Why are you Racist?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Ethos, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    You know that's not a scientific question and just a racist remark. You can do better than that.

    Ofcourse not. Does doing hard labor make you a super athlete?
  2. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I admit it. I enjoy black republicans.

    Very reasonable people. Well intentioned. Children are not thugs.
  3. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    So a weak slave would be as successful in passing off his/her genes as a strong slave even though slavery was not physically easy?
  4. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    There is nothing about slavery that would have caused the Black populations of the Western Hemisphere to become more athletic. There was no sophisticated breeding program. Weak and nonathletic slaves were not prevented from mating. Nothing about the work would have made the slaves able to run faster. You're trying to squeeze blood out of a turnip here.
  5. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Why do you need a breeding program to favor certain qualities over others if the environment does it automatically?
  6. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    The environment of slavery did not result in natural selection for athletic ability for Blacks. There is absolutely no reason to believe this.
  7. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Your first statement is another of your baseless claims. Get back to me when you have evidence. You get get pie in your face when you make assumptions. I can't count the number of times you've made absurd claims from citing Nisbett's trash writing or assuming you know what correlation coefficients are and how to read graphs.

    Your second claim is obviously absurd when the stronger and more robust have more of an advantage in slave conditions they wouldn't have as much of outside slavery.
  8. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    The burden of proof is on you. If you are trying to make the claim that slavery has anything to do with athleticism you need to provide evidence. What does being stronger and more robust have to do with sprinting? Last time I checked Blacks do not dominate Olympic weight lifting just the 100 meter dash. Basketball and Football have positions where running fast is important. I have acknowledged a likely genetic component to athleticism, in this case running ability which is probably related to evolutionary factors (more fast twitch muscle). Slavery has nothing to do with this and if you're saying it does then prove it.
  9. Vekimekim

    Vekimekim Banned

    Mar 16, 2016
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    Does the fast twitch gene also cause low IQs?
  10. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    No. Environmental differences can stunt IQ.
  11. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Kinds of like environmental differences can stunt height?
  12. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    While height and intelligence are both highly heritable intelligence is more highly impacted by environmental and developmental factors. You can have the genetic potential to have an IQ of 140 or higher and actually grow up to have an IQ of 70 or lower under certain environmental conditions. In fact you could exhibit feral behavior and not be able to take a normal IQ test if you were completely deprived of basic environmental stimuli.

  13. Vekimekim

    Vekimekim Banned

    Mar 16, 2016
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    Yes, wherever Black people go they face "social discrimination (stereotype threat), toxic environment, and malnutrition" (in various combinations all producing the same low IQ) and it's all White people's fault. *facepalm*

  14. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Considering babies can stop growing if deprived of nutrition while aging to adult age, I'm curious for you to support your claim that intelligence is more impacted by environment than height.

    How would you support that assertion? Do those feral people have an IQ higher than a baby?

    Do environmental factors such as lack of nutrition affect brain development before they affect body growth? Or is it vice-versa?

    Feel free non-deceptively proving your allegation.
  15. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    EJ comically makes assertions without ever running basic thought experiments. He's never been able to support his arguments regarding environmental differences - which have included malnutrition in Blacks - to examine height differences between the races. Since height is first affected by malnutrition before brain development, one would expect Blacks to be much shorter in stature than Whites; this would in fact correspond with his argument Blacks are mentally impaired due to environmental differences. Not only do major height differences between Blacks and Whites not exist (Blacks are on average less than an inch shorter than Whites), but Northeast Asians have historically been shorter than both Whites and Blacks due to malnutrition yet have higher IQ than Blacks and often times Whites.
  16. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    A person can be malnourished and suffer with other environmental variables that affect height yet still come close to their genetic potential for height if they survive in to adulthood. It's just a fact that environmental variables can affect intelligence more than they affect height.


    Objective. This study investigates associations between food insufficiency and cognitive, academic, and psychosocial outcomes for US children and teenagers ages 6 to 11 and 12 to 16 years.

