"The reason why Germany invaded Poland was ..... <<MOD WARNING>>

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by RUS, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    So you don't have the proof for your outrageous claims I see.

    LOL, Germans killing 3 million Polish catholics is just ridiculous, since Hitler himself was catholic.

    And the 200.000 number dead at the Warsaw uprising is greatly exaggerated as well.

    The Warsaw Ghetto 'Uprising'

    Jewish Insurrection or German Police Operation?

    By Robert Faurisson

    Each year, around April 19, the media and politicians commemorate what they call the Warsaw ghetto 'uprising,' 'revolt' or 'insurrection.' [1] In journalistic accounts the affair has taken on increasingly epic and symbolic proportions. At a Holocaust ceremony in New York in April 1993, American Vice President Al Gore declared: 'The story of the Warsaw ghetto is sacred text for our time.' [2] In fact, this 'story' is a legend based only partially on historical reality.

    'An insurrection never took place.' [3] This remark is by Marek Edelman, who was a leader of one of the armed Jewish groups in the ghetto. He added: 'We didn't even choose the day; the Germans set it by entering the ghetto to find the last Jews.' Edelman also stated that the number of Jews who took up arms never exceeded 220. (Other estimates of the number of Jewish ghetto fighters range from several hundred to as many as 2,000. In any case, no more than a minute portion of the ghetto population took part in the fighting.) [4]

    Edelman's view has been confirmed by Yitzhak Zuckerman, another leader of the main Jewish armed group in the ghetto. Zuckerman has defined the 'war aims' of the Jewish fighters in these words: 'For us it was a question of organizing a defense, not an uprising. In an uprising, the initiative is with the one rising up. We, we sought only to defend ourselves; the initiative was entirely on the side of the Germans.' [5]

    This was no uprising of an entire community to gain its freedom or to resist deportation. It was, rather, the reaction of only a relative handful of young Jews who, seeing German troops penetrate their sanctuary, first fought back, then on the third day tried unsuccessfully to flee, and then, finally, surrounded, put up sustained armed resistance. [6]

    The whole thing should more accurately be called a German police operation rather than an 'uprising' or 'insurrection' by the Jews of Warsaw. By contrast, a real uprising was staged in Warsaw, August-October 1944, by the Polish Home Army, commanded by General 'Bor' Komorowski. However, the media scarcely notes this heroic insurrection, which the Soviets allowed the Germans to crush at their leisure. The Poles fought with such courage that the Germans permitted them to surrender with full military honors, treating them as prisoners of war under the Geneva convention rather than as terrorist insurgents.

    To understand what happened in the Warsaw ghetto in April-May 1943, it is important to know why the Germans decided to launch a police operation. In the city's 'Jewish quarter' or 'ghetto' were 36,000 officially registered residents, as well as, in all probability, more than 20,000 clandestine inhabitants. [7] The ghetto was, in a sense, a city within a city, administered by a 'Jewish Council' (Judenrat), and a Jewish police force, which collaborated with the German occupation authorities, even against Jewish 'terrorists.' Many thousands of Jewish workers toiled in ghetto workshops and factories, supplying products vital to the German war effort.

    Following the first Soviet air attack against central Warsaw on August 21, 1942, bomb shelters were built, on German orders, everywhere in the city, including the ghetto, for the protection of the residents. The Germans furnished the Jews with the cement and other necessary materials for these shelters, which legend has transformed into 'blockhouses' and 'bunkers.' [8] So extensive was this 'network of subterranean refuges and hiding places' that, according to one prominent Holocaust historian, 'in the end, every Jew in the ghetto had his own spot in one of the shelters set up in the central part of the ghetto.' [9]

    Small armed Jewish groups, numbering no more than 220 persons, were active. The most important of these was the 'Jewish Combat Organization' (JCO), whose members were mostly young men in their twenties. Its 'general directives for combat' specified 'acts of terror' against the Jewish police, the Jewish Council, and the Werkschutz (protection service for the factories and workshops). This JCO directive stated specifically: 'The general staff works out the central plan of action -- sabotage and terror -- directed against the enemy.' [10]

    Accordingly, these 'fighters' or 'terrorists' used 'sabotage and terror' to shake down Jewish ghetto police, Jewish Council officials, and workshop guards. [11] The 'terrorists' also profited from the ghetto's intensive industrial and commercial life, shaking down merchants and other residents by threat and blackmail, even holding them prisoner in their homes for ransom. They were able to buy weapons from soldiers stationed in Warsaw, who, like troops stationed elsewhere well behind the front lines, often served in patchwork units, ill-trained and poorly motivated. The ghetto 'terrorists' even carried out murderous attacks against German troops and Jewish collaborators.

