Us Military playing dangerous game.Practically daring Tehren Iran to attack first.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by 9/11 was an inside job, Jul 19, 2012.

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  1. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Imiagine living here in the states and everywhere you look off the coasts of say new york,florida,california, you see all these warships from another country surrounding you.

    Thats what our military is doing.Iran is no threat to the world and yet all our ships are surrounding them and this is what their people have to look at everyday.Iran is not the enemy of the world,our government and Israel are.

    Just yesterday on the front pages of the newspapers showed oh HELLARY Clinton next to the zionest president of Israel talking about how Iran is such a threat to everone.

    Too bad Pinochoi isnt true.The Clintons dont know how to open up their mouth without lying.They dont know what the word truth means.If Pinochio WERE true,Hellarys nose would have grown several hundreds of miles by now.
  2. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Yeah I read about some of this yesterday, the growing US naval presence near the Strait of Hormuz incase Iran decides to close it.

    This is simply just war games, trying to get into the head of Iranians.
  3. Courtney203

    Courtney203 New Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    When you threaten to close of an international supply route, you expect what?
  4. Sovietskaja Zenzina

    Sovietskaja Zenzina New Member

    Feb 17, 2012
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  5. hiimjered

    hiimjered Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 6, 2010
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    It is not unprecedented for a military to protect an important shipping route when another country threatens to illegally shut it down.

    This is exactly the kind of action that is likely to start a seventh Arab-Israeli war and could start a world war.
  6. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Illegal ???
    The Strait of Hormuz are Iranian Territorial Waters are they NOT ?

    Iran has been subjected to foreign financed Sabotage
    & are under constant Threat of even Nuclear Attack
    Terrorist Assassinations of their Scientists
    Overt Cyber War with the Suxnet Virus
    A debliitating Economic Sanctions War

    "These are exactly the kind of actions that are meant to start a War"
    Clearly US & Israel intend to force Iran into War

    Russia should arm Iran with about 40 Nukes

    The War Mongers would immediately ****

  7. NavyIC1

    NavyIC1 New Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Well, Canidate Romney has pretty much accepted the fact that the U.S. will go to war with Iran if he wins. One of his backers is Pro-war and I am pretty sure that is one of reasons for the money dump into the Romney Super Pac. Of course, this is purely my opinion based on the history of Republican Presdients.
  8. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    We all know who this for, don't we?

    Come on - IPAC are the Protocols manifest.

    reckoning and (deleted member) like this.
  9. hiimjered

    hiimjered Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 6, 2010
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    So not only do you believe that the waters of the straits are not international, but you also believe that the two other countries that border the straits have no rights to them and Iran, who only borders the straits on one side has exclusive ownership of the straits?
  10. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    The Straight of Hormuz is well within the territorial waters of Oman & Iran
    They are NOT International Waters - & be aware that there is a navigatable
    part of the Straight that is exclusively on the Iranian side. The other side is
    ..................................................................................... too shallow

    But any claim to Legality of Illegality would be a moot point & useless waste of time
    Corporate driven America has already shown its utter contempt for International Law

    Any closing of the Straight will be the result of the continuing provokations
    threats & on going Acts of War being perptrated against the Nation of Iran
    & it will result in a very Nasty shooting War - The big question will be
    Will Russia & China quietly accept complete American Hegmony & Domination ?

    Both the CIA & Mossad
    are in agreement that Iran is not at present developing Nuclear Weapons

    So any Intelligent person will see the nuclear issue for what it is - a cynical canard
    A filthy War Mongering excuse to exercise domination of Middle East Oil
    & prevent the demise of the U$ Dollar's use as the Worlds Reserve Currancy

    There is a good chance
    Russia & China would rather accept a confrontation of Mutual Assured Destruction
    rather than succumb to the slow inevitable strangulation of their Economies & Sovereignty
    .................................................................. under such a US Corporate driven regime

    America & its beautiful Cities Its, disintegrating Infrastructure, Its complacent Ovine population
    Its herds of Sheep & Goats - Will Not escape such an exchange unscathed.