    Methods. Data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) were analyzed. Children were classified as food-insufficient if the family respondent reported that his or her family sometimes or often did not get enough food to eat. Regression analyses were conducted to test for associations between food insufficiency and cognitive, academic, and psychosocial measures in general and then within lower-risk and higher-risk groups. Regression coefficients and odds ratios for food insufficiency are reported, adjusted for poverty status and other potential confounding factors.

    Results. After adjusting for confounding variables, 6- to 11-year-old food-insufficient children had significantly lower arithmetic scores and were more likely to have repeated a grade, have seen a psychologist, and have had difficulty getting along with other children. Food-insufficient teenagers were more likely to have seen a psychologist, have been suspended from school, and have had difficulty getting along with other children. Further analyses divided children into lower-risk and higher-risk groups. The associations between food insufficiency and children's outcomes varied by level of risk.

    Conclusions. The results demonstrate that negative academic and psychosocial outcomes are associated with family-level food insufficiency and provide support for public health efforts to increase the food security of American families.

    Source: Food Insufficiency and American School-Aged Children's Cognitive, Academic, and Psychosocial Development Pediatrics VOLUME 108 / ISSUE 1 (2001)

    Children living in rural villages of Lao PDR where
    community members defecate in the open and/or use
    unimproved latrines are 1.1 cm shorter than healthy
    children living in rural villages where everybody uses
    improved sanitation.
    This small difference in height is
    irreversible and matters a great deal for a child’s cognitive
    development and future productive potential.

    Source: Investing in the Next Generation Children grow taller, and smarter, in rural villages of Lao PDR where all community members use improved sanitation

    The above sources show that malnutrition causes notable differences in cognitive development in school children and that height differences related to malnutrition of less than an inch can have a significant impact on cognitive development.

    What is comical is how you try to deny the effects of environmental differences on cognitive development. There are multiple environmental variables at play here. Malnutrition is just one of them. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that racial disparities in Socioeconomic Status caused by racist discrimination have a major impact on health disparities caused in part by malnutrition (Williams and C. Collins, 1995). Surely your racist ideological bias does not cloud your mind so much that you cannot recognize that one or a few inches in height is incomparable to the major cognitive defects that environmental variables can have on human intelligence. So the non-existence of major height differences between Blacks and Whites is irrelevant. Malnutrition and other environmental variables that impact cognitive development affect intelligence more than they do height. Now where is the evidence that Asian-Americans are more malnourished than African-Americans? You have to also consider other environmental variables such as environmental toxicity, stereotype threat, education standards, family and neighborhood quality as well as socialization. Controlling for some of these variables virtually eliminates racial IQ gaps (Brooks-Gunn et al., 1996).
  17. Vekimekim

    Vekimekim Banned

    Mar 16, 2016
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    This study has been addressed many times. Why do you go to other forums pretending you have not had this explained to you already? Why do you not raise the criticism here? Are you a pro-Negro propagandist?
  18. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    If you feel you have adequately addressed this source then repeat your explanation. I'm pro-equality. The propagandist is you. A racist propagandist.
  19. Vekimekim

    Vekimekim Banned

    Mar 16, 2016
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    I see, you are "pro-equality" not pro-truth. That's why you hide the whole truth from the board and spam the same debunked sources everywhere.
  20. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    What's incredible is you post two articles and in neither do you consider the importance of quantifying your data.

    By how much from malnutrition do children in your articles have lower IQ scores? How much are children stunted in height in your first article?

    I'm amazed you do not have the mental faculties to ask these questions for yourself.

    You cannot make your conclusions without data.

    If you actually knew how to read graphs (which you have shown on here you don't), you might have invested some time constructing a graph and trend line as evidence mental ability is more affected by malnutrition than height.

    Unfortunately, you do not have the technical or reasoning ability required for this level of discussion. Sadly, one professor you rely on for your information and arguments is inexcusably unsophisticated and clumsy in his use of arguments.

