Trump ordered US drone strike that killed Iran general Qassem Suleimani

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by alexa, Jan 3, 2020.

  1. DivineComedy

    DivineComedy Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2011
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    He's dead, without the resolutions including 1441 that recalled the above requirement of 687 he wouldn't be.
  2. DivineComedy

    DivineComedy Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2011
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    No Bush quote bothers me, because the CIA never analyzed this or gave him the information, which says clearly due to other things about the "attitude and analysis" in the letter, and because there were no aggressions or targets happening against Iraq in October 2001, but where happening against Al Quacka, that Saddam was allied with Al Quacka, and that means supporting terrorism in violation of 1441 (which recalled 687):

    “As we said before to those who launched aggressions on us, including the US, in and before Um-Almarik (the mother of the battles), the world, like Iraq and its Arab nation, needs steadfastness to face the aggression, make it miss its targets. It must not allow the US to be victorious. The victory of the US and its allies over Iraq would conceal the opposing attitude and analysis, and would not allow it to emerge again for a long time.” (Saddam Hussein Shabban 13, 1422 H. October 29, 2001.)

    The war was fully just and justified.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2020
  3. DivineComedy

    DivineComedy Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2011
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    They are bad enough without you.
  4. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    He is indeed dead, but that doesn't mean the UN did anything about the guy.
  5. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Well YOU have that Spot On ! - After all, as their present talking head admits, We Lie, Cheat & Steal
    ....... As we see, YOUR "Divine Comedy" joins neatly with their "Theater of the Absurd" - But of course,
    ...............................YOU Exceptional CL[​IMG]WNs are entitled to Lie with Impunity, are YOU Not ?

    .. A LIE !

    say otherwise and EXPOSE this weak wrist-ed, flimsy scrim of Filthy Lies
    Of coarse - A War built on Lies, Cheats & Falsehoods is Justified to such
    ................................................... Exceptionally entitled P's OSt [​IMG] as is YOUR CIA
    A War Built On CIA Falsehood
    Full Article Here:
    From The Article:
    Declassified Pentagon documents demonstrate that the CIA white paper was modified in ways that
    conformed to the desires of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy and his office, in much the
    same way that British documents indicate that country's white paper was changed to conform to
    the desires of the Blair government, the Archive maintained.


    CIA director of that time, George Tenet, had later said intelligence was under pressure from the
    Bush administration to skew reports.

    But an ex-CIA intelligence officer Larry Johnson, in an interview with CNN in 2007, said,
    although Tenet knew intelligence about WMD "was a problem," he still went along with
    the Bush administration's message to the American people that Iraq was a threat.

    Who Lied Us Into War? - Ask George Tenet
    Full Article Here:
    From The Article:
    .....either Tenet was lying to Bush, or he was lying to Dearlove. After all, Tenet definitively told
    the former that Saddam had WMD and that the case was a “slam dunk.” But he definitively
    told the latter that intelligence was being fixed, which implies that Iraq did not have WMD,
    hence the need to make it appear that it did.

    Tenet and the Cheney/neocon cabal who “wanted to remove Saddam, through military action,
    justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD.” This, in turn, suggests they were the ones
    who had “fixed” the evidence around the policy – evidence that Tenet then cited to Bush as
    a “slam dunk” case.

    Conclusion: Tenet, Cheney, and the neocons used the president to lie America into war
    with Iraq, and Tenet warned Tony Blair ahead of time that the frame-up and pending invasion
    were a fait accompli.


    .. A LIE !

    Facts Show

    Feb - 2001

    US and British Aircraft Attack Iraq - 2001

    2001 in Iraq - Wikipedia

    February 16 - British and U.S. forces carry out bombing raids, attempting to disable
    Iraq's air defense network
    Baghdad is bombed by US and UK war planes, killing three people.

    & 4 U'r Info:


    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020
    alexa likes this.
  6. DivineComedy

    DivineComedy Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2011
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    February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October

    No bright bulb, there were no attacks on Iraq in Oct 2001.

    These "aggression" and "targets" referenced here were not in Iraq:

    “As we said before to those who launched aggressions on us, including the US,
    in and before Um-Almarik (the mother of the battles), the world, like Iraq and its
    Arab nation, needs steadfastness to face the aggression, make it miss its targets.
    It must not allow the US to be victorious. The victory
    of the US and its allies over Iraq would conceal the opposing attitude and
    analysis, and would not allow it to emerge again for a long time.”
    (Saddam Hussein Shabban 13, 1422 H. October 29, 2001.)