    You Willfully Ignorant sheep should ask yourseves:
    Why is the World Economy in such a shambles, yet Corporate Profit$ are at record levels ?
    Why has you Liberty been so compromised by so called Patriot Acts & loss of Habeas Corpus ?
    Why the loss of privacy rights, TSA, Homeland Securtiy & the extrajudical Murder of your citizens ?

    The man with the Shears is just around the corner
    Following him, is the man with the Knife - Good Luck to Yah!


    Ronald0 and (deleted member) like this.
  11. hiimjered

    hiimjered Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 6, 2010
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    All of that BS somehow connects in your mind? Between the incoherence of what you wrote and your erratic use of color and font, I wonder if any sane people agree with you. . .
  12. Ivor

    Ivor New Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Its what the Luciferian bankers want. Any significant attack on Iran is going to trigger a massive regional war involving Russia and the US and possibly China, which will evolve into a global war.

    The Olympics are going to be bombed and the Iranians are going to be blamed. Theyve been setting this up for over a year. The Luciferians have had enough of the independance of the American mind and are going to do away with them as a threat. Its far easier to control the sheep in Europe.

    The massive US naval presence is an idiotic move by the US and its sodomite generals in the Pentagon. The majority of that fleet is going to be destroyed. Thanks for making it easy on them Barry. Why dont you just move the entire pacific fleet there as well. Idiot.

    The USA is in its death throes and it as most perverse empires is being destroyed from within.

    Have fun in a world controlled by fascist China (which will decimate Russia as soon as the US is no longer a threat).
  13. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    You have offered nothing in the way of any substansive Rebutal
    You have offered Nothing to dispute the Facts as they are laid out
    Nothing to dispute the revealed Criminality of your Corporate driven Government

    You have simply resorted to attacking Me personally
    ................... for my Unconventional posting Style

    It is sir, - a Vacant Lot, & an empty space, a looser
    .............................. who must resort to Ad Hominem

    .............................. I Thank You for the Win ! [​IMG]



  14. robster644

    robster644 Banned

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Iranian warships around U.S. Coasts.

    That's so silly.
  15. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    The poster was asking you, how you would feel
    being surrounded by heavily armed Belligerents
    Who are constantly threatening to Attack you

    Use your Imagination if you have one

    Or R U an American Exceptionalist
    who only sees in Stars & Stripes ?

  16. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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  17. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    There is no 'America and Israel'.

    There is no 'Israel'.

    What there was, in practice,were a number of Asheknazi E European invaders, to the ME.

    Some were invited to share the land, with the natives. But as we all know, share they most surely did not.

    Stole, intimidated, murdered, slaughtered, engaging in ethnic cleansing, giving birth to 20 century terrorism.

    That is what the Jews have done, in 60 yrs year, with their one and only state, such as it is.

    And they just kept on coming and coming, many illegal, and it just never ceases, the settlements, the rendition, and it is all enabled by Jews believing that they are so chosen, that they do not need pay mind to all laws, which are written be non Jews. They believe themselves above these laws, international, UN, Geneva Convention etc, because they did come come from the mind and hand...of Talmudic Zionist Jews.

    Name me another ethic group(?), that comprise the population of nation state, which operates outwith the law, more than these Jews?

    I shall save you the bother - there are none.

    As to 'America', if the Statue of Liberty could move she would have her hands over her face.

    The Zionist Jews knew, that even with their self delcared state, that they could never attain their never ending desire for blood and money, on their own.

    So, many years ago, they infiltrated US polics, and also, and more important, all the key constructs that are outwith the democratic process.

    This has now been going on decades, and is no pervasive, so relentless, that there has never been, in the history of the world, a propaganda machine whose sole to brainwash Americans into idolatory of 'Israel'...and Jews.

    America thinks it has never been invaded, in a war.