    I'm at the point from reading your copy-pastes of Joseph Graves's arguments that he reached his position in academia due to a combination of affirmative action and White guilt, similar to how MLK received his PhD even though his advisors knew he plagiarized his thesis.
  21. Vekimekim

    Vekimekim Banned

    Mar 16, 2016
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    It's true, Joseph Graves appears to be a mathematical illiterate.

    He has a lot of trouble accurately representing basic points also.

    This is probably why he gets published in Marxist social journals and on forums via emails to EJ.
  22. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    You're just proving my point in a recent thread I made that you can't have an honest or civil conversation with most racists. People like you will insult and belittle your opponents with the most absurd reasoning, employ dishonest debate tactics and outright lie to try to win an argument. In reality none of what you just said is true. I have already explained that a person's IQ can be stunted significantly by environmental differences, so much so that they can't take a standardized IQ test. I have used the example of a hypothetical experiment where you take a pair of identical twins with a genetic potential to score 140 on an IQ test. One twin is raised in the best environment one can provide and the other in the worst environment imaginable without basic environmental stimuli. When they reach adulthood one twin can score 140 on an IQ test and the other twin's behavior is so feral they can't even understand the test (can't read, can't speak etc.). Now you tell me since you are apparently so adept in reasoning, which is more statistically significant? Is a height deficit of 1.1 cm (less than an inch) more or less significant than an IQ deficit like the one I just described in my hypothetical experiment?

    Since we know that malnutrition for children that survive in to adulthood doesn't result in dramatic height differences (it doesn't turn every child in to a midget) and environmental variables that affect intelligence can result in very dramatic deficits in IQ logically environmental differences affect intelligence more than they affect height just like I said.

    Now as far as your attacks on Joseph Graves are concerned, since you have no evidence that Graves reached his position by Affirmative Action or White guilt, which is nothing more than a racist snipe, we can examine your errors in reasoning by looking at his actual academic credentials and career background.



    1969-73 Westfield High School, Westfield, NJ Biology
    1973-77 Oberlin College A.B., Biology, Concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
    1977-79 University of Lowell, MS Program Department of Biological Sciences and The Center for Tropical Disease
    1979-83 University of Michigan Ph.D. Program, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    1985-88 Wayne State University Ph.D. Awarded Dec. 15, 1988 Department of Environmental, Evolutionary and Systematic Biology

    Fellowships and Scholarships

    1973-77 Rotary Club Scholarship, Westfield NJ
    1973-77 Oberlin College Academic Scholarship
    1978 Josiah P. Macy Foundation Fellowship, Marine Biological Laboratory
    1979-82 National Science Foundation Minority Fellowship, University of Michigan
    1985-86 Thomas Rumble Graduate Fellowship, Wayne State University
    1986 B-Haley Fellowship, Wayne State University, Department of Biological Sciences
    1988-89 President's Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of California

    Professional Appointments

    1990-94 Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine.
    1992-94 Assistant Professor, Program in African-American Studies, University of California, Irvine.
    1994-2000 Associate Professor of Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Arizona State University West. Tenure date: March 27, 1996.
    1996-2000 Associate Professor, Program in African American Studies, ASU-main.
    2000-2004 Full Professor, Life Sciences and African American Studies (promoted April 7, 2000)
    Spring 2001 Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences, Midwestern Osteopathic Medical College, Glendale AZ.
    Spring 2002 Visiting Professor, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott AZ.
    2004 –2005 Director University Core and Professor of Biological Sciences, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ.
    2005–6/30/10 Dean, University Studies and Professor of Biological Sciences, North Carolina A&T State University. www.ncat.edu/~univstud
    7/1/2010 Associate Dean for Research, Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, NCATSU and UNC Greensboro.

