Milo Yiannopoulos disinvited from CPAC slot amid tape controversy

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Think for myself, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    It's not a gay thing. It's a man thing. Men like young partners, no matter their sexual orientation. This idea that all child molesters and rapists who victimize only boys or mostly boys must be gay is a false assumption. Being sexually abused as a child carries a tremendous psychological trauma that is very hard to work through, especially if they don't get immediate therapy. They are not emotionally prepared for sexual relations at a young age and it can really skew their relationships later in life.

    I believe boys who are victimized by men are more likely to be fixated on young boys whether or not they happen to be gay. And child molesters were often themselves molested as children. Access to children is also a determining factor as many sex offenders are family members or friends of their victims. My main point is that I believe sexual orientation is decided in utero but sexual deviations and disorders evolve out of traumatic experiences after birth. I could go on but I could get in trouble and find myself barred from the next CPAC convention!

    One last thing. The first C in CPAC stand for conservative which makes me wonder why they feel the need to fill the speaker slate with so many people with hateful and divisive views. You'd think they would be wary of wedding their fiscal philosophy with racism, sexism, homophobia, and the like. Where is the "kinder, gentler" conservatism of George H. W. Bush? I don't know if they realize it, but the tide of public opinion among younger people has turned against that. Sure, going too far in the other direction has led to mindless, politically correct nincompoopery, but I would imagine trying to win them over with sound, reasoned arguments, minus the extreme demagogic rhetoric, would go a lot further in that regard than the divisiveness all too common these days on the airwaves and public square.
  2. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    That's fine, but why engage in that behavior in the first place? Leslie Jones did nothing to him to deserve that kind of treatment. I believe there is some kind of psychological defect in anyone who exhibits that kind of obsessive anti-social behavior. Milo presents himself as a gay man which suggests to me he was likely subjected to all manner of physical and verbal abuse. That has to have an effect. I just wish he could have received therapeutic help when it could have made a difference in his life. Maybe then we would be spared his idiotic antics.
  3. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    They were older teens who consented. Depending on which state you happened to live in at the time, such relationships were perfectly legal. That is much different than a young child. 13 is too young. NAMBLA doesn't seem to set age limits. I don't believe Milo supports NAMBLA's mind set and neither did Milk or Liberace.
  4. Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks Banned

    Jan 30, 2017
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    Interesting, the part about being abused as reason for his homosexuality.
  5. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    Nope, that description makes him sound like a pos. Work harder at your apologia next time.
  6. vanityofvanitys

    vanityofvanitys Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Shall I work as hard as your pitiful defense here?

    It's always ego that makes a lefty a life long lefty. They can never admit to being wrong about anything.
  7. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Milo has quit from Breitbart.

    the bigot is getting what he deserves
  8. randlepatrickmcmurphy

    randlepatrickmcmurphy Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    You forgot the two idiot hunters in Texas who shot each other, then made up a story that they were ambushed by illegal aliens. The right wing media jumped on it without checking to see if it was usual. Fun times.
  9. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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  10. ababsurdo

    ababsurdo New Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    That is no more true than saying all older straight men like little girls. Yes, old straight ~pedophiles~ certainly are into young girls. They do not represent ALL straight men. It certainly can not be said that all gay men like very young, or teen-aged boys. That is a sickening stereotype perpetuated by homophobia. There is most certainly quite enough data to support that fact, unless you are a science denying creationist who believes the world was literally made in six days. And if you listened to the Rogan interview, Milo described himself as the aggressor, at age 14, not at all a victim. It was very bizarre to hear him justify it. Even worse was how he described seeing younger children victimized when he was an adult, but he chose to protect the abusers, not the children. That is indefensible.
  11. ababsurdo

    ababsurdo New Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Milo even jumped on the totally fake story about college students cutting off their genitals if Trump builds his wall. The great thing was, at the bottom of the original story it said *This is an entertainment piece – all information found in this article is fictitious, and no representation of any individual, living or dead is intentional.
    Yet Milo posted it on his Breitbart page and ranted and raved and people shared it on social media. Funny who is really shoveling the FAKE NEWS!
  12. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    I suppose the alt right will be looking for a new pet gay boy to fawn over now.
  13. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Wow, so to you Milo is someone who needs to be cured? Laughable. Also incredibly insensitive, and pejorative. I have a question. If it were Keith Olbermann and one of his quotes would it have mattered to you? What if it had come from Michael Moore?