    They are wrong.

    They were.

    But not a war with conventional troops. That is not the way of the Jewish Zionist, when faced with anything other than a kid with a stone.

    But an invasion and war, nothwithstanding.

    A war for regime change, replacing Gov's that may be pro America and rest of world, to ......slaves to Jews in Israel.

    Did they succeed?

    A war to ensure that they could shape your culture, through tv and cinema.

    Did they win?

    A war to trick you into your soldiers being used for Jewish supremacists, against their enemies,usually conceived inside their deranged brain.

    How did that play out?

    A war to control the US, by controlling their key finance constructs.

    Did they emerge the victors?


    You were at war all right.

    And you have been invaded.

    You were defeated,and with no fight, because you were softened up first.

    They have won, and Americans have lost.

    There ARE, and this must be stressed, some Americans, who, despite relentless Jewish propaganda, have remained as straight as an arrow.

    They know the truth, and they are not afraid to say it.

    How I admire those Americans, who are my friends,and welcome as a friend would be.

    For they must have to endure more than I do, to retain their dignity, and not be pressured into diluating the facts.

  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It makes no odds.

    If Romney wins, he will do the bidding of Jews in 'Israel'.

    If Obama wins, he will do the bidding of Jews in 'Israel'.

    Both will have got down on their pathetic knees, at the alter of AIPAC, and sold their soul, to 'satan', as well as selling their people out.

    What you have to accept, is that Jews in Israel do not really care who wins, the charade of an election, in the US.

    Jewish money backs....both sides. Whoever wins...Jews in Israel get to keep America.

    The election campaings are gross, so much money spent, is an insult to, for instance, the 25% homeless, that are ex American troops, dumped and forgotten on the streets. What an insult, to them, and to everyone, if you only bothered to think about it.

    And how can they afford to put on these Nuremberg rally type election campaigns?


    Corporate backing, and that of billionaires.

    What do you think they are turning the US into?

    Nothing short of a plutocracy.

    That is your 'domestic' policy.

    Your 'foreign policy', is a shocking red face, any good Americans should be offened that this is what they have reduced you to.

    Your foreign policy is not decided by people that care about you, or any true American.

    Your foreign policy is essentially....whatever Jews say it is.

    I do not mind if you wish to reject what I say.

    Others will hate me for telling you the truth.

    But it IS the truth.

  19. misterveritis

    misterveritis Banned

    Jun 30, 2011
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    LOL. I intend to keep reading just for the sheer entertainment value you offer.
  20. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    MEMRI Has been exposed so often as a Hate Monger Propaganda Mill
    It has been proven to blatently twist & mistranslate their distortions
    in their efforts to Propagate their Poisons

    It has long lost all Credibility -
    Only those Willful Ignorant of its Exposed machinations would dare use it

    Memri TV Exposed


    Middle East Media Research Institute

    MEMRI Exposed


  21. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Finkelstein, a Jew, v well educated, lost most of his family during WW2, he calls MEMRI, and I quote....

    'in an interview with the newspaper In Focus compared MEMRI to the "propaganda techniques" of the Nazis'.

    Brian Whitaker, the Middle East editor for The Guardian newspaper wrote in a public email debate with Carmon, that his problem with MEMRI was that it "poses as a research institute when it's basically a propaganda operation.

    MEMRI's website does not mention Carmon's employment for Israeli intelligence, or Meyrav Wurmser's political stance, which he described as an "extreme brand of Zionism.



    From now on, there is no denial, when someone uses anything from MEMRI, with honesty in our heart, we can know two things.

    1) They are speading lies, on purpose, from a source proven to lie.

    2) They are Zionist Jews. A non Zionist Jew would never use it, and neither would anyone not a slave to Zionist Jews.

  22. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    The colour/font thing isn't the best.

    However, the message is more important than such trivia.

    Why not specifically debate it?
  23. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    By Lawrence Swaim
    Infocus Staff Writer

    Selective MEMRI TV.....

