My two somewhat humorous submissions for $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge.

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by DennisTate, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Back in 2007 Sir Richard Branson and Mr. Al Gore announced the Virgin Earth Challenge!

    I had watched "An Inconvenient Truth" several times already and I was thinking about another angle on the subject that would fit better with Isaiah chapter 35.

  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Anti-Armageddon Paradigm Shift Monetary Policy Theory The Introduction.

    "Dr James Hansen, Director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies: “I think we have a very brief window of opportunity to deal with climate change ... no longer than a decade, at the most. This is why I am supporting the Virgin Earth Challenge as a judge – we must explore all means, both known and unknown, to help alleviate this crisis."

    Dennis Tate
    March 15, 2007

    Sir Richard Branson
    Virgin Earth Challenge
    120 Campden Hill Road
    London W8 7AR
    United Kingdom

    Dear Mr. Branson:

    It is my firm belief that the number one technological device to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases has already been invented. It is the tree.

    What is desperately needed at this time is not necessarily a new mechanical device but instead a paradigm shift in economic theory regarding monetary policy. We require a readily understandable explanation on how leaders in business and government can direct not only millions, but actually trillions of dollars of investment into combating global warming.

    One of the most effective practical methods that could be put into place in the least amount of time would be dozens of the largest possible desalinization plants all along the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Huge quantities of fresh water could be dripped onto the Sinai and Sahara deserts and voila, well chosen species of newly planted fast growing trees could soon change the color of these relatively desolate areas, significantly reduce atmospheric CO2, positively affect local weather patterns and at the same time significantly counterbalance the increases in worldwide ocean levels as the polar ice caps melt. This will buy us some extra time and thus expand the “very brief window of opportunity to deal with climate change.”

    So who is going to finance the construction of all these massive installations not to mention the planting of all those seedling trees?

    I believe that it is possible for you to do this yourself Mr. Branson. You have already created a Virgin currency unit/coupon which has astonishing long term potential. My wife Maria Jose just returned from a two week trip to the British VIRGIN Islands. It is theoretically possible to link your Virgin coupon with the national currency of a small nation and you could soon be playing around in macro-economics. Considering the volume of business being done through your Virgin Group I would submit that you already are.

    Pope Benedict XVI may be in an even stronger position than you Mr. Branson to transform the world economy virtually overnight through the introduction of a new Vatican Currency Unit that could be linked with each and every national currency where the Vatican State is free to do business.

    I plan to elaborate in great detail on these two major alternatives in a later writing but I felt that you and your staff should now see the simple explanation that I wrote up for applying this theory within a micro-economy to greatly reduce unemployment. Although combating global warming would seem to be a conflicting goal to job creation, there need be no dissonance when we all have a better grasp of the big picture.

    I ran as an independent for the office of MLA in the most recent Nova Scotia provincial election.

    Dennis Tate primary campaign writing for June 13/06 election

    My name is Dennis Tate. I lived most of my forty seven years in West Lochiel Lake, Guysborough County. I am running for MLA as an independent in the area of Pictou Centre so that I can help as many people as possible become more aware of what I am sure is the real reason why our roads are in disrepair, why hospital beds are unused, why so many of the rural schools have been shut down, why our soldiers in Afghanistan are poorly equipped and why many if not most of our young people may have to leave Nova Scotia to find jobs.

    When well trained workers have high quality technology to work with then the total of all wages and benefits paid out to employees is only a fraction of the retail value of the products they produce. As a result of this fact the only way to move products out of warehouses is to extend higher and higher levels of credit. One problem with an abundance of red ink is that compound interest on all this government, business and personal debt over a period of decades will grow to astronomical levels. At this time there is approximately TEN TIMES as much debt in Canada as there is money. A simple explanation for how this happened can be seen here:

    In my opinion this rather simple mathematical problem is perhaps the number one cause of inflation in the Canadian economy over the past three decades. This is also perhaps the number one reason why our costs of production are so high and Canadian products cannot compete on the world markets as well as they could under better conditions.