    Professional Societies:

    The Society for the Study of Evolution
    The American Society of Naturalists
    The Genetics Society of America
    The Ecological Society of America
    Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution
    American Society of Zoologists
    American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow, 1994-)
    American Public Health Association
    American Anthropological Association


    Elected to Fellow of the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
    “For original contributions to the evolutionary theory of
    aging through an examination of its population
    genetic and physiological basis and for the successful mentoring of minority graduate and
    undergraduate students in the biological sciences”
    Nomination for Arizona State University Last Lecturer Series, 2001 & 2002.
    ASU-West, Faculty/Academic Professional Achievement Award for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity, 2002.
    Elected to Phi Kappa Phi National Honorary Society, North Carolina A&T State University Chapter, 2005


    Joseph L. Graves, Jr. (born 1955), is an American professor and the Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Biological Studies at the Joint School for Nanoscience and Nanoengineering which is jointly administered by North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and UNC Greensboro. His past research has included an examination of the evolution of life history and physiological performance in Drosophila, a genus of small flies often called fruit flies. A particular application of this research has been to the evolutionary theory of aging. Using his background in evolutionary biology, he has also written two books that address myths and theories of race in American society. Graves has made appearances in six documentary films on these general topics. He has been a Principal Investigator on grants from the National Institute of Health, National Science Foundation and the Arizona Disease Research Commission.

    Graves was born in 1955 and received his B.A. in biology from Oberlin College in 1977 and his PhD from Wayne State University in 1988. Before his appointment to North Carolina A & T State University, he held positions at the University of California, Irvine; at the West campus of Arizona State University, with a joint appointment in African American Studies at the main campus of Arizona State University in Tempe; and as University Core Director at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

    Childhood experiences shaped Graves interest in race and racism. “My parents were poor. They didn’t know how to read. I had to teach myself how to read,” he says. “The school system of my home was racially biased. When I was in kindergarten teachers wanted to declare me mentally retarded so that I could be placed in a special education curriculum. The regular curriculum had a tracking system,” Graves continues. “For no apparent reason, all the black kids ended up in the lower track.” But, by graduation day, years later, Graves had risen to be among the highest ranked students at his high school. Yet he received no awards or scholarships.

    Looking at all of this information establishes a few facts:

    1. Joseph Graves experienced racist discrimination in school including the attempt to place him in special education classes because he was Black and not being granted awards or scholarships despite being one of the top students in high school (very far from earning his academic achievements through Affirmative Action).

    2. Joseph Graves is highly educated. He graduated from high school at the age of 18. Earned a BA in Biology at the age of 22. Earned a PhD in Evolutionary Biology at the age of 33. He did all of this without being involved in Affirmative Action programs.

    3. Joseph Graves is a distinguished professor and member of many prestigious honors societies. He has been recognized by the mainstream media for his expertise on the subject of race and biology and received honors for his work in the field of evolutionary biology.

    Clearly this scholar is a credible source on the scientific topics we have been discussing here. Compare that to a racist quack like Rushton who was twice reprimanded by his school for unethical research practices. Do you really want to take me on on the credibility of my sources vs. yours?

    You didn't explain how he is mathematically illiterate.

    While Darwin did observe differences in temperament between human populations that were similar to Galton, unlike Galton who used these observations for the basis of saying that humans are very biologically different Darwin noted similarities in behavioral characteristics that he believed pointed to a common origin for humanity.

    Darwin made some arguments that seemed to support Scientific Racism and others that supported biological equality. Graves' overall point was that observations of behavior depended on the observer which was a correct assessment.

    The journals Graves gets published in have nothing to do with Marxism. That's just nonsense that you made up.
  23. Vekimekim

    Vekimekim Banned

    Mar 16, 2016
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    Wow, associate dean for nanoscience and nanoengineering. Can you pick out a couple of his top papers in the field?
  24. Vekimekim

    Vekimekim Banned

    Mar 16, 2016
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  25. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    The link lists 55 of his published papers. I have not read all of them. If you like I can email Graves to ask questions about aspects of his research related to nanoscience and nanoengineering or any other aspects of his work that you feel are relevant to this discussion.

    It is. It's disturbing how racist the school system was back then. Graves goes in to more detail in his book on how the teachers basically assumed he was stupid until they discovered that he was reading books that put his reading level well above the other students in his class.


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