    The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provides daily English translations of film and print media stories originating in Arabic, Iranian and Turkish media.

    It also furnishes original analysis of cultural, political and religious trends in the Middle East.

    It sends its daily postings to every news outlet in the United States and Europe, in addition to politicians and cultural leaders.

    And it's free, which makes it a Godsend for journalists, editors and policy analysts.

    But according to its critics, it is also a dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.

    "They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis," Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine, told InFocus. "They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don't like."

    Take the case of Professor Halim Barakat, a novelist and scholar associated with the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University.

    In 2002, he published an article on Zionism in London's Al-Hayat Daily, but says that in certain instances, MEMRI selectively edited what he wrote.

    "I know how to make a distinction between Judaism and Zionism, but they distorted the article," Barakat told InFocus. "They left out certain things and tried to make it look anti-Semitic."

    Shortly afterward, Campus Watch, the brainchild of notorious Islamophobe Daniel Pipes, used the allegedly doctored translation in an effort to smear Georgetown University.

    Finkelstein, an outspoken critic of Israeli policies and the U.S. pro-Israel lobby, also had a run-in with MEMRI.

    In 2006, he gave a TV interview in Lebanon on the way the Nazi Holocaust is used to silence critics of Israel.

    Finkelstein later wrote on his Web site: "MEMRI recently posted what it alleged was an interview I did with Lebanese television on the Nazi Holocaust. The MEMRI posting was designed to prove that I was a Holocaust denier."

    Far from being a Holocaust denier, Finkelstein's own parents were Holocaust survivors, a fact he has often spoken about.

    But MEMRI was able to create the opposite impression, as Finkelstein demonstrated on his Web site, by editing out large chunks of the actual interview.

    When some comments by the moderator were included, it appeared that Finkelstein's interview was about nitpicking the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust rather than about Israel/Palestine.

    MEMRI's obsessive interest in protecting Israel derives from the people and interests that founded, fund and manage the institute's international operations.

    It was founded in 1998 by Yigal Carmon, a former colonel in the Israel Defense Forces (Intelligence Branch) from 1968 until 1988, acting head of civil administration in the West Bank from 1977 to 1982; and Israeli-born Meyrav Wurmser, an extreme rightwing neoconservative now affiliated with the Hudson Institute.

    Meyrav is married to David Wurmser, at one time an American Enterprise Institute "scholar" and then a State Department apparatchik under John Bolton.

    Both participated in the collective writing of "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," a seminal 1996 neocon document that advocated an end to negotiations with the Palestinians and permanent war against the Arab world.

    They also worked with Douglas Feith, Elliot Abrams, Richard Perle and other rightwing ideologues who promoted and embellished the fiction that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11.

    MEMRI has offices in Jerusalem, Berlin, London, Washington and Tokyo, and in a 2006 Jerusalem Post interview, Carmon claimed to have one in Iraq.

    It translates film and print into English, German, Hebrew, Italian, French, Spanish and Japanese.

    Tax returns for 2004 indicate American funding of between two to three million dollars, much of it from conservative donors and foundations - but those who have followed its far-flung operations suspect much higher expenditures.

    Besides Carmon, several MEMRI staffers are former Israeli intelligence specialists. Especially troubling are suspected links between MEMRI and the current Israeli intelligence establishment.

    According to a 2005 article in Israel's Ha'aretz, the Israeli Defense Forces plants fake stories in the Arab media, which it then translates and tries to retail to Israeli journalists. How much of MEMRI is simply an extension of such IDF operations?

    The questions raised by the Ha'aretz story caused Proffesor Juan Cole to write, "How much of what we 'know' from 'Arab sources' about 'Hizbullah terrorism' was simply made up by this fantasy factory in Tel Aviv?"

    British journalist Brian Whitaker, Middle East editor of the Guardian, dismisses MEMRI as "basically a propaganda machine."