    From 1940 to 1970 the Government of Canada put roughly half of the total money supply into the economy through loans issued through the federally owned Bank of Canada. Provincial and municipal governments could borrow the money to build roads, schools, hospitals and sewage treatment facilities at zero or one percent interest. In 1970 we changed our system and since that time a higher and higher percentage of all government debt is financed through loans issued through privately owned banks. At this time it is ninety eight percent. This policy may be great for our banking sector but it was estimated that in the one year of 1995 alone our federal government could have saved roughly SIXTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in interest payments if we had gone back to creating half the total money supply through these low interest rate loans issued through the bank that is OWNED BY ALL CANADIANS.

    Considering that our deficit was approximately thirty billion dollars for that year, simply by changing back to an already proven monetary and banking system, we could theoretically have had a FEDERAL BUDGET SURPLUS OF THIRTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in 1995.

    The massive cutbacks in the Canadian military, in health care, highway construction, social programs and education were profoundly affected by these accounting practices?

    So what can you and I do about this problem?
    1. If we will do our homework and study this question we can put pressure on our provincial level politicians to create a provincially owned bank. A true Bank of Nova Scotia owned by all Nova Scotians could be used to finance town and municipal government projects at zero or one percent interest just as The Bank of Canada used to do.

    2. Town and municipal government officials in New Glasgow, Stellarton and Trenton should seriously consider creating a local currency unit such as has been done in Ithaca, New York.
    This is a great way to promote local businesses and help sustain rural economies.

    3. It is also possible for groups of concerned individuals to get together and organize a local barter exchange as a cooperative. Mr. Rob Assels has been instrumental in just such an initiative in the Tatamagouche and River John area so surely we can get similar organizations up and running here in New Glasgow, Pictou, Stellarton, Trenton and Westville. Here is a link into the Halifax LETS system:

    Let’s discuss the various options available on the Pictou County Portal Message board. If you have trouble using this technology maybe you could hire a young person to help you get started?

    I just completed the first year of the Information Technology Program at Stellarton Campus of NSCC. I am running in Pictou Centre because I know that the towns of New Glasgow, Stellarton and Trenton have the people, the industrial base and the technological capability to become powerhouses of job creation not only for this area but also for all the surrounding regions.

    “The wealth that is in the city comes from the countryside.”
    Creating new jobs in New Glasgow, Stellarton, and Trenton will ultimately depend on job creation in the surrounding rural areas.

    Thank you immensely for taking the time to consider these points. By deciding to vote for me on June 13 you will be sending a clear message to the various political parties that you want them to take a serious look at these flaws in our monetary system and at these possible remedies. From now on if a politician tells you that they have to close down a school because of budgetary restraints, you may know far more about what is really happening than they do.

    Warmest regards,

    Dennis Tate

    p.s. I shall be back to you shortly Sir with an explanation of how your Virgin Group could implement this theory in a form that for all intents and purposes could be patented/copyrighted.

    “And the LORD said, Behold, the people [is] one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” (Genesis 11:6 KJV).

    “A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all [things].” (Ecclesiastes 10: 19).
    22catch likes this.
  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mr. Cantrell and I submitted a proposal to the Virgin Earth Challenge elaborating on this theory. We didn't win, but we both feel better that we did our best to draw more attention to this seemingly logical method of combatting climate change:
    February 22, 2008

    Sir Richard Branson
    Virgin Earth Challenge

    Dear Mr. Branson:
    Dear Mr. Gore:
    Dear Mr. Tickell:
    Dear Mr. Lovelock:
    Dear Mr. Hansen:
    Dear Mr. Flannery:

    I am extremely glad that you are all doing your best to attempt to find a method to save the earth from the many perils associated with global warming. I believe you will be tremendously encouraged by the theory presented by biologist Carl Cantrell who makes a convincing case that global cooling can be initiated simply by pumping vast quantities of fresh water into the world’s largest deserts.

    Mr. Cantrell has agreed to become an official co-applicant along with me in my submissions for your Virgin Earth award. My primary contribution will be to figure out a method to PAY for this project which as Mr. Cantrell has stated, “will be extremely expensive.”