    The ghetto became increasingly insecure. Because of this, the Polish population became more and more hostile to its existence, while the Germans, for their part, feared that it could become a threat to the city's important role as a rail nexus in the war economy and as a hub for transport of troops to the Eastern front. Himmler therefore decided to relocate the Jewish population, along with the workshops and factories, to the Lublin region, and to raze the ghetto, replacing it with a park. At first the Germans tried to convince the Jews to voluntarily accept relocation. But the 'terrorists' refused to accept this, aware that such a transfer would mean for them losing, simultaneously, their financial base as well as their freedom of movement. They devoted all their efforts to opposing this, until on April 19, 1943, a police operation to forcibly evacuate the remaining Jews was begun on Himmler's order.

    At 6:00 a.m. that morning, troops under the command of SS Colonel Ferdinand von Sammern-Frankenegg entered the ghetto, supported by a single tracked vehicle (captured during the invasion of France) and two armored cars. Initially the 'terrorists' or guerrillas offered stiff resistance, wounding 16 German SS men, six Ukrainians (so-called 'Askaris'), and two Polish policemen. One Polish policeman was killed. [12]

    Himmler, eager to minimize casualties, was angered. That same morning, he relieved von Sammern-Frankenegg of command and replaced him with SS General Jürgen Stroop. Stroop, ordered to carry out the operation slowly to minimize casualties, did so in the following manner: each morning, the troops would enter the ghetto, clear buildings of their residents and use smoke candles (not poison gas) to drive out the Jews hiding in the air-raid shelters; the buildings were destroyed as they were evacuated. Each evening the troops sealed the ghetto so that nobody could escape during the night.

    Skirmishes lasted from April 19 to May 16, 1943, so that altogether the operation required 28 days. On the third day, many of the Jewish armed fighters tried to escape, most of whom where shot or captured. Contrary to some reports, the German command never called for air support to destroy the ghetto, and the operation involved no aerial bombardment.

    The number of Jewish dead is unknown. [13] An often-cited figure of 56,065 is, in fact, the number of Jews who were apprehended. The great majority of these were deported, many to the transit camp at Treblinka from where they were taken to Majdanek (Lublin). [14] German deaths in the operation totalled 16. (This included one Polish policeman.)

    One should not doubt either the courage of the Jewish resistance in the ghetto or the tragic nature of the whole affair, with the civilian population trapped in the cross-fire between various heterogeneous German units and small groups of Jewish guerrillas scattered throughout the ghetto. Contrary to some grandiose propaganda claims, though, what took place was far from an 'apocalyptic' revolt, as one writer has recently called it, [15] particularly when one is mindful of the tens of thousands of deaths, civilian and military, that occurred during those same 28 days, on battlefields around the globe and in the European cities bombarded by British and American air forces. [16]

  2. PolakPotrafi

    PolakPotrafi Banned

    Apr 3, 2016
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    The Warsaw Uprising, and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising are different. LOL
  3. PolakPotrafi

    PolakPotrafi Banned

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Are you sure that the German philosophers weren't just Polish people who had been Germanized?

    Both Nietzsche, and Schopenhauer looked more Polish than German to me.

    Schopenhauer was born in Polish controlled Gdansk.

    Nietzsche's surname comes from Polish Niecki.

    Nietzsche said some interesting things about Germans, and Poles, like Germany is only a great nation because so much Polish blood runs through it's veins.

    Nietzsche should know, he like his German philosopher peers including Leibniz, Wolff, Kant, and Schopenhauer were all East Germans, who East Germans have a significant amount of Polish mixture.
  4. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    O well excuse me... but Poland is not that important to me actually, since there's much more to the WW II story besides that crappy country in the East which hardly anyone can point out on the map anyway.

