Boots and bullets are important. Keep your magazines full and don't forget to sleep with your boots inside your fart sack (sleeping bag). Placing your boots on the ground outside your fox hole will probably mean they will be chilled in the morning dew... and your feet will be miserably cold all day.
nope, atheist do not have the ten commandments do not kill law, Christians would never take a gun to battle, they would turn the other check being sarcastic of course, even Christians leave their religious law at the door in times of war
Sure. That's possible. But its a major backpeddle from your claim that there are no atheists in foxholes. Are you now ready to admit this isn't true? Are you ready to admit that there are soldiers who go underfire and die without ever sharing your God beliefs? The irony of you saying that after what you claimed above. And no, I have not denegrated anyone. It isn't disrepecful to note what I have noted above. You only think so because you evidently have difficulty handling people who don't share your beliefs. Is it disrespectful to believers in psychics and faith healers to dismiss their claims as untrue as you have above? God belief is no different to those who don't hold those beliefs.
and sometimes there are Christians that bear false witness and claim an Atheist did that at the end, as they know the Artiest will never be able to correct them.. sad!
The point is that for those "fleeting moments" they aren't atheists. I never said they signed up to join a church. I never said they ran out and got Communion afterwards if they could. No backpedaling at all. You totally missed the point. You really don't think that describing religious people as believers in psychics and faith healers is demeaning and insulting? Wow.
Faith can be the ultimate healer. There is a huge difference between false promises to make a buck and true healing through spiritual practices. I agree that there are plenty out their preying on people’s misery though.
Not everyone has such "fleeting moments", and of those who do, not all turn to Gods. Many turn to other coping mechanisms and beliefs to comfort them, such as lucky charms, etc as I noted above and you apparently found offensive. It is only offensive to you because you are offensive to believers in psychics and faith healers.
One turns the other cheek to an insult or transitory slap, not to a threat on our life or way of life. And the sixth commandment says thou shalt not murder, as in another human in wrath. Otherwise we could not harm an ant or cut down a tree. To pervert Gods law so as to palsy and enslave his people in ignorance is the work of the adversary who is petty, cruel, and shameless.
The point of that saying is that it weeds out all but the most hard core who are so few in number as to be negligible in the whole measure.
Point taken AARguy. Not only does impending doom weed out unbelief. But the consequential increase in belief tends to cause the believers to pray for the lives of their fellows as if there were no Atheists therein, only priceless individuals.
There is plenty of evidence that atheists have existed in foxholes though. We DO have evidence against his claim. Plenty of it. Plenty of people don't turn to God belief in desperate times. Some turn to other irrational beliefs like lucky charms, and others cope in other ways, some having little to do with beliefs.
Ultimately, that is also a claim if one does not have supporting evidence. I'm not saying that either situation does not occur, and I think that a default position of both do is valid sans evidence that it's all one way or the other. But as to which is the more prevalent, that we need supporting evidence for. And even then we will never have an accurate idea, because we will never be able to account for the ones who died.
But is it actual belief? I would argue not, or at least in a significant number of cases. Crying out in desperation or fear, is not automatic belief, and it is true belief and faith that is the hallmark in most religions for make it to the "good" afterlife. Your secondary point has a ring of projection and desire for what happens as opposed to any actual evidence supported occurrences.
So show the evidence that this is true. I can just as easily claim that most people in that situation start appealing too Zeus, Jupiter, Odin, and Ra, as well as God and Goddess.
Looking to God in times of dire need is not a formula or spell. It comes naturally from ones heart and soul. Besides, he said there are no Atheists in foxholes. He didn't say there are no Zeusians, Jupiterians, or Odinites.
The claim he made wasn't about what is more prevalent. He claimed that there are NO atheists in foxholes. There are.
It is more a statement that many desperate people turn to desperate irrational thinking to seek comfort, which shouldn't be surprising. And as I wrote above, it may be gods or something else entirely not god related, usually based on a person's upbringing or worldview. It may be ancestor worship. It may be a lucky rabbit's foot. It may be a song. It may be something else. Soldiers can be quite superstitious, with lucky charms of many sorts. If you can make yourself think you are safe (or distract yourself) even when you are in a terrifying situation, your stress will decrease and comfort will incerase.
When the strong possibility of death is coming for someone, I can't imagine that person chanting, "there is no God", so as to live. But I can't prove it.
Atheists have no reason to say or have in mind that there is no God outside of the context of theists claiming that there is. An atheist deathbed is most often filled with memories of their life gone by and of loved ones.