    In “Anti-Armageddon Paradigm Shift Monetary Policy Theory – The Introduction” I stated that you Sir Richard, or perhaps the Roman Catholic Pontiff were two of the most logical choices to FINANCE this possible remedy for global warming. I shall attempt in a later writing to elaborate on a method whereby perhaps I may be able to finance this project myself through an organized barter and film production company that works in cooperation with several other film production cooperatives and/or companies. Here is a brief outline of how this could be done.

    I work night shifts stocking the shelves at the ........ grocery store in Antigonish.

    I plan to invite ...... to also become official co-applicants along with myself and Mr. Cantrell in our submissions. Their role that I will be proposing to them will be to sell me higher and higher amounts of damaged goods from their stores beginning of course with Antigonish. I plan to print up a barter currency unit similar to how a group of concerned citizens have printed the Calgary dollar:

    Next I plan to encourage various local church and other non-profit organizations to become involved in a reality and/or semi reality film series where organized barter is used as a tool to raise funds for worthy projects that they desire to accomplish.

    "The peril of Mother Earth and our children will not be alleviated without enlisting our spiritual heritage in the struggle. "Fight the worst with the best," advises farmer/poet/prophet Wendell Berry. At a National Academy of Sciences conference
    in 1986 exploring the mass extinction of plants and animals on our planet, Paul R. Ehrlich of Stanford University declared, "Scientific analysis points curiously, toward the need for a
    quasi-religious transformation of contemporary cultures."
    (Coming of The Cosmic Christ by Dr. Matthew Fox).
    I completely agree with these comments quoted by Dr. Fox. It will be necessary to generate interest among and enlist the assistance of many of the deeply religious salt of the earth type of people in each nation if we are to succeed in preventing the destruction of Mother Earth.

    I plan to get back to you soon with results from various groups as I submit this proposal to them. I also plan to make you an offer to purchase a significant share of a barter and film production company that I have had on my mind for several years now.

    Thank you for considering our submission.

    Kind regards.

    Dennis Tate
  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    p.s. It is now 2012 and I summarized the more important conclusion so far in:

    Proposal for the creation of a Quebec provincial currency unit to save coastal communities from threat of rising ocean levels.

    In my opinion it is going to cost trillions of dollars to do what needs to be done to protect towns like Truro, and Antigonish, Nova Scotia from the consequences of the cracking and sliding of a large part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and the land based Greenland Ice Pack into the ocean.

    The province of Alberta attempted to create its own provincial currency unit during The Great Depression but enormous pressure was exerted to ensure that their experiment in monetary policy was unsuccessful.

    The province of Quebec seems to be in much better position to create its own provincial currency unit without facing the massive backlash from the financial community and federal government that Alberta experienced.

    Dr. James Hansen has stated that the last time that global temperatures rose by three degrees ocean levels rose by 25 meters over four centuries. Canada and the world are NOT yet prepared for ocean rise of one meter every twenty years.

    Nearly one hundred million people in Bangladesh alone will become climate change refugees in the event of merely a one meter rise in ocean levels!
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    (Considering that I only got 31 total votes in my three campaigns for public office combined....... I think I have good reason to consider myself one of Canada's worst politicians)!

    Canada's Worst Politician, the film series concept.

    I live about one hundred miles from an area of the world that I strongly suspect is in the position of the proverbial "canary in a coal mine" as far as the danger of rising ocean levels is concerned.

    In my part of Nova Scotia, the difference between high tide and low tide will be as little as one meter but in parts of the Bay of Fundy the difference can be between 52 to 56 feet. The Bay of Fundy has a funneling effect on tidal waters.

    There are 143,000 acres of productive farmland in that area that have been taken back from the ocean by dikes. I am worried that if ocean levels rose by as little as thirty centimeters that part of the Bay of Fundy could be hit by high tides that could perhaps be close to five meters higher than normal.

    I am willing to go all out and make a fool of myself on a totally voluntary basis to attempt to soothe my conscience that I tried my best to do what needs to be done at this time to set in motion a series of events that could actually prevent ocean levels from rising at all?!?!

    You can see one of my films that I will give you legal rights to use for one dollar if you will follow down in the comments in this note....and I will sure try to do more for you if you are willing and able to do something with this film concept.