    Ken Livingstone, mayor of London, accuses them of "outright distortion," and former CIA case officer Vince Cannistraro has written that "they (MEMRI) are selective and act as propagandists for their political point of view, which is the extreme-right of Likud."

    With characteristic bluntness. Norman Finkelstein has written: "MEMRI is a main arm of Israeli propaganda. Although widely used in the mainstream media as a source of information on the Arab world, it is as trustworthy as Julius Streicher's Der Sturmer was on the Jewish world." (Der Sturmer was a rabidly anti-Semitic newspaper, and Streicher a notoriously cruel Nazi.)

    In an e-mail to InFocus, Cole characterized MEMRI as "a Right-Zionist propaganda organ, which usually does its propaganda unobtrusively, by being very selective in what it translates."

    Indeed , MEMRI appears to view the Arab world as a malevolent, mind-numbing monsters' ball, populated almost exclusively by fanatics, freaks and fundamentalists.

    Every story that could possibly make Middle Eastern people look deranged, hateful or diabolical gets translated; anything that could make them look informed, talented or admirable is ignored.

    MEMRI says it covers reformers in the Arabic-speaking world, but longtime observers point out that people who make Islam or Arab culture look attractive rarely get translated, regardless of their position.

    Nor does MEMRI feature stories about Palestinian suffering, Israeli dissenters, moderate Islamists, Christians in Arab governments or the growing nonviolent movement against the apartheid wall in the Occupied Territories, especially around Bal'in.

    Instead, it promotes highly-edited footage featuring people like Wafa Sultan.

    It was MEMRI that translated the sound bites from her famous al-Jazeera debate with Dr. Ibrahim al-Kouly that ended up on YouTube, making her an instant rock star to those who promote an international clash of cultures.

    It is said by TV viewers who watched the entire debate that al-Kouly was rather patient with Sultan despite her extreme opinions.

    (Among other things, Sultan has declared herself an atheist.) But MEMRI never bothered to translate and promote the whole debate.

    MEMRI President Yigal Carmon was contacted to ask why the entire Sultan debate wasn't translated and circulated, at least in a print version.

    "MEMRI couldn't do the whole interview because of the limitations of our resources," Carmon told InFocus. "And it was just our best judgment of what was fit to translate." He said he thought there was an "almost" complete version in the archives.

    InFocus asked Carmon why MEMRI didn't post more stories about domestic events in Israel and the OTC.

    "Eighty percent of such stories are already in English," Carmon said.

    Then why not buy a few every week and send them out in order to give a more balanced picture of the Middle East, InFocus asked, "It probably wouldn't be legal ," he responded.

    That brought up the thorny issue of copyright, ownership and power.

    Why, Carmon was asked, does MEMRI copyright all the stories it translates, when most stories are written by Arab authors?

    "Of course we copyright," Carmon told InFocus. "Once we translate a story into another language, it becomes ours, because it's our work."

    To test this theory in an American context, InFocus contacted The New York Times.

    "If you translate copy from the Times, it would still belong to us, because we originated it," said an employee of the Rights and Royalties Department who did not wish to be named.

    When war and peace hangs on the translation of a single word or phrase, nuance is everything.

    But can we trust the translator?

    According its critics, until MEMRI starts translating Hebrew stories about the rightward drift of Israeli society, torture of Palestinians in Israeli jails, the forced exile of Ilan Pappe and Azmi Bishara, and the elevation of the neo-fascist Avigdor Lieberman to deputy prime minister of Israel, they aren't really covering all Middle Eastern media.

    "I think it's a reliable assumption that anything MEMRI translates from the Middle East is going to be unreliable," Finkelstein said.
  24. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    So your saying Ahmed didn't say "death to Israel" in the video.

    Napier posts are like the mid west, fly over country. You see it you don't pay attention to it you just skip over it like it isn't there.
  25. GodTom

    GodTom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2011
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    Jack makes even Himmler roll over in his grave.
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