    Liberals seem to be perfectly willing to suspend their moral outrage when it's someone from safely inside the camp. It seems ridiculous that that same tolerance doesn't transcend to folks who have literally escaped from it.
  14. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    In fact, he has denounced paedophilia. The bipartisan political class has taken down Milo with Fake News. It represents a significant and now rare victory for them.
  15. Greystone

    Greystone Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I think this entire controversy epitomizes why the mainstream media is one of the most detestable institutions in the world.

    They deliberately took recordings out of context, provided no additional clarifying context of their own, and effectively slung as much horsecrap as they could to destroy someone's reputation. They just did this with PewDiePie days earlier and everyone Left and Right should be absolutely disgusted with this. You don't have to like Milo, you can hate him, find him absolutely horrific as a human being, but he was wronged here and it makes me so angry because the media acts with such impunity that they could do this to any of us. Milo isn't a pedophile nor an advocate of pedophilia which he explicitly stated in one of those "discovered" recordings which the media conveniently cut out, and PewDiePie isn't a Nazi. It enrages me when the narcissistic media tries to portray itself as this noble institution in the face of Trump and yet does the most despicable hatchet jobs on people they don't like who don't have as much influence and reach as they do so they are unable to defend themselves effectively.

    Honestly, what kind of culture is being created by these media hits on prominent internet/pop culture personalities? It's the kind of culture where everyone is petrified of putting themselves out there and terrified of making a dirty joke, or doing something outrageous for laughs, or saying something provocative. Imagine you were in Milo's or PewDiePie's shoes and had something controversial or outrageous you did or said caught on tape and then taken out of context to destroy your life and career? How would you feel?
  16. Paperview

    Paperview Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    Is the NAMBA enabler a hero of yours?
  17. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Fake News is the last line of defense for a now besieged corrupt political class and its MSM.
    The political establishment and its minions will bitterly cling to their Fake News to the end.
  18. Paperview

    Paperview Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    Here's one:

    The young "Twink" - and freshly minted credentialed White House press corp & good buds with Milo. (Pretty freaky Trump's team rewarded the Twink with that after just 2 whole months of journalism experience.)

    Lucian Wintrich -- that would be this guy:

    Lucian Wintrich (left) on a "Twinks4Trump" photo shoot Lucian Wintrich

    Controversial 'Twinks4Trump' founder joins White House press corps

    "Best known as the creator of Twinks4Trump — a salacious photo project featuring portraits of scantily clad young men in "Make America Great Again" hats — the openly gay artist and writer now occupies one of the coveted spots in the White House press briefing room.

    Wintrich's inroads into Washington were nontraditional, to say the least. In fact, the 28-year-old's career as a journalist only started two months ago.

    Following a political art show he curated in December, which included "uncensored versions" of his Twinks4Trump photo series, Wintrich said he was approached by Jim Hoft, the founder of the conservative blog Gateway Pundit. It was that encounter that put Wintrich on the fast track to D.C. "
  19. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Wow. How conflicted you must feel. Being liberal, and supportive of so many positions that require the absence of moral public policy, and yet this is your bridge too far? Have to admit, that the vast majority of the publicly identified NAMBLA members are themselves liberals. Progressives who believe the laws don't apply to them.

    So, you feel what? empowered? By castigating someone who is supporting a non liberal gay guy's humanity? Seems to demonstrate the unique pejorative feeling of ownership exhibited by so many liberals these days.

    But try not to trip over your own gratuitous self contradictions.
  20. Paperview

    Paperview Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    Hadn't heard of that one.
  21. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    That looks like malicious libel. Do you have a source proving that Milo Y is a member or supporter of NAMBLA? Or did you just make it up?
  22. Paperview

    Paperview Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    What in the hot holy **** are you going on about -- other than a wild projection.