    Basically the concept for the film series that I have in mind involves a major star, such as Jim Carrey, playing the role of my grandfather, George Malloy. Johnny Galecki, (Leonard on Big Bang Theory), would be ideal to play the role of my Uncle William Malloy who was killed in Italy on January 2, 1945.

    The film takes place in 1938 and 1939 and postulates an entirely different ending to the M. S. St. Louis saga that, as you can guess alters the future so that Uncle Bill not only is not killed in Italy but the holocaust is prevented from occurring.

    I love the idea of 28 BILLION George Malloy/Jim Carrey Dollars being printed up, that work much like except that they are in a sense props in a series of films designed to inspire several companies and nations to get working on a plan to turn deserts green, combat malnutrition worldwide, stabilize the climate all at the same time that we stimulate organized barter and create some jobs in the Nova Scotia, Montreal, USA and Israeli film market!Proposal for the creation of a Quebec provincial currency unit to save coastal communities from threat of rising ocean levels.

    (At the above link if you will follow down in the replies you will meet John King of the Paupers Turmell........ who I consider to be a worthy rival in my bid to be Canada's Worst Politician)!?

  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Ocean acidification...

    Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now this diagram has the power to convince a significant percentage of us who felt that more trees might just be all that was needed to control atmospheric carbon that we are almost certainly seriously in error!

    I also owe an apology to Sir Richard Branson, Mr. Al Gore, Dr. James Hansen and the other members of the "Virgin Earth Challenge" team!
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    In her personal reply to my 2008 campaign writing Ms. Elizabeth May stated that investment in turning deserts green was one part of a full response to climate change!

    I believe that a peace deal between the nations of Jordan, Israel and Canada could be financed by "Green Party Dollars" or "Green Party Volunteerism Hours."

    Government is one science....... politics is another..... so in order to accomplish the greatest good in the least amount of time we should make good use of the fact that P. M. Stephen Harper is very popular in the nation of Israel!

    Please pray or meditate on Canada's P. M. brokering Jordan - Israel peace deal?

    I know that many of you pray or meditate so please

    pray that P. M. Stephen Harper initiate a peace deal between Jordan and Israel?


    I am a member of a different Canadian political party but……… I have to admit that P. M. Stephen Harper is for good reason regarded as a rather "Davidic" figure by a high percentage of Israelis.

    What he did for Israel back in 2011 at the G-8 was one of the most courageous and wise acts by a political leader that I have seen since I began to watch world events back in the '70's!

    On Israel, Harper stands alone at G8 summit - The Globe and Mail

  8. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I actually did write up a third possible submission for the Virgin Earth Challenge...... but I don't think that I actually mailed that one off to Sir Branson....... and his team?!
    Could we Canadians STOP the Iran deal?

  10. BestViewedWithCable

    BestViewedWithCable Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    My plan for using the stimulus dollars, was to transfer the over flow from the fertilizer rich, mississippi river to death valley california, via roman type aqueducts. There by altering the ecology of the South west, and saving new orleans at the same time.

    Obviously, my plan was disregarded in favor of handing outs to democrat political donors....
    DennisTate and (deleted member) like this.
  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Apparently.... a number of well financed proposals were put forward to desalinate Pacific Ocean water........ pump it over the hills and mountains and supply Los Vegas and other cities with lots of fresh water....... but the Extreme-Green part of the Democratic Party killed every proposal.

    In a strange sort of way..... we may eventually find out that they might have partly been onto something valid.......... because many cubic miles of nice fresh water being added to Nevada, New Mexico and parts of California..... could I suppose have had a LUBRICATING effect....... in another time line and voila.......

    .... My theory on Global Dimming being negated.......... could have been proven substantially incorrect?!
    In alternate time line Mr. Gore wins the 2000 election but negates Global Dimming....

    ... (post #7).....
    In theory....... Mr. Gore's policy could have ended up greatly decreasing the Global Dimming Effect..... at the same time that it might do little to reduce a general Global Warming trend.... which could lead to rapid warming.....and of course increased cracking and sliding on the land based Greenland Ice Pack.... the world's glaciers and the outer regions of Antarctica......

