Why Obama...

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by DBM aka FDS, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. DBM aka FDS

    DBM aka FDS Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Those illegals have no job skills… They will be working at McDonald’s and Kenny’s Shoes… Unless you are unskilled yourself, then I wouldn’t worry about it the illegals. He has also enforced the largest border patrol in U. S. history.

    I find it funny that people say crap like “We have to pay for”… It’s ridiculous. YOU ARE ALREADY PAYING!!! It’s not like some “new tax” is going to come about!!! Did Obama raise your taxes? No he didn’t… Will Romney? Yes he will and stated that… Then took it back… Then said it again… Then took it back… He’s an idiot…

    I work for the Gov’t – he so didn’t do that about energy… In Oregon they are looking at wind power, but the greenies are fighting him because of wildlife… Did you know he upped forestry and logging unlike Bush did and there is no more “spotted owl” crap here? Logging is HUGE in Oregon, and he pushed it through….

    About Mitt’s plan for medical. I don’t like it. My Princess’s boyfriends mother will die under Mitt’s plan. It directly affects me! What will Romney’s plan do for you directly? Well, first – since nobody knows – what is his plan to begin with?

    The only reason I see Republicans voting for Mitt is because he’s Republican. He’s an idiot. He lies… OFTEN!!! During the GOP races all the other candidates OF HIS OWN PARTY MIND YOU – called him an outright liar. Even the Pastor! Of the two evils, I would NEVER vote for Romney – ever… I can’t see how anyone could except if they are sheep and only vote for Republicans. Always vote for Republicans. You could have Hitler or Satan himself running, and if they are on the Republican ticket – they get their vote…

    Mindless sheep…
  2. DBM aka FDS

    DBM aka FDS Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    I would have given your “Like” but there isn’t that option for your post.

    It’s honest… I like that.

    I may not “agree” with it, but I do like your honesty. I love Obamacare since it influences my life directly – and it is helping out a family. Also, Romney can say whatever he wants. His own GOP called him a flat out liar, and he lies constantly. Romney flip flops so much he’s like a pancake. He says this, the changes it a month later, then changes it back, the two months after that comes up with something completely different. He’s unstable. So when he states he’s going to increase US Production, how is he going to do that? I never heard his plan… Oh – he says a lot of crap, but never goes in detail on “how” he is going to accomplish these tasks… How is he going to get the Democrats to vote for “his ideas” since there really isn’t a plan…
  3. reality1

    reality1 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    I think if we all agree most politicians, and people in general for that matter, lie at times we will start on the same page.

    I think the media is also held totally unaccountable for spewing lies whenever they feel they want a ratings bump. Sadly we have to research every headline for truth, which is sad and a failure of our media. I have found Romney in core areas has remained very solid and steady in beliefs. True, some details have changed but core values and principles have been pretty sound.

    I believe the people created the need for government. That need was the result of the prosperity resulting from open competition for success among willing hardworking people. We need more of that, and less of I can't do it myself and need the government to help me. Over 1 trillion dollars in 2011 for welfare! We can't afford it!

    I believe if we don't push people to stay motivated, they fall asleep. We need a business man to show this country we can compete with other countries and take the lead over again. That will not happen with Obama's ideas.
  4. DBM aka FDS

    DBM aka FDS Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Because of “Freedom of Speech” the media can lie… I “hate” our media and usually go to Canada to get stories that I am iffy about when I hear it here…

    The thing is – we can afford the whole population being on welfare actually… We make our own money!! Do you watch Star Trek? That can happen… That is everyone on Welfare… We just do! Do what we want and everyone wins…. Want to be a Starship Captain? Just sign up – it doesn’t cost you a dime… You can be whatever you want… Your dreams will all come true! There are no banks, rich, poor, or bias, and then we will “all” be equal.

    I don’t think people are lazy, I think they just give up too easy! They try, but then crap happens… Who doesn’t want nice things? A new TV or new car?
  5. Archer0915

    Archer0915 New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    You are correct I want a new Gun! Dont need one but I want one and I want others to work to pay for it.
  6. reality1

    reality1 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    Freedom of speech doesn't give anyone the right to misrepresent the truth at someone else's expense.

    I don't agree with your view on welfare. It is also good for people to earn things. This country was built on and has thrived via competition. Healthy competition drives us to be better.

    I think some people are lazy. Some accept lessor levels of effort. Less effort generally yields less results. So, if someone chooses a path of less effort, I feel they should be happy having less than someone that chose the path of more effort.

    I was not ever told life was fair, in fact I was told life wasn't fair. Some people just have it easier and that is ok. That person does not prevent me from being everything I can be. It does me no good to complain about what they have or I don't have. If the best I can do is not wealthy enough to buy a yacht, I shouldn't begrudge those that can should I?
  7. DBM aka FDS

    DBM aka FDS Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Then become a Police Officer.....
  8. Archer0915

    Archer0915 New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    But that means work. I cant get effed up all the time, I would have to pass a drug test and... No you work and have the gugermint give me money.

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