if this underhanded leftist nonsense hadn't started and ongoing since the day Trump was sworn in.. I mean really, it's a pretty clear statement they have orchestrate over the last 46 months, JUST SAYING ;)
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2020
  5. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Yes there has, and it has been explained on MSNBC, CNN, and Fox.

    The answer has to do with 3 things. 1. Math. 2. Demographics of outstanding ballots. 3. PA's procedure for counting.

    PA's state law, ie., their procedure for counting ballots is to count the mail in ballots last, and not to begin until 7am Nov 3.

    Demographics. This has to so with who are voting in person, and who are voting by mail. In Person ballots are cast mostly by republicans. This makes sense since Trump has been casting aspersions on mail in voting from the get go. Dems, however, do not pay attention, dems prefer to mail in ballots, and it's a statistical fact that at least 70% of mail in ballots went to registered democrats. Now then, on Nov 3, who many outstanding ballots were there? After the in person ballots were counted, we had that count on Nov 3, I forget the number of outstanding ballots that were in the mailed in pile, ( not the ones that came in after Nov 3, which are in dispute and not a part of the count ) but it was over a million. It was calculated that in order for Biden to catch up and over take Trump's early lead, I believe it was calculated something like 62% of the mailed in ballots would have to go to Biden. Well, simple math tells us that, since 70% or more were Biden's, we could calculate easily that he was going to eventually over take the lead, which is precisely what happened.


    No evidence produced, so far.
    Nothing to stop you but being prosecuted, if you did. Those ballots have scan codes, each ballot is inspected by teh counter, overseen by an independent, a republican, and a democrat.
    Trump, in pure Trumpian style, is fogging the landscape with frivolity. That's who he is, a merchant of chaos, it's in his DNA.

    No one is stopping the process, let it play out, but Team Trump's batting average thus are O for 10. 10 lawsuits, or thereabouts, I lost count, have been thrown out of court for 'insufficient evidence'.

    as for 'massive conspiracy' that's nuts.
    If there were a conspiracy by dems to 'steal the election', how could they possibly know before hand which states would be the final critical states where the election will ultimately be decided? It was initially thought Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, but now it's looking more like PA, GA, NV and AZ. In order to effect a conspiracy, not knowing with 100% where the fight will be, dems would have to have operatives dispatched, accepted for volunteering work, months in advance, each according to each states process for staffing election office volunteers ( some are paid, some are not ) in EVERY STATE and EVERY ELECTION OFFICE ACROSS AMERICA and then they would have to get away with it. Well, even a half wit can see that such a massive conspiracy is doomed to fail, resulting in jail for the perps, and why in holy hell would any one even consider it?

    The prospect of that is absurd on it's face. This is probably why this administration is the only administration in history to accuse his opposition, in a very public way, for well over a year, accusing his opposition of 'the only way they can win is if democrats steal the election'. Trump has been poisoning the well and undermining democracy from the get go.
  6. Curious Always

    Curious Always Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 6, 2016
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    Trump and all his supporters, for months: Don't vote by mail!!! Don't vote by mail!!! Don't vote by mail!!! Don't vote by mail!!!
    Democrats, for months: Vote by mail!!! Vote by mail!!! Vote by mail!!! Vote by mail!!! Vote by mail!!! Vote by mail!!! Vote by mail!!! Vote by mail!!!

    Trump and all his supporters, since Saturday! How is it possible that Biden got so many more mail in votes. Something is fishy and needs to be looked into.

    In the states where mail in ballots were tabulated as they came in, they were the first reported, and Biden had an early lead, AKA Florida and Ohio. Trump pulled ahead when the same day votes were counted.

    In the states still counting, their republican legislatures forbade the post office from even sorting the returned ballots by county until election day.
  7. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    It's just an opinion, Spooky, based on the fact that out of 10 lawsuits brought forth thus far, all 10 of them have been thrown out court for lack of evidence.

    Is it not logical to conclude that additional lawsuits will follow a similar pattern, given who Trump is? Am I not entitled to have such an opinion based on these empirical facts?

    As for who Trump is, read my sig:
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2020
  8. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Sure you can have an opinion and so can Trump. Courts throw out thousands of cases everyday around the nation but people still have the right to file them.

    Sorry if some folks don't like it but they need to grow up and get over it.
  9. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Ruined property has no comparison to the random taking of human lives. Your analogy fails, bigly. And those "twisted, sick individuals" didn't reach that pitch in a vacuum.

    Rioting and looting and burning are no more "the NORM" for Democrats than mass ethnic-bassed murders are "the NORM" for Republicans.

    And BTW, it takes very little effort to rebut your usual claims.
  10. Darthcervantes

    Darthcervantes Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2018
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    As usual, you put ZERO effort into rebutting my FACTS. You really seem to think destruction of property is OK. Notice I didn't mention the left wing lunatic that shot up the GOP softball game. Why? because i'm staying on TOPIC. but now that I OWNED you and you are backed in the corner you lash out with fake news.

    SAD! but i have enjoyed watching you choke on your words, very entertaining, Thank you

    I would lecture you on forum etiquette and how to stay ON TOPIC but i'm having too much fun watching you dig your hole deeper, please! I beg of thee, KEEP IT COMING
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2020
  11. Curious Always

    Curious Always Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 6, 2016
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    In the meantime, Trump will not give Biden access to the daily security briefings. I just learned this. Biden was getting them as the election got closer, as is normal.

    A president who will probably not be president in 10 weeks should be required to help transition. It puts us in danger if Joe goes in on day 1 and has had no briefings.
  12. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    He's asked Barr because he and "his people" on the ground can't find any evidence, but Trump can't accept that and insists that Barr "find something" that justifies the suits that Trump has already filed. In other words, the lackeys that he has to pay aren't cutting it, so Barr has to work on it at taxpayer's expense.

    Money grab, indeed.
  13. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Ooh! So angry! So defensive! Did I poke one of your eensy little nerves?

    Horse pucky. Where did I say that destruction of property is okay? Please quote me, or better still, stop pulling your partisan conjectures off of my keyboard.

    As for staying on topic ... I'm just replying to your posts, so who went off on a tangent first? And as the issue on this thread are the evidence-free lawsuits that Trump has filed in some states, the partisanship and threats of violence from Trump's right wing supporters is relevant.

    You brought it up, dude. Don't start whining when you're losing ... that's what Trump is doing.
  14. Darthcervantes

    Darthcervantes Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2018
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    you keep ignoring it and bring up isolated shooter incidents. it's a very poor defense strategy. I was hoping for more, especially since you are trying to brag about rebuttal skills...at least I admitted the shootings are bad. You seem to brush off looting and burning and rioting and throwing rocks at cops' heads like its no big deal.
  15. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    I keep bringing up facts, like the one that places human life above damaged property. I'm not the one brushing something off, you are. I've been pretty vocal over the years on condemning violence from anyone for any reason. That includes stating many times on this forum that the rioters, vandals, and looters they've managed to catch and indict fully deserve jail time.

    On the reverse of that, just like your hero Trump, you have yet to condemn the actions of the far right nut jobs who kill based on race and religion, two things that should not matter in a civilized society. And yet, unlike you, I'm assuming that you do abhor the actions of some who share your ideology and am not accusing you of being an apologist for them, as you've tried to do here with me.

    If all you can do is keep lashing out, trying to puff yourself up by pretending you're somehow "winning" an argument with your superior brain, please do us both a favor and give it a freaking rest.
  16. Curious Always

    Curious Always Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 6, 2016
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