    Look, if you want to support the former CPAC star and NAMBLA enabler, go ahead.

    Form a new group for all I care -- but please, have the decency to stay away from the children.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Reading comprehension issues?

    I said NAMBLA enabler.
  23. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    I see. So you admit that you are accusing Milo Y of supporting NAMBLA - so far without any proof.
    It looks like you are republishing a libelous attack. Truth is a defense - have you got any?
  24. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Here are some excerpts from Milo Yiannopoulos' resignation from Breibart. It's always better to hear something from the 'horses mouth', rather than from those who like to give their own versions of what was said. Milo did say the videos shown were highly edited so as to give a wrong impression.

    I am a gay man, and a child abuse victim. Between the ages of 13 and 16, two men touched me in ways they should not have. One of those men was a priest. My relationship with my abusers is complicated by the fact that, at the time, I did not perceive what was happening to me as abusive. I can look back now and see that it was. I still don’t view myself as a victim. But I am one.

    Looking back, I can see the effects it had on me. In the years after what happened, I fell into alcohol and nihilistic partying that lasted well into my late 20s. A few years ago I realised it was time to do something good with my life. I started focusing on work. But the black comedy, gallows humor and love of shock value I developed in my 20s did not go away.

    I’ve reviewed the tapes that appeared last night in their proper full context and I don’t believe they say what is being reported. Nonetheless I do say some things on the tapes that I do not mean and which do not reflect my views.

    My experiences as a victim led me to believe I could say anything I wanted to on this subject, no matter how outrageous. But I understand that my usual blend of British sarcasm, provocation and gallows humor might have come across as flippancy, a lack of care for other victims or, worse, “advocacy.” I am horrified by that impression.

    I would like to restate my disgust at adults who sexually abuse minors. I am horrified by pedophilia and I have devoted large portions of my career as a journalist to exposing child abusers. I’ve outed three of them, in fact — three more than most of my critics. And I’ve repeatedly expressed disgust at pedophilia in my feature and opinion writing. I was also the first journalist in the UK to ask after Jimmy Savile’s death whether the real story of his rampant child abuse would ever be told. My professional record is very clear.

    But I do understand that the videos you have seen, even though some of them were deceptively edited, paint a different picture. I am partly to blame. I do not advocate for illegal behavior. I explicitly say on the tapes, in a section that was cut from the footage you have seen, that I think the current age of consent is “about right.” I do not believe any change in the the legal age of consent is justifiable or desirable.

    I do not believe sex with 13-year-olds is okay. When I mentioned the number 13, I was talking about myself, and the age I lost my own virginity. I shouldn’t have used the word “boy” — which gay men often do to describe young men of consenting age — instead of “young man.” That was an error. I was talking about my own relationship when I was 17 with a man who was 29. The age of consent in the UK is 16.

    I did say that there are relationships between younger men and older men that can help a young gay man escape from a lack of support or understanding at home. That’s perfectly true and every gay man knows it.

    I am certainly guilty of imprecise language, which I regret. Anyone who suggests I turn a blind eye to illegal activity or to the abuse of minors is unequivocally wrong. I am implacably opposed to the normalization of pedophilia and I will continue to report and speak accordingly. To repeat: I do not support pedophilia. It is a disgusting crime of which I have personally been a victim.

    The remarks I made on podcasts and interviews more than a year ago were about my personal life experiences. I will not apologize for dealing with my life experiences in the best way that I can, which is humor. No one can tell me or anyone else who has lived through sexual abuse how to deal with those emotions.
  25. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Seems perfectly straight forward. I'm calling you out for your specious, and libelous commentary. Your feigned horror seems gratuitous. Like other trolling exercises, your credibility is undercut by this. The amazing thing about your commentary seems your willful disregard for the actual message, namely the identification of the vageries of Islam, something Milo specifically calls out the predation of the young that seemingly all liberals now also tolerate. Perhaps this is the area you could then refocus your obvious "concern". Otherwise, you're trolling is annoying and seems inconsistent with the standards of this forum.

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