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper and President Bush may have deliberately allowed somewhat bad policy to continue...… because they probably had been told that the factors that increase Global Dimming..... do tend to mask Global Warming.... .which could mean within five decades we may know that that they may have had a basically good idea..... in comparison to worst possible alternative.....??????!!!

    Dr Chet Snow's Earth Change Map

    ... as of January 1, 2013.....
  12. BestViewedWithCable

    BestViewedWithCable Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    My proposed use of roman style aqueducts ensured no power would be required at all to transfer the water across the country.
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  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    This idea is growing on me more and more as I consider it further?!

    Those Roman style aqueducts could perhaps be used as a stage for at least some scenes from another season of Spartacus???!

    And who better to finance them that the seriously cool Roman Catholic Pontiff Francis?!


  14. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Carl Cantrell has a new website...…
    and some of his article fit in really well with the Humor and Satire forum:

  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If any of you Donald Trump supporters have influence in his team... I will sell him non-exclusive rights to use any part..... or all of this..... for one dollar!

    What I mean by "non-exclusive rights" is that ....... if The Donald and his team can't actually do something with this.... I don't want to leave myself vulnerable to be sued..... if I find somebody else who can make some productive use for this material!

    Pope Francis.... The Donald is preparing America for Jubilee!
    Dear Pope Francis........ Sir....... I am almost certain from my research that a JUBILEE year will begin on Yom Kippur 2016 and go to the day before Yom Kippur 2017.

    The Donald..... seems to be positioned perfectly to prepare Americans for their role in JUBILEE!?
  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Hey... that could fit with your becoming Minister of the Environment?????!!!
  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Speaking of aqueducts.........
    here is a proposal that could help you make it into a position of influence in the Donald Trump administration.....
    in foreign relations?!

    Sigmund Ivarsson has proposed a tunnel from Tel Aviv to The Dead Sea.... nine meters in diameter..... to pump sea water from the Mediterranean 1000+ feet below sea level and then desalinate it on a large scale to turn large parts of Jordan green, create jobs for Israelis, Jordanians and Palestinians....... and bring the Middle East several significant steps closer to stability!

    (Wouldn't it be amazing if the whole thing turned out to be so simple)!?
  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    How about this one...................

    Concrete trenches.......... .and a concrete bottom to the trench..............

    filled with ocean water........

    ...... we pump ocean water to the beginning of the trench.........

    Let's use Sigmund Ivarsson's Petra Project as a comparison........

    Sigmund Ivarsson's Petra Project for Israel, Jordan and The Palestinians.


    Basically.... Sigmund is advising us to drill a tunnel..... nine meters in diameter.....
    seventy kilometers in length..... from Tel Aviv to the Dead Sea......
    generate hydro electric power...........
    then desalinate the ocean water on a large scale through projects like....
    The Sahara Solar Breeder Project and/ or
    The Sahara Forest Project.....
    the Geoff Lawton Ph. D. Jordan branch of Permaculture........


    Quite frankly..... I do think that that Sigmund's plan is brilliant but........
    how about the option of concrete trenches that double as fish farms.......
    from Tel Aviv to the area of the Dead Sea......

    ... the concrete trenches widen..... and narrow.... or go deeper...... as the ocean water from the Mediterranean....
    is gradually moved further and further below sea level........
    .... How about plastic covering on top of the opening for the trench....
    that allows for evaporation and catching of evaporated water and takes that water to the ground.....
    where it seeps in and begins to raise the water table in all the areas below this series of trenches.....?????
  19. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Sir Richard Branson sure got this guy good didn't he?
    Richard Branson Photobombs Employee Who Was Asleep On The Job

    BestViewedWithCable....... the concept given in posts #17 and 18 here could theoretically play a role in
    the USA - Mexico wall...... But it would need to be walls plural......... at least two.... so that the wall doubles
    as a massive fish pond and desalination facility?!?!
  20. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Now I wonder what Sigmund will come back with?????

    He's quite a comedian you know!
    Hillary VS Bernie

    SigmundH Ivarsson wrote:
    But about the members of our immediate family?

    How do they view us?