    Further proof:
    “On the basis of what we said about Iraq while confronting aggressions, the world now needs to abort the US aggressive schemes, including its aggression on the Afghan people, which must stop.
    Again we say that when someone feels that he is unjustly treated, and no one is repulsing or stopping the injustice inflicted on him, he personally seeks ways and means for lifting that justice. Of course, not everyone is capable of finding the best way for lifting the injustice inflicted on him. People resort to what they think is the best way according to their own ideas, and they are not all capable of reaching out for what is beyond what is available to arrive to the best idea or means.
    To find the best way, after having found their way to God and His rights, those who are inflicted by injustice need not to be isolated from their natural milieu, or be ignored deliberately, or as a result of mis-appreciation, by the officials in this milieu. They should, rather, be reassured and helped to save themselves, and their surroundings. It is only normal to say that punishment is a necessity in our world, because what is a necessity in the other world must also be necessary in our world on Earth. But, the punishment in the other world is faire and just, and the prophets and messengers of God (peace be upon them all) conducted punishment and called for it in justice, and not on the basis of suspicions and whims.” (Saddam Hussein Shabban 13, 1422 H. October 29, 2001.)
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020
  7. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    .................................. - The POINT is -
    .......... Oh defender of [​IMG] & speaker too
    that Brute God Koalemos - The "Tragic Comedy" of American aggression upon
    the citizens of Iraq has been On-Going and Non-Stop since 1991. So to focus upon 1991,
    or Feb. or Oct.or even 2020 is irrelevant. The precision focused American aggression upon
    ... the civilian population of Iraq has continued from 1991 right thru the Invasion of 2003, right
    ........... up until the air attacks of Dec. 2019 and most recent in the expressed threats of 2020
    ..................................................................................................................................................... Sanctions
    The attacks have been Military -
    With the expressed purpose of causing rampant Disease among the civilian population by
    ................ destroying as much of Iraq's civil water purification, electrical Infrastructure and
    .......................................................................................... Pharmaceutical capabilities as possible.

    And the attacks have been Economic -
    And have been even more successful in causing agonizing Death among the population than
    your Bloody Bombs ! - Cruel & Brutal Sanctions aimed at the people, Sanctions that
    precluded any chance whatsoever to repair the destroyed the water purification Infrastructure,
    ....................... or to provide necessary medicines to fight the the resulting widespread Disease.

    And when
    UN members saw and realized as unfolding Atrocity and moved to mitigate the Tragedy
    The United States of America - 'VETO'd
    their proposals - & the Agonized Deaths
    ................... of Innocents continued - IT was after all a "Price they felt was Worth IT"
    ....................................................... .................[​IMG]

    How the US Deliberately Destroyed Iraq’s Water Supply,
    And Now Syria…

    U.S. More Isolated In U.N. on Keeping The Iraq Sanctions


    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020
  8. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    s has been shown - In one way or another the attacks were continuous & unremitting
    - Trying to DODGE one Lie
    You AVOIDED the other one altogether
    .. A LIE !

    say otherwise and EXPOSE this weak wrist-ed, flimsy scrim of Filthy Lies
    Of coarse - A War built on Lies, Cheats & Falsehoods is Justified to such
    ................................................... Exceptionally entitled P's OSt [​IMG] as is YOUR CIA
    A War Built On CIA Falsehood
    Full Article Here:
    From The Article:
    Declassified Pentagon documents demonstrate that the CIA white paper was modified in ways that
    conformed to the desires of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy and his office, in much the
    same way that British documents indicate that country's white paper was changed to conform to
    the desires of the Blair government, the Archive maintained.


    CIA director of that time, George Tenet, had later said intelligence was under pressure from the
    Bush administration to skew reports.

    But an ex-CIA intelligence officer Larry Johnson, in an interview with CNN in 2007, said,
    although Tenet knew intelligence about WMD "was a problem," he still went along with
    the Bush administration's message to the American people that Iraq was a threat.

    Who Lied Us Into War? - Ask George Tenet
    Full Article Here:
    From The Article:
    .....either Tenet was lying to Bush, or he was lying to Dearlove. After all, Tenet definitively told
    the former that Saddam had WMD and that the case was a “slam dunk.” But he definitively
    told the latter that intelligence was being fixed, which implies that Iraq did not have WMD,
    hence the need to make it appear that it did.

    Tenet and the Cheney/neocon cabal who “wanted to remove Saddam, through military action,
    justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD.” This, in turn, suggests they were the ones
    who had “fixed” the evidence around the policy – evidence that Tenet then cited to Bush as
    a “slam dunk” case.

    Conclusion: Tenet, Cheney, and the neocons used the president to lie America into war
    with Iraq, and Tenet warned Tony Blair ahead of time that the frame-up and pending invasion
    were a fait accompli.


    r would you rather
    continue to hide in the light of the
    "Dim Bulb" of silent Willful Ignorance ?
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020

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