    It seems like you fail to see the bigger picture and Hitler's struggle against communism and you throw around fake atrocity after fake atrocity or with some hugely exaggerated death-toll numbers for shock-value only. You are no truth-seeker, you just read something on wikipedia (or watch something on FOX news) and directly accept it to be true. You're pretending like Poland is the center of the world-map, while in fact hardly anyone can point it out.
  5. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Gentlemen , I have to intervene. You are greatly deviated from the topic. For what you have started here, we need to open a special theme.
    &#8220;Russia, Germany and Poland are getting even old scores among themselves.&#8221;:dual:

    If Ukrainian join to us , then ... it will be a super theme. The hit of the season. The top of the charts. We'll get all the skeletons out of all closets and make them dance, but,,,,,,
    ,,,,but But not in this thread.

    No need to put into a rage the gods of the Internet. Let's try to appease and placate them by magical divine melody.

    I declare a truce music.
    We have a common historical point.
    The Battle of Vienna 11&#8211;12 September 1683

    The Polish man Sobieski spark European team to victory, therefore this Polish song sounds.
    The song is being sung by Belarusian folk rock group "Pesnyary", ( these group was created by Russian man in 1969).

  6. unbiased institute

    unbiased institute Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Which law?
  7. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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  8. unbiased institute

    unbiased institute Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    There's quite a significant difference but that's ok. Everyone makes mistakes.

    I haven't read the whole of the text because I'm querying the legal basis for war with Poland.

    Mobilisation of a country's armed forces wasn't deemed an act of war but perceived as a potential prelude to war.
    However if we continue with your understanding that mobilisation is an act of war then Germany was also guilty as German units were mobilised on a divisional level as early as the 17th of August.
  9. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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  10. unbiased institute

    unbiased institute Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    That's it, is it?
    You refuse to say in your own words what the legal basis for war with Poland was and what you have shown in the videos has already been debunked not to mention the fact that you completely defeated your own statement with mobilisation being an act of war.

    Its fair to say that yours is a lost cause.
  11. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    So you think it's fair that East-Prussia was cut off and sending a million of ethnic Germans from there back to Germany between 1920 - 1922?

    Imagine the Chinese cutting off Washington, California and Arizona from the US due to "Treaty", sending millions of Americans from there Eastwards... would you agree with that?
  12. unbiased institute

    unbiased institute Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Which has nothing to do with what I've written. Unless you some how believe that this is legal justification.
    Why not? They don't cease to be Americans just because they live elsewhere.
  13. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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  14. unbiased institute

    unbiased institute Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Funny I was about to post something similar to that but then I realised that it would diminish me to your level which I wouldn't wish upon anyone as its almost equivalent to life imprisonment.
    Which must make you into a poor sad little man :frown:

    Still that's not my problem
  15. PolakPotrafi

    PolakPotrafi Banned

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Poland was one of the most important countries in Europe, until Germans worked with Russians to destroy Poland.

    But, Poland has always had great morality, and the same can't be said about Germany by a long shot.

    So, why not make up a bunch of garbage, to deny German crimes, to pretend they were moral.

    It's truly ridiculous.

    At least Poland hasn't been overtaken by minorities, and Liberalism like Germany has, how the heck could Germany go from Nazi racist genocide, to multiculturalist anti-racist suicide?

    Wow, talk about bright people. NOT.
  16. PolakPotrafi

    PolakPotrafi Banned

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Germany is a huge reason why the Soviet Union had existed.

    Germany during WW1 not only weakened Russia, so they couldn't kick out the Bolsheviks like Russia did in 1905.

    Germany even during WW1, in 1917 sent the train of Bolsheviks to Russia, which successfully created the Soviet Union.


    If the Nazis had sided with Poland, they probably would have won against Communism.

    Instead Nazi Germany foolishly went into Soviet, Russia killing civilians, which propelled the Russian people to fight the Nazis.

    Talk about a massive mistake.
  17. PolakPotrafi

    PolakPotrafi Banned

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Nazi Germany spent way more on it's military spending than Poland did, and Nazi Germany had gotten loads of resources to fuel their war effort in the German - Soviet Credit Agreement.

    If you care to go back, then there's plenty of times Polish beat Germans, like the Battle of Grunwald in 1410 when Poland completely crushed the Teutons even killing, or capturing their leaders, the result was they became a vassal of Poland called Royal Prussia, and were forced to pay homage to the Polish kings, and pay war reaparations to Poland.