    Sigmund......... you have made certain statements...... about certain nations..... and the people living in that nation.....

    that if I were to say something similar to my astonishing wife....... her enthusiasm to cook delicious meals for me could
    significantly decrease........

    Your flaws are an asset that will fit in perfectly to your eventual message to Pope Francis...... but from the present
    level of diplomacy that you are at..... I am thinking that it will take five years before you are ready to meet His Holiness Pope Francis.....
    or the Cardinals that he sends to you...... or the local Arch-bishop of Japan and Asia......

    You will not waste your time if you were to read through this thread......

    My two somewhat humorous submissions for $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge.
    Back in 2007 Sir Richard Branson and Mr. Al Gore announced the Virgin Earth Challenge!
  21. HailVictory

    HailVictory Banned at Members Request

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Yea I guess it could work...if youre main premise is keeping pople out. But it is truyly great tht people want to leve Mexico in the first place so I think that making legal immigration easier will solve illegal immigration better, no wall or tercnh neccasssary.
    DennisTate likes this.
  22. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    We won't know for certain until November 8 but if The Donald is elected.....
    it sure does seem like he will want to build the wall in order to virtually stop
    illegal immigration from Mexico.

    I agree that there needs to be a major increase in LEGAL immigration from
    Mexico and South America to the USA and Canada so there is some logic
    in first halting illegal immigration.

    I believe that the power of drug cartels and other criminal groups is
    at the heart of much of the economic problems in Mexico and much of
    South America.

    To my thinking the major goal is to desalinate ocean water on a large scale....
    produce fish for food and also increase the amount of fresh water going into
    the water table of the arid regions in the area of the Mexico - USA border.

    I am thinking a way to build two or more walls in such a way that decreasing
    illegal immigration is a by product of what is arguably a more important
    priority that also achieves what The Donald and his supporters regard as the priority.
    The Donald Trump campaign and the film "Cartel Land."

    Drug cartels seem to have a great deal of power over the elected officials in Mexico.

    If...… The Donald's supporters will view this film and become more well informed a lot of good things could result from this.

    For one thing..... this could put pressure on Mexico that results in the release of Dr. Jose Mireles!
    My wife is from Ecuador and I would love to see The Donald come out with a plan to significantly INCREASE LEGAL immigration from Mexico and South America after that wall is built.

    This might be a great way to steal much of the thunder that his opponents seem to have at this time?
  23. HailVictory

    HailVictory Banned at Members Request

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Ok, well the cartels only have power because rich people want drugs. The only reasons drug dealers go to the US and Canada is because they know that Americans and Canadians will pay for drugs. So if we further halt drug abuse in the US and Canada, you'll get less drug dealers. If there is no incentive to go, people wont. As of now, the drug profit the get from the US and Canada is high, so we have to target their profit, which will help good immigrants weed out the bad ones.
    DennisTate likes this.
  24. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    This may sound like a strange remedy but
    I believe it was in the book, Transformed By the Light, by
    Melvin Morse M. D. where I read about a study that had been
    done on a group of people who had recently attempted suicide.

    One group of people was simply given near death experience accounts to read.....
    zero people from that group attempted suicide again during the duration of the

    It seems that giving people information that indicates that their life has some sort of
    purpose..... decreases their tendency to self destruct.

    Movies like "Heaven is for Real" could help a lot of
    us to be less tempted by illegal drugs.

    Back when she was ten I read my daughter perhaps fifty of those
    one summer. Her favourite was the one where Ms. Jan Price
    met her deceased dog, Maggie, during her NDE.

    Jan Price's Near-Death Experience With Her Pet Dog
  25. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    We Nova Scotians need to be more enthusiastic than average about this
    alternative method of stabilizing the climate.

    The land along the Bay of Fundy that has been taken back from
    the ocean by dikes is especially vulnerable to rising ocean levels.

    The land form of the Bay of Fundy produces the highest tides in the world.

    The question that I have is if......
    average ocean levels rose by thirty centimeters / one foot....
    would there be places along the Bay of Fundy that would experience
    30 cms x 15 = 450 cms or 4.5 meters?

    Bay of Fundy Tides: The Highest Tides in the World!


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