    The Battle of Plowce Germans had invaded Poland with more troops, and had FAILED, and got beaten by smaller Polish forces.

    Or the most embarrassing, the German - Polish war of 1002 - 1018 when Poland beat Germans, and turned part of East Germany called Lusatia into a Polish vassal.

    Most embarrassing about this is the German Holy Roman Empire had 7 million, and Poland had 1 million at the time, and worse yet, Germans had help from Czech Bohemia, and Italian Venetians, and STILL FAILED against smaller Poland.
  18. PolakPotrafi

    PolakPotrafi Banned

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Poland's poor because of Communism, and WW2, but has been a champion in European economic growth for some time now.

    Once again THANKS Germans, you destroyed Poland in WW2, and had created the Soviets when Germany had sent the train of Bolsheviks to Russia in 1917.

    Heck, even German Engels, and German Jew Marx invented Communism.

    But, gee how great are the Germans.
  19. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    A good idea. If Stalin had refused the alliance with Hitler to divide Poland, Hitler would have alliance with Poland - to divide Russia.
  20. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    This is a statement of fact.
    Britain and France did nothing to help Poland.
    They could just bomb the roads, warehouses, concentrations of troops, factories ....
    These bombings would slow the advance of German troops ...... and Germany can't win a protracted war.
    And yet - if Britain and France immediately began to really bomb the troops of Germany, Stalin would afraid to go to Poland.

    Are England and France guilty in what happened in Poland and the World after September 1, 1941?

    My verdict is: Yes, they are guilty.[​IMG]
  21. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Mein gutes Deutsch,You see what is not. :)
    The weakness of Russia in 1925,.... This is not my opinion. This is the view of Hitler.

    If Hitler saw the threat from Russia, he would have said about it (more than once).
    Hitler spoke only about the threat of world Jewry.

    About the Russia ... .. after the little Poland attacked the huge Russia and captured a large Russia&#8217;s territory , Hitler wrote off Russia from the accounts at all. That's what Hitler wrote about Russia.

    (Here Hitler prove the nonsense of alliance with Russia against England.)

    This is the proof that Hitler didn't saw threat from Russia in 1925,,,,,, ,,,,,,when Hitler announced his strategic plan to conquer the territory of Russia

    Hitler planned to attack Russia despite the fact that he did not saw a threat from Russia.

    It is a historical fact.:oldman:

  22. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    That's what was Russia when Hitler wasn&#8217;t "too shy" to talk about Russia what he thought . .....and when Hitler was planning to attack Russia.


    At that time, Stalin had no power. He was not seen in this video.
  23. unbiased institute

    unbiased institute Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Then that would be untrue as Britain and France did fulfil their obligations. For Britain there were severe geographical limitations as to what they could actually do.
    The fact is that you said that Britain could have bombed Germany which is exactly what happened which even your wikipedia page admits to.
    You do know what kind of bombers the RAF had at the time don't you? I mean these weren't Lancaster's
    Supposition. On top of that bombers really weren't accurate enough to actually bomb things like roads with any real chance of success.
    The invasion of Poland was in 1939. Also England isn't the UK as it is a part of it. It would be like referring to Russia as Moscow Oblast.
    Then you are a very bad judge
  24. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    The British hadn't the "severe geographical limitations" . The British could bomb from French airfields (together with France).
    The British had bombers also quite good.

    • Maximum speed: 235 mph (378 km/h) at 15,500 ft (4,730 m)
    • Range: 2,550 mi (2,217 nmi, 4,106 km)
    • Service ceiling: 18,000 ft (5,490 m)
    British bombers was capable to bomb the warships, but they could not bomb the roads and warehouses? That's funny.:)

    Here you didn't leave me one chance !!! Here you are the best !!!:applause:
  25. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Battle of the Heligoland Bight (1939)

    Britain bombed the German warships at sea. It is harder and more dangerous than to bomb column a war technology on the road.
    Why British bombed the warships, but did not bombed the roads?

    Because Britain wanted to make difficult to German ships to &#8194;fire and sink British ships. and....
    &#8230;.and The British did not want to disturb to Wehrmacht to smash Poland.

    And more, Britain wanted to Poland died before then the Polish hope for British help will die.

    It's not personal. It's strictly facts and logic.[​IMG]


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